??-June-2021 - 6.36.0-SNAPSHOT
The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.36.0-SNAPSHOT.
This is a minor release.
New and noteworthy
New rules
- The new Apex rule
finds usages ofSystem.debug
calls. Debug statements contribute to longer transactions and consume Apex CPU time even when debug logs are not being captured. You can try out this rule like so:
<rule ref="category/apex/performance.xml/AvoidDebugStatements" />
- The new Apex rule
checks that anAuraEnabled
getter is public or global. This is necessary if it is referenced in Lightning components. You can try out this rule like so:
<rule ref="category/apex/errorprone.xml/InaccessibleAuraEnabledGetter" />
Renamed rules
- The Java rule
has been renamed toComparisonWithNaN
to better reflect what the rule actually detects. It now considers usages ofDouble.NaN
in more cases and fixes false negatives.
Fixed Issues
- apex
- core
- java-bestpractices
- java-codestyle
- #3317: [java] Update UnnecessaryImport to recognize usage of imported types in javadoc’s
- #3317: [java] Update UnnecessaryImport to recognize usage of imported types in javadoc’s
- java-errorprone
API Changes
External Contributions
- #3276: [apex] Update ApexCRUDViolation and OperationWithLimitsInLoop docs - Jonathan Wiesel
- #3306: [java] More than one logger rule test null pointer exception - Arnaud Jeansen
- #3317: [java] Update UnnecessaryImport to recognize usage of imported types in javadoc’s
tag - Piotrek Żygieło - #3319: [apex] New AvoidDebugStatements rule to mitigate performance impact - Jonathan Wiesel
- #3320: [java] Fix incorrect increment for “else if” branch in Cognitive Complexity docs - Denis Borovikov
- #3322: [apex] added rule to detect inaccessible AuraEnabled getters - Philippe Ozil
- #3323: [core] Adds fullDescription and tags in SARIF report - Clint Chester