forked from phoedos/pmd
When using `category/java/errorprone.xml` ruleset with PMD 7.0.0-rc4 I'm getting these warnings: ``` Warning at category/java/errorprone.xml:1039:78 1037| <properties> 1038| <property name="version" value="2.0"/> 1039| <property name="typesThatCompareByReference" type="List[String]" delimiter="," description="List of canonical type names for which reference comparison is allowed."> ^^^^^^^^^ Delimiter attribute is not supported anymore, values are always comma-separated. 1040| <value>java.lang.Enum,java.lang.Class</value> 1041| </property> Warning at category/java/errorprone.xml:2353:62 2351| <priority>3</priority> 2352| <properties> 2353| <property name="annotations" type="List[String]" delimiter="," value="org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired,javax.inject.Inject," description="If a constructor is annotated with one of these annotations, then the class is ignored."/> ^^^^^^^^^ Delimiter attribute is not supported anymore, values are always comma-separated. 2354| <property name="xpath"> 2355| <value> ```