- Fix missing SF_BLOG_URL value - Let pmd/cpd run again - Use latest build-tools scripts - Remove release_notes_pmd7 handling - Wait after pushing the tag before committing the changes for next development version - more verification links [skip ci]
PMD CI Scripts
This folder contains scripts used for CI, that are PMD specific. It uses the common scripts from build-tools.
This files contains the following environment variables:
- DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN: Token for danger to add comments to PRs as https://github.com/pmd-test. The token needs the scope "public_repo". Note: The default GITHUB_TOKEN can't be used, because danger runs in pull request builds from fork and the default GITHUB_TOKEN has read-only access there and can't write comments. Therefore the personal access token of the bot account "pmd-test" is used. pmd-test has no commit permissions, but can comment on any public repo, including pmd/pmd.
- PMD_CI_CHUNK_TOKEN: Token for uploading reports to chunk.io
The file is encrypted, so that the tokens are not automatically disabled when github detects them in clear text.
gpg --batch --yes --decrypt --passphrase="GnxdjywUEPveyCD1RLiTd7t8CImnefYr" \
--output .ci/files/public-env .ci/files/public-env.gpg
gpg --batch --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 \
--armor --passphrase="GnxdjywUEPveyCD1RLiTd7t8CImnefYr" \
--output .ci/files/public-env.gpg .ci/files/public-env
Local tests with docker
Using the same docker container as described in build-env @ build-tools.
Testing a push build (snapshot)
Start docker without binding to local directory, so that we can do a fresh checkout
$ docker run \
--interactive \
--tty \
--name pmd-build-env_pmd \
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export PMD_CI_SCRIPTS_URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pmd/build-tools/master/scripts
export PMD_CI_DEBUG=true
eval $(~/create-gh-actions-env.sh push pmd/pmd $MAIN_BRANCH)
cd /workspaces/pmd
rmdir pmd && mkdir pmd
cd pmd
git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/pmd/pmd
git fetch --no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --depth=2 origin +refs/heads/${MAIN_BRANCH}:refs/remotes/origin/${MAIN_BRANCH}
git checkout --progress --force -B ${MAIN_BRANCH} refs/remotes/origin/${MAIN_BRANCH}
f=check-environment.sh; \
mkdir -p .ci && \
( [ -e .ci/$f ] || curl -sSL "${PMD_CI_SCRIPTS_URL}/$f" > ".ci/$f" ) && \
chmod 755 .ci/$f && \
Testing a pull request
Same as the above, but this line changes:
eval $(~/create-gh-actions-env.sh pull_request pmd/pmd $MAIN_BRANCH)
Maybe update /workspaces/event.json
to fill in a real pull request number, so that
danger can comment the correct PR.
And the checkout must be different. Example for PR 3220:
cd /workspace/pmd
rmdir pmd && mkdir pmd
cd pmd
git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/pmd/pmd
git fetch --no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --depth=2 origin +refs/pull/${PMD_CI_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}/merge:refs/remotes/pull/${PMD_CI_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}/merge
git checkout --progress --force refs/remotes/pull/${PMD_CI_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}/merge
Forked build
A build executing on a forked repository.
$(~/create-gh-actions-env.sh push adangel/pmd $MAIN_BRANCH)
Performing a release (push) build
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export PMD_CI_SCRIPTS_URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pmd/build-tools/master/scripts
export PMD_CI_DEBUG=true
eval $(~/create-gh-actions-env.sh push pmd/pmd refs/tags/$TAG_NAME)
cd /workspaces/pmd
rmdir pmd && mkdir pmd
cd pmd
git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/pmd/pmd
git fetch --no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --depth=2 origin +refs/tags/$TAG_NAME:refs/tags/$TAG_NAME
git checkout --progress --force refs/tags/$TAG_NAME
f=check-environment.sh; \
mkdir -p .ci && \
( [ -e .ci/$f ] || curl -sSL "${PMD_CI_SCRIPTS_URL}/$f" > ".ci/$f" ) && \
chmod 755 .ci/$f && \
# .ci/build.sh
Calling .ci/build.sh
directly would re-release the tag $TAG_NAME - that's why it is commented out.
All the side-effects of a release would be carried out like creating and publishing a release on github,
uploading the release to sourceforge, uploading the docs to docs.pmd-code.org, uploading a
new baseline for the regression tester and so on. While the release should be reproducible and therefore should
produce exactly the same artifacts, re-uploading artifacts is not desired just for testing.
Note that maven-central would not be changed, since this is skipped via MAVEN_OPTS:
contains -DskipRemoteStaging=true
, so that no maven artifacts are deployed
to maven central (this is set by create-gh-actions-env.sh
So for now in order to test the build script, you need to manually edit the script and comment out the critical lines... (like publish github releases, uploading files to sourceforge ...). Later a "dry-run" mode could be added.
Make sure to cleanup after the test, e.g. discard the draft github release.
Workflow git-repo-sync
Synchronizes the github git repository pmd/pmd on every push to sourceforge.