lib.fileset: Re-order to match reference overview

This commit is contained in:
Silvan Mosberger 2023-11-19 01:02:07 +01:00
parent 13f0af428e
commit 4164b1c47e

@ -148,6 +148,96 @@ let
in {
Incrementally evaluate and trace a file set in a pretty way.
This function is only intended for debugging purposes.
The exact tracing format is unspecified and may change.
This function takes a final argument to return.
In comparison, [`traceVal`](#function-library-lib.fileset.traceVal) returns
the given file set argument.
This variant is useful for tracing file sets in the Nix repl.
trace :: FileSet -> Any -> Any
trace (unions [ ./Makefile ./src ./tests/ ]) null
trace: /home/user/src/myProject
trace: - Makefile (regular)
trace: - src (all files in directory)
trace: - tests
trace: - (regular)
trace =
The file set to trace.
This argument can also be a path,
which gets [implicitly coerced to a file set](#sec-fileset-path-coercion).
# "fileset" would be a better name, but that would clash with the argument name,
# and we cannot change that because of
actualFileset = _coerce "lib.fileset.trace: Argument" fileset;
(_printFileset actualFileset)
(x: x);
Incrementally evaluate and trace a file set in a pretty way.
This function is only intended for debugging purposes.
The exact tracing format is unspecified and may change.
This function returns the given file set.
In comparison, [`trace`](#function-library-lib.fileset.trace) takes another argument to return.
This variant is useful for tracing file sets passed as arguments to other functions.
traceVal :: FileSet -> FileSet
toSource {
root = ./.;
fileset = traceVal (unions [
trace: /home/user/src/myProject
trace: - Makefile (regular)
trace: - src (all files in directory)
trace: - tests
trace: - (regular)
traceVal =
The file set to trace and return.
This argument can also be a path,
which gets [implicitly coerced to a file set](#sec-fileset-path-coercion).
# "fileset" would be a better name, but that would clash with the argument name,
# and we cannot change that because of
actualFileset = _coerce "lib.fileset.traceVal: Argument" fileset;
(_printFileset actualFileset)
# We could also return the original fileset argument here,
# but that would then duplicate work for consumers of the fileset, because then they have to coerce it again
Add the local files contained in `fileset` to the store as a single [store path]( rooted at `root`.
@ -292,75 +382,6 @@ in {
filter = sourceFilter;
Create a file set with the same files as a `lib.sources`-based value.
This does not import any of the files into the store.
This can be used to gradually migrate from `lib.sources`-based filtering to `lib.fileset`.
A file set can be turned back into a source using [`toSource`](#function-library-lib.fileset.toSource).
File sets cannot represent empty directories.
Turning the result of this function back into a source using `toSource` will therefore not preserve empty directories.
fromSource :: SourceLike -> FileSet
# There's no cleanSource-like function for file sets yet,
# but we can just convert cleanSource to a file set and use it that way
toSource {
root = ./.;
fileset = fromSource (lib.sources.cleanSource ./.);
# Keeping a previous sourceByRegex (which could be migrated to `lib.fileset.unions`),
# but removing a subdirectory using file set functions
(fromSource (lib.sources.sourceByRegex ./. [
# This regex includes everything in ./doc
# Use cleanSource, but limit it to only include ./Makefile and files under ./src
(fromSource (lib.sources.cleanSource ./.))
(unions [
fromSource = source:
# This function uses `._isLibCleanSourceWith`, `.origSrc` and `.filter`,
# which are technically internal to lib.sources,
# but we'll allow this since both libraries are in the same code base
# and this function is a bridge between them.
isFiltered = source ? _isLibCleanSourceWith;
path = if isFiltered then source.origSrc else source;
# We can only support sources created from paths
if ! isPath path then
if isStringLike path then
throw ''
lib.fileset.fromSource: The source origin of the argument is a string-like value ("${toString path}"), but it should be a path instead.
Sources created from paths in strings cannot be turned into file sets, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.''
throw ''
lib.fileset.fromSource: The source origin of the argument is of type ${typeOf path}, but it should be a path instead.''
else if ! pathExists path then
throw ''
lib.fileset.fromSource: The source origin (${toString path}) of the argument is a path that does not exist.''
else if isFiltered then
_fromSourceFilter path source.filter
# If there's no filter, no need to run the expensive conversion, all subpaths will be included
_singleton path;
The file set containing all files that are in either of two given file sets.
This is the same as [`unions`](#function-library-lib.fileset.unions),
@ -453,66 +474,6 @@ in {
Filter a file set to only contain files matching some predicate.
fileFilter ::
name :: String,
type :: String,
} -> Bool)
-> Path
-> FileSet
# Include all regular `default.nix` files in the current directory
fileFilter (file: == "default.nix") ./.
# Include all non-Nix files from the current directory
fileFilter (file: ! hasSuffix ".nix" ./.
# Include all files that start with a "." in the current directory
fileFilter (file: hasPrefix "." ./.
# Include all regular files (not symlinks or others) in the current directory
fileFilter (file: file.type == "regular") ./.
fileFilter =
The predicate function to call on all files contained in given file set.
A file is included in the resulting file set if this function returns true for it.
This function is called with an attribute set containing these attributes:
- `name` (String): The name of the file
- `type` (String, one of `"regular"`, `"symlink"` or `"unknown"`): The type of the file.
This matches result of calling [`builtins.readFileType`]( on the file's path.
Other attributes may be added in the future.
# The path whose files to filter
if ! isFunction predicate then
throw ''
lib.fileset.fileFilter: First argument is of type ${typeOf predicate}, but it should be a function instead.''
else if ! isPath path then
if path._type or "" == "fileset" then
throw ''
lib.fileset.fileFilter: Second argument is a file set, but it should be a path instead.
If you need to filter files in a file set, use `intersection fileset (fileFilter pred ./.)` instead.''
throw ''
lib.fileset.fileFilter: Second argument is of type ${typeOf path}, but it should be a path instead.''
else if ! pathExists path then
throw ''
lib.fileset.fileFilter: Second argument (${toString path}) is a path that does not exist.''
_fileFilter predicate path;
The file set containing all files that are in both of two given file sets.
See also [Intersection (set theory)](
@ -605,94 +566,133 @@ in {
(elemAt filesets 1);
Incrementally evaluate and trace a file set in a pretty way.
This function is only intended for debugging purposes.
The exact tracing format is unspecified and may change.
This function takes a final argument to return.
In comparison, [`traceVal`](#function-library-lib.fileset.traceVal) returns
the given file set argument.
This variant is useful for tracing file sets in the Nix repl.
Filter a file set to only contain files matching some predicate.
trace :: FileSet -> Any -> Any
fileFilter ::
name :: String,
type :: String,
} -> Bool)
-> Path
-> FileSet
trace (unions [ ./Makefile ./src ./tests/ ]) null
trace: /home/user/src/myProject
trace: - Makefile (regular)
trace: - src (all files in directory)
trace: - tests
trace: - (regular)
trace =
The file set to trace.
# Include all regular `default.nix` files in the current directory
fileFilter (file: == "default.nix") ./.
This argument can also be a path,
which gets [implicitly coerced to a file set](#sec-fileset-path-coercion).
# Include all non-Nix files from the current directory
fileFilter (file: ! hasSuffix ".nix" ./.
# Include all files that start with a "." in the current directory
fileFilter (file: hasPrefix "." ./.
# Include all regular files (not symlinks or others) in the current directory
fileFilter (file: file.type == "regular") ./.
fileFilter =
The predicate function to call on all files contained in given file set.
A file is included in the resulting file set if this function returns true for it.
This function is called with an attribute set containing these attributes:
- `name` (String): The name of the file
- `type` (String, one of `"regular"`, `"symlink"` or `"unknown"`): The type of the file.
This matches result of calling [`builtins.readFileType`]( on the file's path.
Other attributes may be added in the future.
# "fileset" would be a better name, but that would clash with the argument name,
# and we cannot change that because of
actualFileset = _coerce "lib.fileset.trace: Argument" fileset;
(_printFileset actualFileset)
(x: x);
# The path whose files to filter
if ! isFunction predicate then
throw ''
lib.fileset.fileFilter: First argument is of type ${typeOf predicate}, but it should be a function instead.''
else if ! isPath path then
if path._type or "" == "fileset" then
throw ''
lib.fileset.fileFilter: Second argument is a file set, but it should be a path instead.
If you need to filter files in a file set, use `intersection fileset (fileFilter pred ./.)` instead.''
throw ''
lib.fileset.fileFilter: Second argument is of type ${typeOf path}, but it should be a path instead.''
else if ! pathExists path then
throw ''
lib.fileset.fileFilter: Second argument (${toString path}) is a path that does not exist.''
_fileFilter predicate path;
Incrementally evaluate and trace a file set in a pretty way.
This function is only intended for debugging purposes.
The exact tracing format is unspecified and may change.
Create a file set with the same files as a `lib.sources`-based value.
This does not import any of the files into the store.
This function returns the given file set.
In comparison, [`trace`](#function-library-lib.fileset.trace) takes another argument to return.
This can be used to gradually migrate from `lib.sources`-based filtering to `lib.fileset`.
This variant is useful for tracing file sets passed as arguments to other functions.
A file set can be turned back into a source using [`toSource`](#function-library-lib.fileset.toSource).
traceVal :: FileSet -> FileSet
File sets cannot represent empty directories.
Turning the result of this function back into a source using `toSource` will therefore not preserve empty directories.
toSource {
root = ./.;
fileset = traceVal (unions [
trace: /home/user/src/myProject
trace: - Makefile (regular)
trace: - src (all files in directory)
trace: - tests
trace: - (regular)
fromSource :: SourceLike -> FileSet
# There's no cleanSource-like function for file sets yet,
# but we can just convert cleanSource to a file set and use it that way
toSource {
root = ./.;
fileset = fromSource (lib.sources.cleanSource ./.);
# Keeping a previous sourceByRegex (which could be migrated to `lib.fileset.unions`),
# but removing a subdirectory using file set functions
(fromSource (lib.sources.sourceByRegex ./. [
# This regex includes everything in ./doc
# Use cleanSource, but limit it to only include ./Makefile and files under ./src
(fromSource (lib.sources.cleanSource ./.))
(unions [
traceVal =
The file set to trace and return.
This argument can also be a path,
which gets [implicitly coerced to a file set](#sec-fileset-path-coercion).
fromSource = source:
# "fileset" would be a better name, but that would clash with the argument name,
# and we cannot change that because of
actualFileset = _coerce "lib.fileset.traceVal: Argument" fileset;
# This function uses `._isLibCleanSourceWith`, `.origSrc` and `.filter`,
# which are technically internal to lib.sources,
# but we'll allow this since both libraries are in the same code base
# and this function is a bridge between them.
isFiltered = source ? _isLibCleanSourceWith;
path = if isFiltered then source.origSrc else source;
(_printFileset actualFileset)
# We could also return the original fileset argument here,
# but that would then duplicate work for consumers of the fileset, because then they have to coerce it again
# We can only support sources created from paths
if ! isPath path then
if isStringLike path then
throw ''
lib.fileset.fromSource: The source origin of the argument is a string-like value ("${toString path}"), but it should be a path instead.
Sources created from paths in strings cannot be turned into file sets, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.''
throw ''
lib.fileset.fromSource: The source origin of the argument is of type ${typeOf path}, but it should be a path instead.''
else if ! pathExists path then
throw ''
lib.fileset.fromSource: The source origin (${toString path}) of the argument is a path that does not exist.''
else if isFiltered then
_fromSourceFilter path source.filter
# If there's no filter, no need to run the expensive conversion, all subpaths will be included
_singleton path;
Create a file set containing all [Git-tracked files]( in a repository.