nixos/synapse: convert manual chapter to MD

This commit is contained in:
pennae 2023-01-03 04:29:32 +01:00
parent 078707524e
commit ad540ad4a5
3 changed files with 384 additions and 154 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
# Matrix {#module-services-matrix}
[Matrix]( is an open standard for
interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over IP. It can be used
to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things
communication - or anywhere you need a standard HTTP API for publishing and
subscribing to data whilst tracking the conversation history.
This chapter will show you how to set up your own, self-hosted Matrix
homeserver using the Synapse reference homeserver, and how to serve your own
copy of the Element web client. See the
[Try Matrix Now!](
overview page for links to Element Apps for Android and iOS,
desktop clients, as well as bridges to other networks and other projects
around Matrix.
## Synapse Homeserver {#module-services-matrix-synapse}
[Synapse]( is
the reference homeserver implementation of Matrix from the core development
team at The following configuration example will set up a
synapse server for the `` domain, served from
the host ``. For more information,
please refer to the
[installation instructions of Synapse]( .
{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
fqdn = "${config.networking.hostName}.${config.networking.domain}";
clientConfig = {
"m.homeserver".base_url = "https://${fqdn}";
"m.identity_server" = {};
serverConfig."m.server" = "${}:443";
mkWellKnown = data: ''
add_header Content-Type application/json;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
return 200 '${builtins.toJSON data}';
in {
networking.hostName = "myhostname";
networking.domain = "";
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
services.postgresql.enable = true;
services.postgresql.initialScript = pkgs.writeText "synapse-init.sql" ''
CREATE ROLE "matrix-synapse" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'synapse';
CREATE DATABASE "matrix-synapse" WITH OWNER "matrix-synapse"
TEMPLATE template0
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
recommendedTlsSettings = true;
recommendedOptimisation = true;
recommendedGzipSettings = true;
recommendedProxySettings = true;
virtualHosts = {
# If the A and AAAA DNS records on do not point on the same host as the
# records for, you can easily move the /.well-known
# virtualHost section of the code to the host that is serving, while
# the rest stays on with no other changes required.
# This pattern also allows to seamlessly move the homeserver from
# to by only changing the
# /.well-known redirection target.
"${config.networking.domain}" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
# This section is not needed if the server_name of matrix-synapse is equal to
# the domain (i.e. from and the federation port
# is 8448.
# Further reference can be found in the docs about delegation under
locations."= /.well-known/matrix/server".extraConfig = mkWellKnown serverConfig;
# This is usually needed for homeserver discovery (from e.g. other Matrix clients).
# Further reference can be found in the upstream docs at
locations."= /.well-known/matrix/client".extraConfig = mkWellKnown clientConfig;
"${fqdn}" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
# It's also possible to do a redirect here or something else, this vhost is not
# needed for Matrix. It's recommended though to *not put* element
# here, see also the section about Element.
locations."/".extraConfig = ''
return 404;
# Forward all Matrix API calls to the synapse Matrix homeserver. A trailing slash
# *must not* be used here.
locations."/_matrix".proxyPass = "http://[::1]:8008";
# Forward requests for e.g. SSO and password-resets.
locations."/_synapse/client".proxyPass = "http://[::1]:8008";
services.matrix-synapse = {
enable = true;
settings.server_name = config.networking.domain;
settings.listeners = [
{ port = 8008;
bind_addresses = [ "::1" ];
type = "http";
tls = false;
x_forwarded = true;
resources = [ {
names = [ "client" "federation" ];
compress = true;
} ];
## Registering Matrix users {#module-services-matrix-register-users}
If you want to run a server with public registration by anybody, you can
then enable `services.matrix-synapse.settings.enable_registration = true;`.
Otherwise, or you can generate a registration secret with
{command}`pwgen -s 64 1` and set it with
To create a new user or admin, run the following after you have set the secret
and have rebuilt NixOS:
$ nix-shell -p matrix-synapse
$ register_new_matrix_user -k your-registration-shared-secret http://localhost:8008
New user localpart: your-username
Confirm password:
Make admin [no]:
In the example, this would create a user with the Matrix Identifier
::: {.warning}
When using [](#opt-services.matrix-synapse.settings.registration_shared_secret), the secret
will end up in the world-readable store. Instead it's recommended to deploy the secret
in an additional file like this:
- Create a file with the following contents:
registration_shared_secret: your-very-secret-secret
- Deploy the file with a secret-manager such as
from {manpage}`nixops(1)` or [sops-nix]( to
e.g. {file}`/run/secrets/matrix-shared-secret` and ensure that it's readable
by `matrix-synapse`.
- Include the file like this in your configuration:
services.matrix-synapse.extraConfigFiles = [
::: {.note}
It's also possible to user alternative authentication mechanism such as
[LDAP (via `matrix-synapse-ldap3`)](
or [OpenID](
## Element (formerly known as Riot) Web Client {#module-services-matrix-element-web}
[Element Web]( is
the reference web client for Matrix and developed by the core team at Element was formerly known as, see the
[Element introductory blog post](
for more information. The following snippet can be optionally added to the code before
to complete the synapse installation with a web client served at
`` and
``. Alternatively, you can use the hosted
copy at <>,
or use other web clients or native client applications. Due to the
`/.well-known` urls set up done above, many clients should
fill in the required connection details automatically when you enter your
Matrix Identifier. See
[Try Matrix Now!](
for a list of existing clients and their supported featureset.
services.nginx.virtualHosts."element.${fqdn}" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
serverAliases = [
root = pkgs.element-web.override {
conf = {
default_server_config = clientConfig; # see `clientConfig` from the snippet above.
::: {.note}
The Element developers do not recommend running Element and your Matrix
homeserver on the same fully-qualified domain name for security reasons. In
the example, this means that you should not reuse the
`` virtualHost to also serve Element,
but instead serve it on a different subdomain, like
`` in the example. See the
[Element Important Security Notes](
for more information on this subject.

@ -801,6 +801,8 @@ in {
meta = {
buildDocsInSandbox = false;
# Don't edit the docbook xml directly, edit the md and generate it:
# `pandoc -t docbook --top-level-division=chapter --extract-media=media -f markdown-smart --lua-filter ../../../../doc/build-aux/pandoc-filters/myst-reader/roles.lua --lua-filter ../../../../doc/build-aux/pandoc-filters/docbook-writer/rst-roles.lua > synapse.xml`
doc = ./synapse.xml;
maintainers = teams.matrix.members;

@ -1,63 +1,61 @@
<chapter xmlns=""
<link xlink:href="">Matrix</link> is an open standard for
interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over IP. It can be used
to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things
communication - or anywhere you need a standard HTTP API for publishing and
subscribing to data whilst tracking the conversation history.
This chapter will show you how to set up your own, self-hosted Matrix
homeserver using the Synapse reference homeserver, and how to serve your own
copy of the Element web client. See the
<link xlink:href="">Try
Matrix Now!</link> overview page for links to Element Apps for Android and iOS,
desktop clients, as well as bridges to other networks and other projects
around Matrix.
<section xml:id="module-services-matrix-synapse">
<title>Synapse Homeserver</title>
<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xml:id="module-services-matrix">
<link xlink:href="">Synapse</link> is
the reference homeserver implementation of Matrix from the core development
team at The following configuration example will set up a
synapse server for the <literal></literal> domain, served from
the host <literal></literal>. For more information,
please refer to the
<link xlink:href="">
installation instructions of Synapse </link>.
<link xlink:href="">Matrix</link> is an open
standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication
over IP. It can be used to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC
signalling, Internet of Things communication - or anywhere you need
a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to data whilst
tracking the conversation history.
This chapter will show you how to set up your own, self-hosted
Matrix homeserver using the Synapse reference homeserver, and how to
serve your own copy of the Element web client. See the
<link xlink:href="">Try
Matrix Now!</link> overview page for links to Element Apps for
Android and iOS, desktop clients, as well as bridges to other
networks and other projects around Matrix.
<section xml:id="module-services-matrix-synapse">
<title>Synapse Homeserver</title>
<link xlink:href="">Synapse</link>
is the reference homeserver implementation of Matrix from the core
development team at The following configuration
example will set up a synapse server for the
<literal></literal> domain, served from the host
<literal></literal>. For more information,
please refer to the
<link xlink:href="">installation
instructions of Synapse</link> .
{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
fqdn = "${config.networking.hostName}.${config.networking.domain}";
fqdn = &quot;${config.networking.hostName}.${config.networking.domain}&quot;;
clientConfig = {
"m.homeserver".base_url = "https://${fqdn}";
"m.identity_server" = {};
&quot;m.homeserver&quot;.base_url = &quot;https://${fqdn}&quot;;
&quot;m.identity_server&quot; = {};
serverConfig."m.server" = "${}:443";
serverConfig.&quot;m.server&quot; = &quot;${}:443&quot;;
mkWellKnown = data: ''
add_header Content-Type application/json;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
return 200 '${builtins.toJSON data}';
in {
networking.hostName = "myhostname";
networking.domain = "";
networking.hostName = &quot;myhostname&quot;;
networking.domain = &quot;;;
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
services.postgresql.enable = true;
services.postgresql.initialScript = pkgs.writeText "synapse-init.sql" ''
CREATE ROLE "matrix-synapse" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'synapse';
CREATE DATABASE "matrix-synapse" WITH OWNER "matrix-synapse"
services.postgresql.initialScript = pkgs.writeText &quot;synapse-init.sql&quot; ''
CREATE ROLE &quot;matrix-synapse&quot; WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'synapse';
CREATE DATABASE &quot;matrix-synapse&quot; WITH OWNER &quot;matrix-synapse&quot;
TEMPLATE template0
LC_COLLATE = &quot;C&quot;
LC_CTYPE = &quot;C&quot;;
services.nginx = {
@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ in {
# This pattern also allows to seamlessly move the homeserver from
# to by only changing the
# /.well-known redirection target.
"${config.networking.domain}" = {
&quot;${config.networking.domain}&quot; = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
# This section is not needed if the server_name of matrix-synapse is equal to
@ -82,26 +80,26 @@ in {
# is 8448.
# Further reference can be found in the docs about delegation under
locations."= /.well-known/matrix/server".extraConfig = mkWellKnown serverConfig;
locations.&quot;= /.well-known/matrix/server&quot;.extraConfig = mkWellKnown serverConfig;
# This is usually needed for homeserver discovery (from e.g. other Matrix clients).
# Further reference can be found in the upstream docs at
locations."= /.well-known/matrix/client".extraConfig = mkWellKnown clientConfig;
locations.&quot;= /.well-known/matrix/client&quot;.extraConfig = mkWellKnown clientConfig;
"${fqdn}" = {
&quot;${fqdn}&quot; = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
# It's also possible to do a redirect here or something else, this vhost is not
# needed for Matrix. It's recommended though to *not put* element
# here, see also the section about Element.
locations."/".extraConfig = ''
locations.&quot;/&quot;.extraConfig = ''
return 404;
# Forward all Matrix API calls to the synapse Matrix homeserver. A trailing slash
# *must not* be used here.
locations."/_matrix".proxyPass = "http://[::1]:8008";
locations.&quot;/_matrix&quot;.proxyPass = &quot;http://[::1]:8008&quot;;
# Forward requests for e.g. SSO and password-resets.
locations."/_synapse/client".proxyPass = "http://[::1]:8008";
locations.&quot;/_synapse/client&quot;.proxyPass = &quot;http://[::1]:8008&quot;;
@ -111,12 +109,12 @@ in {
settings.server_name = config.networking.domain;
settings.listeners = [
{ port = 8008;
bind_addresses = [ "::1" ];
type = "http";
bind_addresses = [ &quot;::1&quot; ];
type = &quot;http&quot;;
tls = false;
x_forwarded = true;
resources = [ {
names = [ "client" "federation" ];
names = [ &quot;client&quot; &quot;federation&quot; ];
compress = true;
} ];
@ -124,103 +122,117 @@ in {
<section xml:id="module-services-matrix-register-users">
<title>Registering Matrix users</title>
If you want to run a server with public registration by anybody, you can
then enable <literal>services.matrix-synapse.settings.enable_registration =
true;</literal>. Otherwise, or you can generate a registration secret with
<command>pwgen -s 64 1</command> and set it with
<option><link linkend="opt-services.matrix-synapse.settings.registration_shared_secret">services.matrix-synapse.settings.registration_shared_secret</link></option>.
To create a new user or admin, run the following after you have set the secret
and have rebuilt NixOS:
<prompt>$ </prompt>nix-shell -p matrix-synapse
<prompt>$ </prompt>register_new_matrix_user -k your-registration-shared-secret http://localhost:8008
<prompt>New user localpart: </prompt>your-username
<prompt>Confirm password:</prompt>
<prompt>Make admin [no]:</prompt>
In the example, this would create a user with the Matrix Identifier
<section xml:id="module-services-matrix-register-users">
<title>Registering Matrix users</title>
When using <xref linkend="opt-services.matrix-synapse.settings.registration_shared_secret" />, the secret
will end up in the world-readable store. Instead it's recommended to deploy the secret
in an additional file like this:
Create a file with the following contents:
If you want to run a server with public registration by anybody,
you can then enable
<literal>services.matrix-synapse.settings.enable_registration = true;</literal>.
Otherwise, or you can generate a registration secret with
<command>pwgen -s 64 1</command> and set it with
<xref linkend="opt-services.matrix-synapse.settings.registration_shared_secret"></xref>.
To create a new user or admin, run the following after you have
set the secret and have rebuilt NixOS:
$ nix-shell -p matrix-synapse
$ register_new_matrix_user -k your-registration-shared-secret http://localhost:8008
New user localpart: your-username
Confirm password:
Make admin [no]:
In the example, this would create a user with the Matrix
Identifier <literal></literal>.
When using
<xref linkend="opt-services.matrix-synapse.settings.registration_shared_secret"></xref>,
the secret will end up in the world-readable store. Instead it's
recommended to deploy the secret in an additional file like
Create a file with the following contents:
registration_shared_secret: your-very-secret-secret
Deploy the file with a secret-manager such as <link xlink:href=""><option>deployment.keys</option></link>
from <citerefentry><refentrytitle>nixops</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>
or <link xlink:href="">sops-nix</link> to
e.g. <filename>/run/secrets/matrix-shared-secret</filename> and ensure that it's readable
by <literal>matrix-synapse</literal>.
Include the file like this in your configuration:
Deploy the file with a secret-manager such as
<link xlink:href=""><option>deployment.keys</option></link>
<link xlink:href="">sops-nix</link>
to e.g.
<filename>/run/secrets/matrix-shared-secret</filename> and
ensure that it's readable by
Include the file like this in your configuration:
services.matrix-synapse.extraConfigFiles = [
It's also possible to user alternative authentication mechanism
such as
<link xlink:href="">LDAP
(via <literal>matrix-synapse-ldap3</literal>)</link> or
<link xlink:href="">OpenID</link>.
<section xml:id="module-services-matrix-element-web">
<title>Element (formerly known as Riot) Web Client</title>
<link xlink:href="">Element
Web</link> is the reference web client for Matrix and developed by
the core team at Element was formerly known as, see the
<link xlink:href="">Element
introductory blog post</link> for more information. The following
snippet can be optionally added to the code before to complete the
synapse installation with a web client served at
<literal></literal> and
<literal></literal>. Alternatively, you
can use the hosted copy at
<link xlink:href="" role="uri"></link>,
or use other web clients or native client applications. Due to the
<literal>/.well-known</literal> urls set up done above, many
clients should fill in the required connection details
automatically when you enter your Matrix Identifier. See
<link xlink:href="">Try
Matrix Now!</link> for a list of existing clients and their
supported featureset.
It's also possible to user alternative authentication mechanism such as
<link xlink:href="">LDAP (via <literal>matrix-synapse-ldap3</literal>)</link>
or <link xlink:href="">OpenID</link>.
<section xml:id="module-services-matrix-element-web">
<title>Element (formerly known as Riot) Web Client</title>
<link xlink:href="">Element Web</link> is
the reference web client for Matrix and developed by the core team at Element was formerly known as, see the
<link xlink:href="">Element introductory blog post</link>
for more information. The following snippet can be optionally added to the code before
to complete the synapse installation with a web client served at
<literal></literal> and
<literal></literal>. Alternatively, you can use the hosted
copy at <link xlink:href=""></link>,
or use other web clients or native client applications. Due to the
<literal>/.well-known</literal> urls set up done above, many clients should
fill in the required connection details automatically when you enter your
Matrix Identifier. See
<link xlink:href="">Try
Matrix Now!</link> for a list of existing clients and their supported
services.nginx.virtualHosts."element.${fqdn}" = {
services.nginx.virtualHosts.&quot;element.${fqdn}&quot; = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
serverAliases = [
root = pkgs.element-web.override {
@ -231,19 +243,19 @@ registration_shared_secret: your-very-secret-secret
The Element developers do not recommend running Element and your Matrix
homeserver on the same fully-qualified domain name for security reasons. In
the example, this means that you should not reuse the
<literal></literal> virtualHost to also serve Element,
but instead serve it on a different subdomain, like
<literal></literal> in the example. See the
<link xlink:href="">Element
Important Security Notes</link> for more information on this subject.
The Element developers do not recommend running Element and your
Matrix homeserver on the same fully-qualified domain name for
security reasons. In the example, this means that you should not
reuse the <literal></literal> virtualHost
to also serve Element, but instead serve it on a different
subdomain, like <literal></literal> in the
example. See the
<link xlink:href="">Element
Important Security Notes</link> for more information on this