- 9fc5e7e473874762fdb1b49d17dcf703d48352c3
- 593e11fd944ce961ecf5425c3540df09e4f52265
- 508ae42a0f64c350036d722b84c2e2905bbc5418
Since the last time I ran this script, the Repology API changed, so I had to
adapt the script used in the previous PR. The new API should be more robust, so
overall this is a positive (no more grepping the error messages for our relevant
data but just a nice json structure).
Here's the new script I used:
curl \
| jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "homepage_permanent_https_redirect") | .data | "s@\(.url)@\(.target)@"' \
| sort | uniq | tee script.sed
find -name '*.nix' | xargs -P4 -- sed -f script.sed -i
I will also add this script to `maintainers/scripts`.