Kasper Gałkowski bdc000263a lisp-modules: add back the two current implementations
This is to enable a smooth migration to the new one.
2023-04-02 11:14:49 +02:00

95 lines
3.0 KiB
Common Lisp
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env -S sbcl --script
(require :uiop)
;; prevent glibc hell
(setf (uiop:getenv "LD_LIBRARY_PATH") "")
(defparameter packages (uiop:read-file-lines "./lispPackagesToTest.txt"))
(defparameter lisp (or (cadr sb-ext:*posix-argv*) "sbcl"))
(defparameter nix-build "nix-build -E 'with import ../../../../default.nix {}; lispPackages_new.~aPackages.~a'")
(defparameter cpu-count
(lambda (line)
(uiop:string-prefix-p "processor" line))
(uiop:read-file-lines "/proc/cpuinfo"))))
(defparameter sem (sb-thread:make-semaphore :count cpu-count))
(defparameter statuses (make-hash-table :synchronized t))
(defparameter log-lock (sb-thread:make-mutex))
(format *error-output* "Testing ~a on ~a cores~%" lisp cpu-count)
(defun clear-line ()
(write-char #\Return *error-output*)
(write-char #\Escape *error-output*)
(write-char #\[ *error-output*)
(write-char #\K *error-output*))
(declaim (type fixnum errors))
(defglobal errors 0)
(defmacro when-let (bindings &rest body)
(lambda (expansion form)
(destructuring-bind (var test) form
(let ((testsym (gensym (symbol-name var))))
`(let ((,testsym ,test))
(when ,testsym
(let ((,var ,testsym))
(reverse bindings)
:initial-value `(progn ,@body)))
(dolist (pkg packages)
(sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sem)
(lambda ()
(multiple-value-bind (out err code)
(format nil nix-build lisp pkg)
:error-output '(:string :stripped t)
:ignore-error-status t)
(declare (ignorable err))
(setf (gethash pkg statuses) code)
(when-let ((pos (search "LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY-ERROR" err :test #'string=))
(lines (uiop:split-string (subseq err pos) :separator '(#\Newline))))
(setf (gethash pkg statuses)
(fourth lines)))
(sb-thread:with-mutex (log-lock)
(format *error-output* "[~a/~a] ~[OK~:;ERROR~] ~a~[~:;~%~]"
(hash-table-count statuses)
(length packages)
(force-output *error-output*))
(unless (zerop code)
(sb-ext:atomic-incf errors)))
(sb-thread:signal-semaphore sem))
(error (e)
(format t "~a~%" e)
(sb-ext:quit :recklessly-p t :unix-status 1))))))
(sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sem :n cpu-count)
(format t "~%Done (~a/~a)."
(- (length packages) errors)
(length packages))
(when (plusp errors)
(format t "~%~%~a Errors: " errors)
(maphash (lambda (k v)
(unless (and (numberp v) (zerop v))
(format t "~% ~a: ~a" k v)))