Matthieu Coudron 9a3d12e2ab luaPackages.mpack: use system mpack
the luarocks package uses the builtin command and discards the Makefile.
While using the makefile one needs to set some more flags.
2020-04-26 21:38:26 +02:00

311 lines
9.0 KiB

{ pkgs, ... }:
self: super:
with super;
#### manual fixes for generated packages
bit32 = super.bit32.override({
# Small patch in order to no longer redefine a Lua 5.2 function that Luajit
# 2.1 also provides, see for
# more
patches = [
busted = super.busted.override({
postConfigure = ''
substituteInPlace ''${rockspecFilename} \
--replace "'lua_cliargs = 3.0-1'," "'lua_cliargs >= 3.0-1',"
postInstall = ''
install -D completions/zsh/_busted $out/share/zsh/site-functions/_busted
install -D completions/bash/busted.bash $out/share/bash-completion/completions/busted
cqueues = super.cqueues.override(rec {
# Parse out a version number without the Lua version inserted
version = with pkgs.lib; let
version' = super.cqueues.version;
rel = splitVersion version';
date = head rel;
rev = last (splitString "-" (last rel));
in "${date}-${rev}";
nativeBuildInputs = [
externalDeps = [
{ name = "CRYPTO"; dep = pkgs.openssl; }
{ name = "OPENSSL"; dep = pkgs.openssl; }
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = with pkgs.stdenv; lib.optionalString hostPlatform.isDarwin
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
# Upstream rockspec is pointlessly broken into separate rockspecs, per Lua
# version, which doesn't work well for us, so modify it
postConfigure = let inherit (super.cqueues) pname; in ''
# 'all' target auto-detects correct Lua version, which is fine for us as
# we only have the right one available :)
sed -Ei ''${rockspecFilename} \
-e 's|lua == 5.[[:digit:]]|lua >= 5.1, <= 5.3|' \
-e 's|build_target = "[^"]+"|build_target = "all"|' \
-e 's|version = "[^"]+"|version = "${version}"|'
specDir=$(dirname ''${rockspecFilename})
cp ''${rockspecFilename} "$specDir/${pname}-${version}.rockspec"
cyrussasl = super.cyrussasl.override({
externalDeps = [
{ name = "LIBSASL"; dep = pkgs.cyrus_sasl; }
http = super.http.override({
patches = [
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
name = "invalid-state-progression.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "1vmx039n3nqfx50faqhs3wgiw28ws416rhw6vh6srmh9i826dac7";
/* TODO: separate docs derivation? (pandoc is heavy)
nativeBuildInputs = [ pandoc ];
makeFlags = [ "-C doc" "lua-http.html" "lua-http.3" ];
ljsyscall = super.ljsyscall.override(rec {
version = "unstable-20180515";
# package hasn't seen any release for a long time
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "justincormack";
repo = "ljsyscall";
rev = "e587f8c55aad3955dddab3a4fa6c1968037b5c6e";
sha256 = "06v52agqyziwnbp2my3r7liv245ddmb217zmyqakh0ldjdsr8lz4";
knownRockspec = "rockspec/ljsyscall-scm-1.rockspec";
# actually library works fine with lua 5.2
preConfigure = ''
sed -i 's/lua == 5.1/lua >= 5.1, < 5.3/' ${knownRockspec}
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.3";
propagatedBuildInputs = with pkgs.lib; optional (!isLuaJIT) luaffi;
lgi = super.lgi.override({
nativeBuildInputs = [
buildInputs = [
patches = [
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
name = "lgi-find-cairo-through-typelib.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "0gfvvbri9kyzhvq3bvdbj2l6mwvlz040dk4mrd5m9gz79f7w109c";
lrexlib-gnu = super.lrexlib-gnu.override({
buildInputs = [
lrexlib-pcre = super.lrexlib-pcre.override({
externalDeps = [
{ name = "PCRE"; dep = pkgs.pcre; }
lrexlib-posix = super.lrexlib-posix.override({
buildInputs = [
ltermbox = super.ltermbox.override( {
disabled = !isLua51 || isLuaJIT;
lua-iconv = super.lua-iconv.override({
buildInputs = [
lua-zlib = super.lua-zlib.override({
buildInputs = [
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
luadbi-mysql = super.luadbi-mysql.override({
extraVariables = {
# Can't just be /include and /lib, unfortunately needs the trailing 'mysql'
buildInputs = [
luadbi-postgresql = super.luadbi-postgresql.override({
buildInputs = [
luadbi-sqlite3 = super.luadbi-sqlite3.override({
externalDeps = [
{ name = "SQLITE"; dep = pkgs.sqlite; }
luaevent = super.luaevent.override({
propagatedBuildInputs = [
externalDeps = [
{ name = "EVENT"; dep = pkgs.libevent; }
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
luaexpat = super.luaexpat.override({
externalDeps = [
{ name = "EXPAT"; dep = pkgs.expat; }
# TODO Somehow automatically amend buildInputs for things that need luaffi
# but are in luajitPackages?
luaffi = super.luaffi.override({
# The packaged .src.rock version is pretty old, and doesn't work with Lua 5.3
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "facebook"; repo = "luaffifb";
rev = "532c757e51c86f546a85730b71c9fef15ffa633d";
sha256 = "1nwx6sh56zfq99rcs7sph0296jf6a9z72mxknn0ysw9fd7m1r8ig";
knownRockspec = with super.luaffi; "${pname}-${version}.rockspec";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4" || isLuaJIT;
luaossl = super.luaossl.override({
externalDeps = [
{ name = "CRYPTO"; dep = pkgs.openssl; }
{ name = "OPENSSL"; dep = pkgs.openssl; }
luasec = super.luasec.override({
externalDeps = [
{ name = "OPENSSL"; dep = pkgs.openssl; }
luasql-sqlite3 = super.luasql-sqlite3.override({
externalDeps = [
{ name = "SQLITE"; dep = pkgs.sqlite; }
luasystem = super.luasystem.override({
buildInputs = pkgs.lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isLinux [
luazip = super.luazip.override({
buildInputs = [
lua-yajl = super.lua-yajl.override({
buildInputs = [
luuid = super.luuid.override(old: {
externalDeps = [
{ name = "LIBUUID"; dep = pkgs.libuuid; }
meta = old.meta // {
platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.linux;
# Trivial patch to make it work in both 5.1 and 5.2. Basically just the
# tiny diff between the two upstream versions placed behind an #if.
# Upstreams:
# 5.1:
# 5.2:
patchFlags = [ "-p2" ];
patches = [
postConfigure = let inherit (super.luuid) version pname; in ''
sed -Ei ''${rockspecFilename} -e 's|lua >= 5.2|lua >= 5.1,|'
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || (luaAtLeast "5.4");
luv = super.luv.override({
# Use system libuv instead of building local and statically linking
# This is a hacky way to specify -DWITH_SHARED_LIBUV=ON which
# is not possible with luarocks and the current luv rockspec
# While at it, remove bundled libuv source entirely to be sure.
# We may wish to drop bundled lua submodules too...
preBuild = ''
sed -i 's,\(option(WITH_SHARED_LIBUV.*\)OFF,\1ON,' CMakeLists.txt
rm -rf deps/libuv
buildInputs = [ pkgs.libuv ];
passthru = {
libluv = self.luv.override ({
preBuild = self.luv.preBuild + ''
sed -i 's,\(option(BUILD_MODULE.*\)ON,\1OFF,' CMakeLists.txt
sed -i 's,\(option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS.*\)OFF,\1ON,' CMakeLists.txt
sed -i 's,${"\${INSTALL_INC_DIR}"},${placeholder "out"}/include/luv,' CMakeLists.txt
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.fixDarwinDylibNames ];
# Fixup linking libluv.dylib, for some reason it's not linked against lua correctly.
NIX_LDFLAGS = pkgs.lib.optionalString pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
(if isLuaJIT then "-lluajit-${lua.luaversion}" else "-llua");
mpack = super.mpack.override({
buildInputs = [ pkgs.libmpack ];
# the rockspec doesn't use the makefile so you may need to export more flags
rapidjson = super.rapidjson.override({
preBuild = ''
sed -i '/set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS/d' CMakeLists.txt
sed -i '/set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS/d' CMakeLists.txt