When using the ZFS storagedriver in docker, it shells out for the ZFS commands. The path configuration for the systemd task does not include ZFS, so if the driver is set to ZFS, add ZFS utilities to the PATH. This will resolve https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/10127 [Bjørn: prefix commit message with "nixos/docker:", remove extra space before ';']
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# Systemd services for docker.
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.virtualisation.docker;
pro = config.networking.proxy.default;
proxy_env = optionalAttrs (pro != null) { Environment = "\"http_proxy=${pro}\""; };
###### interface
options.virtualisation.docker = {
enable =
mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description =
This option enables docker, a daemon that manages
linux containers. Users in the "docker" group can interact with
the daemon (e.g. to start or stop containers) using the
<command>docker</command> command line tool.
socketActivation =
mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description =
This option enables docker with socket activation. I.e. docker will
start when first called by client.
Note: This is false by default because systemd lower than 214 that
nixos uses so far, doesn't support SocketGroup option, so socket
created by docker has root group now. This will likely be changed
in future. So set this option explicitly to false if you wish.
storageDriver =
mkOption {
type = types.enum ["aufs" "btrfs" "devicemapper" "overlay" "zfs"];
description =
This option determines which Docker storage driver to use.
It is required but lacks a default value as its most
suitable value will depend the filesystems available on the
extraOptions =
mkOption {
type = types.separatedString " ";
default = "";
description =
The extra command-line options to pass to
<command>docker</command> daemon.
postStart =
mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = ''
while ! [ -e /var/run/docker.sock ]; do
sleep 0.1
description = ''
The postStart phase of the systemd service. You may need to
override this if you are passing in flags to docker which
don't cause the socket file to be created.
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [
{ environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.docker ];
users.extraGroups.docker.gid = config.ids.gids.docker;
(mkIf cfg.socketActivation {
systemd.services.docker = {
description = "Docker Application Container Engine";
after = [ "network.target" "docker.socket" ];
requires = [ "docker.socket" ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.docker}/bin/docker daemon --host=fd:// --group=docker --storage-driver=${cfg.storageDriver} ${cfg.extraOptions}";
# I'm not sure if that limits aren't too high, but it's what
# goes in config bundled with docker itself
LimitNOFILE = 1048576;
LimitNPROC = 1048576;
} // proxy_env;
systemd.sockets.docker = {
description = "Docker Socket for the API";
wantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ];
socketConfig = {
ListenStream = "/var/run/docker.sock";
SocketMode = "0660";
SocketUser = "root";
SocketGroup = "docker";
(mkIf (!cfg.socketActivation) {
systemd.services.docker = {
description = "Docker Application Container Engine";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
after = [ "network.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.docker}/bin/docker daemon --group=docker --storage-driver=${cfg.storageDriver} ${cfg.extraOptions}";
# I'm not sure if that limits aren't too high, but it's what
# goes in config bundled with docker itself
LimitNOFILE = 1048576;
LimitNPROC = 1048576;
} // proxy_env;
path = [ pkgs.kmod ] ++
(if cfg.storageDriver == "zfs" then [ pkgs.zfs ] else []);
environment.MODULE_DIR = "/run/current-system/kernel-modules/lib/modules";
postStart = cfg.postStart;
# Presumably some containers are running we don't want to interrupt
restartIfChanged = false;