
113 lines
4.0 KiB

{stdenv, xcodewrapper}:
{ name
, src
, sdkVersion ? "6.1"
, target ? null
, configuration ? null
, scheme ? null
, sdk ? null
, arch ? null
, xcodeFlags ? ""
, release ? false
, codeSignIdentity ? null
, certificateFile ? null
, certificatePassword ? null
, provisioningProfile ? null
, generateIPA ? false
, generateXCArchive ? false
, enableWirelessDistribution ? false
, installURL ? null
, bundleId ? null
, version ? null
, title ? null
assert release -> codeSignIdentity != null && certificateFile != null && certificatePassword != null && provisioningProfile != null;
assert enableWirelessDistribution -> installURL != null && bundleId != null && version != null && title != null;
# Set some default values here
_target = if target == null then name else target;
_configuration = if configuration == null
if release then "Release" else "Debug"
else configuration;
_arch = if arch == null
if release then "armv7" else "i386"
else arch;
_sdk = if sdk == null
if release then "iphoneos" + sdkVersion else "iphonesimulator" + sdkVersion
else sdk;
# The following is to prevent repetition
deleteKeychain = ''
security default-keychain -s login.keychain
security delete-keychain $keychainName
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = stdenv.lib.replaceChars [" "] [""] name;
inherit src;
buildInputs = [ xcodewrapper ];
buildPhase = ''
${stdenv.lib.optionalString release ''
export HOME=/Users/$(whoami)
keychainName="$(basename $out)"
# Create a keychain
security create-keychain -p "" $keychainName
security default-keychain -s $keychainName
security unlock-keychain -p "" $keychainName
# Import the certificate into the keychain
security import ${certificateFile} -k $keychainName -P "${certificatePassword}" -A
# Determine provisioning ID
PROVISIONING_PROFILE=$(grep UUID -A1 -a ${provisioningProfile} | grep -o "[-A-Za-z0-9]\{36\}")
if [ ! -f "$HOME/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/$PROVISIONING_PROFILE.mobileprovision" ]
# Copy provisioning profile into the home directory
mkdir -p "$HOME/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles"
cp ${provisioningProfile} "$HOME/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/$PROVISIONING_PROFILE.mobileprovision"
# Check whether the identity can be found
security find-identity -p codesigning $keychainName
# Do the building
xcodebuild -target ${_target} -configuration ${_configuration} ${stdenv.lib.optionalString (scheme != null) "-scheme ${scheme}"} -sdk ${_sdk} -arch ${_arch} ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR=$TMPDIR CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=$out ${if generateXCArchive then "archive" else ""} ${xcodeFlags} ${if release then ''"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=${codeSignIdentity}" PROVISIONING_PROFILE=$PROVISIONING_PROFILE OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS="--keychain $HOME/Library/Keychains/$keychainName"'' else ""}
${stdenv.lib.optionalString release ''
${stdenv.lib.optionalString generateIPA ''
# Produce an IPA file
xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v $out/*.app -o "$out/${name}.ipa"
# Add IPA to Hydra build products
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo "file binary-dist \"$(echo $out/*.ipa)\"" > $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
${stdenv.lib.optionalString enableWirelessDistribution ''
appname=$(basename $out/*.ipa .ipa)
sed -e "s|@INSTALL_URL@|${installURL}?bundleId=${bundleId}\&version=${version}\&title=$appname|" ${./install.html.template} > $out/$appname.html
echo "doc install \"$out/$appname.html\"" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
# Delete our temp keychain
failureHook = stdenv.lib.optionalString release deleteKeychain;
installPhase = "true";