1. Detect (and automatically handle) parasitic systems. 2. Each nix package has only one asd, and (almost) every parasitic package inside it builds. 3. Ensure that parasitic systems are compiled. 4. Remove unnecessary testnames lisp override mechanism (the testnae/testSystem is replaced by parasites/buildSystems). 5. Parasitic systems (if included in the system closure) become aliases to their host package. 6. Support caching fasl files in a known directory (for faster re-generation after modifying quicklisp-to-nix-system-info). 7. Eliminate unnecessary overrides. We're going to determine ALL lisp dependencies correctly. 8. Don't try to "build" lisp packages with make. lispPackages should be about bringing in a lisp library. 9. Eliminate the hand-maintained list of aliases. Parasites should become aliases. Everything else should be a real package.
104 lines
3.4 KiB
104 lines
3.4 KiB
{pkgs, buildLispPackage, clwrapper, quicklisp-to-nix-packages}:
addDeps = newdeps: x: {deps = x.deps ++ newdeps;};
addNativeLibs = libs: x: { propagatedBuildInputs = libs; };
skipBuildPhase = x: {
overrides = y: ((x.overrides y) // { buildPhase = "true"; });
multiOverride = l: x: if l == [] then {} else
((builtins.head l) x) // (multiOverride (builtins.tail l) x);
stumpwm = x:{
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
preConfigure = ''
export configureFlags="$configureFlags --with-$NIX_LISP=common-lisp.sh";
postInstall = ''
"$out/bin/stumpwm-lisp-launcher.sh" --eval '(asdf:make :stumpwm)' \
--eval '(setf (asdf/system:component-entry-point (asdf:find-system :stumpwm)) (function stumpwm:stumpwm))' \
--eval '(asdf:perform (quote asdf:program-op) :stumpwm)'
cp "$out/lib/common-lisp/stumpwm/stumpwm" "$out/bin"
iterate = skipBuildPhase;
cl-fuse = x: {
propagatedBuildInputs = [pkgs.fuse];
overrides = y : (x.overrides y) // {
configurePhase = ''
export makeFlags="$makeFlags LISP=common-lisp.sh"
preInstall = ''
hunchentoot = addNativeLibs [pkgs.openssl];
iolib = x: rec {
propagatedBuildInputs = (x.propagatedBuildInputs or [])
++ (with pkgs; [libfixposix gcc])
cxml = skipBuildPhase;
wookie = addNativeLibs (with pkgs; [libuv openssl]);
lev = addNativeLibs [pkgs.libev];
"cl+ssl" = addNativeLibs [pkgs.openssl];
cl-colors = skipBuildPhase;
cl-libuv = addNativeLibs [pkgs.libuv];
cl-async-ssl = addNativeLibs [pkgs.openssl];
cl-async-test = addNativeLibs [pkgs.openssl];
clsql = x: {
propagatedBuildInputs = with pkgs; [mysql postgresql sqlite zlib];
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
preConfigure = ((x.overrides y).preConfigure or "") + ''
export NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE="$NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE -I${pkgs.lib.getDev pkgs.mysql.client}/include/mysql"
export NIX_LDFLAGS="$NIX_LDFLAGS -L${pkgs.lib.getLib pkgs.mysql.client}/lib/mysql"
clx-truetype = skipBuildPhase;
query-fs = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
linkedSystems = [];
postInstall = ((x.overrides y).postInstall or "") + ''
export CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY="$CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY:$out/lib/common-lisp/query-fs"
export HOME=$PWD
build-with-lisp.sh sbcl \
":query-fs $(echo "$linkedSystems" | sed -re 's/(^| )([^ :])/ :\2/g')" \
"$out/bin/query-fs" \
cffi = addNativeLibs [pkgs.libffi];
cl-mysql = addNativeLibs [pkgs.mysql];
cl-ppcre-template = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
postPatch = ''
ln -s lib-dependent/*.asd .
sqlite = addNativeLibs [pkgs.sqlite];
uiop = x: {
parasites = (x.parasites or []) ++ [
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
postInstall = ((x.overrides y).postInstall or "") + ''
cp -r "${pkgs.asdf}/lib/common-lisp/asdf/uiop/contrib" "$out/lib/common-lisp/uiop"
cl-containers = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
postConfigure = "rm GNUmakefile";
mssql = addNativeLibs [pkgs.freetds];