
312 lines
11 KiB

{ pkgs }:
with import ./lib.nix { inherit pkgs; };
self: super: {
# Suitable LLVM version.
llvmPackages = pkgs.llvmPackages_35;
# Disable GHC 7.10.x core libraries.
array = null;
base = null;
binary = null;
bin-package-db = null;
bytestring = null;
Cabal = null;
containers = null;
deepseq = null;
directory = null;
filepath = null;
ghc-prim = null;
haskeline = null;
hoopl = null;
hpc = null;
integer-gmp = null;
pretty = null;
process = null;
rts = null;
template-haskell = null;
terminfo = null;
time = null;
transformers = null;
unix = null;
xhtml = null;
# should be fixed in versions > 0.6
pandoc-citeproc = overrideCabal super.pandoc-citeproc (drv: {
patches = [
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "18b08k56g5q4zz6jxczkrddblyn52vmd0811n1icfdpzqhgykn4p";
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "09vrdvg5w14qckn154zlxvk6i2ikmmhpsl9mxycxkql3rl4dqam3";
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "1lqpwxzz2www81w4mym75z36bsavqfj67hyvzn20ffvxq42yw7ry";
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "05699hj3qa2vrfdnikj7rzmc2ajrkd7p8yd4cjlhmqq9asq90xzb";
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "19cag39k5s7iqagpvss9c2ny5g0lwnrawaqcc0labihc1a181k8l";
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "08lsinh3mkjpz3cqj5i1vcnzkyl07jp38qcjcwcw7m2b7gsjbpvm";
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "1kfn0mcp3vp32c9w8gyz0p0jv0xn90as9mxm8a2lmjng52jlzvy4";
# ekmett/linear#74
linear = overrideCabal super.linear (drv: {
prePatch = "sed -i 's/-Werror//g' linear.cabal";
# Cabal_1_22_1_1 requires filepath >=1 && <1.4
cabal-install = dontCheck (super.cabal-install.override { Cabal = null; });
HStringTemplate = self.HStringTemplate_0_8_3;
# We have Cabal 1.22.x.
jailbreak-cabal = super.jailbreak-cabal.override { Cabal = null; };
# GHC 7.10.x's Haddock binary cannot generate hoogle files.
mkDerivation = drv: super.mkDerivation (drv // { doHoogle = false; });
# haddock: No input file(s).
nats = dontHaddock super.nats;
bytestring-builder = dontHaddock super.bytestring-builder;
# We have transformers 4.x
mtl = self.mtl_2_2_1;
transformers-compat = disableCabalFlag super.transformers-compat "three";
# We have time 1.5
aeson = disableCabalFlag super.aeson "old-locale";
# requires filepath >=1.1 && <1.4
Glob = doJailbreak super.Glob;
# Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing: base <4.8
hspec-expectations = overrideCabal super.hspec-expectations (drv: {
patchPhase = "sed -i -e 's|base < 4.8|base|' hspec-expectations.cabal";
utf8-string = overrideCabal super.utf8-string (drv: {
patchPhase = "sed -i -e 's|base >= 3 && < 4.8|base|' utf8-string.cabal";
esqueleto = doJailbreak super.esqueleto;
pointfree = doJailbreak super.pointfree;
# acid-state/safecopy#25 acid-state/safecopy#26
safecopy = dontCheck (super.safecopy);
# bos/attoparsec#92
attoparsec = dontCheck super.attoparsec;
# Test suite fails with some (seemingly harmless) error.
syb = dontCheck super.syb;
# Test suite has stricter version bounds
retry = dontCheck super.retry;
# Test suite fails with time >= 1.5
http-date = dontCheck super.http-date;
# Version 1.19.5 fails its test suite.
happy = dontCheck super.happy;
# Test suite fails in "/tokens_bytestring_unicode.g.bin".
alex = dontCheck super.alex;
# TODO: should eventually update the versions in hackage-packages.nix
haddock-library = overrideCabal super.haddock-library (drv: {
version = "1.2.0";
sha256 = "0kf8qihkxv86phaznb3liq6qhjs53g3iq0zkvz5wkvliqas4ha56";
haddock-api = overrideCabal super.haddock-api (drv: {
version = "2.16.0";
sha256 = "0hk42w6fbr6xp8xcpjv00bhi9r75iig5kp34vxbxdd7k5fqxr1hj";
haddock = overrideCabal super.haddock (drv: {
version = "2.16.0";
sha256 = "1afb96w1vv3gmvha2f1h3p8zywpdk8dfk6bgnsa307ydzsmsc3qa";
# Upstream was notified about the over-specified constraint on 'base'
# but refused to do anything about it because he "doesn't want to
# support a moving target". Go figure.
barecheck = doJailbreak super.barecheck;
syb-with-class = appendPatch super.syb-with-class (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "1lwwvxyhxcmppdapbgpfhwi7xc2z78qir03xjrpzab79p2qyq7br";
unix-time = dontCheck super.unix-time;
# Until the changes have been pushed to Hackage
annotated-wl-pprint = appendPatch super.annotated-wl-pprint (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "0n0fbq3vd7b9kfmhg089q0dy40vawq4q88il3zc9ybivhi62nwv4";
ghc-events = appendPatch super.ghc-events (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "1k881jrvzfvs761jgfhf5nsbmbc33c9333l4s0f5088p46ff2n1l";
dependent-sum-template = appendPatch super.dependent-sum-template (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "1yb1ny4ckl4d3sf4xnvpbsa9rw2dficzgipijs5s3729dnsc3rb0";
mueval = appendPatch super.mueval (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "1gs8p89d1qsrd1qycbhf6kv4qw0sbb8m6dy106dqkmdzcjzcyq74";
# Already applied in darcs repository.
gnuplot = appendPatch super.gnuplot ./gnuplot-fix-new-time.patch;
ghcjs-prim = self.callPackage ({ mkDerivation, fetchgit, primitive }: mkDerivation {
pname = "ghcjs-prim";
version = "";
src = fetchgit {
url = git://;
rev = "ca08e46257dc276e01d08fb47a693024bae001fa"; # ghc-7.10 branch
sha256 = "0w7sqzp5p70yhmdhqasgkqbf3b61wb24djlavwil2j8ry9y472w3";
buildDepends = [ primitive ];
license = pkgs.stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
}) {};
# diagrams/monoid-extras#19
monoid-extras = overrideCabal super.monoid-extras (drv: {
prePatch = "sed -i 's|4\.8|4.9|' monoid-extras.cabal";
# diagrams/statestack#5
statestack = overrideCabal super.statestack (drv: {
prePatch = "sed -i 's|4\.8|4.9|' statestack.cabal";
# diagrams/diagrams-core#83
diagrams-core = overrideCabal super.diagrams-core (drv: {
prePatch = "sed -i 's|4\.8|4.9|' diagrams-core.cabal";
# diagrams/diagrams-core#83
diagrams-lib = overrideCabal super.diagrams-lib (drv: {
prePatch = "sed -i 's|4\.8|4.9|' diagrams-lib.cabal";
patches = [ ./diagrams-lib-flexible-contexts.patch ];
misfortune = appendPatch super.misfortune (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "15frwdallm3i6k7mil26bbjd4wl6k9h20ixf3cmyris3q3jhlcfh";
timezone-series = doJailbreak super.timezone-series;
timezone-olson = doJailbreak super.timezone-olson;
libmpd = dontCheck super.libmpd;
xmonad-extras = overrideCabal super.xmonad-extras (drv: {
postPatch = ''
sed -i -e "s,<\*,<¤,g" XMonad/Actions/Volume.hs
# Workaround for a workaround, see comment for "ghcjs" flag.
jsaddle = let jsaddle' = disableCabalFlag super.jsaddle "ghcjs";
in addBuildDepends jsaddle' [ self.glib self.gtk3 self.webkitgtk3
self.webkitgtk3-javascriptcore ];
# Fix evaluation in GHC >=7.8:
lambdabot = appendPatch super.lambdabot ./lambdabot-fix-ghc78.patch;
# These packages don't have maintainers.
brainfuck = appendPatch super.brainfuck ./brainfuck-fix-ghc710.patch;
unlambda = appendPatch super.unlambda ./unlambda-fix-ghc710.patch;
# Sent e-mail to the maintainer.
IOSpec = appendPatch super.IOSpec ./IOSpec-fix-ghc710.patch;
# Updated Cabal file from Hackage tightened version bounds for some reason.
edit-distance = let pkg = appendPatch super.edit-distance ./edit-distance-fix-boundaries.patch;
in appendPatch pkg (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "013x9za47vr9jx0liwgi8cdh2h2882a87h5nqvr41xqipzxfiyw1";
BNFC = markBrokenVersion "2.7.1" super.BNFC;
cubical = dontDistribute super.cubical;
# contacted maintainer by e-mail
HList = markBrokenVersion "" super.HList;
ihaskell-rlangqq = dontDistribute super.ihaskell-rlangqq;
Rlang-QQ = dontDistribute super.Rlang-QQ;
semi-iso = dontDistribute super.semi-iso;
syntax = dontDistribute super.syntax;
syntax-attoparsec = dontDistribute super.syntax-attoparsec;
syntax-example = dontDistribute super.syntax-example;
syntax-example-json = dontDistribute super.syntax-example-json;
syntax-printer = dontDistribute super.syntax-printer;
tuple-hlist = dontDistribute super.tuple-hlist;
tuple-morph = dontDistribute super.tuple-morph;
# contacted maintainer by e-mail
cmdlib = markBroken super.cmdlib;
laborantin-hs = dontDistribute super.laborantin-hs;
ShellCheck = markBroken super.ShellCheck;
arithmoi = markBroken super.arithmoi;
constructible = dontDistribute super.constructible;
cyclotomic = dontDistribute super.cyclotomic;
diagrams = dontDistribute super.diagrams;
diagrams-contrib = dontDistribute super.diagrams-contrib;
ihaskell-diagrams = dontDistribute super.ihaskell-diagrams;
nimber = dontDistribute super.nimber;
NTRU = dontDistribute super.NTRU;
quadratic-irrational = dontDistribute super.quadratic-irrational;
ghc-mod = markBroken super.ghc-mod;
ghc-imported-from = dontDistribute super.ghc-imported-from;
git-vogue = dontDistribute super.git-vogue;
hsdev = dontDistribute super.hsdev;
graphviz = markBroken super.graphviz;
Graphalyze = dontDistribute super.Graphalyze;
Zora = dontDistribute super.Zora;
ampersand = dontDistribute super.ampersand;
caffegraph = dontDistribute super.caffegraph;
dot2graphml = dontDistribute super.dot2graphml;
erd = dontDistribute super.erd;
filediff = dontDistribute super.filediff;
fsmActions = dontDistribute super.fsmActions;
ghc-vis = dontDistribute super.ghc-vis;
llvm-base-types = dontDistribute super.llvm-base-types;
mathgenealogy = dontDistribute super.mathgenealogy;
vacuum-graphviz = dontDistribute super.vacuum-graphviz;
xdot = dontDistribute super.xdot;
hastache = dontCheck super.hastache;