
202 lines
7.8 KiB

{ pkgs, haskellLib }:
inherit (pkgs) fetchpatch lib;
checkAgainAfter = pkg: ver: msg: act:
if builtins.compareVersions pkg.version ver <= 0 then act
builtins.throw "Check if '${msg}' was resolved in ${pkg.pname} ${pkg.version} and update or remove this";
with haskellLib;
self: super: let
jailbreakForCurrentVersion = p: v: checkAgainAfter p v "bad bounds" (doJailbreak p);
in {
llvmPackages = lib.dontRecurseIntoAttrs self.ghc.llvmPackages;
# Disable GHC core libraries.
array = null;
base = null;
binary = null;
bytestring = null;
Cabal = null;
Cabal-syntax = null;
containers = null;
deepseq = null;
directory = null;
exceptions = null;
filepath = null;
ghc-bignum = null;
ghc-boot = null;
ghc-boot-th = null;
ghc-compact = null;
ghc-heap = null;
ghc-prim = null;
ghci = null;
haskeline = null;
hpc = null;
integer-gmp = null;
libiserv = null;
mtl = null;
parsec = null;
pretty = null;
process = null;
rts = null;
stm = null;
system-cxx-std-lib = null;
template-haskell = null;
# GHC only builds terminfo if it is a native compiler
terminfo = if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform == pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform then null else self.terminfo_0_4_1_5;
text = null;
time = null;
transformers = null;
unix = null;
# GHC only bundles the xhtml library if haddock is enabled, check if this is
# still the case when updating:
xhtml = if self.ghc.hasHaddock or true then null else self.xhtml_3000_2_2_1;
# Tests fail because of typechecking changes
conduit = dontCheck super.conduit;
# consequences of doctest breakage follow:
double-conversion = markBroken super.double-conversion;
blaze-textual = checkAgainAfter super.double-conversion "" "double-conversion fails to build; required for testsuite" (dontCheck super.blaze-textual);
ghc-source-gen = checkAgainAfter super.ghc-source-gen "" "fails to build" (markBroken super.ghc-source-gen);
lucid = jailbreakForCurrentVersion super.lucid "2.11.1";
haskell-src-meta = doJailbreak super.haskell-src-meta;
# Tests fail in GHC 9.2
extra = dontCheck super.extra;
# Jailbreaks & Version Updates
aeson = self.aeson_2_1_1_0;
assoc = doJailbreak super.assoc;
async = doJailbreak super.async;
base64-bytestring = doJailbreak super.base64-bytestring;
binary-instances = doJailbreak super.binary-instances;
ChasingBottoms = doJailbreak super.ChasingBottoms;
constraints = doJailbreak super.constraints;
cpphs = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i -e 's,time >=1.5 && <1.11,time >=1.5 \\&\\& <1.12,' cpphs.cabal";}) super.cpphs;
data-fix = doJailbreak;
dec = doJailbreak super.dec;
ed25519 = doJailbreak super.ed25519;
ghc-byteorder = doJailbreak super.ghc-byteorder;
ghc-lib = doDistribute self.ghc-lib_9_4_3_20221104;
ghc-lib-parser = doDistribute self.ghc-lib-parser_9_4_3_20221104;
ghc-lib-parser-ex = doDistribute self.ghc-lib-parser-ex_9_4_0_0;
hackage-security = doJailbreak super.hackage-security;
hashable-time = doJailbreak super.hashable-time;
HTTP = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i -e 's,! Socket,!Socket,' Network/TCP.hs"; }) (doJailbreak super.HTTP);
integer-logarithms = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i -e 's, <1.1, <1.3,' integer-logarithms.cabal"; }) (doJailbreak super.integer-logarithms);
indexed-traversable = doJailbreak super.indexed-traversable;
indexed-traversable-instances = doJailbreak super.indexed-traversable-instances;
lifted-async = doJailbreak super.lifted-async;
lukko = doJailbreak super.lukko;
lzma-conduit = doJailbreak super.lzma-conduit;
parallel = doJailbreak super.parallel;
path = doJailbreak super.path;
polyparse = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i -e 's, <0.11, <0.12,' polyparse.cabal"; }) (doJailbreak super.polyparse);
primitive = dontCheck (doJailbreak self.primitive_0_7_4_0);
regex-posix = doJailbreak super.regex-posix;
resolv = doJailbreak super.resolv;
singleton-bool = doJailbreak super.singleton-bool;
rope-utf16-splay = doDistribute self.rope-utf16-splay_0_4_0_0;
base-orphans = dontCheck super.base-orphans;
# Note: Any compilation fixes need to be done on the versioned attributes,
# since those are used for the internal dependencies between the versioned
# hspec packages in configuration-common.nix.
hspec = self.hspec_2_10_7;
hspec-core = self.hspec-core_2_10_7;
hspec-meta = self.hspec-meta_2_10_5;
hspec-discover = self.hspec-discover_2_10_7;
# the dontHaddock is due to a GHC panic. might be this bug, not sure.
# We need >= 1.1.2 for ghc-9.4 support, but we don't have 1.1.x in
# hackage-packages.nix
hedgehog = doDistribute (dontHaddock super.hedgehog_1_2);
# tasty-hedgehog > 1.3 necessary to work with hedgehog 1.2:
tasty-hedgehog = self.tasty-hedgehog_1_4_0_0;
syb = dontCheck super.syb;
splitmix = doJailbreak super.splitmix;
th-desugar =;
time-compat = doJailbreak super.time-compat;
tomland = doJailbreak super.tomland;
type-equality = doJailbreak super.type-equality;
unordered-containers = doJailbreak super.unordered-containers;
vector = dontCheck super.vector;
vector-binary-instances = doJailbreak super.vector-binary-instances;
hpack = overrideCabal (drv: {
# Cabal 3.6 seems to preserve comments when reading, which makes this test fail
# 2021-10-10: 9.2.1 is not yet supported (also no issue)
testFlags = [
"--skip=/Hpack/renderCabalFile/is inverse to readCabalFile/"
] ++ drv.testFlags or [];
}) (doJailbreak super.hpack);
# lens >= 5.1 supports 9.2.1
lens = doDistribute self.lens_5_2;
# Apply patches from head.hackage.
language-haskell-extract = appendPatch (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "0w4y3v69nd3yafpml4gr23l94bdhbmx8xky48a59lckmz5x9fgxv";
}) (doJailbreak super.language-haskell-extract);
# Tests depend on `parseTime` which is no longer available
hourglass = dontCheck super.hourglass;
memory = super.memory_0_18_0;
bsb-http-chunked = dontCheck super.bsb-http-chunked;
# need bytestring >= 0.11 which is only bundled with GHC >= 9.2
regex-rure = doDistribute (markUnbroken super.regex-rure);
jacinda = doDistribute super.jacinda;
some = doJailbreak super.some;
# 2022-08-01: Tests are broken on ghc 9.2.4:
hiedb = dontCheck super.hiedb;
# 2022-10-06:
ghc-check = dontHaddock super.ghc-check;
# 2022-10-06: plugins disabled for hls based on
haskell-language-server = super.haskell-language-server.override {
hls-refactor-plugin = null;
hls-class-plugin = null;
hls-eval-plugin = null;
hls-floskell-plugin = null;
hls-fourmolu-plugin = null;
hls-gadt-plugin = null;
hls-hlint-plugin = null;
hls-ormolu-plugin = null;
hls-rename-plugin = null;
hls-stylish-haskell-plugin = null;
hls-retrie-plugin = null;
ormolu = overrideCabal (drv: {
libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends ++ [ self.file-embed ];
}) (disableCabalFlag "fixity-th" super.ormolu);
fourmolu = overrideCabal (drv: {
libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends ++ [ self.file-embed ];
}) (disableCabalFlag "fixity-th" super.fourmolu);