Falco Peijnenburg 9d2c9157d7 nixos/apache-httpd/wordpress: copy plugins and themes instead of symlinking
Symlinking works for most plugins and themes, but Avada, for instance, fails to
understand the symlink, causing its file path stripping to fail. This results in
requests that look like:

Since hard linking directories is not allowed, copying is the next best thing.
2019-01-06 17:51:31 +01:00

286 lines
10 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, serverInfo, ... }:
with lib;
# Our bare-bones wp-config.php file using the above settings
wordpressConfig = pkgs.writeText "wp-config.php" ''
define('DB_NAME', '${config.dbName}');
define('DB_USER', '${config.dbUser}');
define('DB_PASSWORD', file_get_contents('${config.dbPasswordFile}'));
define('DB_HOST', '${config.dbHost}');
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
$table_prefix = '${config.tablePrefix}';
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )
define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');
# .htaccess to support pretty URLs
htaccess = pkgs.writeText "htaccess" ''
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
# add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
RewriteRule ^wp-admin$ wp-admin/ [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*\.php)$ $1 [L]
RewriteRule . index.php [L]
# WP translation can be found here:
supportedLanguages = {
en_GB = { revision="d6c005372a5318fd758b710b77a800c86518be13"; sha256="0qbbsi87k47q4rgczxx541xz4z4f4fr49hw4lnaxkdsf5maz8p9p"; };
de_DE = { revision="3c62955c27baaae98fd99feb35593d46562f4736"; sha256="1shndgd11dk836dakrjlg2arwv08vqx6j4xjh4jshvwmjab6ng6p"; };
zh_ZN = { revision="12b9f811e8cae4b6ee41de343d35deb0a8fdda6d"; sha256="1339ggsxh0g6lab37jmfxicsax4h702rc3fsvv5azs7mcznvwh47"; };
fr_FR = { revision="688c8b1543e3d38d9e8f57e0a6f2a2c3c8b588bd"; sha256="1j41iak0i6k7a4wzyav0yrllkdjjskvs45w53db8vfm8phq1n014"; };
downloadLanguagePack = language: revision: sha256s:
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "wp_${language}";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "nixcloud";
repo = "wordpress-translations";
rev = revision;
sha256 = sha256s;
installPhase = "mkdir -p $out; cp -R * $out/";
selectedLanguages = map (lang: downloadLanguagePack lang supportedLanguages.${lang}.revision supportedLanguages.${lang}.sha256) (config.languages);
# The wordpress package itself
wordpressRoot = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "wordpress";
src = config.package;
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out
# copy all the wordpress files we downloaded
cp -R * $out/
# symlink the wordpress config
ln -s ${wordpressConfig} $out/wp-config.php
# symlink custom .htaccess
ln -s ${htaccess} $out/.htaccess
# symlink uploads directory
ln -s ${config.wordpressUploads} $out/wp-content/uploads
# remove bundled plugins(s) coming with wordpress
rm -Rf $out/wp-content/plugins/*
# remove bundled themes(s) coming with wordpress
rm -Rf $out/wp-content/themes/*
# copy additional theme(s)
${concatMapStrings (theme: "cp -r ${theme} $out/wp-content/themes/${}\n") config.themes}
# copy additional plugin(s)
${concatMapStrings (plugin: "cp -r ${plugin} $out/wp-content/plugins/${}\n") (config.plugins) }
# symlink additional translation(s)
mkdir -p $out/wp-content/languages
${concatMapStrings (language: "ln -s ${language}/*.mo ${language}/*.po $out/wp-content/languages/\n") (selectedLanguages) }
# And some httpd extraConfig to make things work nicely
extraConfig = ''
<Directory ${wordpressRoot}>
DirectoryIndex index.php
Allow from *
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
enablePHP = true;
options = {
package = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = pkgs.wordpress;
description = ''
Path to the wordpress sources.
Upgrading? We have a test! nix-build ./nixos/tests/wordpress.nix
dbHost = mkOption {
default = "localhost";
description = "The location of the database server.";
example = "localhost";
dbName = mkOption {
default = "wordpress";
description = "Name of the database that holds the Wordpress data.";
example = "localhost";
dbUser = mkOption {
default = "wordpress";
description = "The dbUser, read: the username, for the database.";
example = "wordpress";
dbPassword = mkOption {
default = "wordpress";
description = ''
The mysql password to the respective dbUser.
Warning: this password is stored in the world-readable Nix store. It's
recommended to use the $dbPasswordFile option since that gives you control over
the security of the password. $dbPasswordFile also takes precedence over $dbPassword.
example = "wordpress";
dbPasswordFile = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = toString (pkgs.writeTextFile {
name = "wordpress-dbpassword";
text = config.dbPassword;
example = "/run/keys/wordpress-dbpassword";
description = ''
Path to a file that contains the mysql password to the respective dbUser.
The file should be readable by the user:
$dbPasswordFile takes precedence over the $dbPassword option.
This defaults to a file in the world-readable Nix store that contains the value
of the $dbPassword option. It's recommended to override this with a path not in
the Nix store. Tip: use nixops key management:
<link xlink:href=''/>
tablePrefix = mkOption {
default = "wp_";
description = ''
The $table_prefix is the value placed in the front of your database tables. Change the value if you want to use something other than wp_ for your database prefix. Typically this is changed if you are installing multiple WordPress blogs in the same database. See <link xlink:href=''/>.
wordpressUploads = mkOption {
default = "/data/uploads";
description = ''
This directory is used for uploads of pictures and must be accessible (read: owned) by the httpd running user. The directory passed here is automatically created and permissions are given to the httpd running user.
plugins = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.path;
description =
List of path(s) to respective plugin(s) which are symlinked from the 'plugins' directory. Note: These plugins need to be packaged before use, see example.
example = ''
# Wordpress plugin 'akismet' installation example
akismetPlugin = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "akismet-plugin";
# Download the theme from the wordpress site
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "1i4k7qyzna08822ncaz5l00wwxkwcdg4j9h3z2g0ay23q640pclg";
# We need unzip to build this package
buildInputs = [ pkgs.unzip ];
# Installing simply means copying all files to the output directory
installPhase = "mkdir -p $out; cp -R * $out/";
And then pass this theme to the themes list like this:
plugins = [ akismetPlugin ];
themes = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.path;
description =
List of path(s) to respective theme(s) which are symlinked from the 'theme' directory. Note: These themes need to be packaged before use, see example.
example = ''
# For shits and giggles, let's package the responsive theme
responsiveTheme = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "responsive-theme";
# Download the theme from the wordpress site
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "06i26xlc5kdnx903b1gfvnysx49fb4kh4pixn89qii3a30fgd8r8";
# We need unzip to build this package
buildInputs = [ pkgs.unzip ];
# Installing simply means copying all files to the output directory
installPhase = "mkdir -p $out; cp -R * $out/";
And then pass this theme to the themes list like this:
themes = [ responsiveTheme ];
languages = mkOption {
default = [];
description = "Installs wordpress language packs based on the list, see wordpress.nix for possible translations.";
example = "[ \"en_GB\" \"de_DE\" ];";
extraConfig = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
example =
define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 60 ); // Seconds
description = ''
Any additional text to be appended to Wordpress's wp-config.php
configuration file. This is a PHP script. For configuration
settings, see <link xlink:href=''/>.
extraHtaccess = mkOption {
default = "";
example =
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
php_value post_max_size 20M
description = ''
Any additional text to be appended to Wordpress's .htaccess file.
documentRoot = wordpressRoot;
# FIXME adding the user has to be done manually for the time being
startupScript = pkgs.writeScript "" ''
mkdir -p ${config.wordpressUploads}
chown ${serverInfo.serverConfig.user} ${config.wordpressUploads}
# we should use systemd dependencies here
if [ ! -d ${}/${config.dbName} ]; then
echo "Need to create the database '${config.dbName}' and grant permissions to user named '${config.dbUser}'."
# Wait until MySQL is up
while [ ! -e ${}/ ]; do
sleep 1
${pkgs.mysql}/bin/mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE ${config.dbName};'
${pkgs.mysql}/bin/mysql -e "GRANT ALL ON ${config.dbName}.* TO ${config.dbUser}@localhost IDENTIFIED BY \"$(cat ${config.dbPasswordFile})\";"
echo "Good, no need to do anything database related."