Badi Abdul-Wahid df3566c956 unifi, nixos/unifi: support LTS (5.6.36) and release (5.7.20)
Ubiquiti has both a LTS and current version of their Unifi controller software.

The latter adds new features, but may drop support for some devices.

This adds the capability to use either for the unifi module but defaults
to the LTS version, which was the previous behavior.
2018-04-28 00:27:33 +02:00

188 lines
5.3 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, utils, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
stateDir = "/var/lib/unifi";
cmd = ''
@${cfg.jrePackage}/bin/java java \
${optionalString (cfg.initialJavaHeapSize != null) "-Xms${(toString cfg.initialJavaHeapSize)}m"} \
${optionalString (cfg.maximumJavaHeapSize != null) "-Xmx${(toString cfg.maximumJavaHeapSize)}m"} \
-jar ${stateDir}/lib/ace.jar
mountPoints = [
what = "${cfg.unifiPackage}/dl";
where = "${stateDir}/dl";
what = "${cfg.unifiPackage}/lib";
where = "${stateDir}/lib";
what = "${cfg.mongodbPackage}/bin";
where = "${stateDir}/bin";
what = "${cfg.dataDir}";
where = "${stateDir}/data";
systemdMountPoints = map (m: "${utils.escapeSystemdPath m.where}.mount") mountPoints;
options = {
services.unifi.enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether or not to enable the unifi controller service.
services.unifi.jrePackage = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.jre8;
defaultText = "pkgs.jre8";
description = ''
The JRE package to use. Check the release notes to ensure it is supported.
services.unifi.unifiPackage = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.unifiLTS;
defaultText = "pkgs.unifiLTS";
description = ''
The unifi package to use.
services.unifi.mongodbPackage = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.mongodb;
defaultText = "pkgs.mongodb";
description = ''
The mongodb package to use.
services.unifi.dataDir = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "${stateDir}/data";
description = ''
Where to store the database and other data.
This directory will be bind-mounted to ${stateDir}/data as part of the service startup.
services.unifi.openPorts = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
Whether or not to open the minimum required ports on the firewall.
This is necessary to allow firmware upgrades and device discovery to
work. For remote login, you should additionally open (or forward) port
services.unifi.initialJavaHeapSize = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr;
default = null;
example = 1024;
description = ''
Set the initial heap size for the JVM in MB. If this option isn't set, the
JVM will decide this value at runtime.
services.unifi.maximumJavaHeapSize = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr;
default = null;
example = 4096;
description = ''
Set the maximimum heap size for the JVM in MB. If this option isn't set, the
JVM will decide this value at runtime.
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
users.extraUsers.unifi = {
uid = config.ids.uids.unifi;
description = "UniFi controller daemon user";
home = "${stateDir}";
networking.firewall = mkIf cfg.openPorts {
allowedTCPPorts = [
8080 # Port for UAP to inform controller.
8880 # Port for HTTP portal redirect, if guest portal is enabled.
8843 # Port for HTTPS portal redirect, ditto.
allowedUDPPorts = [
3478 # UDP port used for STUN.
10001 # UDP port used for device discovery.
# We must create the binary directories as bind mounts instead of symlinks
# This is because the controller resolves all symlinks to absolute paths
# to be used as the working directory.
systemd.mounts = map ({ what, where }: {
bindsTo = [ "unifi.service" ];
partOf = [ "unifi.service" ];
unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = stateDir;
options = "bind";
what = what;
where = where;
}) mountPoints; = {
description = "UniFi controller daemon";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ] ++ systemdMountPoints;
partOf = systemdMountPoints;
bindsTo = systemdMountPoints;
unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = stateDir;
# This a HACK to fix missing dependencies of dynamic libs extracted from jars
environment.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = with pkgs.stdenv; "${}/lib";
preStart = ''
# Ensure privacy of state and data.
chown unifi "${stateDir}" "${stateDir}/data"
chmod 0700 "${stateDir}" "${stateDir}/data"
# Create the volatile webapps
rm -rf "${stateDir}/webapps"
mkdir -p "${stateDir}/webapps"
chown unifi "${stateDir}/webapps"
ln -s "${cfg.unifiPackage}/webapps/ROOT" "${stateDir}/webapps/ROOT"
postStop = ''
rm -rf "${stateDir}/webapps"
serviceConfig = {
Type = "simple";
ExecStart = "${(removeSuffix "\n" cmd)} start";
ExecStop = "${(removeSuffix "\n" cmd)} stop";
User = "unifi";
PermissionsStartOnly = true;
UMask = "0077";
WorkingDirectory = "${stateDir}";