Carl Dong e5c2c71280 nixos/nginx: Allow empty port for listen directive
When listening on unix sockets, it doesn't make sense to specify a port
for nginx's listen directive.

Since nginx defaults to port 80 when the port isn't specified (but the
address is), we can change the default for the option to null as well
without changing any behaviour.
2023-10-09 21:16:03 -04:00

1268 lines
43 KiB

import base64
import io
import os
import queue
import re
import select
import shlex
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import time
from contextlib import _GeneratorContextManager, nullcontext
from pathlib import Path
from queue import Queue
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
from test_driver.logger import rootlog
"A": "shift-a",
"N": "shift-n",
"-": "0x0C",
"_": "shift-0x0C",
"B": "shift-b",
"O": "shift-o",
"=": "0x0D",
"+": "shift-0x0D",
"C": "shift-c",
"P": "shift-p",
"[": "0x1A",
"{": "shift-0x1A",
"D": "shift-d",
"Q": "shift-q",
"]": "0x1B",
"}": "shift-0x1B",
"E": "shift-e",
"R": "shift-r",
";": "0x27",
":": "shift-0x27",
"F": "shift-f",
"S": "shift-s",
"'": "0x28",
'"': "shift-0x28",
"G": "shift-g",
"T": "shift-t",
"`": "0x29",
"~": "shift-0x29",
"H": "shift-h",
"U": "shift-u",
"\\": "0x2B",
"|": "shift-0x2B",
"I": "shift-i",
"V": "shift-v",
",": "0x33",
"<": "shift-0x33",
"J": "shift-j",
"W": "shift-w",
".": "0x34",
">": "shift-0x34",
"K": "shift-k",
"X": "shift-x",
"/": "0x35",
"?": "shift-0x35",
"L": "shift-l",
"Y": "shift-y",
" ": "spc",
"M": "shift-m",
"Z": "shift-z",
"\n": "ret",
"!": "shift-0x02",
"@": "shift-0x03",
"#": "shift-0x04",
"$": "shift-0x05",
"%": "shift-0x06",
"^": "shift-0x07",
"&": "shift-0x08",
"*": "shift-0x09",
"(": "shift-0x0A",
")": "shift-0x0B",
def make_command(args: list) -> str:
return " ".join(map(shlex.quote, (map(str, args))))
def _perform_ocr_on_screenshot(
screenshot_path: str, model_ids: Iterable[int]
) -> List[str]:
if shutil.which("tesseract") is None:
raise Exception("OCR requested but enableOCR is false")
magick_args = (
"-filter Catrom -density 72 -resample 300 "
+ "-contrast -normalize -despeckle -type grayscale "
+ "-sharpen 1 -posterize 3 -negate -gamma 100 "
+ "-blur 1x65535"
tess_args = "-c debug_file=/dev/null --psm 11"
cmd = f"convert {magick_args} '{screenshot_path}' 'tiff:{screenshot_path}.tiff'"
ret =, shell=True, capture_output=True)
if ret.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f"TIFF conversion failed with exit code {ret.returncode}")
model_results = []
for model_id in model_ids:
cmd = f"tesseract '{screenshot_path}.tiff' - {tess_args} --oem '{model_id}'"
ret =, shell=True, capture_output=True)
if ret.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f"OCR failed with exit code {ret.returncode}")
return model_results
def retry(fn: Callable, timeout: int = 900) -> None:
"""Call the given function repeatedly, with 1 second intervals,
until it returns True or a timeout is reached.
for _ in range(timeout):
if fn(False):
if not fn(True):
raise Exception(f"action timed out after {timeout} seconds")
class StartCommand:
"""The Base Start Command knows how to append the necessary
runtime qemu options as determined by a particular test driver
run. Any such start command is expected to happily receive and
append additional qemu args.
_cmd: str
def cmd(
monitor_socket_path: Path,
shell_socket_path: Path,
allow_reboot: bool = False,
) -> str:
display_opts = ""
display_available = any(x in os.environ for x in ["DISPLAY", "WAYLAND_DISPLAY"])
if not display_available:
display_opts += " -nographic"
# qemu options
qemu_opts = (
" -device virtio-serial"
# Note: virtconsole will map to /dev/hvc0 in Linux guests
" -device virtconsole,chardev=shell"
" -device virtio-rng-pci"
" -serial stdio"
if not allow_reboot:
qemu_opts += " -no-reboot"
# TODO: qemu script already catpures this env variable, legacy?
qemu_opts += " " + os.environ.get("QEMU_OPTS", "")
return (
f" -monitor unix:{monitor_socket_path}"
f" -chardev socket,id=shell,path={shell_socket_path}"
def build_environment(
state_dir: Path,
shared_dir: Path,
) -> dict:
# We make a copy to not update the current environment
env = dict(os.environ)
"TMPDIR": str(state_dir),
"SHARED_DIR": str(shared_dir),
"USE_TMPDIR": "1",
return env
def run(
state_dir: Path,
shared_dir: Path,
monitor_socket_path: Path,
shell_socket_path: Path,
allow_reboot: bool,
) -> subprocess.Popen:
return subprocess.Popen(
self.cmd(monitor_socket_path, shell_socket_path, allow_reboot),
env=self.build_environment(state_dir, shared_dir),
class NixStartScript(StartCommand):
"""A start script from nixos/modules/virtualiation/qemu-vm.nix
that also satisfies the requirement of the BaseStartCommand.
These Nix commands have the particular characteristic that the
machine name can be extracted out of them via a regex match.
(Admittedly a _very_ implicit contract, evtl. TODO fix)
def __init__(self, script: str):
self._cmd = script
def machine_name(self) -> str:
match ="run-(.+)-vm$", self._cmd)
name = "machine"
if match:
name =
return name
class LegacyStartCommand(StartCommand):
"""Used in some places to create an ad-hoc machine instead of
using nix test instrumentation + module system for that purpose.
def __init__(
netBackendArgs: Optional[str] = None, # noqa: N803
netFrontendArgs: Optional[str] = None, # noqa: N803
hda: Optional[Tuple[Path, str]] = None,
cdrom: Optional[str] = None,
usb: Optional[str] = None,
bios: Optional[str] = None,
qemuBinary: Optional[str] = None, # noqa: N803
qemuFlags: Optional[str] = None, # noqa: N803
if qemuBinary is not None:
self._cmd = qemuBinary
self._cmd = "qemu-kvm"
self._cmd += " -m 384"
# networking
net_backend = "-netdev user,id=net0"
net_frontend = "-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0"
if netBackendArgs is not None:
net_backend += "," + netBackendArgs
if netFrontendArgs is not None:
net_frontend += "," + netFrontendArgs
self._cmd += f" {net_backend} {net_frontend}"
# hda
hda_cmd = ""
if hda is not None:
hda_path = hda[0].resolve()
hda_interface = hda[1]
if hda_interface == "scsi":
hda_cmd += (
f" -drive id=hda,file={hda_path},werror=report,if=none"
" -device scsi-hd,drive=hda"
hda_cmd += f" -drive file={hda_path},if={hda_interface},werror=report"
self._cmd += hda_cmd
# cdrom
if cdrom is not None:
self._cmd += f" -cdrom {cdrom}"
# usb
usb_cmd = ""
if usb is not None:
usb_cmd += (
" -device usb-ehci"
f" -drive id=usbdisk,file={usb},if=none,readonly"
" -device usb-storage,drive=usbdisk "
self._cmd += usb_cmd
# bios
if bios is not None:
self._cmd += f" -bios {bios}"
# qemu flags
if qemuFlags is not None:
self._cmd += f" {qemuFlags}"
class Machine:
"""A handle to the machine with this name, that also knows how to manage
the machine lifecycle with the help of a start script / command."""
name: str
out_dir: Path
tmp_dir: Path
shared_dir: Path
state_dir: Path
monitor_path: Path
shell_path: Path
start_command: StartCommand
keep_vm_state: bool
process: Optional[subprocess.Popen]
pid: Optional[int]
monitor: Optional[socket.socket]
shell: Optional[socket.socket]
serial_thread: Optional[threading.Thread]
booted: bool
connected: bool
# Store last serial console lines for use
# of wait_for_console_text
last_lines: Queue = Queue()
callbacks: List[Callable]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<Machine '{}'>"
def __init__(
out_dir: Path,
tmp_dir: Path,
start_command: StartCommand,
name: str = "machine",
keep_vm_state: bool = False,
callbacks: Optional[List[Callable]] = None,
) -> None:
self.out_dir = out_dir
self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir
self.keep_vm_state = keep_vm_state = name
self.start_command = start_command
self.callbacks = callbacks if callbacks is not None else []
# set up directories
self.shared_dir = self.tmp_dir / "shared-xchg"
self.shared_dir.mkdir(mode=0o700, exist_ok=True)
self.state_dir = self.tmp_dir / f"vm-state-{}"
self.monitor_path = self.state_dir / "monitor"
self.shell_path = self.state_dir / "shell"
if (not self.keep_vm_state) and self.state_dir.exists():
self.state_dir.mkdir(mode=0o700, exist_ok=True)
self.process = None = None
self.monitor = None = None
self.serial_thread = None
self.booted = False
self.connected = False
def create_startcommand(args: Dict[str, str]) -> StartCommand:
"Using legacy create_startcommand(), "
"please use proper nix test vm instrumentation, instead "
"to generate the appropriate nixos test vm qemu startup script"
hda = None
if args.get("hda"):
hda_arg: str = args.get("hda", "")
hda_arg_path: Path = Path(hda_arg)
hda = (hda_arg_path, args.get("hdaInterface", ""))
return LegacyStartCommand(
def is_up(self) -> bool:
return self.booted and self.connected
def log(self, msg: str) -> None:
rootlog.log(msg, {"machine":})
def log_serial(self, msg: str) -> None:
def nested(self, msg: str, attrs: Dict[str, str] = {}) -> _GeneratorContextManager:
my_attrs = {"machine":}
return rootlog.nested(msg, my_attrs)
def wait_for_monitor_prompt(self) -> str:
assert self.monitor is not None
answer = ""
while True:
undecoded_answer = self.monitor.recv(1024)
if not undecoded_answer:
answer += undecoded_answer.decode()
if answer.endswith("(qemu) "):
return answer
def send_monitor_command(self, command: str) -> str:
Send a command to the QEMU monitor. This allows attaching
virtual USB disks to a running machine, among other things.
message = f"{command}\n".encode()
assert self.monitor is not None
return self.wait_for_monitor_prompt()
def wait_for_unit(
self, unit: str, user: Optional[str] = None, timeout: int = 900
) -> None:
Wait for a systemd unit to get into "active" state.
Throws exceptions on "failed" and "inactive" states as well as after
timing out.
def check_active(_: Any) -> bool:
info = self.get_unit_info(unit, user)
state = info["ActiveState"]
if state == "failed":
raise Exception(f'unit "{unit}" reached state "{state}"')
if state == "inactive":
status, jobs = self.systemctl("list-jobs --full 2>&1", user)
if "No jobs" in jobs:
info = self.get_unit_info(unit, user)
if info["ActiveState"] == state:
raise Exception(
f'unit "{unit}" is inactive and there are no pending jobs'
return state == "active"
with self.nested(
f"waiting for unit {unit}"
+ (f" with user {user}" if user is not None else "")
retry(check_active, timeout)
def get_unit_info(self, unit: str, user: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, str]:
status, lines = self.systemctl(f'--no-pager show "{unit}"', user)
if status != 0:
raise Exception(
f'retrieving systemctl info for unit "{unit}"'
+ ("" if user is None else f' under user "{user}"')
+ f" failed with exit code {status}"
line_pattern = re.compile(r"^([^=]+)=(.*)$")
def tuple_from_line(line: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
match = line_pattern.match(line)
assert match is not None
return match[1], match[2]
return dict(
for line in lines.split("\n")
if line_pattern.match(line)
def systemctl(self, q: str, user: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[int, str]:
Runs `systemctl` commands with optional support for
`systemctl --user`
# run `systemctl list-jobs --no-pager`
machine.systemctl("list-jobs --no-pager")
# spawn a shell for `any-user` and run
# `systemctl --user list-jobs --no-pager`
machine.systemctl("list-jobs --no-pager", "any-user")
if user is not None:
q = q.replace("'", "\\'")
return self.execute(
f"su -l {user} --shell /bin/sh -c "
"$'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/`id -u` "
f"systemctl --user {q}'"
return self.execute(f"systemctl {q}")
def require_unit_state(self, unit: str, require_state: str = "active") -> None:
with self.nested(
f"checking if unit '{unit}' has reached state '{require_state}'"
info = self.get_unit_info(unit)
state = info["ActiveState"]
if state != require_state:
raise Exception(
f"Expected unit '{unit}' to to be in state "
f"'{require_state}' but it is in state '{state}'"
def _next_newline_closed_block_from_shell(self) -> str:
output_buffer = []
while True:
# This receives up to 4096 bytes from the socket
chunk =
if not chunk:
# Probably a broken pipe, return the output we have
decoded = chunk.decode()
output_buffer += [decoded]
if decoded[-1] == "\n":
return "".join(output_buffer)
def execute(
command: str,
check_return: bool = True,
check_output: bool = True,
timeout: Optional[int] = 900,
) -> Tuple[int, str]:
Execute a shell command, returning a list `(status, stdout)`.
Commands are run with `set -euo pipefail` set:
- If several commands are separated by `;` and one fails, the
command as a whole will fail.
- For pipelines, the last non-zero exit status will be returned
(if there is one; otherwise zero will be returned).
- Dereferencing unset variables fails the command.
- It will wait for stdout to be closed.
If the command detaches, it must close stdout, as `execute` will wait
for this to consume all output reliably. This can be achieved by
redirecting stdout to stderr `>&2`, to `/dev/console`, `/dev/null` or
a file. Examples of detaching commands are `sleep 365d &`, where the
shell forks a new process that can write to stdout and `xclip -i`, where
the `xclip` command itself forks without closing stdout.
Takes an optional parameter `check_return` that defaults to `True`.
Setting this parameter to `False` will not check for the return code
and return -1 instead. This can be used for commands that shut down
the VM and would therefore break the pipe that would be used for
retrieving the return code.
A timeout for the command can be specified (in seconds) using the optional
`timeout` parameter, e.g., `execute(cmd, timeout=10)` or
`execute(cmd, timeout=None)`. The default is 900 seconds.
# Always run command with shell opts
command = f"set -euo pipefail; {command}"
timeout_str = ""
if timeout is not None:
timeout_str = f"timeout {timeout}"
# While sh is bash on NixOS, this is not the case for every distro.
# We explicitly call bash here to allow for the driver to boot other distros as well.
out_command = (
f"{timeout_str} bash -c {shlex.quote(command)} | (base64 -w 0; echo)\n"
if not check_output:
return (-2, "")
# Get the output
output = base64.b64decode(self._next_newline_closed_block_from_shell())
if not check_return:
return (-1, output.decode())
# Get the return code"echo ${PIPESTATUS[0]}\n")
rc = int(self._next_newline_closed_block_from_shell().strip())
return (rc, output.decode(errors="replace"))
def shell_interact(self, address: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Allows you to directly interact with the guest shell. This should
only be used during test development, not in production tests.
Killing the interactive session with `Ctrl-d` or `Ctrl-c` also ends
the guest session.
if address is None:
address = "READLINE,prompt=$ "
self.log("Terminal is ready (there is no initial prompt):")
["socat", address, f"FD:{}"],
# allow users to cancel this command without breaking the test
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def console_interact(self) -> None:
Allows you to directly interact with QEMU's stdin, by forwarding
terminal input to the QEMU process.
This is for use with the interactive test driver, not for production
tests, which run unattended.
Output from QEMU is only read line-wise. `Ctrl-c` kills QEMU and
`Ctrl-d` closes console and returns to the test runner.
self.log("Terminal is ready (there is no prompt):")
assert self.process
assert self.process.stdin
while True:
char =
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if char == b"": # ctrl+d
self.log("Closing connection to the console")
def succeed(self, *commands: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
Execute a shell command, raising an exception if the exit status is
not zero, otherwise returning the standard output. Similar to `execute`,
except that the timeout is `None` by default. See `execute` for details on
command execution.
output = ""
for command in commands:
with self.nested(f"must succeed: {command}"):
(status, out) = self.execute(command, timeout=timeout)
if status != 0:
self.log(f"output: {out}")
raise Exception(f"command `{command}` failed (exit code {status})")
output += out
return output
def fail(self, *commands: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
Like `succeed`, but raising an exception if the command returns a zero
output = ""
for command in commands:
with self.nested(f"must fail: {command}"):
(status, out) = self.execute(command, timeout=timeout)
if status == 0:
raise Exception(f"command `{command}` unexpectedly succeeded")
output += out
return output
def wait_until_succeeds(self, command: str, timeout: int = 900) -> str:
Repeat a shell command with 1-second intervals until it succeeds.
Has a default timeout of 900 seconds which can be modified, e.g.
`wait_until_succeeds(cmd, timeout=10)`. See `execute` for details on
command execution.
Throws an exception on timeout.
output = ""
def check_success(_: Any) -> bool:
nonlocal output
status, output = self.execute(command, timeout=timeout)
return status == 0
with self.nested(f"waiting for success: {command}"):
retry(check_success, timeout)
return output
def wait_until_fails(self, command: str, timeout: int = 900) -> str:
Like `wait_until_succeeds`, but repeating the command until it fails.
output = ""
def check_failure(_: Any) -> bool:
nonlocal output
status, output = self.execute(command, timeout=timeout)
return status != 0
with self.nested(f"waiting for failure: {command}"):
retry(check_failure, timeout)
return output
def wait_for_shutdown(self) -> None:
if not self.booted:
with self.nested("waiting for the VM to power off"):
assert self.process
self.process.wait() = None
self.booted = False
self.connected = False
def get_tty_text(self, tty: str) -> str:
status, output = self.execute(
f"fold -w$(stty -F /dev/tty{tty} size | "
f"awk '{{print $2}}') /dev/vcs{tty}"
return output
def wait_until_tty_matches(self, tty: str, regexp: str, timeout: int = 900) -> None:
"""Wait until the visible output on the chosen TTY matches regular
expression. Throws an exception on timeout.
matcher = re.compile(regexp)
def tty_matches(last: bool) -> bool:
text = self.get_tty_text(tty)
if last:
f"Last chance to match /{regexp}/ on TTY{tty}, "
f"which currently contains: {text}"
return len(matcher.findall(text)) > 0
with self.nested(f"waiting for {regexp} to appear on tty {tty}"):
retry(tty_matches, timeout)
def send_chars(self, chars: str, delay: Optional[float] = 0.01) -> None:
Simulate typing a sequence of characters on the virtual keyboard,
e.g., `send_chars("foobar\n")` will type the string `foobar`
followed by the Enter key.
with self.nested(f"sending keys {repr(chars)}"):
for char in chars:
self.send_key(char, delay, log=False)
def wait_for_file(self, filename: str, timeout: int = 900) -> None:
Waits until the file exists in the machine's file system.
def check_file(_: Any) -> bool:
status, _ = self.execute(f"test -e {filename}")
return status == 0
with self.nested(f"waiting for file '{filename}'"):
retry(check_file, timeout)
def wait_for_open_port(
self, port: int, addr: str = "localhost", timeout: int = 900
) -> None:
Wait until a process is listening on the given TCP port and IP address
(default `localhost`).
def port_is_open(_: Any) -> bool:
status, _ = self.execute(f"nc -z {addr} {port}")
return status == 0
with self.nested(f"waiting for TCP port {port} on {addr}"):
retry(port_is_open, timeout)
def wait_for_open_unix_socket(
self, addr: str, is_datagram: bool = False, timeout: int = 900
) -> None:
Wait until a process is listening on the given UNIX-domain socket
(default to a UNIX-domain stream socket).
nc_flags = [
"-uU" if is_datagram else "-U",
def socket_is_open(_: Any) -> bool:
status, _ = self.execute(f"nc {' '.join(nc_flags)} {addr}")
return status == 0
with self.nested(
f"waiting for UNIX-domain {'datagram' if is_datagram else 'stream'} on '{addr}'"
retry(socket_is_open, timeout)
def wait_for_closed_port(
self, port: int, addr: str = "localhost", timeout: int = 900
) -> None:
Wait until nobody is listening on the given TCP port and IP address
(default `localhost`).
def port_is_closed(_: Any) -> bool:
status, _ = self.execute(f"nc -z {addr} {port}")
return status != 0
with self.nested(f"waiting for TCP port {port} on {addr} to be closed"):
retry(port_is_closed, timeout)
def start_job(self, jobname: str, user: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[int, str]:
return self.systemctl(f"start {jobname}", user)
def stop_job(self, jobname: str, user: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[int, str]:
return self.systemctl(f"stop {jobname}", user)
def wait_for_job(self, jobname: str) -> None:
def connect(self) -> None:
def shell_ready(timeout_secs: int) -> bool:
"""We sent some data from the backdoor service running on the guest
to indicate that the backdoor shell is ready.
As soon as we read some data from the socket here, we assume that
our root shell is operational.
(ready, _, _) =[], [], [], timeout_secs)
return bool(ready)
if self.connected:
with self.nested("waiting for the VM to finish booting"):
tic = time.time()
# TODO: do we want to bail after a set number of attempts?
while not shell_ready(timeout_secs=30):
self.log("Guest root shell did not produce any data yet...")
" To debug, enter the VM and run 'systemctl status backdoor.service'."
while True:
chunk =
# No need to print empty strings, it means we are waiting.
if len(chunk) == 0:
self.log(f"Guest shell says: {chunk!r}")
# NOTE: for this to work, nothing must be printed after this line!
if b"Spawning backdoor root shell..." in chunk:
toc = time.time()
self.log("connected to guest root shell")
self.log(f"(connecting took {toc - tic:.2f} seconds)")
self.connected = True
def screenshot(self, filename: str) -> None:
Take a picture of the display of the virtual machine, in PNG format.
The screenshot will be available in the derivation output.
if "." not in filename:
filename += ".png"
if "/" not in filename:
filename = os.path.join(self.out_dir, filename)
tmp = f"{filename}.ppm"
with self.nested(
f"making screenshot {filename}",
{"image": os.path.basename(filename)},
self.send_monitor_command(f"screendump {tmp}")
ret ="pnmtopng '{tmp}' > '{filename}'", shell=True)
if ret.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Cannot convert screenshot")
def copy_from_host_via_shell(self, source: str, target: str) -> None:
"""Copy a file from the host into the guest by piping it over the
shell into the destination file. Works without host-guest shared folder.
Prefer copy_from_host for whenever possible.
with open(source, "rb") as fh:
content_b64 = base64.b64encode(
f"mkdir -p $(dirname {target})",
f"echo -n {content_b64} | base64 -d > {target}",
def copy_from_host(self, source: str, target: str) -> None:
Copies a file from host to machine, e.g.,
`copy_from_host("myfile", "/etc/my/important/file")`.
The first argument is the file on the host. Note that the "host" refers
to the environment in which the test driver runs, which is typically the
Nix build sandbox.
The second argument is the location of the file on the machine that will
be written to.
The file is copied via the `shared_dir` directory which is shared among
all the VMs (using a temporary directory).
The access rights bits will mimic the ones from the host file and
user:group will be root:root.
host_src = Path(source)
vm_target = Path(target)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=self.shared_dir) as shared_td:
shared_temp = Path(shared_td)
host_intermediate = shared_temp /
vm_shared_temp = Path("/tmp/shared") /
vm_intermediate = vm_shared_temp /
self.succeed(make_command(["mkdir", "-p", vm_shared_temp]))
if host_src.is_dir():
shutil.copytree(host_src, host_intermediate)
shutil.copy(host_src, host_intermediate)
self.succeed(make_command(["mkdir", "-p", vm_target.parent]))
self.succeed(make_command(["cp", "-r", vm_intermediate, vm_target]))
def copy_from_vm(self, source: str, target_dir: str = "") -> None:
"""Copy a file from the VM (specified by an in-VM source path) to a path
relative to `$out`. The file is copied via the `shared_dir` shared among
all the VMs (using a temporary directory).
# Compute the source, target, and intermediate shared file names
vm_src = Path(source)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=self.shared_dir) as shared_td:
shared_temp = Path(shared_td)
vm_shared_temp = Path("/tmp/shared") /
vm_intermediate = vm_shared_temp /
intermediate = shared_temp /
# Copy the file to the shared directory inside VM
self.succeed(make_command(["mkdir", "-p", vm_shared_temp]))
self.succeed(make_command(["cp", "-r", vm_src, vm_intermediate]))
abs_target = self.out_dir / target_dir /
abs_target.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
# Copy the file from the shared directory outside VM
if intermediate.is_dir():
shutil.copytree(intermediate, abs_target)
shutil.copy(intermediate, abs_target)
def dump_tty_contents(self, tty: str) -> None:
"""Debugging: Dump the contents of the TTY<n>"""
self.execute(f"fold -w 80 /dev/vcs{tty} | systemd-cat")
def _get_screen_text_variants(self, model_ids: Iterable[int]) -> List[str]:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
screenshot_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "ppm")
self.send_monitor_command(f"screendump {screenshot_path}")
return _perform_ocr_on_screenshot(screenshot_path, model_ids)
def get_screen_text_variants(self) -> List[str]:
Return a list of different interpretations of what is currently
visible on the machine's screen using optical character
recognition. The number and order of the interpretations is not
specified and is subject to change, but if no exception is raised at
least one will be returned.
::: {.note}
This requires [`enableOCR`](#test-opt-enableOCR) to be set to `true`.
return self._get_screen_text_variants([0, 1, 2])
def get_screen_text(self) -> str:
Return a textual representation of what is currently visible on the
machine's screen using optical character recognition.
::: {.note}
This requires [`enableOCR`](#test-opt-enableOCR) to be set to `true`.
return self._get_screen_text_variants([2])[0]
def wait_for_text(self, regex: str, timeout: int = 900) -> None:
Wait until the supplied regular expressions matches the textual
contents of the screen by using optical character recognition (see
`get_screen_text` and `get_screen_text_variants`).
::: {.note}
This requires [`enableOCR`](#test-opt-enableOCR) to be set to `true`.
def screen_matches(last: bool) -> bool:
variants = self.get_screen_text_variants()
for text in variants:
if, text) is not None:
return True
if last:
self.log(f"Last OCR attempt failed. Text was: {variants}")
return False
with self.nested(f"waiting for {regex} to appear on screen"):
retry(screen_matches, timeout)
def wait_for_console_text(self, regex: str, timeout: int | None = None) -> None:
Wait until the supplied regular expressions match a line of the
serial console output.
This method is useful when OCR is not possible or inaccurate.
# Buffer the console output, this is needed
# to match multiline regexes.
console = io.StringIO()
def console_matches(_: Any) -> bool:
nonlocal console
# This will return as soon as possible and
# sleep 1 second.
except queue.Empty:
matches =,
return matches is not None
with self.nested(f"waiting for {regex} to appear on console"):
if timeout is not None:
retry(console_matches, timeout)
while not console_matches(False):
def send_key(
self, key: str, delay: Optional[float] = 0.01, log: Optional[bool] = True
) -> None:
Simulate pressing keys on the virtual keyboard, e.g.,
Please also refer to the QEMU documentation for more information on the
input syntax:
key = CHAR_TO_KEY.get(key, key)
context = self.nested(f"sending key {repr(key)}") if log else nullcontext()
with context:
self.send_monitor_command(f"sendkey {key}")
if delay is not None:
def send_console(self, chars: str) -> None:
Send keys to the kernel console. This allows interaction with the systemd
emergency mode, for example. Takes a string that is sent, e.g.,
`send_console("\n\nsystemctl default\n")`.
assert self.process
assert self.process.stdin
def start(self, allow_reboot: bool = False) -> None:
Start the virtual machine. This method is asynchronous --- it does
not wait for the machine to finish booting.
if self.booted:
self.log("starting vm")
def clear(path: Path) -> Path:
if path.exists():
return path
def create_socket(path: Path) -> socket.socket:
s = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_UNIX, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM)
return s
monitor_socket = create_socket(clear(self.monitor_path))
shell_socket = create_socket(clear(self.shell_path))
self.process =
self.monitor, _ = monitor_socket.accept(), _ = shell_socket.accept()
# Store last serial console lines for use
# of wait_for_console_text
self.last_lines: Queue = Queue()
def process_serial_output() -> None:
assert self.process
assert self.process.stdout
for _line in self.process.stdout:
# Ignore undecodable bytes that may occur in boot menus
line = _line.decode(errors="ignore").replace("\r", "").rstrip()
self.serial_thread = threading.Thread(target=process_serial_output)
self.wait_for_monitor_prompt() =
self.booted = True
self.log(f"QEMU running (pid {})")
def cleanup_statedir(self) -> None:
rootlog.log(f"deleting VM state directory {self.state_dir}")
rootlog.log("if you want to keep the VM state, pass --keep-vm-state")
def shutdown(self) -> None:
Shut down the machine, waiting for the VM to exit.
if not self.booted:
def crash(self) -> None:
Simulate a sudden power failure, by telling the VM to exit immediately.
if not self.booted:
self.log("forced crash")
def reboot(self) -> None:
"""Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete in the guest.
Prepares the machine to be reconnected which is useful if the
machine was started with `allow_reboot = True`
self.connected = False
def wait_for_x(self, timeout: int = 900) -> None:
Wait until it is possible to connect to the X server.
def check_x(_: Any) -> bool:
cmd = (
"journalctl -b SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=systemd | "
+ 'grep "Reached target Current graphical"'
status, _ = self.execute(cmd)
if status != 0:
return False
status, _ = self.execute("[ -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]")
return status == 0
with self.nested("waiting for the X11 server"):
retry(check_x, timeout)
def get_window_names(self) -> List[str]:
return self.succeed(
r"xwininfo -root -tree | sed 's/.*0x[0-9a-f]* \"\([^\"]*\)\".*/\1/; t; d'"
def wait_for_window(self, regexp: str, timeout: int = 900) -> None:
Wait until an X11 window has appeared whose name matches the given
regular expression, e.g., `wait_for_window("Terminal")`.
pattern = re.compile(regexp)
def window_is_visible(last_try: bool) -> bool:
names = self.get_window_names()
if last_try:
f"Last chance to match {regexp} on the window list,"
+ " which currently contains: "
+ ", ".join(names)
return any( for name in names)
with self.nested("waiting for a window to appear"):
retry(window_is_visible, timeout)
def sleep(self, secs: int) -> None:
# We want to sleep in *guest* time, not *host* time.
self.succeed(f"sleep {secs}")
def forward_port(self, host_port: int = 8080, guest_port: int = 80) -> None:
Forward a TCP port on the host to a TCP port on the guest.
Useful during interactive testing.
self.send_monitor_command(f"hostfwd_add tcp::{host_port}-:{guest_port}")
def block(self) -> None:
Simulate unplugging the Ethernet cable that connects the machine to
the other machines.
This happens by shutting down eth1 (the multicast interface used to talk
to the other VMs). eth0 is kept online to still enable the test driver
to communicate with the machine.
self.send_monitor_command("set_link virtio-net-pci.1 off")
def unblock(self) -> None:
Undo the effect of `block`.
self.send_monitor_command("set_link virtio-net-pci.1 on")
def release(self) -> None:
if is None:
return"kill machine (pid {})")
assert self.process
assert self.monitor
assert self.serial_thread
def run_callbacks(self) -> None:
for callback in self.callbacks: