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2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* Value.h: interface for the CValue class.
* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Erwin Coumans <>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
* in supporting documentation. Erwin Coumans makes no
* representations about the suitability of this software for any
* purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
#endif //WIN32
//// Baseclass CValue
//// Together with CExpression, CValue and it's derived classes can be used to
//// parse expressions into a parsetree with error detecting/correcting capabilities
//// also expandible by a CFactory pluginsystem
//// Features:
//// Reference Counting (AddRef() / Release())
//// Calculations (Calc() / CalcFinal())
//// Configuration (Configure())
//// Serialization (EdSerialize() / EdIdSerialize() / EdPtrSerialize() and macro PLUGIN_DECLARE_SERIAL
//// Property system (SetProperty() / GetProperty() / FindIdentifier())
//// Replication (GetReplica())
//// Flags (IsSelected() / IsModified() / SetSelected()...)
//// Some small editor-specific things added
//// A helperclass CompressorArchive handles the serialization
#ifndef __VALUE_H__
#define __VALUE_H__
#include <map> // array functionality for the propertylist
#include "STR_String.h" // STR_String class
#undef assert
#define assert(exp) ((void)NULL)
#ifndef GEN_NO_TRACE
#undef trace
#define trace(exp) ((void)NULL)
#ifndef GEN_NO_DEBUG
#undef debug
#define debug(exp) ((void)NULL)
#undef assertd
#define assertd(exp) ((void)NULL)
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma once
#endif //WIN32
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
VALUE_NO_OPERATOR // no operation at all
VALUE_NO_TYPE, // abstract baseclass
VALUE_MAX_TYPE //only here to provide number of types
#ifdef _DEBUG
//extern int gRefCountValue; // debugonly variable to check if all CValue Refences are Dereferenced at programexit
struct HashableInt
HashableInt(int id) : mData(id) { }
unsigned long Hash() const { return 0;} ////}gHash(&mData, sizeof(int));}
bool operator==(HashableInt rhs) { return mData == rhs.mData; }
int mData;
// Bitfield that stores the flags for each CValue derived class
struct ValueFlags {
ValueFlags() :
unsigned short Modified : 1;
unsigned short Selected : 1;
unsigned short Affected : 1;
unsigned short ReleaseRequested : 1;
unsigned short Error : 1;
unsigned short RefCountDisabled : 1;
unsigned short HasProperties : 1;
unsigned short HasName : 1;
unsigned short Visible : 1;
unsigned short CustomFlag1 : 1;
unsigned short CustomFlag2 : 1;
* Base Class for all Actions performed on CValue's. Can be extended for undo/redo system in future.
class CAction
CAction() {
virtual ~CAction(){
virtual void Execute() const =0;
// CValue
// Base class for all editor functionality, flexible object type that allows
// calculations and uses reference counting for memory management.
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
#include "PyObjectPlus.h"
#include "object.h"
class CValue : public PyObjectPlus
class CValue
enum AllocationTYPE {
enum DrawTYPE {
// Construction / Destruction
CValue(PyTypeObject *T = &Type);
//static PyObject* PyMake(PyObject*,PyObject*);
virtual PyObject *py_repr(void)
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
return PyString_FromString((const char*)GetText());
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
virtual PyObject* py_getattro(PyObject *attr);
virtual PyObject* py_getattro_dict();
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
virtual PyObject* ConvertValueToPython() {
return NULL;
virtual CValue* ConvertPythonToValue(PyObject* pyobj, const char *error_prefix);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
virtual int py_delattro(PyObject *attr);
virtual int py_setattro(PyObject *attr, PyObject* value);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
virtual PyObject* ConvertKeysToPython( void );
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
// Expression Calculation
virtual CValue* Calc(VALUE_OPERATOR op, CValue *val) = 0;
virtual CValue* CalcFinal(VALUE_DATA_TYPE dtype, VALUE_OPERATOR op, CValue *val) = 0;
virtual void SetOwnerExpression(class CExpression* expr);
void Execute(const CAction& a)
/// Reference Counting
int GetRefCount()
return m_refcount;
// Add a reference to this value
CValue* AddRef()
// Increase global reference count, used to see at the end of the program
// if all CValue-derived classes have been dereferenced to 0
#ifdef _DEBUG
return this;
// Release a reference to this value (when reference count reaches 0, the value is removed from the heap)
int Release()
// Decrease global reference count, used to see at the end of the program
// if all CValue-derived classes have been dereferenced to 0
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Decrease local reference count, if it reaches 0 the object should be freed
if (--m_refcount > 0)
// Reference count normal, return new reference count
return m_refcount;
// Reference count reached 0, delete ourselves and return 0
// MT_assert(m_refcount==0, "Reference count reached sub-zero, object released too much");
delete this;
return 0;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/// Property Management
virtual void SetProperty(const STR_String& name,CValue* ioProperty); // Set property <ioProperty>, overwrites and releases a previous property with the same name if needed
virtual void SetProperty(const char* name,CValue* ioProperty);
virtual CValue* GetProperty(const char* inName); // Get pointer to a property with name <inName>, returns NULL if there is no property named <inName>
virtual CValue* GetProperty(const STR_String & inName);
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
const STR_String& GetPropertyText(const STR_String & inName,const char *deftext=NULL); // Get text description of property with name <inName>, returns an empty string if there is no property named <inName>
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
float GetPropertyNumber(const STR_String& inName,float defnumber);
virtual bool RemoveProperty(const char *inName); // Remove the property named <inName>, returns true if the property was succesfully removed, false if property was not found or could not be removed
virtual vector<STR_String> GetPropertyNames();
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
virtual void ClearProperties(); // Clear all properties
virtual void SetPropertiesModified(bool inModified); // Set all properties' modified flag to <inModified>
virtual bool IsAnyPropertyModified(); // Check if any of the properties in this value have been modified
virtual CValue* GetProperty(int inIndex); // Get property number <inIndex>
virtual int GetPropertyCount(); // Get the amount of properties assiocated with this value
virtual CValue* FindIdentifier(const STR_String& identifiername);
/** Set the wireframe color of this value depending on the CSG
* operator type <op>
* @attention: not implemented */
virtual void SetColorOperator(VALUE_OPERATOR op);
virtual const STR_String & GetText() = 0;
virtual double GetNumber() = 0;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
double* ZeroVector() { return m_sZeroVec; };
virtual double* GetVector3(bool bGetTransformedVec = false);
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
virtual STR_String& GetName() = 0; // Retrieve the name of the value
virtual void SetName(const char *name) = 0; // Set the name of the value
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/** Sets the value to this cvalue.
* @attention this particular function should never be called. Why not abstract? */
virtual void SetValue(CValue* newval);
virtual CValue* GetReplica() =0;
virtual void ProcessReplica();
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
//virtual CValue* Copy() = 0;
STR_String op2str(VALUE_OPERATOR op);
// setting / getting flags
inline void SetSelected(bool bSelected) { m_ValFlags.Selected = bSelected; }
virtual void SetModified(bool bModified) { m_ValFlags.Modified = bModified; }
virtual void SetAffected(bool bAffected=true) { m_ValFlags.Affected = bAffected; }
inline void SetReleaseRequested(bool bReleaseRequested) { m_ValFlags.ReleaseRequested=bReleaseRequested; }
inline void SetError(bool err) { m_ValFlags.Error=err; }
inline void SetVisible (bool vis) { m_ValFlags.Visible=vis; }
virtual bool IsModified() { return m_ValFlags.Modified; }
inline bool IsError() { return m_ValFlags.Error; }
virtual bool IsAffected() { return m_ValFlags.Affected || m_ValFlags.Modified; }
virtual bool IsSelected() { return m_ValFlags.Selected; }
inline bool IsReleaseRequested() { return m_ValFlags.ReleaseRequested; }
virtual bool IsVisible() { return m_ValFlags.Visible;}
virtual void SetCustomFlag1(bool bCustomFlag) { m_ValFlags.CustomFlag1 = bCustomFlag;};
virtual bool IsCustomFlag1() { return m_ValFlags.CustomFlag1;};
virtual void SetCustomFlag2(bool bCustomFlag) { m_ValFlags.CustomFlag2 = bCustomFlag;};
virtual bool IsCustomFlag2() { return m_ValFlags.CustomFlag2;};
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
virtual void DisableRefCount(); // Disable reference counting for this value
//virtual void AddDataToReplica(CValue* replica);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
virtual ~CValue();
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
// Member variables
std::map<STR_String,CValue*>* m_pNamedPropertyArray; // Properties for user/game etc
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
ValueFlags m_ValFlags; // Frequently used flags in a bitfield (low memoryusage)
int m_refcount; // Reference Counter
static double m_sZeroVec[3];
// Declare a CValue or CExpression or CWhatever to be serialized by the editor.
// This macro introduces the EdSerialize() function (which must be implemented by
// the client) and the EdIdSerialize() function (which is implemented by this macro).
// The generated Copy() function returns a pointer to <root_base_class_name> type
// of object. So, for *any* CValue-derived object this should be set to CValue,
// for *any* CExpression-derived object this should be set to CExpression.
#define PLUGIN_DECLARE_SERIAL(class_name, root_base_class_name) \
public: \
virtual root_base_class_name * Copy() { return new class_name; } \
virtual bool EdSerialize(CompressorArchive& arch,class CFactoryManager* facmgr,bool bIsStoring); \
virtual bool EdIdSerialize(CompressorArchive& arch,class CFactoryManager* facmgr,bool bIsStoring) \
{ \
if (bIsStoring) \
arch.StoreString(#class_name); \
return false; \
} \
// CPropValue is a CValue derived class, that implements the identification (String name)
// SetName() / GetName(),
// normal classes should derive from CPropValue, real lightweight classes straight from CValue
class CPropValue : public CValue
CPropValue(PyTypeObject* T=&Type) :
CPropValue() :
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
virtual ~CPropValue()
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
virtual void SetName(const char *name) {
m_strNewName = name;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
virtual STR_String& GetName() {
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
//STR_String namefromprop = GetPropertyText("Name");
//if (namefromprop.Length() > 0)
// return namefromprop;
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
return m_strNewName;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
}; // name of Value
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
STR_String m_strNewName; // Identification
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
#endif // !defined _VALUEBASECLASS_H