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* Copyright 2011-2016 Blender Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Most of the code is based on the supplemental implementations from
* */
/* === GGX Microfacet distribution functions === */
/* Isotropic GGX microfacet distribution */
ccl_device_forceinline float D_ggx(float3 wm, float alpha)
wm.z *= wm.z;
alpha *= alpha;
float tmp = (1.0f - wm.z) + alpha * wm.z;
return alpha / max(M_PI_F * tmp * tmp, 1e-7f);
/* Anisotropic GGX microfacet distribution */
ccl_device_forceinline float D_ggx_aniso(const float3 wm, const float2 alpha)
float slope_x = -wm.x / alpha.x;
float slope_y = -wm.y / alpha.y;
float tmp = wm.z * wm.z + slope_x * slope_x + slope_y * slope_y;
return 1.0f / max(M_PI_F * tmp * tmp * alpha.x * alpha.y, 1e-7f);
/* Sample slope distribution (based on page 14 of the supplemental implementation). */
ccl_device_forceinline float2 mf_sampleP22_11(const float cosI,
const float randx,
const float randy)
if (cosI > 0.9999f || fabsf(cosI) < 1e-6f) {
const float r = sqrtf(randx / max(1.0f - randx, 1e-7f));
const float phi = M_2PI_F * randy;
return make_float2(r * cosf(phi), r * sinf(phi));
const float sinI = safe_sqrtf(1.0f - cosI * cosI);
const float tanI = sinI / cosI;
const float projA = 0.5f * (cosI + 1.0f);
if (projA < 0.0001f)
return make_float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
const float A = 2.0f * randx * projA / cosI - 1.0f;
float tmp = A * A - 1.0f;
if (fabsf(tmp) < 1e-7f)
return make_float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
tmp = 1.0f / tmp;
const float D = safe_sqrtf(tanI * tanI * tmp * tmp - (A * A - tanI * tanI) * tmp);
const float slopeX2 = tanI * tmp + D;
const float slopeX = (A < 0.0f || slopeX2 > 1.0f / tanI) ? (tanI * tmp - D) : slopeX2;
float U2;
if (randy >= 0.5f)
U2 = 2.0f * (randy - 0.5f);
U2 = 2.0f * (0.5f - randy);
const float z = (U2 * (U2 * (U2 * 0.27385f - 0.73369f) + 0.46341f)) /
(U2 * (U2 * (U2 * 0.093073f + 0.309420f) - 1.0f) + 0.597999f);
const float slopeY = z * sqrtf(1.0f + slopeX * slopeX);
if (randy >= 0.5f)
return make_float2(slopeX, slopeY);
return make_float2(slopeX, -slopeY);
/* Visible normal sampling for the GGX distribution
* (based on page 7 of the supplemental implementation). */
ccl_device_forceinline float3 mf_sample_vndf(const float3 wi,
const float2 alpha,
const float randx,
const float randy)
const float3 wi_11 = normalize(make_float3(alpha.x * wi.x, alpha.y * wi.y, wi.z));
const float2 slope_11 = mf_sampleP22_11(wi_11.z, randx, randy);
const float3 cossin_phi = safe_normalize(make_float3(wi_11.x, wi_11.y, 0.0f));
const float slope_x = alpha.x * (cossin_phi.x * slope_11.x - cossin_phi.y * slope_11.y);
const float slope_y = alpha.y * (cossin_phi.y * slope_11.x + cossin_phi.x * slope_11.y);
return normalize(make_float3(-slope_x, -slope_y, 1.0f));
/* === Phase functions: Glossy and Glass === */
/* Phase function for reflective materials. */
ccl_device_forceinline float3 mf_sample_phase_glossy(const float3 wi,
float3 *weight,
const float3 wm)
return -wi + 2.0f * wm * dot(wi, wm);
ccl_device_forceinline float3 mf_eval_phase_glossy(const float3 w,
const float lambda,
const float3 wo,
const float2 alpha)
if (w.z > 0.9999f)
return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
const float3 wh = normalize(wo - w);
if (wh.z < 0.0f)
return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float pArea = (w.z < -0.9999f) ? 1.0f : lambda * w.z;
const float dotW_WH = dot(-w, wh);
if (dotW_WH < 0.0f)
return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float phase = max(0.0f, dotW_WH) * 0.25f / max(pArea * dotW_WH, 1e-7f);
if (alpha.x == alpha.y)
phase *= D_ggx(wh, alpha.x);
phase *= D_ggx_aniso(wh, alpha);
return make_float3(phase, phase, phase);
/* Phase function for dielectric transmissive materials, including both reflection and refraction
* according to the dielectric fresnel term. */
ccl_device_forceinline float3 mf_sample_phase_glass(
const float3 wi, const float eta, const float3 wm, const float randV, bool *outside)
float cosI = dot(wi, wm);
float f = fresnel_dielectric_cos(cosI, eta);
if (randV < f) {
*outside = true;
return -wi + 2.0f * wm * cosI;
*outside = false;
float inv_eta = 1.0f / eta;
float cosT = -safe_sqrtf(1.0f - (1.0f - cosI * cosI) * inv_eta * inv_eta);
return normalize(wm * (cosI * inv_eta + cosT) - wi * inv_eta);
ccl_device_forceinline float3 mf_eval_phase_glass(const float3 w,
const float lambda,
const float3 wo,
const bool wo_outside,
const float2 alpha,
const float eta)
if (w.z > 0.9999f)
return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float pArea = (w.z < -0.9999f) ? 1.0f : lambda * w.z;
float v;
if (wo_outside) {
const float3 wh = normalize(wo - w);
if (wh.z < 0.0f)
return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
const float dotW_WH = dot(-w, wh);
v = fresnel_dielectric_cos(dotW_WH, eta) * max(0.0f, dotW_WH) * D_ggx(wh, alpha.x) * 0.25f /
(pArea * dotW_WH);
else {
float3 wh = normalize(wo * eta - w);
if (wh.z < 0.0f)
wh = -wh;
const float dotW_WH = dot(-w, wh), dotWO_WH = dot(wo, wh);
if (dotW_WH < 0.0f)
return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float temp = dotW_WH + eta * dotWO_WH;
v = (1.0f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(dotW_WH, eta)) * max(0.0f, dotW_WH) * max(0.0f, -dotWO_WH) *
D_ggx(wh, alpha.x) / (pArea * temp * temp);
return make_float3(v, v, v);
/* === Utility functions for the random walks === */
/* Smith Lambda function for GGX (based on page 12 of the supplemental implementation). */
ccl_device_forceinline float mf_lambda(const float3 w, const float2 alpha)
if (w.z > 0.9999f)
return 0.0f;
else if (w.z < -0.9999f)
return -0.9999f;
const float inv_wz2 = 1.0f / max(w.z * w.z, 1e-7f);
const float2 wa = make_float2(w.x, w.y) * alpha;
float v = sqrtf(1.0f + dot(wa, wa) * inv_wz2);
if (w.z <= 0.0f)
v = -v;
return 0.5f * (v - 1.0f);
/* Height distribution CDF (based on page 4 of the supplemental implementation). */
ccl_device_forceinline float mf_invC1(const float h)
return 2.0f * saturate(h) - 1.0f;
ccl_device_forceinline float mf_C1(const float h)
return saturate(0.5f * (h + 1.0f));
/* Masking function (based on page 16 of the supplemental implementation). */
ccl_device_forceinline float mf_G1(const float3 w, const float C1, const float lambda)
if (w.z > 0.9999f)
return 1.0f;
if (w.z < 1e-5f)
return 0.0f;
return powf(C1, lambda);
/* Sampling from the visible height distribution (based on page 17 of the supplemental
* implementation). */
ccl_device_forceinline bool mf_sample_height(
const float3 w, float *h, float *C1, float *G1, float *lambda, const float U)
if (w.z > 0.9999f)
return false;
if (w.z < -0.9999f) {
*C1 *= U;
*h = mf_invC1(*C1);
*G1 = mf_G1(w, *C1, *lambda);
else if (fabsf(w.z) >= 0.0001f) {
if (U > 1.0f - *G1)
return false;
if (*lambda >= 0.0f) {
*C1 = 1.0f;
else {
*C1 *= powf(1.0f - U, -1.0f / *lambda);
*h = mf_invC1(*C1);
*G1 = mf_G1(w, *C1, *lambda);
return true;
/* === PDF approximations for the different phase functions. ===
* As explained in bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h, using approximations with MIS still produces an
* unbiased result. */
/* Approximation for the albedo of the single-scattering GGX distribution,
* the missing energy is then approximated as a diffuse reflection for the PDF. */
ccl_device_forceinline float mf_ggx_albedo(float r)
float albedo = 0.806495f * expf(-1.98712f * r * r) + 0.199531f;
albedo -= ((((((1.76741f * r - 8.43891f) * r + 15.784f) * r - 14.398f) * r + 6.45221f) * r -
1.19722f) *
r +
0.027803f) *
r +
return saturate(albedo);
ccl_device_inline float mf_ggx_transmission_albedo(float a, float ior)
if (ior < 1.0f) {
ior = 1.0f / ior;
a = saturate(a);
ior = clamp(ior, 1.0f, 3.0f);
float I_1 = 0.0476898f * expf(-0.978352f * (ior - 0.65657f) * (ior - 0.65657f)) -
0.033756f * ior + 0.993261f;
float R_1 = (((0.116991f * a - 0.270369f) * a + 0.0501366f) * a - 0.00411511f) * a + 1.00008f;
float I_2 = (((-2.08704f * ior + 26.3298f) * ior - 127.906f) * ior + 292.958f) * ior - 287.946f +
199.803f / (ior * ior) - 101.668f / (ior * ior * ior);
float R_2 = ((((5.3725f * a - 24.9307f) * a + 22.7437f) * a - 3.40751f) * a + 0.0986325f) * a +
return saturate(1.0f + I_2 * R_2 * 0.0019127f - (1.0f - I_1) * (1.0f - R_1) * 9.3205f);
ccl_device_forceinline float mf_ggx_pdf(const float3 wi, const float3 wo, const float alpha)
float D = D_ggx(normalize(wi + wo), alpha);
float lambda = mf_lambda(wi, make_float2(alpha, alpha));
float singlescatter = 0.25f * D / max((1.0f + lambda) * wi.z, 1e-7f);
float multiscatter = wo.z * M_1_PI_F;
float albedo = mf_ggx_albedo(alpha);
return albedo * singlescatter + (1.0f - albedo) * multiscatter;
ccl_device_forceinline float mf_ggx_aniso_pdf(const float3 wi, const float3 wo, const float2 alpha)
float D = D_ggx_aniso(normalize(wi + wo), alpha);
float lambda = mf_lambda(wi, alpha);
float singlescatter = 0.25f * D / max((1.0f + lambda) * wi.z, 1e-7f);
float multiscatter = wo.z * M_1_PI_F;
float albedo = mf_ggx_albedo(sqrtf(alpha.x * alpha.y));
return albedo * singlescatter + (1.0f - albedo) * multiscatter;
ccl_device_forceinline float mf_glass_pdf(const float3 wi,
const float3 wo,
const float alpha,
const float eta)
bool reflective = (wi.z * wo.z > 0.0f);
float wh_len;
float3 wh = normalize_len(wi + (reflective ? wo : (wo * eta)), &wh_len);
if (wh.z < 0.0f)
wh = -wh;
float3 r_wi = (wi.z < 0.0f) ? -wi : wi;
float lambda = mf_lambda(r_wi, make_float2(alpha, alpha));
float D = D_ggx(wh, alpha);
float fresnel = fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot(r_wi, wh), eta);
float multiscatter = fabsf(wo.z * M_1_PI_F);
if (reflective) {
float singlescatter = 0.25f * D / max((1.0f + lambda) * r_wi.z, 1e-7f);
float albedo = mf_ggx_albedo(alpha);
return fresnel * (albedo * singlescatter + (1.0f - albedo) * multiscatter);
else {
float singlescatter = fabsf(dot(r_wi, wh) * dot(wo, wh) * D * eta * eta /
max((1.0f + lambda) * r_wi.z * wh_len * wh_len, 1e-7f));
float albedo = mf_ggx_transmission_albedo(alpha, eta);
return (1.0f - fresnel) * (albedo * singlescatter + (1.0f - albedo) * multiscatter);
/* === Actual random walk implementations === */
/* One version of mf_eval and mf_sample per phase function. */
#define MF_NAME_JOIN(x, y) x##_##y
#define MF_NAME_EVAL(x, y) MF_NAME_JOIN(x, y)
#define MF_PHASE_FUNCTION glass
#include "kernel/closure/bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h"
#define MF_PHASE_FUNCTION glossy
#include "kernel/closure/bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h"
ccl_device void bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_blur(ShaderClosure *sc, float roughness)
MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (MicrofacetBsdf *)sc;
bsdf->alpha_x = fmaxf(roughness, bsdf->alpha_x);
bsdf->alpha_y = fmaxf(roughness, bsdf->alpha_y);
/* === Closure implementations === */
/* Multiscattering GGX Glossy closure */
ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_common_setup(MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf)
bsdf->alpha_x = clamp(bsdf->alpha_x, 1e-4f, 1.0f);
bsdf->alpha_y = clamp(bsdf->alpha_y, 1e-4f, 1.0f);
bsdf->extra->color = saturate3(bsdf->extra->color);
bsdf->extra->cspec0 = saturate3(bsdf->extra->cspec0);
ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_setup(MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf)
if (is_zero(bsdf->T))
bsdf->T = make_float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
return bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_common_setup(bsdf);
ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_fresnel_setup(MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf, const ShaderData *sd)
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
if (is_zero(bsdf->T))
bsdf->T = make_float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
bsdf_microfacet_fresnel_color(sd, bsdf);
return bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_common_setup(bsdf);
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_refraction_setup(MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf)
bsdf->alpha_y = bsdf->alpha_x;
return bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_common_setup(bsdf);
ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_eval_transmit(const ShaderClosure *sc,
const float3 I,
const float3 omega_in,
float *pdf,
ccl_addr_space uint *lcg_state)
*pdf = 0.0f;
return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_eval_reflect(const ShaderClosure *sc,
const float3 I,
const float3 omega_in,
float *pdf,
ccl_addr_space uint *lcg_state)
const MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (const MicrofacetBsdf *)sc;
if (bsdf->alpha_x * bsdf->alpha_y < 1e-7f) {
return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
bool use_fresnel = (bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_FRESNEL_ID);
bool is_aniso = (bsdf->alpha_x != bsdf->alpha_y);
float3 X, Y, Z;
Z = bsdf->N;
if (is_aniso)
make_orthonormals_tangent(Z, bsdf->T, &X, &Y);
make_orthonormals(Z, &X, &Y);
float3 localI = make_float3(dot(I, X), dot(I, Y), dot(I, Z));
float3 localO = make_float3(dot(omega_in, X), dot(omega_in, Y), dot(omega_in, Z));
if (is_aniso)
*pdf = mf_ggx_aniso_pdf(localI, localO, make_float2(bsdf->alpha_x, bsdf->alpha_y));
*pdf = mf_ggx_pdf(localI, localO, bsdf->alpha_x);
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
return mf_eval_glossy(localI,
ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_sample(KernelGlobals *kg,
const ShaderClosure *sc,
float3 Ng,
float3 I,
float3 dIdx,
float3 dIdy,
float randu,
float randv,
float3 *eval,
float3 *omega_in,
float3 *domega_in_dx,
float3 *domega_in_dy,
float *pdf,
ccl_addr_space uint *lcg_state)
const MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (const MicrofacetBsdf *)sc;
float3 X, Y, Z;
Z = bsdf->N;
if (bsdf->alpha_x * bsdf->alpha_y < 1e-7f) {
*omega_in = 2 * dot(Z, I) * Z - I;
*pdf = 1e6f;
*eval = make_float3(1e6f, 1e6f, 1e6f);
*domega_in_dx = (2 * dot(Z, dIdx)) * Z - dIdx;
*domega_in_dy = (2 * dot(Z, dIdy)) * Z - dIdy;
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
bool use_fresnel = (bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_FRESNEL_ID);
bool is_aniso = (bsdf->alpha_x != bsdf->alpha_y);
if (is_aniso)
make_orthonormals_tangent(Z, bsdf->T, &X, &Y);
make_orthonormals(Z, &X, &Y);
float3 localI = make_float3(dot(I, X), dot(I, Y), dot(I, Z));
float3 localO;
*eval = mf_sample_glossy(localI,
if (is_aniso)
*pdf = mf_ggx_aniso_pdf(localI, localO, make_float2(bsdf->alpha_x, bsdf->alpha_y));
*pdf = mf_ggx_pdf(localI, localO, bsdf->alpha_x);
*eval *= *pdf;
*omega_in = X * localO.x + Y * localO.y + Z * localO.z;
*domega_in_dx = (2 * dot(Z, dIdx)) * Z - dIdx;
*domega_in_dy = (2 * dot(Z, dIdy)) * Z - dIdy;
/* Multiscattering GGX Glass closure */
ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_glass_setup(MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf)
bsdf->alpha_x = clamp(bsdf->alpha_x, 1e-4f, 1.0f);
bsdf->alpha_y = bsdf->alpha_x;
bsdf->ior = max(0.0f, bsdf->ior);
bsdf->extra->color = saturate3(bsdf->extra->color);
ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_glass_fresnel_setup(MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf,
const ShaderData *sd)
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
bsdf->alpha_x = clamp(bsdf->alpha_x, 1e-4f, 1.0f);
bsdf->alpha_y = bsdf->alpha_x;
bsdf->ior = max(0.0f, bsdf->ior);
bsdf->extra->color = saturate3(bsdf->extra->color);
bsdf->extra->cspec0 = saturate3(bsdf->extra->cspec0);
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
bsdf_microfacet_fresnel_color(sd, bsdf);
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_glass_eval_transmit(const ShaderClosure *sc,
const float3 I,
const float3 omega_in,
float *pdf,
ccl_addr_space uint *lcg_state)
const MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (const MicrofacetBsdf *)sc;
if (bsdf->alpha_x * bsdf->alpha_y < 1e-7f) {
return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float3 X, Y, Z;
Z = bsdf->N;
make_orthonormals(Z, &X, &Y);
float3 localI = make_float3(dot(I, X), dot(I, Y), dot(I, Z));
float3 localO = make_float3(dot(omega_in, X), dot(omega_in, Y), dot(omega_in, Z));
*pdf = mf_glass_pdf(localI, localO, bsdf->alpha_x, bsdf->ior);
return mf_eval_glass(localI,
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_glass_eval_reflect(const ShaderClosure *sc,
const float3 I,
const float3 omega_in,
float *pdf,
ccl_addr_space uint *lcg_state)
const MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (const MicrofacetBsdf *)sc;
if (bsdf->alpha_x * bsdf->alpha_y < 1e-7f) {
return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
bool use_fresnel = (bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_GLASS_FRESNEL_ID);
float3 X, Y, Z;
Z = bsdf->N;
make_orthonormals(Z, &X, &Y);
float3 localI = make_float3(dot(I, X), dot(I, Y), dot(I, Z));
float3 localO = make_float3(dot(omega_in, X), dot(omega_in, Y), dot(omega_in, Z));
*pdf = mf_glass_pdf(localI, localO, bsdf->alpha_x, bsdf->ior);
return mf_eval_glass(localI,
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_glass_sample(KernelGlobals *kg,
const ShaderClosure *sc,
float3 Ng,
float3 I,
float3 dIdx,
float3 dIdy,
float randu,
float randv,
float3 *eval,
float3 *omega_in,
float3 *domega_in_dx,
float3 *domega_in_dy,
float *pdf,
ccl_addr_space uint *lcg_state)
const MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (const MicrofacetBsdf *)sc;
float3 X, Y, Z;
Z = bsdf->N;
if (bsdf->alpha_x * bsdf->alpha_y < 1e-7f) {
float3 R, T;
float3 dRdx, dRdy, dTdx, dTdy;
bool inside;
float fresnel = fresnel_dielectric(bsdf->ior,
*pdf = 1e6f;
*eval = make_float3(1e6f, 1e6f, 1e6f);
if (randu < fresnel) {
*omega_in = R;
*domega_in_dx = dRdx;
*domega_in_dy = dRdy;
else {
*omega_in = T;
*domega_in_dx = dTdx;
*domega_in_dy = dTdy;
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
bool use_fresnel = (bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_GLASS_FRESNEL_ID);
make_orthonormals(Z, &X, &Y);
float3 localI = make_float3(dot(I, X), dot(I, Y), dot(I, Z));
float3 localO;
Squashed commit of the following: commit 90778901c9ea1e16d5907981e91bceba25ff207d Merge: 76eebd9 3bf0026 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 3 07:52:05 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 76eebd9379a5dad519ff01cf215fbe3db6de931e Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:34:20 2017 +0200 Updated copyright for the new files. commit 013f4a152a3898946ba5c616141c6e44d928ccfd Author: Schoen <> Date: Thu Mar 30 15:32:55 2017 +0200 Switched from multiplication of base and subsurface color to blending between them using the subsurface parameter. commit 482ec5d1f20ceabc9cbda4838d4ae37d1d673458 Author: Schoen <> Date: Mon Mar 13 15:47:12 2017 +0100 Fixed a bug that caused an additional white diffuse closure call when using path tracing. commit 26e906d162a6a8d67f2ebc8880993fcbab69559e Merge: 0593b8c 223aff9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:32:31 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 0593b8c51bf7db0ed5ca92ed6f68d0d984dad0dd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Feb 6 11:30:36 2017 +0100 Fixed the broken GLSL shader and implemented the Disney BRDF in the real-time view port. commit 8c7e11423be640dc44b1807912058480710e51f4 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Feb 3 14:24:05 2017 +0100 Fix to comply strict compiler flags and some code cleanup commit 17724e9d2dbffb1aaa61401224ecbf2349c1dac3 Merge: 379ba34 520afa2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:59:58 2017 +0100 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 379ba346b0acd1ea779365b940fcd01f5ba1165f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 09:28:56 2017 +0100 Renamed the Disney BSDF to Principled BSDF. commit f80dcb4f34f1dc41841ced5965787fc26ace22a2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Dec 2 13:55:12 2016 +0100 Removed reflection call when roughness is low because of artifacts. commit 732db8a57f6d4e5d6f44bbad176c15fd55377f0a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Nov 16 09:22:25 2016 +0100 Indication if to use fresnel is now handled via the type of the BSDF. commit 0103659f5e705b314cde98b0e4a01c14c55acd5e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Nov 11 13:04:11 2016 +0100 Fixed an error in the clearcoat where it appeared too bright for default light sources (like directional lights) commit 0aa68f533529c9fd197a3ab0427f9e41a15456b9 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 12:04:38 2016 +0100 Resolved inconsistencies in using tabs and spaces commit f5897a9494e352de274b99e7bee971336c0dc386 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Nov 7 08:13:41 2016 +0100 Improved the clearcoat part by using GTR1 instead of GTR2 commit 3dfc240e61b3d4d0e7c476989792e4ada869ce91 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 31 11:31:36 2016 +0100 Use reflection BSDF for glossy reflections when roughness is 0.0 to reduce computational expense and some code cleanup Code cleanup includes: - Code style cleanup and removed unused code - Consolidated code in the bsdf_microfacet_multi_impl.h to reduce some computational expense commit a2dd0c5fafdabe1573299170fb3be98a3e46d17a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Oct 26 08:51:10 2016 +0200 Fixed glossy reflections and refractions for low roughness values and cleaned up the code. For low roughness values, the reflections had some strange behavior. commit 981737591231a1a5a1c85950950580b65d029505 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 12:37:40 2016 +0200 Removed default values in setup functions and added extra functions for GGX with fresnel. commit bbc5d9d4527346a74155cf17be21fb02ee3e0779 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Oct 25 11:09:36 2016 +0200 Switched from uniform to cosine hemisphere sampling for the diffuse and the sheen part. commit d52d8f2813d64363713f11160a6c725d4cafbcfa Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 16:17:13 2016 +0200 Removed the color parameters from the diffuse and sheen shader and use them as closure weights instead. commit 8f3d92738532ad867a0a3543c00393626ab8f6ec Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:57:06 2016 +0200 Fixed the issue with artifacts when using anisotropy without linking the tangent input to a tangent node. commit d93f680db9acaaade0354b34857a3ccaf348557f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 09:14:51 2016 +0200 Added subsurface radius parameter to control the per color channel effection radius of the subsurface scattering. commit c708c3e53b323773fc852bdc239bc51e157dcaef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Oct 24 08:14:10 2016 +0200 Rearranged the inputs of the shader. commit dfbfff9c389074d3e5c1f49dd38a95e9b317eb1f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 09:27:05 2016 +0200 Put spaces in the parameter names of the shader node commit e5a748ced17c8f59e5e73309096adeea3ba95e04 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:51:20 2016 +0200 Removed code that isn't in use anymore commit 75992bebc128c8b44cab4f0d8855603787f57260 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Oct 21 08:50:07 2016 +0200 Code style cleanup commit 4dfcf455f7769752044e051b399fb6a5dfcd0e22 Merge: 243a0e3 2cd6a89 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:41:50 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 243a0e3eb80ef82704d5ea2657384c3a4b9fb497 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Oct 20 10:01:45 2016 +0200 Switching between OSL and SVM is more consistant now when using Disney BSDF. There were some minor differences in the OSL implementation, e.g. the refraction roughness was missing. commit 2a5ac509223c838285a00c4c12775567666e7154 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 09:17:57 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug that caused transparency to be always white when using OSL and selecting GGX as distribution of the Disney BSDF commit e1fa8623915407cea942a07fd0a106b04e113c09 Merge: d0530a8 7f76f6f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:59:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit d0530a8af0e076c0aca4c9a61b0a64cada45ac4d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:53:18 2016 +0200 Cleanup the Disney BSDF implementation and removing unneeded files. commit 3f4fc826bd9c1f47c694c0f6b2947daf5b524b1a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 27 08:36:07 2016 +0200 Unified the OSL implementation of the Disney clearcoat as a simple microfacet shader like it was previously done in SVM commit 4d3a0032ecea99031979f342bfd5f66ea5a8625a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Sep 26 12:35:36 2016 +0200 Enhanced performance for Disney materials without subsurface scattering commit 3cd5eb56cf5c9006837f111c8866e4c6e1c2a6fd Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 16 08:47:56 2016 +0200 Fixed a bug in the Disney BSDF that caused specular reflections to be too bright and diffuse is now reacting to the roughness again - A normalization for the fresnel was missing which caused the specular reflections to become too bright for the single-scatter GGX - The roughness value for the diffuse BSSRDF part has always been overwritten and thus always 0 - Also the performance for refractive materials with roughness=0.0 has been improved commit 7cb37d711938e5626651db21f20da50edd96abaf Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Thu Sep 8 12:24:43 2016 +0200 Added selection field to the Disney BSDF node for switching between "Multiscatter GGX" and "GGX" In the "GGX" mode there is an additional parameter for changing the refraction roughness for materials with smooth surfaces and rough interns (e.g. honey). With the "Multiscatter GGX" this effect can't be produced at the moment and so here will be no separation of the two roughness values. commit cdd29d06bb86672ed0779eefb8eee95796b8f939 Merge: 02c315a b40d1c1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:59:05 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 02c315aeb0f0d7bb429d4396912e03dbb8a77340 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Sep 6 15:16:09 2016 +0200 Implemented the OSL part of the Disney shader commit 5f880293aeeacf269032824248b46d613691a36c Merge: 630b80e b399a6d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:53:36 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit 630b80e08b6acf83834bc95264af4ccdbbc5f82c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 2016 +0200 Fresnel in the microfacet multiscatter implementation improved commit 0d9f4d7acb2de65d1c98d425cea4bf364795c155 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Aug 26 11:11:05 2016 +0200 Fixed refraction roughness problem (refractions were always 100% rough) and set IOR of clearcoat to 1.5 commit 9eed34c7d980e1b998df457c4f76021162c80f78 Merge: ef29aae ae475e3 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:22:32 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ef29aaee1af8074e0228c480d962700e97ea5b36 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Aug 16 15:17:12 2016 +0200 Implemented the fresnel in the multi-scatter GGX for the Disney BSDF - The specular/metallic part uses the multi-scatter GGX - The fresnel of the metallic part is controlled by the specular value - The color of the reflection part when using transparency can be controlled by the specularTint value commit 88567af085ac94119b98c95246b6d6f63161bc01 Merge: cc267e5 285e082 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:05:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit cc267e52f20d036a66aeeff127ee1c856f7c651b Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 15:00:25 2016 +0200 Implemented the Disney clearcoat as a variation of the microfacet bsdf, removed the transparency roughness again and added an input for anisotropic rotations commit 81f6c06b1f53180bf32a5c11ac1fa64e2b6abf52 Merge: ece5a08 7065022 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Aug 3 11:42:02 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'master' into cycles_disney_brdf commit ece5a08e0d6e51a83c223ea87346134216e5b34e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:29:21 2016 +0200 Base color now applied again to the refraction of transparent Disney materials commit e3aff6849e06853c56da7bd610210dcab70e6070 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 16:05:19 2016 +0200 Added subsurface color parameter to the Disney shader commit b3ca6d8a2f4f866b323fc2df0a3beff577218c27 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:30:25 2016 +0200 Improvement of the SSS in the Disney shader * Now the bump normal is correctly used for the SSS. * SSS in Disney uses the Disney diffuse shader commit d68729300ee557e90a8e7e4be6eb8ef98db80fe2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jul 26 12:23:13 2016 +0200 Better calculation of the Disney diffuse part Now the values for NdotL und NdotV are clamped to 0.0f for a better look when using normal maps commit cb6e500b12e7bce884d3db19ee138c975c215f2d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:26:42 2016 +0200 Now one can disable specular reflactions again by setting specular and metallic to 0 (cracked this in the previous commit) commit bfb9cb11b548103369de2a46ce18b4ddf661362c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:11:07 2016 +0200 fixed the Disney SSS and cleaned the initialization of the Disney shaders commit 642c0fdad12548c1a2ccbf595bae3a995d3022f7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Jul 25 16:09:55 2016 +0200 fixed an error that was caused by the missing LABEL_REFLECT in the Disney diffuse shader commit c10b484dcad3412c34455736e9656cd38716bcb0 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Fri Jul 22 01:15:21 2016 +0200 Rollback attempt to fix sss crashing, it prevented crash by disabling sss completely, thus useless commit 462bba3f97fcc41834e0e20cc806a7958e5106f5 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 23:11:59 2016 +0200 Add an undef for sc_next for safety commit 32d348577d69be251aa04110c5f6156cd2645f48 Author: Jens Verwiebe <> Date: Thu Jul 21 00:15:48 2016 +0200 Attempt to fix Disney SSS commit dbad91ca6d46f5a4a6f2ba7ed4c811ffa723942f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed Jul 20 11:13:00 2016 +0200 Added a roughness parameter for refractions (for scattering of the rays within an object) With this, one can create a translucent material with a smooth surface and with a milky look. The final refraction roughness has to be calculated using the surface roughness and the refraction roughness because those two are correlated for refractions. If a ray hits a rough surface of a translucent material, it is scattered while entering the surface. Then it is scattered further within the object. The calculation I'm using is the following: RefrRoughnessFinal = 1.0 - (1.0 - Roughness) * (1.0 - RefrRoughness) commit 50ea5e3e34394a727e3cceb6203adb48834a9ab7 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue Jun 7 10:24:50 2016 +0200 Disney BSDF is now supporting CUDA commit 10974cc826a4bfa8fb3ef59177abf0b0dc441065 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 31 11:18:07 2016 +0200 Added parameters IOR and Transparency for refractions With this, the Disney BRDF/BSSRDF is extended by the BTDF part. commit 218202c0905a4ec93ee19850360d1a39966d2c25 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 15:08:18 2016 +0200 Added an additional normal for the clearcoat With this normal one can simulate a thin layer of clearcoat by applying a smoother normal map than the original to this input commit dd139ead7e04aa87a894ccf3732cfce711258ff1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 12:40:56 2016 +0200 Switched to the improved subsurface scattering from Christensen and Burley commit 11160fa4e1c32230119d4506e7e9fd3da2ab37f2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 10:16:30 2016 +0200 Added Disney Sheen shader as a preparation to get to a BSSRDF commit cee4fe0cc94515ee60d4afa4d4e10c41003f1579 Merge: 4f955d0 6b5bab6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon May 30 09:08:09 2016 +0200 Merge branch 'cycles_disney_brdf' of into cycles_disney_brdf Conflicts: intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_diffuse.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_disney_specular.h intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_clearcoat.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_diffuse.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/bsdf_disney_specular.cpp intern/cycles/kernel/osl/osl_closures.h intern/cycles/kernel/shaders/node_disney_bsdf.osl intern/cycles/render/nodes.cpp intern/cycles/render/nodes.h commit 4f955d052358206209454decf2c3539e6a21b42f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 16:38:23 2016 +0200 SVM and OSL are both working for the simple version of the Disney BRDF commit 1f5c41874b01ad297eb8a6bad9985296c6c0a6e1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 24 09:58:50 2016 +0200 Disney node can be used without SVM and started to cleanup the OSL implementation There is still some wrong behavior for SVM for the Schlick Fresnel part at the specular and clearcoat commit d4b814e9304ebb44cc7c291cd83f7b7cdebcd152 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit b86a1f5ba5019c7818153cb70b49f5f7a0bc52a0 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 585b88623695fa07dfca9c9909d6d9184c3519c8 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit f91a28639884cbda7804715b910d64abba0718ef Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 30da91c9c51d8cbc6a7564c7aaa61c9efe2ab654 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 30d41da0f0352fad29375a395ffcb9cb7891eeb1 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 1f099fce249cb35e949cc629f7cca2167fca881a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 00a1378b98e435e9cdbfbac86eb974c19b2a8151 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 6baa7a7eb787638661cddad0c4e7f78bd3a8fa5c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit d8fa169bf3caf71c40a124101b33dee6c510188e Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader commit 6b5bab6cecde153122625cf8dc10e4209ed1eb0f Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:22:29 2016 +0200 Switched from a parameter struct for Disney parameters to ShaderClosure params commit f6499c2676e074a36033627ffc7540107777630d Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 18 10:19:57 2016 +0200 Added additional variables for storing parameters in the ShaderClosure struct commit 7100640b65c2ff5447a18c01fc4e93594b4f486a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 12:03:17 2016 +0200 added output parameter to the DisneyBsdfNode That has been forgotten after removing the inheritance of BsdfNode commit 419ee5441100a906b4b3fd8373cb768a71bfdfe6 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 17 10:40:48 2016 +0200 removed BsdfNode class inheritance for DisneyBsdfNode That's due to a naming difference. The Disney BSDF uses the name 'Base Color' while the BsdfNode had a 'Color' input. That caused a text message to be printed while rendering. commit 6006f91e8730f78df5874f808690d3908db103ab Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 16:08:10 2016 +0200 disney implementation cleaned commit 0ed08959141fc7c5f8c6e37c6552ecb9fcc5749c Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Wed May 4 13:23:07 2016 +0200 added the disney brdf as a shader node commit 0630b742d71c658915575a4a71a325094a0fc313 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Tue May 3 16:54:49 2016 +0200 added clearcoat implementation commit 9f3d39744b85619750c79c901f678b8c07fe0ee2 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Fri Apr 29 22:56:49 2016 +0200 disney diffuse und specular implemented commit 9b262063767d6b05a617891c967d887d21bfb177 Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 15:21:32 2016 +0200 disney diffuse is working correctly commit 4711a3927dfcadaa1c36de0ba78fc304fac1dc8a Author: Pascal Schoen <> Date: Mon Apr 18 08:41:53 2016 +0200 added vessel for disney diffuse shader Differential Revision:
2017-04-18 09:43:09 +00:00
*eval = mf_sample_glass(localI,
*pdf = mf_glass_pdf(localI, localO, bsdf->alpha_x, bsdf->ior);
*eval *= *pdf;
*omega_in = X * localO.x + Y * localO.y + Z * localO.z;
if (localO.z * localI.z > 0.0f) {
*domega_in_dx = (2 * dot(Z, dIdx)) * Z - dIdx;
*domega_in_dy = (2 * dot(Z, dIdy)) * Z - dIdy;
else {
float cosI = dot(Z, I);
float dnp = max(sqrtf(1.0f - (bsdf->ior * bsdf->ior * (1.0f - cosI * cosI))), 1e-7f);
*domega_in_dx = -(bsdf->ior * dIdx) +
((bsdf->ior - bsdf->ior * bsdf->ior * cosI / dnp) * dot(dIdx, Z)) * Z;
*domega_in_dy = -(bsdf->ior * dIdy) +
((bsdf->ior - bsdf->ior * bsdf->ior * cosI / dnp) * dot(dIdy, Z)) * Z;