
649 lines
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import bpy, sys
import __builtin__, tokenize
from Blender.sys import time
from tokenize import generate_tokens, TokenError, \
class ScriptDesc():
"""Describes a script through lists of further descriptor objects (classes,
defs, vars) and dictionaries to built-in types (imports). If a script has
not been fully parsed, its incomplete flag will be set. The time of the last
parse is held by the time field and the name of the text object from which
it was parsed, the name field.
def __init__(self, name, imports, classes, defs, vars, incomplete=False): = name
self.imports = imports
self.classes = classes
self.defs = defs
self.vars = vars
self.incomplete = incomplete
self.time = 0
def set_time(self):
self.time = time()
class ClassDesc():
"""Describes a class through lists of further descriptor objects (defs and
vars). The name of the class is held by the name field and the line on
which it is defined is held in lineno.
def __init__(self, name, defs, vars, lineno): = name
self.defs = defs
self.vars = vars
self.lineno = lineno
class FunctionDesc():
"""Describes a function through its name and list of parameters (name,
params) and the line on which it is defined (lineno).
def __init__(self, name, params, lineno): = name
self.params = params
self.lineno = lineno
class VarDesc():
"""Describes a variable through its name and type (if ascertainable) and the
line on which it is defined (lineno). If no type can be determined, type
will equal None.
def __init__(self, name, type, lineno): = name
self.type = type # None for unknown (supports: dict/list/str)
self.lineno = lineno
# Context types
# Special time period constants
AUTO = -1
# Python keywords
KEYWORDS = ['and', 'del', 'from', 'not', 'while', 'as', 'elif', 'global',
'or', 'with', 'assert', 'else', 'if', 'pass', 'yield',
'break', 'except', 'import', 'print', 'class', 'exec', 'in',
'raise', 'continue', 'finally', 'is', 'return', 'def', 'for',
'lambda', 'try' ]
ModuleType = type(__builtin__)
NoneScriptDesc = ScriptDesc('', dict(), dict(), dict(), dict(), True)
_modules = dict([(n, None) for n in sys.builtin_module_names])
_modules_updated = 0
_parse_cache = dict()
def get_cached_descriptor(txt, period=AUTO):
"""Returns the cached ScriptDesc for the specified Text object 'txt'. If the
script has not been parsed in the last 'period' seconds it will be reparsed
to obtain this descriptor.
Specifying AUTO for the period (default) will choose a period based on the
size of the Text object. Larger texts are parsed less often.
global _parse_cache, NoneScriptDesc, AUTO
if period == AUTO:
m = txt.nlines
r = 1
while True:
m = m >> 2
if not m: break
r = r << 1
period = r
parse = True
key = hash(txt)
if _parse_cache.has_key(key):
desc = _parse_cache[key]
if desc.time >= time() - period:
parse = desc.incomplete
if parse:
desc = parse_text(txt)
return desc
def parse_text(txt):
"""Parses an entire script's text and returns a ScriptDesc instance
containing information about the script.
If the text is not a valid Python script (for example if brackets are left
open), parsing may fail to complete. However, if this occurs, no exception
is thrown. Instead the returned ScriptDesc instance will have its incomplete
flag set and information processed up to this point will still be accessible.
tokens = generate_tokens(txt.readline) # Throws TokenError
curl, cursor = txt.getCursorPos()
linen = curl + 1 # Token line numbers are one-based
imports = dict()
imp_step = 0
classes = dict()
cls_step = 0
defs = dict()
def_step = 0
vars = dict()
var1_step = 0
var2_step = 0
var3_step = 0
var_accum = dict()
var_forflag = False
indent = 0
prev_type = -1
prev_string = ''
incomplete = False
while True:
type, string, start, end, line =
except StopIteration:
except TokenError:
incomplete = True
# Skip all comments and line joining characters
if type == COMMENT or type == NL:
## Indentation ##
if type == INDENT:
indent += 1
elif type == DEDENT:
indent -= 1
## Module importing... ##
imp_store = False
# Default, look for 'from' or 'import' to start
if imp_step == 0:
if string == 'from':
imp_tmp = []
imp_step = 1
elif string == 'import':
imp_from = None
imp_tmp = []
imp_step = 2
# Found a 'from', create imp_from in form '???.???...'
elif imp_step == 1:
if string == 'import':
imp_from = '.'.join(imp_tmp)
imp_tmp = []
imp_step = 2
elif type == NAME:
elif string != '.':
imp_step = 0 # Invalid syntax
# Found 'import', imp_from is populated or None, create imp_name
elif imp_step == 2:
if string == 'as':
imp_name = '.'.join(imp_tmp)
imp_step = 3
elif type == NAME or string == '*':
elif string != '.':
imp_name = '.'.join(imp_tmp)
imp_symb = imp_name
imp_store = True
# Found 'as', change imp_symb to this value and go back to step 2
elif imp_step == 3:
if type == NAME:
imp_symb = string
imp_store = True
# Both imp_name and imp_symb have now been populated so we can import
if imp_store:
# Handle special case of 'import *'
if imp_name == '*':
parent = get_module(imp_from)
# Try importing the name as a module
if imp_from:
module = get_module(imp_from +'.'+ imp_name)
module = get_module(imp_name)
except (ImportError, ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError):
# Try importing name as an attribute of the parent
module = __import__(imp_from, globals(), locals(), [imp_name])
imports[imp_symb] = getattr(module, imp_name)
except (ImportError, ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError):
imports[imp_symb] = module
# More to import from the same module?
if string == ',':
imp_tmp = []
imp_step = 2
imp_step = 0
## Class parsing ##
# If we are inside a class then def and variable parsing should be done
# for the class. Otherwise the definitions are considered global
# Look for 'class'
if cls_step == 0:
if string == 'class':
cls_name = None
cls_lineno = start[0]
cls_indent = indent
cls_step = 1
# Found 'class', look for cls_name followed by '('
elif cls_step == 1:
if not cls_name:
if type == NAME:
cls_name = string
cls_sline = False
cls_defs = dict()
cls_vars = dict()
elif string == ':':
cls_step = 2
# Found 'class' name ... ':', now check if it's a single line statement
elif cls_step == 2:
if type == NEWLINE:
cls_sline = False
cls_step = 3
cls_sline = True
cls_step = 3
elif cls_step == 3:
if cls_sline:
if type == NEWLINE:
classes[cls_name] = ClassDesc(cls_name, cls_defs, cls_vars, cls_lineno)
cls_step = 0
if type == DEDENT and indent <= cls_indent:
classes[cls_name] = ClassDesc(cls_name, cls_defs, cls_vars, cls_lineno)
cls_step = 0
## Def parsing ##
# Look for 'def'
if def_step == 0:
if string == 'def':
def_name = None
def_lineno = start[0]
def_step = 1
# Found 'def', look for def_name followed by '('
elif def_step == 1:
if type == NAME:
def_name = string
def_params = []
elif def_name and string == '(':
def_step = 2
# Found 'def' name '(', now identify the parameters upto ')'
# TODO: Handle ellipsis '...'
elif def_step == 2:
if type == NAME:
elif string == ')':
if cls_step > 0: # Parsing a class
cls_defs[def_name] = FunctionDesc(def_name, def_params, def_lineno)
defs[def_name] = FunctionDesc(def_name, def_params, def_lineno)
def_step = 0
## Variable assignation ##
if cls_step > 0: # Parsing a class
# Look for 'self.???'
if var1_step == 0:
if string == 'self':
var1_step = 1
elif var1_step == 1:
if string == '.':
var_name = None
var1_step = 2
var1_step = 0
elif var1_step == 2:
if type == NAME:
var_name = string
if cls_vars.has_key(var_name):
var_step = 0
var1_step = 3
elif var1_step == 3:
if string == '=':
var1_step = 4
elif var1_step == 4:
var_type = None
if string == '[':
close = line.find(']', end[1])
var_type = list
elif type == STRING:
close = end[1]
var_type = str
elif string == '(':
close = line.find(')', end[1])
var_type = tuple
elif string == '{':
close = line.find('}', end[1])
var_type = dict
elif string == 'dict':
close = line.find(')', end[1])
var_type = dict
if var_type and close+1 < len(line):
2008-07-21 11:21:49 +00:00
if line[close+1] != ' ' and line[close+1] != '\t':
var_type = None
cls_vars[var_name] = VarDesc(var_name, var_type, start[0])
var1_step = 0
elif def_step > 0: # Parsing a def
# Look for 'global ???[,???]'
if var2_step == 0:
if string == 'global':
var2_step = 1
elif var2_step == 1:
if type == NAME:
vars[string] = True
elif string != ',' and type != NL:
var2_step == 0
else: # In global scope
if var3_step == 0:
# Look for names
if string == 'for':
var_accum = dict()
var_forflag = True
elif string == '=' or (var_forflag and string == 'in'):
var_forflag = False
var3_step = 1
elif type == NAME:
if prev_string != '.' and not vars.has_key(string):
var_accum[string] = VarDesc(string, None, start[0])
elif not string in [',', '(', ')', '[', ']']:
var_accum = dict()
var_forflag = False
elif var3_step == 1:
if len(var_accum) != 1:
var_type = None
var_name = var_accum.keys()[0]
var_type = None
if string == '[': var_type = list
elif type == STRING: var_type = str
elif string == '(': var_type = tuple
elif string == '{': var_type = dict
vars[var_name] = VarDesc(var_name, var_type, start[0])
var3_step = 0
## General utilities ##
prev_type = type
prev_string = string
desc = ScriptDesc(, imports, classes, defs, vars, incomplete)
global _parse_cache
_parse_cache[hash(] = desc
return desc
def get_modules(since=1):
"""Returns the set of built-in modules and any modules that have been
imported into the system upto 'since' seconds ago.
global _modules, _modules_updated
t = time()
if _modules_updated < t - since:
_modules_updated = t
return _modules.keys()
def suggest_cmp(x, y):
"""Use this method when sorting a list of suggestions.
return cmp(x[0].upper(), y[0].upper())
def get_module(name):
"""Returns the module specified by its name. The module itself is imported
by this method and, as such, any initialization code will be executed.
mod = __import__(name)
components = name.split('.')
for comp in components[1:]:
mod = getattr(mod, comp)
return mod
def type_char(v):
"""Returns the character used to signify the type of a variable. Use this
method to identify the type character for an item in a suggestion list.
The following values are returned:
'm' if the parameter is a module
'f' if the parameter is callable
'v' if the parameter is variable or otherwise indeterminable
if isinstance(v, ModuleType):
return 'm'
elif callable(v):
return 'f'
return 'v'
def get_context(txt):
"""Establishes the context of the cursor in the given Blender Text object
Returns one of:
CTX_NORMAL - Cursor is in a normal context
CTX_SINGLE_QUOTE - Cursor is inside a single quoted string
CTX_DOUBLE_QUOTE - Cursor is inside a double quoted string
CTX_COMMENT - Cursor is inside a comment
l, cursor = txt.getCursorPos()
lines = txt.asLines()[:l+1]
# Detect context (in string or comment)
in_str = CTX_NORMAL
for line in lines:
if l == 0:
end = cursor
end = len(line)
l -= 1
# Comments end at new lines
if in_str == CTX_COMMENT:
in_str = CTX_NORMAL
for i in range(end):
if in_str == 0:
if line[i] == "'": in_str = CTX_SINGLE_QUOTE
elif line[i] == '"': in_str = CTX_DOUBLE_QUOTE
elif line[i] == '#': in_str = CTX_COMMENT
if in_str == CTX_SINGLE_QUOTE:
if line[i] == "'":
in_str = CTX_NORMAL
# In again if ' escaped, out again if \ escaped, and so on
for a in range(i-1, -1, -1):
if line[a] == '\\': in_str = 1-in_str
else: break
elif in_str == CTX_DOUBLE_QUOTE:
if line[i] == '"':
in_str = CTX_NORMAL
# In again if " escaped, out again if \ escaped, and so on
for a in range(i-1, -1, -1):
if line[i-a] == '\\': in_str = 2-in_str
else: break
return in_str
def current_line(txt):
"""Extracts the Python script line at the cursor in the Blender Text object
provided and cursor position within this line as the tuple pair (line,
lineindex, cursor = txt.getCursorPos()
lines = txt.asLines()
line = lines[lineindex]
# Join previous lines to this line if spanning
i = lineindex - 1
while i > 0:
earlier = lines[i].rstrip()
if earlier.endswith('\\'):
line = earlier[:-1] + ' ' + line
cursor += len(earlier)
i -= 1
# Join later lines while there is an explicit joining character
i = lineindex
while i < len(lines)-1 and lines[i].rstrip().endswith('\\'):
later = lines[i+1].strip()
line = line + ' ' + later[:-1]
i += 1
return line, cursor
def get_targets(line, cursor):
"""Parses a period separated string of valid names preceding the cursor and
returns them as a list in the same order.
targets = []
i = cursor - 1
while i >= 0 and (line[i].isalnum() or line[i] == '_' or line[i] == '.'):
i -= 1
pre = line[i+1:cursor]
return pre.split('.')
def get_defs(txt):
"""Returns a dictionary which maps definition names in the source code to
a list of their parameter names.
The line 'def doit(one, two, three): print one' for example, results in the
mapping 'doit' : [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ]
return get_cached_descriptor(txt).defs
def get_vars(txt):
"""Returns a dictionary of variable names found in the specified Text
object. This method locates all names followed directly by an equal sign:
'a = ???' or indirectly as part of a tuple/list assignment or inside a
'for ??? in ???:' block.
return get_cached_descriptor(txt).vars
def get_imports(txt):
"""Returns a dictionary which maps symbol names in the source code to their
respective modules.
The line 'from Blender import Text as BText' for example, results in the
mapping 'BText' : <module 'Blender.Text' (built-in)>
Note that this method imports the modules to provide this mapping as as such
will execute any initilization code found within.
return get_cached_descriptor(txt).imports
def get_builtins():
"""Returns a dictionary of built-in modules, functions and variables."""
return __builtin__.__dict__
## Debugging utility functions ##
def print_cache_for(txt, period=sys.maxint):
"""Prints out the data cached for a given Text object. If no period is
given the text will not be reparsed and the cached version will be returned.
Otherwise if the period has expired the text will be reparsed.
desc = get_cached_descriptor(txt, period)
print '================================================'
print 'Name:',, '('+str(hash(txt))+')'
print '------------------------------------------------'
print 'Defs:'
for name, ddesc in desc.defs.items():
print ' ', name, ddesc.params, ddesc.lineno
print '------------------------------------------------'
print 'Vars:'
for name, vdesc in desc.vars.items():
print ' ', name, vdesc.type, vdesc.lineno
print '------------------------------------------------'
print 'Imports:'
for name, item in desc.imports.items():
print ' ', name.ljust(15), item
print '------------------------------------------------'
print 'Classes:'
for clsnme, clsdsc in desc.classes.items():
print ' *********************************'
print ' Name:', clsnme
print ' ---------------------------------'
print ' Defs:'
for name, ddesc in clsdsc.defs.items():
print ' ', name, ddesc.params, ddesc.lineno
print ' ---------------------------------'
print ' Vars:'
for name, vdesc in clsdsc.vars.items():
print ' ', name, vdesc.type, vdesc.lineno
print ' *********************************'
print '================================================'