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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2005 Erwin Coumans
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.
* Erwin Coumans makes no representations about the suitability
* of this software for any purpose.
* It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
#include "ConvexHullShape.h"
#include "NarrowPhaseCollision/CollisionMargin.h"
#include "SimdQuaternion.h"
ConvexHullShape ::ConvexHullShape (SimdPoint3* points,int numPoints)
for (int i=0;i<numPoints;i++)
m_points[i] = points[i];
SimdVector3 ConvexHullShape::LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const SimdVector3& vec0)const
SimdVector3 supVec(0.f,0.f,0.f);
SimdScalar newDot,maxDot = -1e30f;
SimdVector3 vec = vec0;
SimdScalar lenSqr = vec.length2();
if (lenSqr < 0.0001f)
} else
float rlen = 1.f / SimdSqrt(lenSqr );
vec *= rlen;
for (int i=0;i<m_points.size();i++)
SimdPoint3 vtx = m_points[i] * m_localScaling;
newDot =;
if (newDot > maxDot)
maxDot = newDot;
supVec = vtx;
return supVec;
SimdVector3 ConvexHullShape::LocalGetSupportingVertex(const SimdVector3& vec)const
SimdVector3 supVertex = LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(vec);
if ( GetMargin()!=0.f )
SimdVector3 vecnorm = vec;
if (vecnorm .length2() == 0.f)
supVertex+= GetMargin() * vecnorm;
return supVertex;
void ConvexHullShape::CalculateLocalInertia(SimdScalar mass,SimdVector3& inertia)
//not yet, return box inertia
float margin = GetMargin();
SimdTransform ident;
SimdVector3 aabbMin,aabbMax;
SimdVector3 halfExtents = (aabbMax-aabbMin)*0.5f;
SimdScalar lx=2.f*(halfExtents.x()+margin);
SimdScalar ly=2.f*(halfExtents.y()+margin);
SimdScalar lz=2.f*(halfExtents.z()+margin);
const SimdScalar x2 = lx*lx;
const SimdScalar y2 = ly*ly;
const SimdScalar z2 = lz*lz;
const SimdScalar scaledmass = mass * 0.08333333f;
inertia = scaledmass * (SimdVector3(y2+z2,x2+z2,x2+y2));
//currently just for debugging (drawing), perhaps future support for algebraic continuous collision detection
//Please note that you can debug-draw ConvexHullShape with the Raytracer Demo
int ConvexHullShape::GetNumVertices() const
return m_points.size();
int ConvexHullShape::GetNumEdges() const
return m_points.size()*m_points.size();
void ConvexHullShape::GetEdge(int i,SimdPoint3& pa,SimdPoint3& pb) const
int index0 = i%m_points.size();
int index1 = i/m_points.size();
pa = m_points[index0]*m_localScaling;
pb = m_points[index1]*m_localScaling;
void ConvexHullShape::GetVertex(int i,SimdPoint3& vtx) const
vtx = m_points[i]*m_localScaling;
int ConvexHullShape::GetNumPlanes() const
return 0;
void ConvexHullShape::GetPlane(SimdVector3& planeNormal,SimdPoint3& planeSupport,int i ) const
//not yet
bool ConvexHullShape::IsInside(const SimdPoint3& pt,SimdScalar tolerance) const
return false;