2011-04-27 11:58:34 +00:00
* Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "camera.h"
#include "mesh.h"
#include "subd_dice.h"
#include "subd_patch.h"
#include "subd_split.h"
#include "util_debug.h"
#include "util_math.h"
#include "util_types.h"
/* DiagSplit */
test_steps = 3;
split_threshold = 1;
dicing_rate = 0.1f;
camera = NULL;
void DiagSplit::dispatch(QuadDice::SubPatch& sub, QuadDice::EdgeFactors& ef)
void DiagSplit::dispatch(TriangleDice::SubPatch& sub, TriangleDice::EdgeFactors& ef)
float3 DiagSplit::project(Patch *patch, float2 uv)
float3 P;
patch->eval(&P, NULL, NULL, uv.x, uv.y);
P = transform(&camera->worldtoraster, P);
return P;
int DiagSplit::T(Patch *patch, float2 Pstart, float2 Pend)
float3 Plast = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float Lsum = 0.0f;
float Lmax = 0.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < test_steps; i++) {
float t = i/(float)(test_steps-1);
float3 P = project(patch, Pstart + t*(Pend - Pstart));
if(i > 0) {
float L = len(P - Plast);
Lsum += L;
Lmax = max(L, Lmax);
Plast = P;
2011-05-03 18:29:11 +00:00
int tmin = (int)ceil(Lsum/dicing_rate);
int tmax = (int)ceil((test_steps-1)*Lmax/dicing_rate); // XXX paper says N instead of N-1, seems wrong?
2011-04-27 11:58:34 +00:00
if(tmax - tmin > split_threshold)
return tmax;
void DiagSplit::partition_edge(Patch *patch, float2 *P, int *t0, int *t1, float2 Pstart, float2 Pend, int t)
*P = (Pstart + Pend)*0.5f;
*t0 = T(patch, Pstart, *P);
*t1 = T(patch, *P, Pend);
else {
int I = floor(t*0.5f);
*P = interp(Pstart, Pend, (t == 0)? 0: I/(float)t); /* XXX is t faces or verts */
*t0 = I;
*t1 = t - I;
void DiagSplit::split(TriangleDice::SubPatch& sub, TriangleDice::EdgeFactors& ef, int depth)
assert(ef.tu == T(sub.patch, sub.Pv, sub.Pw));
assert(ef.tv == T(sub.patch, sub.Pw, sub.Pu));
assert(ef.tw == T(sub.patch, sub.Pu, sub.Pv));
if(depth == 0) {
dispatch(sub, ef);
if(ef.tu == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM) {
/* partition edges */
TriangleDice::EdgeFactors ef0, ef1;
float2 Psplit;
&Psplit, &ef1.tu, &ef0.tu, sub.Pv, sub.Pw, ef.tu);
/* split */
int tsplit = T(sub.patch, sub.Pu, Psplit);
ef0.tv = ef.tv;
ef0.tw = tsplit;
ef1.tv = tsplit;
ef1.tw = ef.tw;
/* create subpatches */
TriangleDice::SubPatch sub0 = {sub.patch, sub.Pu, Psplit, sub.Pw};
TriangleDice::SubPatch sub1 = {sub.patch, sub.Pu, sub.Pv, Psplit};
split(sub0, ef0, depth+1);
split(sub1, ef1, depth+1);
else if(ef.tv == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM) {
/* partition edges */
TriangleDice::EdgeFactors ef0, ef1;
float2 Psplit;
&Psplit, &ef1.tu, &ef0.tu, sub.Pw, sub.Pu, ef.tv);
/* split */
int tsplit = T(sub.patch, sub.Pv, Psplit);
ef0.tv = ef.tw;
ef0.tw = tsplit;
ef1.tv = tsplit;
ef1.tw = ef.tu;
/* create subpatches */
TriangleDice::SubPatch sub0 = {sub.patch, sub.Pv, Psplit, sub.Pu};
TriangleDice::SubPatch sub1 = {sub.patch, sub.Pv, sub.Pw, Psplit};
split(sub0, ef0, depth+1);
split(sub1, ef1, depth+1);
else if(ef.tw == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM) {
/* partition edges */
TriangleDice::EdgeFactors ef0, ef1;
float2 Psplit;
&Psplit, &ef1.tu, &ef0.tu, sub.Pu, sub.Pv, ef.tw);
/* split */
int tsplit = T(sub.patch, sub.Pw, Psplit);
ef0.tv = ef.tu;
ef0.tw = tsplit;
ef1.tv = tsplit;
ef1.tw = ef.tv;
/* create subpatches */
TriangleDice::SubPatch sub0 = {sub.patch, sub.Pw, Psplit, sub.Pv};
TriangleDice::SubPatch sub1 = {sub.patch, sub.Pw, sub.Pu, Psplit};
split(sub0, ef0, depth+1);
split(sub1, ef1, depth+1);
dispatch(sub, ef);
void DiagSplit::split(QuadDice::SubPatch& sub, QuadDice::EdgeFactors& ef, int depth)
if((ef.tu0 == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM || ef.tu1 == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM)) {
/* partition edges */
QuadDice::EdgeFactors ef0, ef1;
float2 Pu0, Pu1;
&Pu0, &ef0.tu0, &ef1.tu0, sub.P00, sub.P10, ef.tu0);
&Pu1, &ef0.tu1, &ef1.tu1, sub.P01, sub.P11, ef.tu1);
/* split */
int tsplit = T(sub.patch, Pu0, Pu1);
ef0.tv0 = ef.tv0;
ef0.tv1 = tsplit;
ef1.tv0 = tsplit;
ef1.tv1 = ef.tv1;
/* create subpatches */
QuadDice::SubPatch sub0 = {sub.patch, sub.P00, Pu0, sub.P01, Pu1};
QuadDice::SubPatch sub1 = {sub.patch, Pu0, sub.P10, Pu1, sub.P11};
split(sub0, ef0, depth+1);
split(sub1, ef1, depth+1);
else if(ef.tv0 == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM || ef.tv1 == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM) {
/* partition edges */
QuadDice::EdgeFactors ef0, ef1;
float2 Pv0, Pv1;
&Pv0, &ef0.tv0, &ef1.tv0, sub.P00, sub.P01, ef.tv0);
&Pv1, &ef0.tv1, &ef1.tv1, sub.P10, sub.P11, ef.tv1);
/* split */
int tsplit = T(sub.patch, Pv0, Pv1);
ef0.tu0 = ef.tu0;
ef0.tu1 = tsplit;
ef1.tu0 = tsplit;
ef1.tu1 = ef.tu1;
/* create subpatches */
QuadDice::SubPatch sub0 = {sub.patch, sub.P00, sub.P10, Pv0, Pv1};
QuadDice::SubPatch sub1 = {sub.patch, Pv0, Pv1, sub.P01, sub.P11};
split(sub0, ef0, depth+1);
split(sub1, ef1, depth+1);
dispatch(sub, ef);
void DiagSplit::split_triangle(Mesh *mesh, Patch *patch, int shader, bool smooth)
TriangleDice::SubPatch sub;
TriangleDice::EdgeFactors ef;
sub.patch = patch;
sub.Pu = make_float2(1.0f, 0.0f);
sub.Pv = make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f);
sub.Pw = make_float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
ef.tu = T(patch, sub.Pv, sub.Pw);
ef.tv = T(patch, sub.Pw, sub.Pu);
ef.tw = T(patch, sub.Pu, sub.Pv);
split(sub, ef);
TriangleDice dice(mesh, shader, smooth, dicing_rate);
dice.camera = camera;
for(size_t i = 0; i < subpatches_triangle.size(); i++) {
TriangleDice::SubPatch& sub = subpatches_triangle[i];
TriangleDice::EdgeFactors& ef = edgefactors_triangle[i];
ef.tu = 4;
ef.tv = 4;
ef.tw = 4;
ef.tu = max(ef.tu, 1);
ef.tv = max(ef.tv, 1);
ef.tw = max(ef.tw, 1);
dice.dice(sub, ef);
void DiagSplit::split_quad(Mesh *mesh, Patch *patch, int shader, bool smooth)
QuadDice::SubPatch sub;
QuadDice::EdgeFactors ef;
sub.patch = patch;
sub.P00 = make_float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
sub.P10 = make_float2(1.0f, 0.0f);
sub.P01 = make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f);
sub.P11 = make_float2(1.0f, 1.0f);
ef.tu0 = T(patch, sub.P00, sub.P10);
ef.tu1 = T(patch, sub.P01, sub.P11);
ef.tv0 = T(patch, sub.P00, sub.P01);
ef.tv1 = T(patch, sub.P10, sub.P11);
split(sub, ef);
QuadDice dice(mesh, shader, smooth, dicing_rate);
dice.camera = camera;
for(size_t i = 0; i < subpatches_quad.size(); i++) {
QuadDice::SubPatch& sub = subpatches_quad[i];
QuadDice::EdgeFactors& ef = edgefactors_quad[i];
ef.tu0 = max(ef.tu0, 1);
ef.tu1 = max(ef.tu1, 1);
ef.tv0 = max(ef.tv0, 1);
ef.tv1 = max(ef.tv1, 1);
dice.dice(sub, ef);