
678 lines
30 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Name: 'Convert BGE 2.49'
Blender: 246
Group: 'TextPlugin'
Shortcut: ''
Tooltip: 'Attemps to update deprecated usage of game engine API.'
# Copyright 2009 Alex Fraser <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import string
import re
class ParseError(Exception): pass
class ConversionError(Exception): pass
def findBalancedParens(lines, row, col, openChar = '(', closeChar = ')'):
"""Finds a balanced pair of parentheses, searching from lines[row][col].
The opening parenthesis must be on the starting line.
Returns a 4-tuple containing the row and column of the opening paren, and
the row and column of the matching paren.
Throws a ParseError if the first character is not openChar, or if a matching
paren cannot be found."""
# Find the opening coordinates.
oRow = row
oCol = col
line = lines[oRow]
while oCol < len(line):
if line[oCol] == openChar:
elif line[oCol] == COMMENTCHAR:
oCol = oCol + 1
if oCol >= len(line) or line[oCol] != openChar or not re.match(r'^\s*$', line[col:oCol]):
raise ParseError, "Can't find opening parenthesis. '%s'" % openChar
# Find the closing coordinates.
eRow = oRow
eCol = oCol + 1
level = 1
while eRow < len(lines) and level > 0:
line = lines[eRow]
while eCol < len(line) and level > 0:
c = line[eCol]
if c == openChar:
# Found a nested paren.
level = level + 1
elif c == closeChar:
# Exiting one level of nesting.
level = level - 1
if level == 0:
# Back to top level!
return (oRow, oCol), (eRow, eCol)
elif c == COMMENTCHAR:
# Comment. Skip the rest of the line.
eCol = eCol + 1
eRow = eRow + 1
eCol = 0
raise ParseError, "Couldn't find closing parenthesis."
def findLastAssignment(lines, row, attrName):
"""Finds the most recent assignment of `attrName' before `row'. Returns
everything after the '=' sign or None, if there was no match."""
contRegex = re.compile(r'[^#]*?' + # Don't search in comments.
attrName +
r'\s*=\s*(.*)') # Assignment
cRow = row - 1
while cRow >= 0:
match =[cRow])
if match:
cRow = cRow - 1
return None
def replaceSubstr(s, start, end, newSubStr):
"""Replace the contents of `s' between `start' and `end' with
return s[:start] + newSubStr + s[end:]
def replaceNextParens(lines, row, colStart, newOpenChar, newCloseChar,
oldOpenChar = '(', oldCloseChar = ')'):
"""Replace the next set of parentheses with different characters. The
opening parenthesis must be located on line `row', and on or after
`colStart'. The closing parenthesis may be on the same line or any following
line. The strings are edited in-place.
Throws a ParseError if the set of parentheses can't be found. In this case,
the strings in `lines' will be untouched."""
pOpen, pClose = findBalancedParens(lines, row, colStart, oldOpenChar,
except ParseError:
# Replacement may change string length. Replace closing paren first.
r, c = pClose
lines[r] = replaceSubstr(lines[r], c, c + 1, newCloseChar)
# Replace opening paren.
r, c = pOpen
lines[r] = replaceSubstr(lines[r], c, c + 1, newOpenChar)
def replaceSimpleGetter(lines, row, colStart, colEnd, newName):
"""Replace a call to a simple getter function with a reference to a
property, e.g. foo.getBar() ->
The function identifier being replaced must be on line `row' and
between `colStart' and `colEnd'. The opening parenthesis must follow
immediately (whitespace is allowed). The closing parenthesis may be on the
same or following lines.
Throws a ConversionError if the parentheses can't be found. In this case
the content of `lines' will be untouched."""
replaceNextParens(lines, row, colEnd, newOpenChar = '', newCloseChar = '')
except ParseError:
raise ConversionError, ("Deprecated function reference.")
lines[row] = replaceSubstr(lines[row], colStart, colEnd, newName)
def replaceSimpleSetter(lines, row, colStart, colEnd, newName):
"""Replace a call to a simple setter function with a reference to a
property, e.g. foo.setBar(baz) -> = baz
The function identifier being replaced must be on line `row' and
between `colStart' and `colEnd'. The opening parenthesis must follow
immediately (whitespace is allowed). The closing parenthesis may be on the
same or following lines.
Throws a ConversionError if the parentheses can't be found. In this case
the content of `lines' will be untouched."""
replaceNextParens(lines, row, colEnd, newOpenChar = '', newCloseChar = '')
except ParseError:
raise ConversionError, ("Deprecated function reference.")
lines[row] = replaceSubstr(lines[row], colStart, colEnd, newName + ' = ')
def replaceKeyedGetter(lines, row, colStart, colEnd, newName):
"""Replace a call to a keyed getter function with a reference to a
property, e.g. foo.getBar(baz) ->[baz]
The function identifier being replaced must be on line `row' and
between `colStart' and `colEnd'. The opening parenthesis must follow
immediately (whitespace is allowed). The closing parenthesis may be on the
same or following lines.
Throws a ConversionError if the parentheses can't be found. In this case
the content of `lines' will be untouched."""
replaceNextParens(lines, row, colEnd, newOpenChar = '[', newCloseChar = ']')
except ParseError:
raise ConversionError, ("Deprecated function reference.")
lines[row] = replaceSubstr(lines[row], colStart, colEnd, newName)
def replaceGetXYPosition(lines, row, colStart, colEnd, axis):
'''SCA_MouseSensor.getXPosition; SCA_MouseSensor.getYPosition.
This is like a keyed getter, but the key is embedded in the attribute
Throws a ConversionError if the parentheses can't be found. In this case
the content of `lines' will be untouched.'''
(openRow, openCol), (closeRow, closeCol) = findBalancedParens(lines,
row, colEnd)
except ParseError:
raise ConversionError, "Deprecated function reference."
if closeRow != row:
raise ConversionError, "Can't modify multiple lines."
lines[row] = replaceSubstr(lines[row], openCol, closeCol + 1,
"[%s]" % axis)
lines[row] = replaceSubstr(lines[row], colStart, colEnd, 'position')
def replaceRename(lines, row, colStart, colEnd, newName):
"""Replace an identifier with another, e.g. foo.getBar() -> foo.getBaz()
The identifier being replaced must be on line `row' and between `colStart'
and `colEnd'."""
lines[row] = replaceSubstr(lines[row], colStart, colEnd, newName)
def replaceAddActiveActuator(lines, row, colStart, colEnd, closure):
'''Extra work needs to be done here to find out the name of the controller,
and whether the actuator should be activated or deactivated.
Throws a ConversionError if the actuator, controller or condition can't be
found. In this case the content of `lines' will be untouched.'''
(openRow, openCol), (closeRow, closeCol) = findBalancedParens(lines, row, colEnd)
except ParseError:
ConversionError, "Can't find arguments."
if closeRow != openRow:
raise ConversionError, ("Can't perform conversion: arguments span multiple lines.")
args = lines[row][openCol + 1:closeCol]
match ='([a-zA-Z_]\w*)' # Actuator identifier
r'([0-9a-zA-Z_]\w*)', # Condition (boolean)
if not match:
raise ConversionError, "Can't find arguments."
actuator =
condition =
controller = None
assn = findLastAssignment(lines, row, actuator)
if assn:
match ='([a-zA-Z_]\w*)' # Controller identifier
r'\s*\.\s*' # Dot
r'(actuators\s*\[|getActuator\s*\()', # Dictionary/getter identifier
if match:
controller =
if not controller:
raise ConversionError, "Can't find actuator's controller."
gameLogicStart = lines[row].rfind("GameLogic", 0, colStart)
if gameLogicStart < 0:
raise ConversionError, "Can't find GameLogic identifier."
newExpr = None
if condition in ['1', 'True']:
newExpr = "%s.activate(%s)" % (controller, actuator)
elif condition in ['0', 'False']:
newExpr = "%s.deactivate(%s)" % (controller, actuator)
newExpr = "(lambda: %s and (%s.activate(%s) or True) or %s.deactivate(%s))()" % (
condition, controller, actuator, controller, actuator)
lines[row] = replaceSubstr(lines[row], gameLogicStart, closeCol + 1, newExpr)
def getObject(line, attributeStart):
match ='([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\s*\.\s*$', line[0:attributeStart])
if not match:
return None
def replaceGetActuator(lines, row, colStart, colEnd, closure):
'''getActuator is ambiguous: it could belong to SCA_IController or
SCA_ActuatorSensor. Try to resolve.
Raises a ConversionError if the parentheses can't be found, or if the
ambiguity can't be resolved.'''
# Get the name of the object this attribute is attached to.
obName = getObject(lines[row], colStart)
if obName:
# Try to find out whether the object is a controller.
assn = findLastAssignment(lines, row, obName)
if assn and'GameLogic\s*\.\s*getCurrentController', assn):
# It is (probably) a controller!
replaceKeyedGetter(lines, row, colStart, colEnd, 'actuators')
raise ConversionError, "Ambiguous: addActiveActuator -> actuators[key] (SCA_IController) or actuator (SCA_ActuatorSensor)."
# Deprecated attribute information. The format is:
# deprecatedAttributeName: {(conversionFunction, closure): classList}
# Usually the closure will be the name of the superceding attribute.
# If an attribute maps to more than one function/attribute pair, the conversion
# is ambiguous and can't be performed.
attributeRenameDict = {
# Special cases
'addActiveActuator': {(replaceAddActiveActuator, None): []},
'getActuator': {(replaceGetActuator, None): ['SCA_IController', 'SCA_ActuatorSensor']},
'getXPosition': {(replaceGetXYPosition, '0'): ['SCA_MouseSensor']},
'getYPosition': {(replaceGetXYPosition, '1'): ['SCA_MouseSensor']},
# Unimplemented! There are probably more of these below that would cause errors.
#'getLinearVelocity': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'linearVelocity'): ['KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator']},
#'setLinearVelocity': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'linearVelocity'): ['KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator']},
#'getAngularVelocity': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'angularVelocity'): ['KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator']},
#'setAngularVelocity': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'angularVelocity'): ['KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator']},
# Generic converters
'enableViewport': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'useViewport'): ['KX_Camera']},
'getAction': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'action'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator', 'BL_ActionActuator']},
'getActuators': {(replaceKeyedGetter, 'actuators'): ['SCA_IController']},
'getAxis': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'axis'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'getAxisValue': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'axisSingle'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'getBlendin': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'blendIn'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'getBodies': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'bodies'): ['KX_NetworkMessageSensor']},
'getButton': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'button'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'getButtonValue': {(replaceRename, 'getButtonActiveList'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'getCamera': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'camera'): ['KX_SceneActuator']},
'getConeOrigin': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'coneOrigin'): ['KX_RadarSensor']},
'getConeTarget': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'coneTarget'): ['KX_RadarSensor']},
'getContinue': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'useContinue'): ['BL_ActionActuator']},
'getCurrentlyPressedKeys': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'events'): ['SCA_KeyboardSensor']},
'getDelay': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'delay'): ['SCA_DelaySensor']},
'getDistribution': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'distribution'): ['SCA_RandomActuator']},
'getDuration': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'duration'): ['SCA_DelaySensor']},
'getEnd': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'frameEnd'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'getExecutePriority': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'executePriority'): ['SCA_ILogicBrick']},
'getFile': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'fileName'): ['KX_GameActuator']},
'getFilename': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'fileName'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'getForceIpoActsLocal': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'useIpoLocal'): ['KX_IpoActuator']},
'getFrame': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'frame'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator', 'BL_ActionActuator']},
'getFrameMessageCount': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'frameMessageCount'): ['KX_NetworkMessageSensor']},
'getFrameProperty': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'framePropName'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'getFrequency': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'frequency'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'getGain': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'volume'): ['KX_SoundActuator', 'KX_CDActuator']},
'getHat': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'hat'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'getHeight': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'height'): ['KX_CameraActuator']},
'getHitNormal': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'hitNormal'): ['KX_MouseFocusSensor', 'KX_RaySensor']},
'getHitObject': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'hitObject'): ['KX_MouseFocusSensor',
'getHitObjectList': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'hitObjectList'): ['KX_TouchSensor']},
'getHitPosition': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'hitPosition'): ['KX_MouseFocusSensor',
'getHold1': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'hold1'): ['SCA_KeyboardSensor']},
'getHold2': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'hold2'): ['SCA_KeyboardSensor']},
'getIndex': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'index'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'getInvert': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'invert'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'getIpoAdd': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'useIpoAdd'): ['KX_IpoActuator']},
'getIpoAsForce': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'useIpoAsForce'): ['KX_IpoActuator']},
'getKey': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'key'): ['SCA_KeyboardSensor']},
'getLastCreatedObject': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'objectLastCreated'): ['KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator']},
'getLevel': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'level'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'getLightList': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'lights'): ['KX_Scene']},
'getLooping': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'looping'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'getMass': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'mass'): ['KX_GameObject']},
'getMax': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'max'): ['KX_CameraActuator']},
'getMesh': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'mesh'): ['KX_SCA_ReplaceMeshActuator']},
'getMin': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'min'): ['KX_CameraActuator']},
'getName': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'name'): ['KX_Scene']},
'getNumAxes': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'numAxis'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'getNumButtons': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'numButtons'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'getNumHats': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'numHats'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'getObject': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'object'): ['KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator',
'getObjectList': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'objects'): ['KX_Scene']},
'getOperation': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'mode'): ['KX_SCA_DynamicActuator']},
'getOrientation': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'worldOrientation'): ['KX_GameObject']},
'getOwner': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'owner'): ['SCA_ILogicBrick']},
'getPara1': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'para1'): ['SCA_RandomActuator']},
'getPara2': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'para2'): ['SCA_RandomActuator']},
'getParent': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'parent'): ['KX_GameObject']},
'getPitch': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'pitch'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'getPosition': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'worldPosition'): ['KX_GameObject']},
'getPressedKeys': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'events'): ['SCA_KeyboardSensor']},
'getPriority': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'priority'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'getProjectionMatrix': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'projection_matrix'): ['KX_Camera']},
'getProperty': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'propName'): ['SCA_PropertySensor',
'getRayDirection': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'rayDirection'): ['KX_MouseFocusSensor',
'getRaySource': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'raySource'): ['KX_MouseFocusSensor']},
'getRayTarget': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'rayTarget'): ['KX_MouseFocusSensor']},
'getRepeat': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'repeat'): ['SCA_DelaySensor']},
'getRollOffFactor': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'rollOffFactor'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'getScene': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'scene'): ['KX_SceneActuator']},
'getScript': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'script'): ['SCA_PythonController']},
'getSeed': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'seed'): ['SCA_RandomActuator']},
'getSensor': {(replaceKeyedGetter, 'sensors'): ['SCA_IController']},
'getSensors': {(replaceKeyedGetter, 'sensors'): ['SCA_IController']},
'getStart': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'frameStart'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'getState': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'state'): ['SCA_IController', 'KX_GameObject']},
'getSubject': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'subject'): ['KX_NetworkMessageSensor']},
'getSubjects': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'subjects'): ['KX_NetworkMessageSensor']},
'getThreshold': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'threshold'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'getTime': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'time'): ['KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator', 'KX_TrackToActuator']},
'getTouchMaterial': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'useMaterial'): ['KX_TouchSensor']},
'getType': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'mode'): ['SCA_PropertySensor']},
'getUse3D': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'use3D'): ['KX_TrackToActuator']},
'getUseNegPulseMode': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'useNegPulseMode'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'getUsePosPulseMode': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'usePosPulseMode'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'getUseRestart': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'useRestart'): ['KX_SceneActuator']},
'getValue': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'value'): ['SCA_PropertySensor', 'SCA_PropertyActuator']},
'getVisible': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'visible'): ['KX_GameObject']},
'getXY': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'useXY'): ['KX_CameraActuator']},
'isConnected': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'connected'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'isPositive': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'positive'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'isTriggered': {(replaceSimpleGetter, 'triggered'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'set': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'visibility'): ['KX_VisibilityActuator']},
'setAction': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'action'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator', 'BL_ActionActuator']},
'setActuator': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'actuator'): ['SCA_ActuatorSensor']},
'setAxis': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'axis'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'setBlendin': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'blendIn'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'setBlendtime': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'blendTime'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'setBodyType': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'usePropBody'): ['KX_NetworkMessageActuator']},
'setButton': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'button'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'setCamera': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'camera'): ['KX_SceneActuator']},
'setContinue': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'useContinue'): ['BL_ActionActuator']},
'setDelay': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'delay'): ['SCA_DelaySensor']},
'setDuration': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'duration'): ['SCA_DelaySensor']},
'setEnd': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'frameEnd'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'setExecutePriority': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'executePriority'): ['SCA_ILogicBrick']},
'setFile': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'fileName'): ['KX_GameActuator']},
'setFilename': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'fileName'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'setForceIpoActsLocal': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'useIpoLocal'): ['KX_IpoActuator']},
'setFrame': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'frame'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator', 'BL_ActionActuator']},
'setFrameProperty': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'framePropName'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'setFrequency': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'frequency'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'setGain': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'volume'): ['KX_SoundActuator', 'KX_CDActuator']},
'setHat': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'hat'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'setHeight': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'height'): ['KX_CameraActuator']},
'setHold1': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'hold1'): ['SCA_KeyboardSensor']},
'setHold2': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'hold2'): ['SCA_KeyboardSensor']},
'setIndex': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'index'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'setInvert': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'invert'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'setIpoAdd': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'useIpoAdd'): ['KX_IpoActuator']},
'setIpoAsForce': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'useIpoAsForce'): ['KX_IpoActuator']},
'setKey': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'key'): ['SCA_KeyboardSensor']},
'setLevel': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'level'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'setLooping': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'looping'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'setMask': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'mask'): ['KX_StateActuator']},
'setMax': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'max'): ['KX_CameraActuator']},
'setMesh': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'mesh'): ['KX_SCA_ReplaceMeshActuator']},
'setMin': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'min'): ['KX_CameraActuator']},
'setObject': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'object'): ['KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator',
'setOperation': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'mode'): ['KX_SCA_DynamicActuator'],
(replaceSimpleSetter, 'operation'): ['KX_StateActuator']},
'setOrientation': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'localOrientation'): ['KX_GameObject'],
(replaceSimpleSetter, 'orientation'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'setPitch': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'pitch'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'setPosition': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'localPosition'): ['KX_GameObject'],
(replaceSimpleSetter, 'position'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'setPriority': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'priority'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'setProjectionMatrix': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'projection_matrix'): ['KX_Camera']},
'setProperty': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'propName'): ['KX_IpoActuator',
'setRepeat': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'repeat'): ['SCA_DelaySensor']},
'setRollOffFactor': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'rollOffFactor'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'setScene': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'scene'): ['KX_SceneActuator']},
'setScript': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'script'): ['SCA_PythonController']},
'setSeed': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'seed'): ['SCA_RandomActuator']},
'setStart': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'frameStart'): ['BL_ShapeActionActuator',
'setState': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'state'): ['KX_GameObject']},
'setSubject': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'subject'): ['KX_NetworkMessageActuator']},
'setSubjectFilterText': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'subject'): ['KX_NetworkMessageSensor']},
'setThreshold': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'threshold'): ['SCA_JoystickSensor']},
'setTime': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'time'): ['KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator', 'KX_TrackToActuator']},
'setToPropName': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'propName'): ['KX_NetworkMessageActuator']},
'setType': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'mode'): ['SCA_PropertySensor']},
'setUse3D': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'use3D'): ['KX_TrackToActuator']},
'setUseNegPulseMode': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'useNegPulseMode'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'setUsePosPulseMode': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'usePosPulseMode'): ['SCA_ISensor']},
'setUseRestart': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'useRestart'): ['KX_SceneActuator']},
'setValue': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'value'): ['SCA_PropertySensor', 'SCA_PropertyActuator']},
'setVelocity': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'velocity'): ['KX_SoundActuator']},
'setXY': {(replaceSimpleSetter, 'useXY'): ['KX_CameraActuator']}
def convert248to249(lines, log = True, logErrors = True):
# Regular expression for finding attributes. For the string 'a.b', this
# returns three groups: ['a.b', 'a.', 'b']. The last is the attribute name.
attrRegex = re.compile(r'\.\s*' # Dot
r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*)') # Identifier
row = 0
sourceRow = 0
col = 0
nconverted = 0
nerrors = 0
while row < len(lines):
originalLine = lines[row]
changed = False
while col < len(lines[row]):
# Don't search past comment. We have to check each iteration
# because the line contents may have changed.
commentStart = lines[row].find('#', col)
if commentStart < 0:
commentStart = len(lines[row])
# Search for an attribute identifier.
match =[row], col, commentStart)
if not match:
attrName =
if attributeRenameDict.has_key(attrName):
# name is deprecated.
conversionDict = attributeRenameDict[attrName]
if len(conversionDict.keys()) > 1:
# Ambiguous! Can't convert.
print "ERROR: source line %d, ambiguous conversion:" % sourceRow
if logErrors:
lines.insert(row, "##248## ERROR: ambiguous conversion.\n")
row = row + 1
for conversion in conversionDict.keys():
_, newAttrName = conversion
classes = conversionDict[conversion]
print "\t%s -> %s (classes %s)" % (attrName, newAttrName, classes)
if logErrors:
lines.insert(row, "##248##%s -> %s (classes %s)\n" %
(attrName, newAttrName, classes))
row = row + 1
nerrors = nerrors + 1
# Conversion is well-defined. Execute.
func, newAttrName = conversionDict.keys()[0]
func(lines, row, match.start(1), match.end(1), newAttrName)
except ConversionError as e:
# Insert a comment saying the conversion failed.
print "ERROR: source line %d, %s: %s\n" % (
sourceRow, attrName, e)
if logErrors:
"##248## ERROR: %s: %s\n" %
(attrName, e))
row = row + 1
nerrors = nerrors + 1
changed = True
nconverted = nconverted + 1
# Search the rest of this line.
col = match.start(1)
if changed and log:
if originalLine[-1] != '\n':
originalLine = originalLine + '\n'
lines.insert(row, "##248##%s" % originalLine)
row = row + 1
row = row + 1
sourceRow = sourceRow + 1
col = 0
return nconverted, nerrors
def usage():
print "Usage: [options] <infile> [outfile]"
print "Options:"
print "\t--nolog Don't include old lines as comments."
print "\t--quieterrors Don't insert errors as comments."
def runAsConsoleScript():
'''Called when being run as a console script.'''
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", ["nolog", "quieterrors"])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# print help information and exit:
print str(err)
log = True
logErrors = True
for o, a in opts:
if o == "--nolog":
log = False
elif o == "--quieterrors":
logErrors = False
inpath = args.pop(0)
except IndexError:
outpath = args.pop(0)
except IndexError:
outpath = inpath
infile = io.FileIO(inpath, 'r')
# arbitrary file size of around 100kB
lines = infile.readlines(100000)
nconverted, nerrors = convert248to249(lines, log, logErrors)
outfile = io.FileIO(outpath, 'w')
print "Conversion finished. Modified %d attributes." % nconverted
print "There were %d errors." % nerrors
print "Please review all the changes."
def runAsTextPlugin():
'''Called when run as a text plugin.'''
import Blender
from Blender import Window, sys, Draw
import BPyTextPlugin, bpy
# Gets the active text object, there can be many in one blend file.
txt =
# Silently return if the script has been run with no active text
if not txt:
lines = txt.asLines()
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
if not lines[i].endswith('\n'):
lines[i] = lines[i] + '\n'
nconverted, nerrors = convert248to249(lines)
Blender.SaveUndoState('Convert GE 249')
for line in lines:
message = "Converted %d attributes." % nconverted
if nerrors == 1:
message = message + " There was 1 error (see console)."
if nerrors > 1:
message = message + " There were %d errors (see console)." % nerrors
message = message + "|Please review all the changes."
def main():
import Blender
except ImportError:
# This lets you import the script without running it
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import getopt
import io