forked from bartvdbraak/blender
538 lines
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538 lines
16 KiB
* \file
* class for automatic differentiation on scalar values and 1st
* derivatives and 2nd derivative.
* \author
* Erwin Aertbelien, Div. PMA, Dep. of Mech. Eng., K.U.Leuven
* \version
* ORO_Geometry V0.2
* \par Note
* VC6++ contains a bug, concerning the use of inlined friend functions
* in combination with namespaces. So, try to avoid inlined friend
* functions !
* \par History
* - $log$
* \par Release
* $Name: $
#ifndef Rall2D_H
#define Rall2D_H
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "utility.h"
namespace KDL {
* Rall2d contains a value, and its gradient and its 2nd derivative, and defines an algebraic
* structure on this pair.
* This template class has 3 template parameters :
* - T contains the type of the value.
* - V contains the type of the gradient (can be a vector-like type).
* - S defines a scalar type that can operate on Rall1d. This is the type that
* is used to give back values of Norm() etc.
* S is usefull when you recurse a Rall1d object into itself to create a 2nd, 3th, 4th,..
* derivatives. (e.g. Rall1d< Rall1d<double>, Rall1d<double>, double> ).
* S is always passed by value.
* \par Class Type
* Concrete implementation
template <class T,class V=T,class S=T>
class Rall2d
public :
T t; //!< value
V d; //!< 1st derivative
V dd; //!< 2nd derivative
public :
// = Constructors
INLINE Rall2d() {}
explicit INLINE Rall2d(typename TI<T>::Arg c)
INLINE Rall2d(typename TI<T>::Arg tn,const V& afg):t(tn),d(afg) {SetToZero(dd);}
INLINE Rall2d(typename TI<T>::Arg tn,const V& afg,const V& afg2):t(tn),d(afg),dd(afg2) {}
// = Copy Constructor
INLINE Rall2d(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& r):t(r.t),d(r.d),dd(r.dd) {}
//if one defines this constructor, it's better optimized then the
//automatically generated one ( that one set's up a loop to copy
// word by word.
// = Member functions to access internal structures :
INLINE T& Value() {
return t;
return d;
return dd;
INLINE static Rall2d<T,V,S> Zero() {
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
return tmp;
INLINE static Rall2d<T,V,S> Identity() {
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
return tmp;
// = assignment operators
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S>& operator =(S c)
{t=c;SetToZero(d);SetToZero(dd);return *this;}
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S>& operator =(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& r)
{t=r.t;d=r.d;dd=r.dd;return *this;}
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S>& operator /=(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs)
t /= rhs.t;
d = (d-t*rhs.d)/rhs.t;
dd= (dd - S(2)*d*rhs.d-t*rhs.dd)/rhs.t;
return *this;
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S>& operator *=(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs)
t *= rhs.t;
d = (d*rhs.t+t*rhs.d);
dd = (dd*rhs.t+S(2)*d*rhs.d+t*rhs.dd);
return *this;
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S>& operator +=(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs)
t +=rhs.t;
d +=rhs.d;
return *this;
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S>& operator -=(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs)
t -= rhs.t;
d -= rhs.d;
dd -= rhs.dd;
return *this;
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S>& operator /=(S rhs)
t /= rhs;
d /= rhs;
dd /= rhs;
return *this;
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S>& operator *=(S rhs)
t *= rhs;
d *= rhs;
dd *= rhs;
return *this;
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S>& operator -=(S rhs)
t -= rhs;
return *this;
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S>& operator +=(S rhs)
t += rhs;
return *this;
// = Operators between Rall2d objects
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator /(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& lhs,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator *(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& lhs,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator +(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& lhs,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator -(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& lhs,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator -(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator *(S s,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator *(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v,S s);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator +(S s,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator +(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v,S s);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator -(S s,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v);
friend INLINE INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator -(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v,S s);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator /(S s,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator /(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v,S s);
// = Mathematical functions that operate on Rall2d objects
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> exp(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> log(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> sin(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> cos(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> tan(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> sinh(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> cosh(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> tanh(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> sqr(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> pow(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg,double m) ;
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> sqrt(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> asin(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> acos(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> atan(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& x);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> atan2(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& y,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& x);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> abs(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& x);
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> hypot(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& y,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& x);
// returns sqrt(y*y+x*x), but is optimized for accuracy and speed.
friend INLINE S Norm(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& value) ;
// returns Norm( value.Value() ).
// = Some utility functions to improve performance
// (should also be declared on primitive types to improve uniformity
friend INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> LinComb(S alfa,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& a,
TI<T>::Arg beta,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& b );
friend INLINE void LinCombR(S alfa,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& a,
TI<T>::Arg beta,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& b,Rall2d<T,V,S>& result );
// = Setting value of a Rall2d object to 0 or 1
friend INLINE void SetToZero(Rall2d<T,V,S>& value);
friend INLINE void SetToOne(Rall2d<T,V,S>& value);
// = Equality in an eps-interval
friend INLINE bool Equal(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& y,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& x,double eps);
// = Operators between Rall2d objects
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator /(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& lhs,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs)
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = lhs.t/rhs.t;
tmp.d = (lhs.d-tmp.t*rhs.d)/rhs.t;
tmp.dd= (lhs.dd-S(2)*tmp.d*rhs.d-tmp.t*rhs.dd)/rhs.t;
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator *(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& lhs,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs)
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = lhs.t*rhs.t;
tmp.d = (lhs.d*rhs.t+lhs.t*rhs.d);
tmp.dd = (lhs.dd*rhs.t+S(2)*lhs.d*rhs.d+lhs.t*rhs.dd);
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator +(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& lhs,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(lhs.t+rhs.t,lhs.d+rhs.d,lhs.dd+rhs.dd);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator -(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& lhs,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(lhs.t-rhs.t,lhs.d-rhs.d,lhs.dd-rhs.dd);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator -(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(-arg.t,-arg.d,-arg.dd);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator *(S s,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(s*v.t,s*v.d,s*v.dd);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator *(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v,S s)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v.t*s,v.d*s,v.dd*s);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator +(S s,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(s+v.t,v.d,v.dd);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator +(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v,S s)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v.t+s,v.d,v.dd);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator -(S s,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(s-v.t,-v.d,-v.dd);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator -(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v,S s)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v.t-s,v.d,v.dd);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator /(S s,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& rhs)
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = s/rhs.t;
tmp.d = (-tmp.t*rhs.d)/rhs.t;
tmp.dd= (-S(2)*tmp.d*rhs.d-tmp.t*rhs.dd)/rhs.t;
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> operator /(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& v,S s)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v.t/s,v.d/s,v.dd/s);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> exp(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = exp(arg.t);
tmp.d = tmp.t*arg.d;
tmp.dd = tmp.d*arg.d+tmp.t*arg.dd;
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> log(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = log(arg.t);
tmp.d = arg.d/arg.t;
tmp.dd = (arg.dd-tmp.d*arg.d)/arg.t;
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> sin(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
T v1 = sin(arg.t);
T v2 = cos(arg.t);
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v1,v2*arg.d,v2*arg.dd - (v1*arg.d)*arg.d );
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> cos(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
T v1 = cos(arg.t);
T v2 = -sin(arg.t);
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v1,v2*arg.d, v2*arg.dd - (v1*arg.d)*arg.d);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> tan(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
T v1 = tan(arg.t);
T v2 = S(1)+sqr(v1);
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v1,v2*arg.d, v2*(arg.dd+(S(2)*v1*sqr(arg.d))));
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> sinh(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
T v1 = sinh(arg.t);
T v2 = cosh(arg.t);
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v1,v2*arg.d,v2*arg.dd + (v1*arg.d)*arg.d );
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> cosh(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
T v1 = cosh(arg.t);
T v2 = sinh(arg.t);
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v1,v2*arg.d,v2*arg.dd + (v1*arg.d)*arg.d );
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> tanh(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
T v1 = tanh(arg.t);
T v2 = S(1)-sqr(v1);
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v1,v2*arg.d, v2*(arg.dd-(S(2)*v1*sqr(arg.d))));
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> sqr(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(arg.t*arg.t,
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> pow(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg,double m)
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = pow(arg.t,m);
T v2 = (m/arg.t)*tmp.t;
tmp.d = v2*arg.d;
tmp.dd = (S((m-1))/arg.t)*tmp.d*arg.d + v2*arg.dd;
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> sqrt(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
/* By inversion of sqr(x) :*/
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = sqrt(arg.t);
tmp.d = (S(0.5)/tmp.t)*arg.d;
tmp.dd = (S(0.5)*arg.dd-sqr(tmp.d))/tmp.t;
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> asin(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
/* By inversion of sin(x) */
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = asin(arg.t);
T v = cos(tmp.t);
tmp.d = arg.d/v;
tmp.dd = (arg.dd+arg.t*sqr(tmp.d))/v;
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> acos(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& arg)
/* By inversion of cos(x) */
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = acos(arg.t);
T v = -sin(tmp.t);
tmp.d = arg.d/v;
tmp.dd = (arg.dd+arg.t*sqr(tmp.d))/v;
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> atan(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& x)
/* By inversion of tan(x) */
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = atan(x.t);
T v = S(1)+sqr(x.t);
tmp.d = x.d/v;
tmp.dd = x.dd/v-(S(2)*x.t)*sqr(tmp.d);
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> atan2(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& y,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& x)
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = atan2(y.t,x.t);
T v = sqr(y.t)+sqr(x.t);
tmp.d = (x.t*y.d-x.d*y.t)/v;
tmp.dd = ( x.t*y.dd-x.dd*y.t-S(2)*(x.t*x.d+y.t*y.d)*tmp.d ) / v;
return tmp;
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> abs(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& x)
T v(Sign(x));
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(v*x,v*x.d,v*x.dd);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> hypot(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& y,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& x)
Rall2d<T,V,S> tmp;
tmp.t = hypot(y.t,x.t);
tmp.d = (x.t*x.d+y.t*y.d)/tmp.t;
tmp.dd = (sqr(x.d)+x.t*x.dd+sqr(y.d)+y.t*y.dd-sqr(tmp.d))/tmp.t;
return tmp;
// returns sqrt(y*y+x*x), but is optimized for accuracy and speed.
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE S Norm(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& value)
return Norm(value.t);
// returns Norm( value.Value() ).
// (should also be declared on primitive types to improve uniformity
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE Rall2d<T,V,S> LinComb(S alfa,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& a,
const T& beta,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& b ) {
return Rall2d<T,V,S>(
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE void LinCombR(S alfa,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& a,
const T& beta,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& b,Rall2d<T,V,S>& result ) {
LinCombR(alfa, a.t, beta, b.t, result.t);
LinCombR(alfa, a.d, beta, b.d, result.d);
LinCombR(alfa, a.dd, beta, b.dd, result.dd);
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE void SetToZero(Rall2d<T,V,S>& value)
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE void SetToIdentity(Rall2d<T,V,S>& value)
template <class T,class V,class S>
INLINE bool Equal(const Rall2d<T,V,S>& y,const Rall2d<T,V,S>& x,double eps=epsilon)
return (Equal(x.t,y.t,eps)&&