
356 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# $Id$
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Copyright (c) 2001 Anthony D'Agostino |
# | |
# | |
# | September 28, 2002 |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Common Functions & Global Variables For All IO Modules |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import Blender
import sys
show_progress = 1 # Set to 0 for faster performance
average_vcols = 1 # Off for per-face, On for per-vertex
overwrite_mesh_name = 0 # Set to 0 to increment object-name version
blender_version = Blender.Get('version')
blender_version_str = `blender_version`[0] + '.' + `blender_version`[1:]
import operator
msg = "Error: you need a full Python install to run this script."
Scripts (making some changes to the scripts dir): - moved bpydata/ to scripts/bpydata/ and added a config/ subdir to it; - created scripts/bpymodules for py modules (also got rid of those "mod_"'s appended to the files); - updated scripts accordingly. This will require you to "reinstall" (just copy the scripts/ dir over your older one) if you have a .blender/scripts/ dir somewhere. Otherwise some scripts won't work. You can use the updated "Help->System->System Information" script here to check all is fine. An installer script yet to be written will help users with these issues, specially to make the user defined dir have the same structure expected from the default scripts dir, so the basic facilities (module search; saved config data; scripts: installer, help browser, config editor) are also available for a user's own collection of written and downloaded scripts. BPython: - slikdigit's crash was because he had no <home or blender exe location>/.blender/: proper check added and also now if all else fails the <cvsblender>/release/scripts/ dir is also searched for scripts. All this registration dirs stuff is a little messy (installation!), so please report any troubles (I only tested on linux). - slight change in error report in BPY_interface.c's BPY_menu_do_python; remembering to set globaldict pointer to NULL there, too. - moved bpy_gethome() to EXPP_interface.[ch] - "//" as user defined python dir is ignored while looking for scripts, considering it's only a default some users use, not really meant for a scripts dir.
2005-03-21 05:26:52 +00:00
# =================================
# === Append Faces To Face List ===
# =================================
def append_faces(mesh, faces, facesuv, uvcoords):
for i in xrange(len(faces)):
if not i%100 and show_progress: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(faces), "Generating Faces")
if numfaceverts == 2: #This is not a face is an edge
if mesh.edges == None: #first run
#rev_face = revert(cur_face)
i1 = faces[i][0]
i2 = faces[i][1]
ee = mesh.addEdge(mesh.verts[i1],mesh.verts[i2])
ee.flag |= Blender.NMesh.EdgeFlags.EDGEDRAW
ee.flag |= Blender.NMesh.EdgeFlags.EDGERENDER
elif numfaceverts in [3,4]: # This face is a triangle or quad
face = Blender.NMesh.Face()
for j in xrange(numfaceverts):
index = faces[i][j]
if len(uvcoords) > 1:
uvidx = facesuv[i][j]
face.mode = 0
face.col = [Blender.NMesh.Col()]*4
else: # Triangulate n-sided convex polygon.
a, b, c = 0, 1, 2 # Indices of first triangle.
for j in xrange(numfaceverts-2): # Number of triangles in polygon.
face = Blender.NMesh.Face()
b = c; c += 1
#face.smooth = 1
# ===================================
# === Append Verts to Vertex List ===
# ===================================
def append_verts(mesh, verts, normals):
#print "Number of normals:", len(normals)
#print "Number of verts :", len(verts)
for i in xrange(len(verts)):
if not i%100 and show_progress: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(verts), "Generating Verts")
x, y, z = verts[i]
mesh.verts.append(Blender.NMesh.Vert(x, y, z))
if normals:
mesh.verts[i].no[0] = normals[i][0]
mesh.verts[i].no[1] = normals[i][1]
mesh.verts[i].no[2] = normals[i][2]
# ===========================
# === Create Blender Mesh ===
# ===========================
def create_mesh(verts, faces, objname, facesuv=[], uvcoords=[], normals=[]):
if normals: normal_flag = 0
else: normal_flag = 1
mesh = Blender.NMesh.GetRaw()
append_verts(mesh, verts, normals)
append_faces(mesh, faces, facesuv, uvcoords)
if not overwrite_mesh_name:
objname = versioned_name(objname)
ob= Blender.NMesh.PutRaw(mesh, objname, normal_flag) # Name the Mesh objname # Name the Object
# ==============================
# === Increment Name Version ===
# ==============================
def versioned_name(objname):
existing_names = []
for object in Blender.Object.Get():
if objname in existing_names: # don't over-write other names
name, ext = objname.split('.')
except ValueError:
name, ext = objname, ''
num = int(ext)
root = name
except ValueError:
root = objname
for i in xrange(1, 1000):
objname = "%s.%03d" % (root, i)
if objname not in existing_names:
return objname
# ===========================
# === Print Text In A Box ===
# ===========================
def print_boxed(text):
lines = text.splitlines()
maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines))
if sys.platform[:3] == "win":
print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191)
for line in lines:
print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179)
print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217)
print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |'
print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
print '\a\r', # beep when done
# ===============================================
# === Get euler angles from a rotation matrix ===
# ===============================================
def mat2euler(mat):
angle_y = -math.asin(mat[0][2])
c = math.cos(angle_y)
if math.fabs(c) > 0.005:
angle_x = math.atan2(mat[1][2]/c, mat[2][2]/c)
angle_z = math.atan2(mat[0][1]/c, mat[0][0]/c)
angle_x = 0.0
angle_z = -math.atan2(mat[1][0], mat[1][1])
return (angle_x, angle_y, angle_z)
# ==========================
# === Transpose A Matrix ===
# ==========================
def transpose(A):
S = len(A)
T = len(A[0])
B = [[None]*S for i in xrange(T)]
for i in xrange(T):
for j in xrange(S):
B[i][j] = A[j][i]
return B
# =======================
# === Apply Transform ===
# =======================
def apply_transform(vertex, matrix):
x, y, z = vertex
xloc, yloc, zloc = matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2]
xcomponent = x*matrix[0][0] + y*matrix[1][0] + z*matrix[2][0] + xloc
ycomponent = x*matrix[0][1] + y*matrix[1][1] + z*matrix[2][1] + yloc
zcomponent = x*matrix[0][2] + y*matrix[1][2] + z*matrix[2][2] + zloc
vertex = [xcomponent, ycomponent, zcomponent]
return vertex
# =========================
# === Has Vertex Colors ===
# =========================
def has_vertex_colors(mesh):
# My replacement/workaround for hasVertexColours()
# The docs say:
# "Warning: If a mesh has both vertex colours and textured faces,
# this function will return False. This is due to the way Blender
# deals internally with the vertex colours array (if there are
# textured faces, it is copied to the textured face structure and
# the original array is freed/deleted)."
return mesh.faces[0].col[0]
return 0
# ===========================
# === Generate Edge Table ===
# ===========================
def generate_edgetable(mesh):
edge_table = {}
numfaces = len(mesh.faces)
for i in xrange(numfaces):
if not i%100 and show_progress:
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/numfaces, "Generating Edge Table")
if len(mesh.faces[i].v) == 4: # Process Quadrilaterals
generate_entry_from_quad(mesh, i, edge_table)
elif len(mesh.faces[i].v) == 3: # Process Triangles
generate_entry_from_tri(mesh, i, edge_table)
else: # Skip This Face
print "Face #", i, "was skipped."
# === Sort Edge_Table Keys & Add Edge Indices ===
i = 0
keys = edge_table.keys()
for key in keys:
edge_table[key][6] = i
i += 1
# === Replace Tuples With Indices ===
for key in keys:
for i in [2,3,4,5]:
if edge_table.has_key(edge_table[key][i]):
edge_table[key][i] = edge_table[edge_table[key][i]][6]
keyrev = (edge_table[key][i][1], edge_table[key][i][0])
edge_table[key][i] = edge_table[keyrev][6]
return edge_table
# ================================
# === Generate Entry From Quad ===
# ================================
def generate_entry_from_quad(mesh, i, edge_table):
vertex4, vertex3, vertex2, vertex1 = mesh.faces[i].v
if has_vertex_colors(mesh):
vcolor4, vcolor3, vcolor2, vcolor1 = mesh.faces[i].col
Acol = (vcolor1.r/255.0, vcolor1.g/255.0, vcolor1.b/255.0)
Bcol = (vcolor2.r/255.0, vcolor2.g/255.0, vcolor2.b/255.0)
Ccol = (vcolor3.r/255.0, vcolor3.g/255.0, vcolor3.b/255.0)
Dcol = (vcolor4.r/255.0, vcolor4.g/255.0, vcolor4.b/255.0)
# === verts are upper case, edges are lower case ===
A, B, C, D = vertex1.index, vertex2.index, vertex3.index, vertex4.index
a, b, c, d = (A, B), (B, C), (C, D), (D, A)
if edge_table.has_key((B, A)):
edge_table[(B, A)][1] = i
edge_table[(B, A)][4] = d
edge_table[(B, A)][5] = b
if has_vertex_colors(mesh): edge_table[(B, A)][8] = Bcol
if has_vertex_colors(mesh):
edge_table[(A, B)] = [i, None, d, b, None, None, None, Bcol, None]
edge_table[(A, B)] = [i, None, d, b, None, None, None]
if edge_table.has_key((C, B)):
edge_table[(C, B)][1] = i
edge_table[(C, B)][4] = a
edge_table[(C, B)][5] = c
if has_vertex_colors(mesh): edge_table[(C, B)][8] = Ccol
if has_vertex_colors(mesh):
edge_table[(B, C)] = [i, None, a, c, None, None, None, Ccol, None]
edge_table[(B, C)] = [i, None, a, c, None, None, None]
if edge_table.has_key((D, C)):
edge_table[(D, C)][1] = i
edge_table[(D, C)][4] = b
edge_table[(D, C)][5] = d
if has_vertex_colors(mesh): edge_table[(D, C)][8] = Dcol
if has_vertex_colors(mesh):
edge_table[(C, D)] = [i, None, b, d, None, None, None, Dcol, None]
edge_table[(C, D)] = [i, None, b, d, None, None, None]
if edge_table.has_key((A, D)):
edge_table[(A, D)][1] = i
edge_table[(A, D)][4] = c
edge_table[(A, D)][5] = a
if has_vertex_colors(mesh): edge_table[(A, D)][8] = Acol
if has_vertex_colors(mesh):
edge_table[(D, A)] = [i, None, c, a, None, None, None, Acol, None]
edge_table[(D, A)] = [i, None, c, a, None, None, None]
# ====================================
# === Generate Entry From Triangle ===
# ====================================
def generate_entry_from_tri(mesh, i, edge_table):
vertex3, vertex2, vertex1 = mesh.faces[i].v
if has_vertex_colors(mesh):
vcolor3, vcolor2, vcolor1, _vcolor4_ = mesh.faces[i].col
Acol = (vcolor1.r/255.0, vcolor1.g/255.0, vcolor1.b/255.0)
Bcol = (vcolor2.r/255.0, vcolor2.g/255.0, vcolor2.b/255.0)
Ccol = (vcolor3.r/255.0, vcolor3.g/255.0, vcolor3.b/255.0)
# === verts are upper case, edges are lower case ===
A, B, C = vertex1.index, vertex2.index, vertex3.index
a, b, c = (A, B), (B, C), (C, A)
if edge_table.has_key((B, A)):
edge_table[(B, A)][1] = i
edge_table[(B, A)][4] = c
edge_table[(B, A)][5] = b
if has_vertex_colors(mesh): edge_table[(B, A)][8] = Bcol
if has_vertex_colors(mesh):
edge_table[(A, B)] = [i, None, c, b, None, None, None, Bcol, None]
edge_table[(A, B)] = [i, None, c, b, None, None, None]
if edge_table.has_key((C, B)):
edge_table[(C, B)][1] = i
edge_table[(C, B)][4] = a
edge_table[(C, B)][5] = c
if has_vertex_colors(mesh): edge_table[(C, B)][8] = Ccol
if has_vertex_colors(mesh):
edge_table[(B, C)] = [i, None, a, c, None, None, None, Ccol, None]
edge_table[(B, C)] = [i, None, a, c, None, None, None]
if edge_table.has_key((A, C)):
edge_table[(A, C)][1] = i
edge_table[(A, C)][4] = b
edge_table[(A, C)][5] = a
if has_vertex_colors(mesh): edge_table[(A, C)][8] = Acol
if has_vertex_colors(mesh):
edge_table[(C, A)] = [i, None, b, a, None, None, None, Acol, None]
edge_table[(C, A)] = [i, None, b, a, None, None, None]