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Name: 'Wavefront (.obj)...'
Blender: 248
Group: 'Export'
Tooltip: 'Save a Wavefront OBJ File'
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
__author__ = "Campbell Barton, Jiri Hnidek, Paolo Ciccone"
__url__ = ['', '', '']
__version__ = "1.21"
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script is an exporter to OBJ file format.
Select the objects you wish to export and run this script from "File->Export" menu.
Selecting the default options from the popup box will be good in most cases.
All objects that can be represented as a mesh (mesh, curve, metaball, surface, text3d)
will be exported as mesh data.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OBJ Export v1.1 by Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# import math and other in functions that use them for the sake of fast Blender startup
# import math
import os
import time
import bpy
import Mathutils
# Returns a tuple - path,extension.
# 'hello.obj' > ('hello', '.obj')
def splitExt(path):
dotidx = path.rfind('.')
if dotidx == -1:
return path, ''
return path[:dotidx], path[dotidx:]
def fixName(name):
if name == None:
return 'None'
return name.replace(' ', '_')
# this used to be in BPySys module
# frankly, I don't understand how it works
def BPySys_cleanName(name):
v = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,46,47,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,91,92,93,94,96,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254]
invalid = ''.join([chr(i) for i in v])
for ch in invalid:
name = name.replace(ch, '_')
return name
# A Dict of Materials
# (, # matname_imagename has gaps removed.
def write_mtl(scene, filename, copy_images):
world =
worldAmb = world.ambient_color
dest_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
def copy_image(image):
rel = image.get_export_path(dest_dir, True)
if copy_images:
abspath = image.get_export_path(dest_dir, False)
if not os.path.exists(abs_path):
shutil.copy(image.get_abs_filename(), abs_path)
return rel
file = open(filename, "w")
# file.write('# Blender3D MTL File: %s\n' % Blender.Get('filename').split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1])
file.write('# Material Count: %i\n' % len(MTL_DICT))
# Write material/image combinations we have used.
for key, (mtl_mat_name, mat, img) in MTL_DICT.items():
# Get the Blender data for the material and the image.
# Having an image named None will make a bug, dont do it :)
file.write('newmtl %s\n' % mtl_mat_name) # Define a new material: matname_imgname
if mat:
file.write('Ns %.6f\n' % ((mat.specular_hardness-1) * 1.9607843137254901) ) # Hardness, convert blenders 1-511 to MTL's
file.write('Ka %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % tuple([c*mat.ambient for c in worldAmb]) ) # Ambient, uses mirror colour,
file.write('Kd %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % tuple([c*mat.diffuse_intensity for c in mat.diffuse_color]) ) # Diffuse
file.write('Ks %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % tuple([c*mat.specular_intensity for c in mat.specular_color]) ) # Specular
if hasattr(mat, "ior"):
file.write('Ni %.6f\n' % mat.ior) # Refraction index
file.write('Ni %.6f\n' % 1.0)
file.write('d %.6f\n' % mat.alpha) # Alpha (obj uses 'd' for dissolve)
# 0 to disable lighting, 1 for ambient & diffuse only (specular color set to black), 2 for full lighting.
if mat.shadeless:
file.write('illum 0\n') # ignore lighting
elif mat.specular_intensity == 0:
file.write('illum 1\n') # no specular.
file.write('illum 2\n') # light normaly
#write a dummy material here?
file.write('Ns 0\n')
file.write('Ka %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % tuple([c for c in worldAmb]) ) # Ambient, uses mirror colour,
file.write('Kd 0.8 0.8 0.8\n')
file.write('Ks 0.8 0.8 0.8\n')
file.write('d 1\n') # No alpha
file.write('illum 2\n') # light normaly
# Write images!
if img: # We have an image on the face!
# write relative image path
rel = copy_image(img)
file.write('map_Kd %s\n' % rel) # Diffuse mapping image
# file.write('map_Kd %s\n' % img.filename.split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1]) # Diffuse mapping image
elif mat: # No face image. if we havea material search for MTex image.
for mtex in mat.textures:
if mtex and mtex.texture.type == 'IMAGE':
filename = copy_image(mtex.texture.image)
# filename = mtex.texture.image.filename.split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1]
file.write('map_Kd %s\n' % filename) # Diffuse mapping image
# Texture has no image though its an image type, best ignore.
# XXX not used
def copy_file(source, dest):
file = open(source, 'rb')
data =
file = open(dest, 'wb')
# XXX not used
def copy_images(dest_dir):
if dest_dir[-1] != os.sep:
dest_dir += os.sep
# if dest_dir[-1] != sys.sep:
# dest_dir += sys.sep
# Get unique image names
uniqueImages = {}
for matname, mat, image in MTL_DICT.values(): # Only use image name
# Get Texface images
if image:
uniqueImages[image] = image # Should use sets here. wait until Python 2.4 is default.
# Get MTex images
if mat:
for mtex in mat.textures:
if mtex and mtex.texture.type == 'IMAGE':
image_tex = mtex.texture.image
if image_tex:
uniqueImages[image_tex] = image_tex
# Now copy images
copyCount = 0
# for bImage in uniqueImages.values():
# image_path = bpy.sys.expandpath(bImage.filename)
# if bpy.sys.exists(image_path):
# # Make a name for the target path.
# dest_image_path = dest_dir + image_path.split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1]
# if not bpy.sys.exists(dest_image_path): # Image isnt alredy there
# print('\tCopying "%s" > "%s"' % (image_path, dest_image_path))
# copy_file(image_path, dest_image_path)
# copyCount+=1
# paths= bpy.util.copy_images(uniqueImages.values(), dest_dir)
print('\tCopied %d images' % copyCount)
# print('\tCopied %d images' % copyCount)
# XXX not converted
def test_nurbs_compat(ob):
if ob.type != 'Curve':
return False
for nu in
if (not nu.knotsV) and nu.type != 1: # not a surface and not bezier
return True
return False
# XXX not converted
def write_nurb(file, ob, ob_mat):
tot_verts = 0
cu =
# use negative indices
Vector = Blender.Mathutils.Vector
for nu in cu:
if nu.type==0: DEG_ORDER_U = 1
else: DEG_ORDER_U = nu.orderU-1 # Tested to be correct
if nu.type==1:
print("\tWarning, bezier curve:",, "only poly and nurbs curves supported")
if nu.knotsV:
print("\tWarning, surface:",, "only poly and nurbs curves supported")
if len(nu) <= DEG_ORDER_U:
print("\tWarning, orderU is lower then vert count, skipping:",
pt_num = 0
do_closed = (nu.flagU & 1)
do_endpoints = (do_closed==0) and (nu.flagU & 2)
for pt in nu:
pt = Vector(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) * ob_mat
file.write('v %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]))
pt_num += 1
tot_verts += pt_num
file.write('g %s\n' % (fixName( # fixName(ob.getData(1)) could use the data name too
file.write('cstype bspline\n') # not ideal, hard coded
file.write('deg %d\n' % DEG_ORDER_U) # not used for curves but most files have it still
curve_ls = [-(i+1) for i in range(pt_num)]
# 'curv' keyword
if do_closed:
if DEG_ORDER_U == 1:
pt_num += 1
pt_num += DEG_ORDER_U
curve_ls = curve_ls + curve_ls[0:DEG_ORDER_U]
file.write('curv 0.0 1.0 %s\n' % (' '.join( [str(i) for i in curve_ls] ))) # Blender has no U and V values for the curve
# 'parm' keyword
tot_parm = (DEG_ORDER_U + 1) + pt_num
tot_parm_div = float(tot_parm-1)
parm_ls = [(i/tot_parm_div) for i in range(tot_parm)]
if do_endpoints: # end points, force param
for i in range(DEG_ORDER_U+1):
parm_ls[i] = 0.0
parm_ls[-(1+i)] = 1.0
file.write('parm u %s\n' % ' '.join( [str(i) for i in parm_ls] ))
return tot_verts
def write(filename, objects, scene,
Basic write function. The context and options must be alredy set
This can be accessed externaly
write( 'c:\\test\\foobar.obj', Blender.Object.GetSelected() ) # Using default options.
import math
def veckey3d(v):
return round(v.x, 6), round(v.y, 6), round(v.z, 6)
def veckey2d(v):
return round(v[0], 6), round(v[1], 6)
# return round(v.x, 6), round(v.y, 6)
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
def findVertexGroupName(face, vWeightMap):
Searches the vertexDict to see what groups is assigned to a given face.
We use a frequency system in order to sort out the name because a given vetex can
belong to two or more groups at the same time. To find the right name for the face
we list all the possible vertex group names with their frequency and then sort by
frequency in descend order. The top element is the one shared by the highest number
of vertices is the face's group
weightDict = {}
for vert_index in face.verts:
# for vert in face:
vWeights = vWeightMap[vert_index]
# vWeights = vWeightMap[vert]
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
for vGroupName, weight in vWeights:
weightDict[vGroupName] = weightDict.get(vGroupName, 0) + weight
if weightDict:
alist = [(weight,vGroupName) for vGroupName, weight in weightDict.items()] # sort least to greatest amount of weight
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
return(alist[-1][1]) # highest value last
return '(null)'
# TODO: implement this in C? dunno how it should be called...
def getVertsFromGroup(me, group_index):
ret = []
for i, v in enumerate(me.verts):
for g in v.groups:
if == group_index:
ret.append((i, g.weight))
return ret
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
print('OBJ Export path: "%s"' % filename)
temp_mesh_name = '~tmp-mesh'
time1 = time.clock()
# time1 = sys.time()
# scn = Scene.GetCurrent()
file = open(filename, "w")
# Write Header
version = "2.5"
file.write('# Blender3D v%s OBJ File: %s\n' % (version,'/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] ))
# Tell the obj file what material file to use.
mtlfilename = '%s.mtl' % '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1])
file.write('mtllib %s\n' % ( mtlfilename.split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1] ))
mat_xrot90= Mathutils.RotationMatrix(-math.pi/2, 4, 'x')
# Initialize totals, these are updated each object
totverts = totuvco = totno = 1
face_vert_index = 1
globalNormals = {}
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
# Get all meshes
for ob_main in objects:
# ignore dupli children
if ob_main.parent and ob_main.parent.dupli_type != 'NONE':
print(, 'is a dupli child - ignoring')
obs = []
if ob_main.dupli_type != 'NONE':
print('creating dupli_list on',
obs = [(dob.object, dob.matrix) for dob in ob_main.dupli_list]
# XXX debug print
print(, 'has', len(obs), 'dupli children')
obs = [(ob_main, ob_main.matrix)]
for ob, ob_mat in obs:
# XXX postponed
# # Nurbs curve support
# if EXPORT_CURVE_AS_NURBS and test_nurbs_compat(ob):
# ob_mat = ob_mat * mat_xrot90
# totverts += write_nurb(file, ob, ob_mat)
# continue
# end nurbs
if ob.type != 'MESH':
me = ob.create_mesh(EXPORT_APPLY_MODIFIERS, 'PREVIEW')
me.transform(ob_mat * mat_xrot90)
# # Will work for non meshes now! :)
# me= BPyMesh.getMeshFromObject(ob, containerMesh, EXPORT_APPLY_MODIFIERS, EXPORT_POLYGROUPS, scn)
# if not me:
# continue
faceuv = len(me.uv_textures) > 0
faceuv = False
# XXX - todo, find a better way to do triangulation
# ...removed convert_to_triface because it relies on editmesh
# We have a valid mesh
if EXPORT_TRI and me.faces:
# Add a dummy object to it.
has_quads = False
for f in me.faces:
if f.verts[3] != 0:
has_quads = True
if has_quads:
newob ='MESH', 'temp_object') = me
# if we forget to set - crash
# mesh will still be there
# Make our own list so it can be sorted to reduce context switching
face_index_pairs = [ (face, index) for index, face in enumerate(me.faces)]
# faces = [ f for f in me.faces ]
edges = me.edges
edges = []
if not (len(face_index_pairs)+len(edges)+len(me.verts)): # Make sure there is somthing to write
# clean up
continue # dont bother with this mesh.
# High Quality Normals
if EXPORT_NORMALS and face_index_pairs:
# BPyMesh.meshCalcNormals(me)
# else:
# # transforming normals is incorrect
# # when the matrix is scaled,
# # better to recalculate them
# me.calcNormals()
materials = me.materials
materialNames = []
materialItems = [m for m in materials]
if materials:
for mat in materials:
if mat: # !=None
# Cant use LC because some materials are None.
# materialNames = map(lambda mat:, materials) # Bug Blender, dosent account for null materials, still broken.
# Possible there null materials, will mess up indicies
# but at least it will export, wait until Blender gets fixed.
materialNames.extend((16-len(materialNames)) * [None])
materialItems.extend((16-len(materialItems)) * [None])
# Sort by Material, then images
# so we dont over context switch in the obj file.
elif faceuv:
# XXX update
tface =
# exception only raised if Python 2.3 or lower...
face_index_pairs.sort(key = lambda a: (a[0].material_index, tface[a[1]].image, a[0].smooth))
face_index_pairs.sort(lambda a,b: cmp((a[0].material_index, tface[a[1]].image, a[0].smooth),
(b[0].material_index, tface[b[1]].image, b[0].smooth)))
elif len(materials) > 1:
face_index_pairs.sort(key = lambda a: (a[0].material_index, a[0].smooth))
face_index_pairs.sort(lambda a,b: cmp((a[0].material_index, a[0].smooth),
(b[0].material_index, b[0].smooth)))
# no materials
face_index_pairs.sort(key = lambda a: a[0].smooth)
face_index_pairs.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[0].smooth, b[0].smooth))
# pass
# elif faceuv:
# try: faces.sort(key = lambda a: (a.mat, a.image, a.smooth))
# except: faces.sort(lambda a,b: cmp((a.mat, a.image, a.smooth), (b.mat, b.image, b.smooth)))
# elif len(materials) > 1:
# try: faces.sort(key = lambda a: (a.mat, a.smooth))
# except: faces.sort(lambda a,b: cmp((a.mat, a.smooth), (b.mat, b.smooth)))
# else:
# # no materials
# try: faces.sort(key = lambda a: a.smooth)
# except: faces.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.smooth, b.smooth))
faces = [pair[0] for pair in face_index_pairs]
# Set the default mat to no material and no image.
contextMat = (0, 0) # Can never be this, so we will label a new material teh first chance we get.
contextSmooth = None # Will either be true or false, set bad to force initialization switch.
name1 =
name2 =
if name1 == name2:
obnamestring = fixName(name1)
obnamestring = '%s_%s' % (fixName(name1), fixName(name2))
file.write('o %s\n' % obnamestring) # Write Object name
else: # if EXPORT_GROUP_BY_OB:
file.write('g %s\n' % obnamestring)
# Vert
for v in me.verts:
file.write('v %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % tuple(
# UV
if faceuv:
uv_face_mapping = [[0,0,0,0] for f in faces] # a bit of a waste for tri's :/
uv_dict = {} # could use a set() here
uv_layer = me.active_uv_texture
for f, f_index in face_index_pairs:
tface =[f_index]
uvs = tface.uv
# uvs = [tface.uv1, tface.uv2, tface.uv3]
# # add another UV if it's a quad
# if len(f.verts) == 4:
# uvs.append(tface.uv4)
for uv_index, uv in enumerate(uvs):
uvkey = veckey2d(uv)
uv_face_mapping[f_index][uv_index] = uv_dict[uvkey]
uv_face_mapping[f_index][uv_index] = uv_dict[uvkey] = len(uv_dict)
file.write('vt %.6f %.6f\n' % tuple(uv))
# uv_dict = {} # could use a set() here
# for f_index, f in enumerate(faces):
# for uv_index, uv in enumerate(f.uv):
# uvkey = veckey2d(uv)
# try:
# uv_face_mapping[f_index][uv_index] = uv_dict[uvkey]
# except:
# uv_face_mapping[f_index][uv_index] = uv_dict[uvkey] = len(uv_dict)
# file.write('vt %.6f %.6f\n' % tuple(uv))
uv_unique_count = len(uv_dict)
# del uv, uvkey, uv_dict, f_index, uv_index
# Only need uv_unique_count and uv_face_mapping
# NORMAL, Smooth/Non smoothed.
for f in faces:
if f.smooth:
for v in f:
noKey = veckey3d(v.normal)
if noKey not in globalNormals:
globalNormals[noKey] = totno
totno +=1
file.write('vn %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % noKey)
# Hard, 1 normal from the face.
noKey = veckey3d(f.normal)
if noKey not in globalNormals:
globalNormals[noKey] = totno
totno +=1
file.write('vn %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % noKey)
if not faceuv:
f_image = None
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
# Retrieve the list of vertex groups
# vertGroupNames = me.getVertGroupNames()
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
currentVGroup = ''
# Create a dictionary keyed by face id and listing, for each vertex, the vertex groups it belongs to
vgroupsMap = [[] for _i in range(len(me.verts))]
# vgroupsMap = [[] for _i in xrange(len(me.verts))]
for g in ob.vertex_groups:
# for vertexGroupName in vertGroupNames:
for vIdx, vWeight in getVertsFromGroup(me, g.index):
# for vIdx, vWeight in me.getVertsFromGroup(vertexGroupName, 1):
vgroupsMap[vIdx].append((, vWeight))
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
for f_index, f in enumerate(faces):
f_v = [{"index": index, "vertex": me.verts[index]} for index in f.verts]
# if f.verts[3] == 0:
# f_v.pop()
# f_v= f.v
f_smooth= f.smooth
f_mat = min(f.material_index, len(materialNames)-1)
# f_mat = min(f.mat, len(materialNames)-1)
if faceuv:
tface =[face_index_pairs[f_index][1]]
f_image = tface.image
f_uv = tface.uv
# f_uv= [tface.uv1, tface.uv2, tface.uv3]
# if len(f.verts) == 4:
# f_uv.append(tface.uv4)
# f_image = f.image
# f_uv= f.uv
if faceuv and f_image: # Object is always true.
key = materialNames[f_mat],
key = materialNames[f_mat], None # No image, use None instead.
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
# Write the vertex group
if len(ob.vertex_groups):
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
# find what vertext group the face belongs to
theVGroup = findVertexGroupName(f,vgroupsMap)
if theVGroup != currentVGroup:
currentVGroup = theVGroup
file.write('g %s\n' % theVGroup)
# # Write the vertex group
# if vertGroupNames:
# # find what vertext group the face belongs to
# theVGroup = findVertexGroupName(f,vgroupsMap)
# if theVGroup != currentVGroup:
# currentVGroup = theVGroup
# file.write('g %s\n' % theVGroup)
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
if key == contextMat:
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
pass # Context alredy switched, dont do anything
if key[0] == None and key[1] == None:
# Write a null material, since we know the context has changed.
# can be mat_image or (null)
file.write('g %s_%s\n' % (fixName(, fixName( ) # can be mat_image or (null)
file.write('usemtl (null)\n') # mat, image
mat_data= MTL_DICT.get(key)
if not mat_data:
# First add to global dict so we can export to mtl
# Then write mtl
# Make a new names from the mat and image name,
# converting any spaces to underscores with fixName.
# If none image dont bother adding it to the name
if key[1] == None:
mat_data = MTL_DICT[key] = ('%s'%fixName(key[0])), materialItems[f_mat], f_image
mat_data = MTL_DICT[key] = ('%s_%s' % (fixName(key[0]), fixName(key[1]))), materialItems[f_mat], f_image
file.write('g %s_%s_%s\n' % (fixName(, fixName(, mat_data[0]) ) # can be mat_image or (null)
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
file.write('usemtl %s\n' % mat_data[0]) # can be mat_image or (null)
contextMat = key
if f_smooth != contextSmooth:
if f_smooth: # on now off
file.write('s 1\n')
contextSmooth = f_smooth
else: # was off now on
file.write('s off\n')
contextSmooth = f_smooth
if faceuv:
if f_smooth: # Smoothed, use vertex normals
for vi, v in enumerate(f_v):
file.write( ' %d/%d/%d' % \
(v["index"] + totverts,
totuvco + uv_face_mapping[f_index][vi],
globalNormals[ veckey3d(v["vertex"].normal) ]) ) # vert, uv, normal
else: # No smoothing, face normals
no = globalNormals[ veckey3d(f.normal) ]
for vi, v in enumerate(f_v):
file.write( ' %d/%d/%d' % \
(v["index"] + totverts,
totuvco + uv_face_mapping[f_index][vi],
no) ) # vert, uv, normal
else: # No Normals
for vi, v in enumerate(f_v):
file.write( ' %d/%d' % (\
v["index"] + totverts,\
totuvco + uv_face_mapping[f_index][vi])) # vert, uv
face_vert_index += len(f_v)
else: # No UV's
if f_smooth: # Smoothed, use vertex normals
for v in f_v:
file.write( ' %d//%d' %
(v["index"] + totverts, globalNormals[ veckey3d(v["vertex"].normal) ]) )
else: # No smoothing, face normals
no = globalNormals[ veckey3d(f.normal) ]
for v in f_v:
file.write( ' %d//%d' % (v["index"] + totverts, no) )
else: # No Normals
for v in f_v:
file.write( ' %d' % (v["index"] + totverts) )
# Write edges.
for ed in edges:
if ed.loose:
file.write('f %d %d\n' % (ed.verts[0] + totverts, ed.verts[1] + totverts))
# Make the indicies global rather then per mesh
totverts += len(me.verts)
if faceuv:
totuvco += uv_unique_count
# clean up
if ob_main.dupli_type != 'NONE':
# Now we have all our materials, save them
write_mtl(scene, mtlfilename, EXPORT_COPY_IMAGES)
# dest_dir = os.path.basename(filename)
# # dest_dir = filename
# # # Remove chars until we are just the path.
# # while dest_dir and dest_dir[-1] not in '\\/':
# # dest_dir = dest_dir[:-1]
# if dest_dir:
# copy_images(dest_dir)
# else:
# print('\tError: "%s" could not be used as a base for an image path.' % filename)
print("OBJ Export time: %.2f" % (time.clock() - time1))
# print "OBJ Export time: %.2f" % (sys.time() - time1)
def do_export(filename, context,
EXPORT_ROTX90 = True, # wrong
EXPORT_TRI = False, # ok
EXPORT_NORMALS = False, # not yet
EXPORT_NORMALS_HQ = False, # not yet
EXPORT_UV = True, # ok
EXPORT_SEL_ONLY = True, # ok
EXPORT_ALL_SCENES = False, # XXX not working atm
# Window.EditMode(0)
# Window.WaitCursor(1)
base_name, ext = splitExt(filename)
context_name = [base_name, '', '', ext] # Base name, scene name, frame number, extension
orig_scene = context.scene
# export_scenes =
# else:
# export_scenes = [orig_scene]
# XXX only exporting one scene atm since changing
# current scene is not possible.
# Brecht says that ideally in 2.5 we won't need such a function,
# allowing multiple scenes open at once.
export_scenes = [orig_scene]
# Export all scenes.
for scn in export_scenes:
# scn.makeCurrent() # If already current, this is not slow.
# context = scn.getRenderingContext()
orig_frame = scn.current_frame
if EXPORT_ALL_SCENES: # Add scene name into the context_name
context_name[1] = '_%s' % BPySys_cleanName( # WARNING, its possible that this could cause a collision. we could fix if were feeling parranoied.
# Export an animation?
scene_frames = range(scn.start_frame, context.end_frame+1) # Up to and including the end frame.
scene_frames = [orig_frame] # Dont export an animation.
# Loop through all frames in the scene and export.
for frame in scene_frames:
if EXPORT_ANIMATION: # Add frame to the filename.
context_name[2] = '_%.6d' % frame
scn.current_frame = frame
export_objects = context.selected_objects
export_objects = scn.objects
full_path= ''.join(context_name)
# erm... bit of a problem here, this can overwrite files when exporting frames. not too bad.
write(full_path, export_objects, scn,
scn.current_frame = orig_frame
# Restore old active scene.
# orig_scene.makeCurrent()
# Window.WaitCursor(0)
class EXPORT_OT_obj(bpy.types.Operator):
Currently the exporter lacks these features:
* nurbs
* multiple scene export (only active scene is written)
* particles
__idname__ = "export.obj"
__label__ = 'Export OBJ'
# List of operator properties, the attributes will be assigned
# to the class instance from the operator settings before calling.
__props__ = [
bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="path", name="File Path", description="File path used for exporting the OBJ file", maxlen= 1024, default= ""),
# context group
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_selection", name="Selection Only", description="", default= False),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_all_scenes", name="All Scenes", description="", default= False),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_animation", name="All Animation", description="", default= False),
# object group
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_modifiers", name="Apply Modifiers", description="", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_rotate90", name="Rotate X90", description="", default= True),
# extra data group
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_edges", name="Edges", description="", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_normals", name="Normals", description="", default= False),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_hq_normals", name="High Quality Normals", description="", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_uvs", name="UVs", description="", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_materials", name="Materials", description="", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="copy_images", name="Copy Images", description="", default= False),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_triangles", name="Triangulate", description="", default= False),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_vertex_groups", name="Polygroups", description="", default= False),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_nurbs", name="Nurbs", description="", default= False),
# grouping group
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_blen_objects", name="Objects as OBJ Objects", description="", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="group_by_object", name="Objects as OBJ Groups ", description="", default= False),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="group_by_material", name="Material Groups", description="", default= False),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="keep_vertex_order", name="Keep Vertex Order", description="", default= False)
def execute(self, context):
do_export(self.path, context,
return ('FINISHED',)
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.manager
return ('RUNNING_MODAL',)
def poll(self, context): # Poll isnt working yet
return context.active_object != None
if __name__ == "__main__":
# - matrix problem
# - duplis - only tested dupliverts
# - NURBS - needs API additions
# - all scenes export
# + normals calculation
# - get rid of cleanName somehow