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Name: 'Interactive Console'
Blender: 236
Group: 'System'
Tooltip: 'Interactive Python Console'
__author__ = "Campbell Barton AKA Ideasman"
__url__ = ["", "blender", "elysiun", "Official Python site,"]
__bpydoc__ = """\
This is an interactive console, similar to Python's own command line interpreter. Since it is embedded in Blender, it has access to all Blender Python modules.
Those completely new to Python can check the link button above that points to
its official homepage, with news, downloads and documentation.
Type your code and hit "Enter" to get it executed.<br>
- Right mouse click: Save output;<br>
- Arrow keys: command history and cursor;<br>
- Ctrl + Tab: auto compleate based on variable names and modules loaded -- multiple choices popup a menu;<br>
- Ctrl + Enter: multiline functions -- delays executing code until only Enter is pressed.
import Blender
from Blender import *
import sys as python_sys
import StringIO
import types
# Constants
__DELIMETERS__ = '. ,=+-*/%<>&~][{}():'
__LINE_HISTORY__ = 200
__LINE_HEIGHT__ = 14
__FONT_SIZE__ = "normal"
# Generic Blender functions
def getActScriptWinRect():
area = Window.GetAreaSize()
area = (area[0]-1, area[1]-1)
for scrInfo in Window.GetScreenInfo(Window.Types['SCRIPT'], 'win', ''):
if scrInfo['vertices'][2]-scrInfo['vertices'][0] == area[0]:
if scrInfo['vertices'][3]-scrInfo['vertices'][1] == area[1]:
return scrInfo['vertices']
return None
class cmdLine:
# cmd: is the command string, or any other message
# type: 0:user input 1:program feedback 2:error message. 3:option feedback
# exe; 0- not yet executed 1:executed
def __init__(self, cmd, type, exe):
self.cmd = cmd
self.type = type
self.exe = exe
# Include external file with internal namespace
def include(filename):
file = open(filename, 'r')
filedata =
return compile(filedata, filename, 'exec')
# Writes command line data to a blender text file.
def writeCmdData(cmdLineList, type):
if type == 3:
typeList = [0,1,2, 3, None] # all
typeList = [type] # so we can use athe lists 'in' methiod
newText = Text.New('', 1)
for myCmd in cmdLineList:
if myCmd.type in typeList: # user input
newText.write('%s\n' % myCmd.cmd)
Draw.PupMenu('%s written' %
def insertCmdData(cmdBuffer):
textNames = [ for tex in Text.Get()]
if textNames:
choice = Draw.PupMenu('|'.join(textNames))
if choice != -1:
text = Text.Get()[choice-1]
# Add the text!
for l in text.asLines():
cmdBuffer.append(cmdLine('%s ' % l, 0, 0))
COLLECTED_VAR_NAMES = {} # a list of keys, each key has a list of absolute paths
# Pain and simple recursice dir(), accepts a string
def rdir(dirString):
dirStringSplit = dirString.split('.')
exec('dirList = dir(%s)' % dirString)
for dirItem in dirList:
if not dirItem.startswith('_'):
if dirItem not in COLLECTED_VAR_NAMES.keys():
# Add the string
splitD = dirString.split('"')[-2]
if splitD not in COLLECTED_VAR_NAMES[dirItem]:
# Stops recursice stuff, overlooping
if type(dirItem) == types.ClassType or \
type(dirItem) == types.ModuleType:
print dirString, splitD, dirItem
# Dont loop up dirs for strings ints etc.
if d not in dirStringSplit:
rdir( '%s.%s' % (dirString, d))
def recursive_dir():
for name in __CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__.keys():
if not name.startswith('_'): # Dont pick names like __name__
rdir('__CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__["%s"]' % name)
# Runs the code line(s) the user has entered and handle errors
# As well as feeding back the output into the blender window.
def runUserCode(__USER_CODE_STRING__):
global __CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__ # We manipulate the variables here. loading and saving from localspace to this global var.
# Open A File like object to write all output to, that would useually be printed.
python_sys.stdout.flush() # Get rid of whatever came before
__FILE_LIKE_STRING__ = StringIO.StringIO() # make a new file like string, this saves up from making a file.
__STD_OUTPUT__ = python_sys.stdout # we need to store the normal output.
python_sys.stdout=__FILE_LIKE_STRING__ # Now anything printed will be written to the file like string.
# Try and run the user entered line(s)
# Load all variabls from global dict to local space.
for __TMP_VAR_NAME__ in __CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__.keys():
exec('%s%s%s%s' % (__TMP_VAR_NAME__,'=__CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__["', __TMP_VAR_NAME__, '"]'))
del __TMP_VAR_NAME__
# Now all the vars are loaded, execute the code. # Newline thanks to phillip,
exec(compile(__USER_CODE_STRING__, '', 'single')) #exec(compile(__USER_CODE_STRING__, '', 'exec'))
# Write local veriables to global __CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__
for __TMP_VAR_NAME__ in dir():
if __TMP_VAR_NAME__ != '__FILE_LIKE_STRING__' and\
__TMP_VAR_NAME__ != '__STD_OUTPUT__' and\
__TMP_VAR_NAME__ != '__TMP_VAR_NAME__' and\
# Execute the local > global coversion.
exec('%s%s' % ('__CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__[__TMP_VAR_NAME__]=', __TMP_VAR_NAME__))
del __TMP_VAR_NAME__
except: # Prints the REAL exception.
error = str(python_sys.exc_value)
for errorLine in error.split('\n'):
cmdBuffer.append(cmdLine(errorLine, 2, None)) # new line to type into
python_sys.stdout = __STD_OUTPUT__ # Go back to output to the normal blender console
# Copy all new output to cmdBuffer # the readline function requires that we go back to the start of the file.
for line in __FILE_LIKE_STRING__.readlines():
cmdBuffer.append(cmdLine(line, 1, None))
cmdBuffer.append(cmdLine(' ', 0, 0)) # new line to type into
# event handling code #
def handle_event(evt, val):
# Insert Char into the cammand line
def insCh(ch): # Instert a char
global cmdBuffer
global cursor
# Later account for a cursor variable
cmdBuffer[-1].cmd = ('%s%s%s' % ( cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[:cursor], ch, cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[cursor:]))
# Define Complex Key Actions #
def actionEnterKey():
global histIndex, cursor, cmdBuffer
# Check for the neter kay hit
if Window.GetKeyQualifiers() & Window.Qual.CTRL: # HOLDING DOWN SHIFT, GO TO NEXT LINE.
cmdBuffer.append(cmdLine(' ', 0, 0))
# Multiline code will still run with 1 line,
multiLineCode = ['if 1:']
if cmdBuffer[-1].cmd != ' ':
multiLineCode = ['%s%s' % (' ', cmdBuffer[-1].cmd)] # added space for fake if.
cmdBuffer[-1].type = 1
multiLineCode = []
cmdBuffer[-1].exe = 1
i = 2
while cmdBuffer[-i].exe == 0:
if cmdBuffer[-i].cmd == ' ':# Tag as an output type so its not used in the key history
cmdBuffer[-i].type = 1
else: # space added at the start for added if 1: statement
multiLineCode.append('%s%s' % (' ', cmdBuffer[-i].cmd) )
# Mark as executed
cmdBuffer[-i].exe = 1
# add if to the end, reverse will make it the start.
multiLineCode.append('if 1:')
multiLineCode.append(' pass') # Now this is the end
# Clear the output based on __LINE_HISTORY__
if len(cmdBuffer) > __LINE_HISTORY__:
cmdBuffer = cmdBuffer[-__LINE_HISTORY__:]
histIndex = cursor = -1 # Reset cursor and history
def actionUpKey():
global histIndex, cmdBuffer
if abs(histIndex)+1 >= len(cmdBuffer):
histIndex = -1
histIndex -= 1
while cmdBuffer[histIndex].type != 0 and abs(histIndex) < len(cmdBuffer):
histIndex -= 1
if cmdBuffer[histIndex].type == 0: # we found one
cmdBuffer[-1].cmd = cmdBuffer[histIndex].cmd
def actionDownKey():
global histIndex, cmdBuffer
if histIndex >= -2:
histIndex = -len(cmdBuffer)
histIndex += 1
while cmdBuffer[histIndex].type != 0 and histIndex != -2:
histIndex += 1
if cmdBuffer[histIndex].type == 0: # we found one
cmdBuffer[-1].cmd = cmdBuffer[histIndex].cmd
def actionRightMouse():
choice = Draw.PupMenu('Console Menu%t|Write Input Data (white)|Write Output Data (blue)|Write Error Data (red)|Write All Text|%l|Insert Blender text|%l|Quit')
print choice
if choice == 1:
writeCmdData(cmdBuffer, 0) # type 0 user
elif choice == 2:
writeCmdData(cmdBuffer, 1) # type 1 user output
elif choice == 3:
writeCmdData(cmdBuffer, 2) # type 2 errors
elif choice == 4:
writeCmdData(cmdBuffer, 3) # All
elif choice == 6:
insertCmdData(cmdBuffer) # All
elif choice == 8: # Exit
# Auto compleating, quite complex- use recutsice dir for the moment.
def actionAutoCompleate(): # Ctrl + Tab
RECURSIVE_DIR = recursive_dir()
# get last name of user input
editVar = cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[:cursor]
# Split off spaces operators etc from the staryt of the command so we can use the startswith function.
for splitChar in __DELIMETERS__:
editVar = editVar.split(splitChar)[-1]
# Now we should have the var by its self
if editVar:
possibilities = []
print editVar, 'editVar'
for __TMP_VAR_NAME__ in RECURSIVE_DIR.keys():
if __TMP_VAR_NAME__ == editVar:
# print 'ADITVAR IS A VAR'
elif __TMP_VAR_NAME__.startswith( editVar ):
possibilities.append( __TMP_VAR_NAME__ )
if len(possibilities) == 1:
cmdBuffer[-1].cmd = ('%s%s%s' % (cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[:cursor - len(editVar)], possibilities[0], cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[cursor:]))
elif possibilities: # If its not just []
# -1 with insert is the second last.
# Text choice
#cmdBuffer.insert(-1, cmdLine('options: %s' % ' '.join(possibilities), 3, None))
menuText = 'Choices (hold shift for whole name)%t|'
menuList = []
menuListAbs = []
possibilities.sort() # make nice :)
for __TMP_VAR_NAME__ in possibilities:
for usage in RECURSIVE_DIR[__TMP_VAR_NAME__]:
# Account for non absolute (variables for eg.)
if usage: # not ''
menuListAbs.append('%s.%s' % (usage, __TMP_VAR_NAME__)) # Used for names and can be entered when pressing shift.
menuListAbs.append(__TMP_VAR_NAME__) # Used for names and can be entered when pressing shift.
menuList.append(__TMP_VAR_NAME__) # Used for non Shift
#choice = Draw.PupMenu('Select Variabe name%t|' + '|'.join(possibilities) )
choice = Draw.PupMenu(menuText + '|'.join(menuListAbs))
if choice != -1:
if not Window.GetKeyQualifiers() & Window.Qual.SHIFT: # Only paste in the Short name
cmdBuffer[-1].cmd = ('%s%s%s' % (cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[:cursor - len(editVar)], menuList[choice-1], cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[cursor:]))
else: # Put in the long name
cmdBuffer[-1].cmd = ('%s%s%s' % (cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[:cursor - len(editVar)], menuListAbs[choice-1], cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[cursor:]))
# print 'NO EDITVAR'
# ------------------end------------------#
#if (evt == Draw.ESCKEY and not val):
# Draw.Exit()
elif evt == Draw.MOUSEY:
global cursor
global histIndex
ascii = Blender.event
# key codes and key handling #
if (evt == Draw.UPARROWKEY and val): actionUpKey()
elif (evt == Draw.DOWNARROWKEY and val): actionDownKey()
elif (evt == Draw.RIGHTARROWKEY and val):
cursor +=1
if cursor > -1:
cursor = -1
elif (evt == Draw.LEFTARROWKEY and val):
cursor -=1
elif (evt == Draw.TABKEY and val):
if Window.GetKeyQualifiers() & Window.Qual.CTRL:
elif (evt == Draw.BACKSPACEKEY and val): cmdBuffer[-1].cmd = ('%s%s' % (cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[:cursor-1] , cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[cursor:]))
elif (evt == Draw.DELKEY and val) and cursor < -1:
cmdBuffer[-1].cmd = cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[:cursor] + cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[cursor+1:]
cursor +=1
elif ((evt == Draw.RETKEY or evt == Draw.PADENTER) and val): actionEnterKey()
elif (evt == Draw.RIGHTMOUSE and not val):actionRightMouse(); return
elif ascii:
return # dont redraw.
def draw_gui():
# Get the bounds from ObleGL directly
# Clear the screen
BGL.glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
BGL.glClear(BGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) # use it to clear the color buffer
# Draw cursor location colour
cmd2curWidth = Draw.GetStringWidth(cmdBuffer[-1].cmd[:cursor], __FONT_SIZE__)
BGL.glColor3f(0.8, 0.2, 0.2)
BGL.glRecti(cmd2curWidth-1,4,cmd2curWidth+1, 20)
# Draw the set of cammands to the buffer
consoleLineIdx = 1
wrapLineIndex = 0
while consoleLineIdx < len(cmdBuffer) and __CONSOLE_RECT__[3] > consoleLineIdx*__LINE_HEIGHT__ :
if cmdBuffer[-consoleLineIdx].type == 0:
BGL.glColor3f(1, 1, 1)
elif cmdBuffer[-consoleLineIdx].type == 1:
BGL.glColor3f(.3, .3, 1)
elif cmdBuffer[-consoleLineIdx].type == 2:
BGL.glColor3f(1.0, 0, 0)
elif cmdBuffer[-consoleLineIdx].type == 3:
BGL.glColor3f(0, 0.8, 0)
BGL.glColor3f(1, 1, 0)
if consoleLineIdx == 1: # NEVER WRAP THE USER INPUT
BGL.glRasterPos2i(0, (__LINE_HEIGHT__*consoleLineIdx) - 8)
Draw.Text(cmdBuffer[-consoleLineIdx].cmd, __FONT_SIZE__)
else: # WRAP?
if Draw.GetStringWidth(cmdBuffer[-consoleLineIdx].cmd, __FONT_SIZE__) > __CONSOLE_RECT__[2]:
wrapLineList = []
copyCmd = [cmdBuffer[-consoleLineIdx].cmd, '']
while copyCmd != ['','']:
while Draw.GetStringWidth(copyCmd[0], __FONT_SIZE__) > __CONSOLE_RECT__[2]:
#print copyCmd
copyCmd[1] = '%s%s'% (copyCmd[0][-1], copyCmd[1]) # Add the char on the end
copyCmd[0] = copyCmd[0][:-1]# remove last chat
# Now we have copyCmd[0] at a good length we can print it.
if copyCmd[0] != '':
copyCmd = [copyCmd[1], copyCmd[0]]
# Now we have a list of lines, draw them (OpenGLs reverse ordering requires this odd change)
for wline in wrapLineList:
BGL.glRasterPos2i(0, (__LINE_HEIGHT__*(consoleLineIdx + wrapLineIndex)) - 8)
Draw.Text(wline, __FONT_SIZE__)
wrapLineIndex += 1
wrapLineIndex-=1 # otherwise we get a silly extra line.
else: # no wrapping.
BGL.glRasterPos2i(0, (__LINE_HEIGHT__*(consoleLineIdx+wrapLineIndex)) - 8)
Draw.Text(cmdBuffer[-consoleLineIdx].cmd, __FONT_SIZE__)
consoleLineIdx += 1
# This recieves the event index, call a function from here depending on the event.
def handle_button_event(evt):
# Run the console
__CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__ = {} # Initialize var dict
# Print Startup lines
cmdBuffer = [cmdLine("Welcome to Ideasman's Blender Console", 1, None),\
cmdLine(' * Right Click: Save output', 1, None),\
cmdLine(' * Arrow Keys: Command history and cursor', 1, None),\
cmdLine(' * Ctrl + Tab: Auto compleate based on variable names and modules loaded, multiple choices popup a menu', 1, None),\
cmdLine(' * Ctrl + Enter: Multiline functions, delays executing code until only Enter is pressed.', 1, None)]
histIndex = cursor = -1 # How far back from the first letter are we? - in current CMD line, history if for moving up and down lines.
# Autoexec, startup code.
console_autoexec = '%s%s' % (Get('datadir'), '/')
if not sys.exists(console_autoexec):
# touch the file
open(console_autoexec, 'w').close()
cmdBuffer.append(cmdLine(' not found, making new in scripts data dir', 1, None))
cmdBuffer.append(cmdLine('...Using existing in scripts data dir', 1, None))
# Just use the function to jump into local naming mode.
# This is so we can loop through all of the autoexec functions / vars and add them to the __CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__
def autoexecToVarList():
global __CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__ # write autoexec vars to this.
# Execute an external py file as if local
# Write local to global __CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__ for reuse,
for __TMP_VAR_NAME__ in dir() + dir(Blender):
# Execute the local > global coversion.
exec('%s%s' % ('__CONSOLE_VAR_DICT__[__TMP_VAR_NAME__]=', __TMP_VAR_NAME__))
autoexecToVarList() # pass the blender module
#-end autoexec-----------------------------------------------------------------#
# Append new line to write to
cmdBuffer.append(cmdLine(' ', 0, 0))
# register the event handling code, GUI #
def main():
Draw.Register(draw_gui, handle_event, handle_button_event)