This version now includes the fluid control sources, however the Blender

interface for it is still missing. Right now there is only a simple hard coded
example, that moves a single control particle with strong attraction
and velocity forces through the domain.

I added more detailed information about the control code to the wiki ,
together with some thoughts on how a Blender integration could be done.
This commit is contained in:
Nils Thuerey 2008-04-08 16:56:43 +00:00
parent 5606cb156e
commit 006d4d1176
17 changed files with 3152 additions and 59 deletions

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ SET(INC ${PNG_INC} ${ZLIB_INC} ${SDL_INC})
FILE(GLOB SRC intern/*.cpp)

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Import('env')
sources = env.Glob('intern/*.cpp')
if env['WITH_BF_OPENMP'] == 1:
defs += ' PARALLEL'

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// El'Beem - the visual lattice boltzmann freesurface simulator
// All code distributed as part of El'Beem is covered by the version 2 of the
// GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.
// Copyright 2008 Nils Thuerey , Richard Keiser, Mark Pauly, Ulrich Ruede
// control particle classes
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// indicator for LBM inclusion
//#ifndef LBMDIM
//#include <NxFoundation.h>
//#include <vector>
//class MultisphGUI;
//#define NORMALIZE(a) a.normalize()
//#define MAGNITUDE(a) a.magnitude()
//#define CROSS(a,b,c) a.cross(b,c)
//#define ABS(a) (a>0. ? (a) : -(a))
//#include "cpdefines.h"
//#else // LBMDIM
// use compatibility defines
//#define NORMALIZE(a) normalize(a)
//#define MAGNITUDE(a) norm(a)
//#define CROSS(a,b,c) a=cross(b,c)
//#endif // LBMDIM
#define MAGNITUDE(a) norm(a)
// math.h compatibility
#define CP_PI ((LbmFloat)3.14159265358979323846)
// project 2d test cases onto plane?
// if not, 3d distance is used for 2d sim as well
#define CP_PROJECT2D 1
// default init for mincpdist, ControlForces::maxDistance
#define CPF_MAXDINIT 10000.
// storage of influence for a fluid cell/particle in lbm/sph
class ControlForces
ControlForces() { };
~ControlForces() {};
// attraction force
LbmFloat weightAtt;
LbmVec forceAtt;
// velocity influence
LbmFloat weightVel;
LbmVec forceVel;
// maximal distance influence,
// first is max. distance to first control particle
// second attraction strength
LbmFloat maxDistance;
LbmVec forceMaxd;
LbmFloat compAvWeight;
LbmVec compAv;
void resetForces() {
weightAtt = weightVel = 0.;
maxDistance = CPF_MAXDINIT;
forceAtt = forceVel = forceMaxd = LbmVec(0.,0.,0.);
compAvWeight=0.; compAv=LbmVec(0.);
// single control particle
class ControlParticle
ControlParticle() { reset(); };
~ControlParticle() {};
// control parameters
// position
LbmVec pos;
// size (influences influence radius)
LbmFloat size;
// overall strength of influence
LbmFloat influence;
// rotation axis
LbmVec rotaxis;
// computed values
// velocity
LbmVec vel;
// computed density
LbmFloat density;
LbmFloat densityWeight;
LbmVec avgVel;
LbmVec avgVelAcc;
LbmFloat avgVelWeight;
// init all zero / defaults
void reset();
// container for a particle configuration at time t
class ControlParticleSet
// time of particle set
LbmFloat time;
// particle positions
std::vector<ControlParticle> particles;
// container & management of control particles
class ControlParticles
// reset datastructures for next influence step
// if motion object is given, particle 1 of second system is used for overall
// position and speed offset
void prepareControl(LbmFloat simtime, LbmFloat dt, ControlParticles *motion);
// post control operations
void finishControl(std::vector<ControlForces> &forces, LbmFloat iatt, LbmFloat ivel, LbmFloat imaxd);
// recalculate
void calculateKernelWeight();
// calculate forces at given position, and modify velocity
// according to timestep (from initControl)
void calculateCpInfluenceOpt (ControlParticle *cp, LbmVec fluidpos, LbmVec fluidvel, ControlForces *force, LbmFloat fillFactor);
void calculateMaxdForce (ControlParticle *cp, LbmVec fluidpos, ControlForces *force);
// no. of particles
inline int getSize() { return (int)_particles.size(); }
int getTotalSize();
// get particle [i]
inline ControlParticle* getParticle(int i){ return &_particles[i]; }
// set influence parameters
void setInfluenceTangential(LbmFloat set) { _influenceTangential=set; }
void setInfluenceAttraction(LbmFloat set) { _influenceAttraction=set; }
void setInfluenceMaxdist(LbmFloat set) { _influenceMaxdist=set; }
// calculate for delta t
void setInfluenceVelocity(LbmFloat set, LbmFloat dt);
// get influence parameters
inline LbmFloat getInfluenceAttraction() { return _influenceAttraction; }
inline LbmFloat getInfluenceTangential() { return _influenceTangential; }
inline LbmFloat getInfluenceVelocity() { return _influenceVelocity; }
inline LbmFloat getInfluenceMaxdist() { return _influenceMaxdist; }
inline LbmFloat getCurrTimestep() { return _currTimestep; }
void setRadiusAtt(LbmFloat set) { _radiusAtt=set; }
inline LbmFloat getRadiusAtt() { return _radiusAtt; }
void setRadiusVel(LbmFloat set) { _radiusVel=set; }
inline LbmFloat getRadiusVel() { return _radiusVel; }
void setRadiusMaxd(LbmFloat set) { _radiusMaxd=set; }
inline LbmFloat getRadiusMaxd() { return _radiusMaxd; }
void setRadiusMinMaxd(LbmFloat set) { _radiusMinMaxd=set; }
inline LbmFloat getRadiusMinMaxd() { return _radiusMinMaxd; }
LbmFloat getControlTimStart();
LbmFloat getControlTimEnd();
// set/get characteristic length (and inverse)
void setCharLength(LbmFloat set) { _charLength=set; _charLengthInv=1./_charLength; }
inline LbmFloat getCharLength() { return _charLength;}
inline LbmFloat getCharLengthInv() { return _charLengthInv;}
// set init parameters
void setInitTimeScale(LbmFloat set) { _initTimeScale = set; };
void setInitMirror(string set) { _initMirror = set; };
string getInitMirror() { return _initMirror; };
void setLastOffset(LbmVec set) { _initLastPartOffset = set; };
void setLastScale(LbmVec set) { _initLastPartScale = set; };
void setOffset(LbmVec set) { _initPartOffset = set; };
void setScale(LbmVec set) { _initPartScale = set; };
// set/get cps params
void setCPSWith(LbmFloat set) { mCPSWidth = set; };
void setCPSTimestep(LbmFloat set) { mCPSTimestep = set; };
void setCPSTimeStart(LbmFloat set) { mCPSTimeStart = set; };
void setCPSTimeEnd(LbmFloat set) { mCPSTimeEnd = set; };
void setCPSMvmWeightFac(LbmFloat set) { mCPSWeightFac = set; };
LbmFloat getCPSWith() { return mCPSWidth; };
LbmFloat getCPSTimestep() { return mCPSTimestep; };
LbmFloat getCPSTimeStart() { return mCPSTimeStart; };
LbmFloat getCPSTimeEnd() { return mCPSTimeEnd; };
LbmFloat getCPSMvmWeightFac() { return mCPSWeightFac; };
void setDebugInit(int set) { mDebugInit = set; };
// set init parameters
void setFluidSpacing(LbmFloat set) { _fluidSpacing = set; };
// load positions & timing from text file
int initFromTextFile(string filename);
int initFromTextFileOld(string filename);
// load positions & timing from gzipped binary file
int initFromBinaryFile(string filename);
int initFromMVCMesh(string filename);
// init an example test case
int initExampleSet();
// init for a given time
void initTime(LbmFloat t, LbmFloat dt);
// blender test init
void initBlenderTest();
// sets influence params
friend class MultisphGUI;
// tangential and attraction influence
LbmFloat _influenceTangential, _influenceAttraction;
// direct velocity influence
LbmFloat _influenceVelocity;
// maximal distance influence
LbmFloat _influenceMaxdist;
// influence radii
LbmFloat _radiusAtt, _radiusVel, _radiusMinMaxd, _radiusMaxd;
// currently valid time & timestep
LbmFloat _currTime, _currTimestep;
// all particles
std::vector<ControlParticle> _particles;
// particle sets
std::vector<ControlParticleSet> mPartSets;
// additional parameters for initing particles
LbmFloat _initTimeScale;
LbmVec _initPartOffset;
LbmVec _initPartScale;
LbmVec _initLastPartOffset;
LbmVec _initLastPartScale;
// mirror particles for loading?
string _initMirror;
// row spacing paramter, e.g. use for approximation of kernel area/volume
LbmFloat _fluidSpacing;
// save current kernel weight
LbmFloat _kernelWeight;
// charateristic length in world coordinates for normalizatioon of forces
LbmFloat _charLength, _charLengthInv;
/*! do ani mesh CPS */
void calculateCPS(string filename);
//! ani mesh cps params
ntlVec3Gfx mvCPSStart, mvCPSEnd;
gfxReal mCPSWidth, mCPSTimestep;
gfxReal mCPSTimeStart, mCPSTimeEnd;
gfxReal mCPSWeightFac;
int mDebugInit;
// apply init transformations
void applyTrafos();
// helper function for init -> swap components everywhere
void swapCoords(int a,int b);
// helper function for init -> mirror time
void mirrorTime();
// helper, init given array
void initTimeArray(LbmFloat t, std::vector<ControlParticle> &parts);
bool checkPointInside(ntlTree *tree, ntlVec3Gfx org, gfxReal &distance);

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ int guiRoiMaxLev=6, guiRoiMinLev=0;
ntlWorld *gpWorld = NULL;
// API
// reset elbeemSimulationSettings struct with defaults

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
* All code distributed as part of El'Beem is covered by the version 2 of the
* GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* Control API header
#include "elbeem.h"
#include "elbeem_control.h"
// add mesh as fluidsim object
int elbeemControlAddSet(struct elbeemControl*) {
return 0;
int elbeemControlComputeMesh(struct elbeemMesh) {
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
* All code distributed as part of El'Beem is covered by the version 2 of the
* GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* Control API header
// a single control particle set
typedef struct elbeemControl {
/* influence forces */
float influenceAttraction;
float *channelInfluenceAttraction;
float channelSizeInfluenceAttraction;
float influenceVelocity;
float *channelInfluenceVelocity;
float channelSizeInfluenceVelocity;
float influenceMaxdist;
float *channelInfluenceMaxdist;
float channelSizeInfluenceMaxdist;
/* influence force radii */
float radiusAttraction;
float *channelRadiusAttraction;
float channelSizeRadiusAttraction;
float radiusVelocity;
float *channelRadiusVelocity;
float channelSizeRadiusVelocity;
float radiusMindist;
float *channelRadiusMindist;
float channelSizeRadiusMindist;
float radiusMaxdist;
float *channelRadiusMaxdist;
float channelSizeRadiusMaxdist;
/* control particle positions/scale */
float offset[3];
float *channelOffset;
float channelSizeOffset;
float scale[3];
float *channelScale;
float channelSizeScale;
} elbeemControl;
// add mesh as fluidsim object
int elbeemControlAddSet(struct elbeemControl*);
// sample & track mesh control particles, TODO add return type...
int elbeemControlComputeMesh(struct elbeemMesh);

@ -13,10 +13,6 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#if (defined (__sun__) || defined (__sun)) || (!defined(linux) && (defined (__sparc) || defined (__sparc__)))
#include <ieeefp.h>
// just use default rounding for platforms where its not available
#ifndef round
#define round(x) (x)

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
// El'Beem - the visual lattice boltzmann freesurface simulator
// All code distributed as part of El'Beem is covered by the version 2 of the
// GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.
// Copyright 2008 Nils Thuerey , Richard Keiser, Mark Pauly, Ulrich Ruede
* Mean Value Mesh Coords class
#include "mvmcoords.h"
#include <algorithm>
using std::vector;
void MeanValueMeshCoords::clear()
mNumVerts = 0;
void MeanValueMeshCoords::calculateMVMCs(vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &reference_vertices, vector<ntlTriangle> &tris,
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &points, gfxReal numweights)
mvmTransferPoint tds;
int mem = 0;
int i = 0;
mNumVerts = (int)reference_vertices.size();
for (vector<ntlVec3Gfx>::iterator iter = points.begin(); iter != points.end(); ++iter, ++i) {
if(i%(points.size()/10)==1) debMsgStd("MeanValueMeshCoords::calculateMVMCs",DM_MSG,"Computing weights, points: "<<i<<"/"<<points.size(),5 );
tds.lastpos = *iter;
tds.weights.resize(0); // clear
computeWeights(reference_vertices, tris, tds, numweights);
mem += (int)tds.weights.size();
int mbmem = mem * sizeof(mvmFloat) / (1024*1024);
debMsgStd("MeanValueMeshCoords::calculateMVMCs",DM_MSG,"vertices:"<<mNumVerts<<" points:"<<points.size()<<" weights:"<<mem<<", wmem:"<<mbmem<<"MB ",7 );
// from: mean value coordinates for closed triangular meshes
// attention: fails if a point is exactly (or very close) to a vertex
void MeanValueMeshCoords::computeWeights(vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &reference_vertices, vector<ntlTriangle>& tris,
mvmTransferPoint& tds, gfxReal numweights)
const bool mvmFullDebug=false;
//const ntlVec3Gfx cEPS = 1.0e-6;
const mvmFloat cEPS = 1.0e-14;
//mvmFloat d[3], s[3], phi[3],c[3];
ntlVec3d u[3],c,d,s,phi;
int indices[3];
for (int i = 0; i < (int)reference_vertices.size(); ++i) {
tds.weights.push_back(mvmIndexWeight(i, 0.0));
// for each triangle
//for (vector<ntlTriangle>::iterator iter = tris.begin(); iter != tris.end();) {
for(int t=0; t<(int)tris.size(); t++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { //, ++iter) {
indices[i] = tris[t].getPoints()[i];
u[i] = vec2D(reference_vertices[ indices[i] ]-tds.lastpos);
d[i] = normalize(u[i]); //.normalize();
//assert(d[i] != 0.);
if(mvmFullDebug) errMsg("MeanValueMeshCoords::computeWeights","t"<<t<<" i"<<indices[i] //<<" lp"<<tds.lastpos
<<" v"<<reference_vertices[indices[i]]<<" u"<<u[i]<<" ");
// on vertex!
//? if(d[i]<=0.) continue;
//for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { errMsg("III"," "<<i <<" i"<<indices[i]<<reference_vertices[ indices[i] ] ); }
// arcsin is not needed, see paper
phi[0] = 2.*asin( (mvmFloat)(0.5* norm(u[1]-u[2]) ) );
phi[1] = 2.*asin( (mvmFloat)(0.5* norm(u[0]-u[2]) ) );
phi[2] = 2.*asin( (mvmFloat)(0.5* norm(u[0]-u[1]) ) );
mvmFloat h = (phi[0] + phi[1] + phi[2])*0.5;
if (M_PI-h < cEPS) {
if(mvmFullDebug) errMsg("MeanValueMeshCoords::computeWeights","point on triangle");
tds.weights.push_back( mvmIndexWeight(indices[0], sin(phi[0])*d[1]*d[2]));
tds.weights.push_back( mvmIndexWeight(indices[1], sin(phi[1])*d[0]*d[2]));
tds.weights.push_back( mvmIndexWeight(indices[2], sin(phi[2])*d[1]*d[0]));
mvmFloat sinh = 2.*sin(h);
c[0] = (sinh*sin(h-phi[0]))/(sin(phi[1])*sin(phi[2]))-1.;
c[1] = (sinh*sin(h-phi[1]))/(sin(phi[0])*sin(phi[2]))-1.;
c[2] = (sinh*sin(h-phi[2]))/(sin(phi[0])*sin(phi[1]))-1.;
if(mvmFullDebug) errMsg("MeanValueMeshCoords::computeWeights","c="<<c<<" phi="<<phi<<" d="<<d);
//if (c[0] > 1. || c[0] < 0. || c[1] > 1. || c[1] < 0. || c[2] > 1. || c[2] < 0.) continue;
s[0] = sqrtf((float)(1.-c[0]*c[0]));
s[1] = sqrtf((float)(1.-c[1]*c[1]));
s[2] = sqrtf((float)(1.-c[2]*c[2]));
if(mvmFullDebug) errMsg("MeanValueMeshCoords::computeWeights","s");
if (s[0] <= cEPS || s[1] <= cEPS || s[2] <= cEPS) {
//MSG("position lies outside the triangle on the same plane -> ignore it");
const mvmFloat u0x = u[0][0];
const mvmFloat u0y = u[0][1];
const mvmFloat u0z = u[0][2];
const mvmFloat u1x = u[1][0];
const mvmFloat u1y = u[1][1];
const mvmFloat u1z = u[1][2];
const mvmFloat u2x = u[2][0];
const mvmFloat u2y = u[2][1];
const mvmFloat u2z = u[2][2];
mvmFloat det = u0x*u1y*u2z - u0x*u1z*u2y + u0y*u1z*u2x - u0y*u1x*u2z + u0z*u1x*u2y - u0z*u1y*u2x;
//assert(det != 0.);
if (det < 0.) {
s[0] = -s[0];
s[1] = -s[1];
s[2] = -s[2];
tds.weights[indices[0]].weight += (phi[0]-c[1]*phi[2]-c[2]*phi[1])/(d[0]*sin(phi[1])*s[2]);
tds.weights[indices[1]].weight += (phi[1]-c[2]*phi[0]-c[0]*phi[2])/(d[1]*sin(phi[2])*s[0]);
tds.weights[indices[2]].weight += (phi[2]-c[0]*phi[1]-c[1]*phi[0])/(d[2]*sin(phi[0])*s[1]);
if(mvmFullDebug) { errMsg("MeanValueMeshCoords::computeWeights","i"<<indices[0]<<" o"<<tds.weights[indices[0]].weight);
errMsg("MeanValueMeshCoords::computeWeights","i"<<indices[1]<<" o"<<tds.weights[indices[1]].weight);
errMsg("MeanValueMeshCoords::computeWeights","i"<<indices[2]<<" o"<<tds.weights[indices[2]].weight);
errMsg("MeanValueMeshCoords::computeWeights","\n\n\n"); }
//sort weights
if((numweights>0.)&& (numweights<1.) ) {
//if( ((int)tds.weights.size() > maxNumWeights) && (maxNumWeights > 0) ) {
int maxNumWeights = (int)(tds.weights.size()*numweights);
if(maxNumWeights<=0) maxNumWeights = 1;
std::sort(tds.weights.begin(), tds.weights.end(), std::greater<mvmIndexWeight>());
// only use maxNumWeights-th largest weights
// normalize weights
mvmFloat totalWeight = 0.;
for (vector<mvmIndexWeight>::const_iterator witer = tds.weights.begin();
witer != tds.weights.end(); ++witer) {
totalWeight += witer->weight;
mvmFloat invTotalWeight;
if (totalWeight == 0.) {
if(mvmFullDebug) errMsg("MeanValueMeshCoords::computeWeights","totalWeight == 0");
invTotalWeight = 0.0;
} else {
invTotalWeight = 1.0/totalWeight;
for (vector<mvmIndexWeight>::iterator viter = tds.weights.begin();
viter != tds.weights.end(); ++viter) {
viter->weight *= invTotalWeight;
//assert(finite(viter->weight) != 0);
if(!finite(viter->weight)) viter->weight=0.;
void MeanValueMeshCoords::transfer(vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &vertices, vector<ntlVec3Gfx>& displacements)
//debMsgStd("MeanValueMeshCoords::transfer",DM_MSG,"vertices:"<<mNumVerts<<" curr_verts:"<<vertices.size()<<" ",7 );
if((int)vertices.size() != mNumVerts) {
errMsg("MeanValueMeshCoords::transfer","Different no of verts: "<<vertices.size()<<" vs "<<mNumVerts);
for (vector<mvmTransferPoint>::iterator titer = mVertices.begin(); titer != mVertices.end(); ++titer) {
mvmTransferPoint &tds = *titer;
ntlVec3Gfx newpos(0.0);
for (vector<mvmIndexWeight>::iterator witer = tds.weights.begin();
witer != tds.weights.end(); ++witer) {
newpos += vertices[witer->index] * witer->weight;
//errMsg("transfer","np"<<newpos<<" v"<<vertices[witer->index]<<" w"<< witer->weight);
//displacements.push_back(newpos - tds.lastpos);
//tds.lastpos = newpos;

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// El'Beem - the visual lattice boltzmann freesurface simulator
// All code distributed as part of El'Beem is covered by the version 2 of the
// GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.
// Copyright 2008 Nils Thuerey , Richard Keiser, Mark Pauly, Ulrich Ruede
* Mean Value Mesh Coords class
#include "utilities.h"
#include "ntl_ray.h"
#include <vector>
#define mvmFloat double
// weight and triangle index
class mvmIndexWeight {
mvmIndexWeight() : weight(0.0) {}
mvmIndexWeight(int const& i, mvmFloat const& w) :
weight(w), index(i) {}
// for sorting
bool operator> (mvmIndexWeight const& w) const { return this->weight > w.weight; }
bool operator< (mvmIndexWeight const& w) const { return this->weight < w.weight; }
mvmFloat weight;
int index;
// transfer point with weights
class mvmTransferPoint {
//! position of transfer point
ntlVec3Gfx lastpos;
//! triangle weights
std::vector<mvmIndexWeight> weights;
//! compute mvmcs
class MeanValueMeshCoords {
MeanValueMeshCoords() {}
~MeanValueMeshCoords() {
void clear();
void calculateMVMCs(std::vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &reference_vertices,
std::vector<ntlTriangle> &tris, std::vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &points, gfxReal numweights);
void transfer(std::vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &vertices, std::vector<ntlVec3Gfx>& displacements);
void computeWeights(std::vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &reference_vertices,
std::vector<ntlTriangle> &tris, mvmTransferPoint& tds, gfxReal numweights);
std::vector<mvmTransferPoint> mVertices;
int mNumVerts;

@ -11,9 +11,7 @@
#include "solver_relax.h"
#include "particletracer.h"
#if (defined (__sun__) || defined (__sun)) || (!defined(linux) && (defined (__sparc) || defined (__sparc__)))
#include <ieeefp.h>
//! coarse step functions

@ -105,6 +105,10 @@
#include "solver_control.h"
#include "solver_test.h"
@ -497,6 +501,14 @@ class LbmFsgrSolver :
LbmFloat& debRAC(LbmFloat* s,int l);
# endif // FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
LbmControlData *mpControl;
void initCpdata();
void handleCpdata();
void cpDebugDisplay(int dispset);
bool mUseTestdata;
// test functions
@ -506,10 +518,6 @@ class LbmFsgrSolver :
void handleTestdata();
void set3dHeight(int ,int );
void initCpdata();
void handleCpdata();
void cpDebugDisplay(int dispset);
int mMpNum,mMpIndex;
int mOrgSizeX;
LbmFloat mOrgStartX;

@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
* El'Beem - the visual lattice boltzmann freesurface simulator
* All code distributed as part of El'Beem is covered by the version 2 of the
* GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.
* Copyright 2003-2008 Nils Thuerey
* control extensions
#include "solver_class.h"
#include "solver_relax.h"
#include "particletracer.h"
#include "solver_control.h"
#include "controlparticles.h"
* LbmControlData control set
LbmControlSet::LbmControlSet() :
mCparts(NULL), mCpmotion(NULL), mContrPartFile(""), mCpmotionFile(""),
mcForceAtt(0.), mcForceVel(0.), mcForceMaxd(0.),
mcRadiusAtt(0.), mcRadiusVel(0.), mcRadiusMind(0.), mcRadiusMaxd(0.),
mcCpScale(1.), mcCpOffset(0.)
LbmControlSet::~LbmControlSet() {
if(mCparts) delete mCparts;
if(mCpmotion) delete mCpmotion;
void LbmControlSet::initCparts() {
mCparts = new ControlParticles();
mCpmotion = new ControlParticles();
* LbmControlData control
LbmControlData::LbmControlData() :
mCons(), mCpUpdateInterval(16), mCpOutfile(""),
mCpForces(), mCpKernel(), mMdKernel(),
void LbmControlData::parseControldataAttrList(AttributeList *attr) {
// controlpart vars
mSetForceStrength = attr->readFloat("tforcestrength", mSetForceStrength,"LbmControlData", "mSetForceStrength", false);
//errMsg("tforcestrength set to "," "<<mSetForceStrength);
mCpUpdateInterval = attr->readInt("controlparticle_updateinterval", mCpUpdateInterval,"LbmControlData","mCpUpdateInterval", false);
// tracer output file
mCpOutfile = attr->readString("controlparticle_outfile",mCpOutfile,"LbmControlData","mCpOutfile", false);
if(getenv("ELBEEM_CPOUTFILE")) {
string outfile(getenv("ELBEEM_CPOUTFILE"));
mCpOutfile = outfile;
debMsgStd("LbmControlData::parseAttrList",DM_NOTIFY,"Using envvar ELBEEM_CPOUTFILE to set mCpOutfile to "<<outfile<<","<<mCpOutfile,7);
for(int cpii=0; cpii<10; cpii++) {
string suffix("");
{ suffix = string("0"); suffix[0]+=cpii; }
LbmControlSet *cset;
cset = new LbmControlSet();
cset->mContrPartFile = attr->readString("controlparticle"+suffix+"_file",cset->mContrPartFile,"LbmControlData","cset->mContrPartFile", false);
if((cpii==0) && (getenv("ELBEEM_CPINFILE")) ) {
string infile(getenv("ELBEEM_CPINFILE"));
cset->mContrPartFile = infile;
debMsgStd("LbmControlData::parseAttrList",DM_NOTIFY,"Using envvar ELBEEM_CPINFILE to set mContrPartFile to "<<infile<<","<<cset->mContrPartFile,7);
LbmFloat cpvort=0.;
cset->mcRadiusAtt = attr->readChannelSinglePrecFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_radiusatt", 0., "LbmControlData","mcRadiusAtt" );
cset->mcRadiusVel = attr->readChannelSinglePrecFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_radiusvel", 0., "LbmControlData","mcRadiusVel" );
cset->mcRadiusVel = attr->readChannelSinglePrecFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_radiusvel", 0., "LbmControlData","mcRadiusVel" );
// WARNING currently only for first set
//if(cpii==0) {
cset->mcForceAtt = attr->readChannelSinglePrecFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_attraction", 0. , "LbmControlData","cset->mcForceAtt", false);
cset->mcForceVel = attr->readChannelSinglePrecFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_velocity", 0. , "LbmControlData","mcForceVel", false);
cset->mcForceMaxd = attr->readChannelSinglePrecFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_maxdist", 0. , "LbmControlData","mcForceMaxd", false);
cset->mCparts->setInfluenceAttraction(cset->mcForceAtt.get(0.) );
// warning - stores temprorarily, value converted to dt dep. factor
cset->mCparts->setInfluenceVelocity(cset->mcForceVel.get(0.) , 0.01 ); // dummy dt
cset->mCparts->setInfluenceMaxdist(cset->mcForceMaxd.get(0.) );
cpvort = attr->readFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_vorticity", cpvort, "LbmControlData","cpvort", false);
cset->mcRadiusMind = attr->readChannelSinglePrecFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_radiusmin", cset->mcRadiusMind.get(0.), "LbmControlData","mcRadiusMind", false);
cset->mcRadiusMaxd = attr->readChannelSinglePrecFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_radiusmax", cset->mcRadiusMind.get(0.), "LbmControlData","mcRadiusMaxd", false);
// now local...
//LbmVec cpOffset(0.), cpScale(1.);
LbmFloat cpTimescale = 1.;
string cpMirroring("");
//cset->mcCpOffset = attr->readChannelVec3f("controlparticle"+suffix+"_offset", ntlVec3f(0.),"LbmControlData","mcCpOffset", false);
//cset->mcCpScale = attr->readChannelVec3f("controlparticle"+suffix+"_scale", ntlVec3f(1.), "LbmControlData","mcCpScale", false);
cset->mcCpOffset = attr->readChannelVec3f("controlparticle"+suffix+"_offset", ntlVec3f(0.),"LbmControlData","mcCpOffset", false);
cset->mcCpScale = attr->readChannelVec3f("controlparticle"+suffix+"_scale", ntlVec3f(1.), "LbmControlData","mcCpScale", false);
cpTimescale = attr->readFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_timescale", cpTimescale, "LbmControlData","cpTimescale", false);
cpMirroring = attr->readString("controlparticle"+suffix+"_mirror", cpMirroring, "LbmControlData","cpMirroring", false);
LbmFloat cpsWidth = cset->mCparts->getCPSWith();
cpsWidth = attr->readFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_cpswidth", cpsWidth, "LbmControlData","cpsWidth", false);
LbmFloat cpsDt = cset->mCparts->getCPSTimestep();
cpsDt = attr->readFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_cpstimestep", cpsDt, "LbmControlData","cpsDt", false);
LbmFloat cpsTstart = cset->mCparts->getCPSTimeStart();
cpsTstart = attr->readFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_cpststart", cpsTstart, "LbmControlData","cpsTstart", false);
LbmFloat cpsTend = cset->mCparts->getCPSTimeEnd();
cpsTend = attr->readFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_cpstend", cpsTend, "LbmControlData","cpsTend", false);
LbmFloat cpsMvmfac = cset->mCparts->getCPSMvmWeightFac();
cpsMvmfac = attr->readFloat("controlparticle"+suffix+"_cpsmvmfac", cpsMvmfac, "LbmControlData","cpsMvmfac", false);
cset->mCparts->setOffset( vec2L(cset->mcCpOffset.get(0.)) );
cset->mCparts->setScale( vec2L(cset->mcCpScale.get(0.)) );
cset->mCparts->setInitTimeScale( cpTimescale );
cset->mCparts->setInitMirror( cpMirroring );
int mDebugInit = 0;
mDebugInit = attr->readInt("controlparticle"+suffix+"_debuginit", mDebugInit,"LbmControlData","mDebugInit", false);
// motion particle settings
LbmVec mcpOffset(0.), mcpScale(1.);
LbmFloat mcpTimescale = 1.;
string mcpMirroring("");
cset->mCpmotionFile = attr->readString("cpmotion"+suffix+"_file",cset->mCpmotionFile,"LbmControlData","mCpmotionFile", false);
mcpTimescale = attr->readFloat("cpmotion"+suffix+"_timescale", mcpTimescale, "LbmControlData","mcpTimescale", false);
mcpMirroring = attr->readString("cpmotion"+suffix+"_mirror", mcpMirroring, "LbmControlData","mcpMirroring", false);
mcpOffset = vec2L( attr->readVec3d("cpmotion"+suffix+"_offset", vec2P(mcpOffset),"LbmControlData","cpOffset", false) );
mcpScale = vec2L( attr->readVec3d("cpmotion"+suffix+"_scale", vec2P(mcpScale), "LbmControlData","cpScale", false) );
cset->mCpmotion->setOffset( vec2L(mcpOffset) );
cset->mCpmotion->setScale( vec2L(mcpScale) );
cset->mCpmotion->setInitTimeScale( mcpTimescale );
cset->mCpmotion->setInitMirror( mcpMirroring );
if(cset->mContrPartFile.length()>1) {
errMsg("LbmControlData","Using control particle set "<<cpii<<" file:"<<cset->mContrPartFile<<" cpmfile:"<<cset->mCpmotionFile<<" mirr:'"<<cset->mCpmotion->getInitMirror()<<"' " );
mCons.push_back( cset );
} else {
delete cset;
// debug, testing - make sure theres at least an empty set
if(mCons.size()<1) {
mCons.push_back( new LbmControlSet() );
// take from first set
for(int cpii=1; cpii<(int)mCons.size(); cpii++) {
mCons[cpii]->mCparts->setRadiusMinMaxd( mCons[0]->mCparts->getRadiusMinMaxd() );
mCons[cpii]->mCparts->setRadiusMaxd( mCons[0]->mCparts->getRadiusMaxd() );
mCons[cpii]->mCparts->setInfluenceAttraction( mCons[0]->mCparts->getInfluenceAttraction() );
mCons[cpii]->mCparts->setInfluenceTangential( mCons[0]->mCparts->getInfluenceTangential() );
mCons[cpii]->mCparts->setInfluenceVelocity( mCons[0]->mCparts->getInfluenceVelocity() , 0.01 ); // dummy dt
mCons[cpii]->mCparts->setInfluenceMaxdist( mCons[0]->mCparts->getInfluenceMaxdist() );
// invert for usage in relax macro
mDiffVelCon = 1.-attr->readFloat("cpdiffvelcon", mDiffVelCon, "LbmControlData","mDiffVelCon", false);
mDebugCpscale = attr->readFloat("cpdebug_cpscale", mDebugCpscale, "LbmControlData","mDebugCpscale", false);
mDebugMaxdScale = attr->readFloat("cpdebug_maxdscale", mDebugMaxdScale, "LbmControlData","mDebugMaxdScale", false);
mDebugAttScale = attr->readFloat("cpdebug_attscale", mDebugAttScale, "LbmControlData","mDebugAttScale", false);
mDebugVelScale = attr->readFloat("cpdebug_velscale", mDebugVelScale, "LbmControlData","mDebugVelScale", false);
mDebugCompavScale = attr->readFloat("cpdebug_compavscale", mDebugCompavScale, "LbmControlData","mDebugCompavScale", false);
mDebugAvgVelScale = attr->readFloat("cpdebug_avgvelsc", mDebugAvgVelScale, "LbmControlData","mDebugAvgVelScale", false);
// enable for cps via env. vars
//if( (getenv("ELBEEM_CPINFILE")) || (getenv("ELBEEM_CPOUTFILE")) ){ mUseTestdata=1; }
// NT blender integration manual test setup
if(1) {
// manually switch on! if this is zero, nothing is done...
mpControl->mSetForceStrength = this->mTForceStrength = 1.;
// add new set
LbmControlSet *cset;
cset = new LbmControlSet();
// dont load any file
cset->mContrPartFile = string("");
// set radii for attraction & velocity forces
// set strength of the forces
// don't set directly! but use channels:
// mcForceAtt, mcForceVel, mcForceMaxd, mcRadiusAtt, mcRadiusVel, mcRadiusMind, mcRadiusMaxd etc.
// wrong: cset->mCparts->setInfluenceAttraction(1.15); cset->mCparts->setRadiusAtt(1.5);
// right, e.g., to init some constant values:
cset->mcForceAtt = AnimChannel<float>(0.2);
cset->mcRadiusAtt = AnimChannel<float>(0.75);
cset->mcForceVel = AnimChannel<float>(0.2);
cset->mcRadiusVel = AnimChannel<float>(0.75);
// this value can be left at 0.5:
mpControl->mCons.push_back( cset );
// instead of reading from file (cset->mContrPartFile), manually init some particles
// other values that might be interesting to change:
//mpControl->mDiffVelCon = 1.; // more rigid velocity control, 0 (default) allows more turbulence
// control particle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// init cppf stage, use set 0!
if(mCppfStage>0) {
if(mpControl->mCpOutfile.length()<1) mpControl->mCpOutfile = string("cpout"); // use getOutFilename !?
char strbuf[100];
const char *cpFormat = "_d%dcppf%d";
// initial coarse stage, no input
if(mCppfStage==1) {
mpControl->mCons[0]->mContrPartFile = "";
} else {
// read from prev stage
snprintf(strbuf,100, cpFormat ,LBMDIM,mCppfStage-1);
mpControl->mCons[0]->mContrPartFile = mpControl->mCpOutfile;
mpControl->mCons[0]->mContrPartFile += strbuf;
mpControl->mCons[0]->mContrPartFile += ".cpart2";
snprintf(strbuf,100, cpFormat ,LBMDIM,mCppfStage);
mpControl->mCpOutfile += strbuf;
} // */
for(int cpssi=0; cpssi<(int)mpControl->mCons.size(); cpssi++) {
ControlParticles *cparts = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCparts;
ControlParticles *cpmotion = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCpmotion;
// now set with real dt
cparts->setInfluenceVelocity( mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mcForceVel.get(0.), mLevel[mMaxRefine].timestep);
cparts->setCharLength( mLevel[mMaxRefine].nodeSize );
cparts->setCharLength( mLevel[mMaxRefine].nodeSize );
errMsg("LbmControlData","CppfStage "<<mCppfStage<<" in:"<<mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mContrPartFile<<
" out:"<<mpControl->mCpOutfile<<" cl:"<< cparts->getCharLength() );
// control particle test init
if(mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCpmotionFile.length()>=1) cpmotion->initFromTextFile(mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCpmotionFile);
// not really necessary...
//? cparts->setFluidSpacing( mLevel[mMaxRefine].nodeSize ); // use grid coords!?
//? cparts->calculateKernelWeight();
//? debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::initCpdata",DM_MSG,"ControlParticles - motion inited: "<<cparts->getSize() ,10);
// ensure both are on for env. var settings
// when no particles, but outfile enabled, initialize
const int lev = mMaxRefine;
if((mpParticles) && (mpControl->mCpOutfile.length()>=1) && (cpssi==0)) {
// check if auto num
if( (mpParticles->getNumInitialParticles()<=1) &&
(mpParticles->getNumParticles()<=1) ) { // initParticles done afterwards anyway
int tracers = 0;
const int workSet = mLevel[lev].setCurr;
if(RFLAG(lev,i,j,k, workSet)&(CFFluid)) tracers++;
if(LBMDIM==3) tracers /= 8;
else tracers /= 4;
debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::initCpdata",DM_MSG,"ControlParticles - set tracers #"<<tracers<<", actual #"<<mpParticles->getNumParticles() ,10);
if(mpParticles->getDumpTextInterval()<=0.) {
mpParticles->setDumpTextInterval(mLevel[lev].timestep * mLevel[lev].lSizex);
debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::initCpdata",DM_MSG,"ControlParticles - dump delta t not set, using dti="<< mpParticles->getDumpTextInterval()<<", sim dt="<<mLevel[lev].timestep, 5 );
mpParticles->setDumpParts(true); // DEBUG? also dump as particle system
if(mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mContrPartFile.length()>=1) cparts->initFromTextFile(mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mContrPartFile);
cparts->setFluidSpacing( mLevel[lev].nodeSize ); // use grid coords!?
debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::initCpdata",DM_MSG,"ControlParticles mCons"<<cpssi<<" - inited, parts:"<<cparts->getTotalSize()<<","<<cparts->getSize()<<" dt:"<<mpParam->getTimestep()<<" control time:"<<cparts->getControlTimStart()<<" to "<<cparts->getControlTimEnd() ,10);
} // cpssi
if(getenv("ELBEEM_CPINFILE")) {
this->mTForceStrength = 1.0;
this->mTForceStrength = mpControl->mSetForceStrength;
if(mpControl->mCpOutfile.length()>=1) mpParticles->setDumpTextFile(mpControl->mCpOutfile);
// control particle init end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// make sure equiv to solver init
if(this->mTForceStrength>0.) { \
mpControl->mCpForces.resize( mMaxRefine+1 );
for(int lev = 0; lev<=mMaxRefine; lev++) {
LONGINT rcellSize = (mLevel[lev].lSizex*mLevel[lev].lSizey*mLevel[lev].lSizez);
debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::initControl",DM_MSG,"mCpForces init, lev="<<lev<<" rcs:"<<(int)(rcellSize+4)<<","<<(rcellSize*sizeof(ControlForces)/(1024*1024)), 9 );
mpControl->mCpForces[lev].resize( (int)(rcellSize+4) );
//for(int i=0 ;i<rcellSize; i++) mpControl->mCpForces.push_back( ControlForces() );
for(int i=0 ;i<rcellSize; i++) mpControl->mCpForces[lev][i].resetForces();
} // on?
debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::initCpdata",DM_MSG,"ControlParticles #mCons "<<mpControl->mCons.size()<<" done", 6);
#define CPODEBUG 0
//define CPINTER ((int)(mpControl->mCpUpdateInterval))
#define KERN(x,y,z) mpControl->mCpKernel[ (((z)*cpkarWidth + (y))*cpkarWidth + (x)) ]
#define MDKERN(x,y,z) mpControl->mMdKernel[ (((z)*mdkarWidth + (y))*mdkarWidth + (x)) ]
#define BOUNDCHECK(x,low,high) ( ((x)<low) ? low : (((x)>high) ? high : (x) ) )
#define BOUNDSKIP(x,low,high) ( ((x)<low) || ((x)>high) )
myTime_t cpstart = getTime();
int cpChecks=0;
int cpInfs=0;
//debMsgStd("ControlData::handleCpdata",DM_MSG,"called... "<<this->mTForceStrength,1);
// add cp influence
if((true) && (this->mTForceStrength>0.)) {
// ok continue...
} // on off
else {
if((mpControl->mCpUpdateInterval<1) || (this->mStepCnt%mpControl->mCpUpdateInterval==0)) {
// do full reinit later on...
else if(this->mStepCnt>mpControl->mCpUpdateInterval) {
// only reinit new cells
// TODO !? remove loop dependance!?
#define NOFORCEENTRY(lev, i,j,k) (LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k).maxDistance==CPF_MAXDINIT)
// interpolate missing
for(int lev=0; lev<=mMaxRefine; lev++) {
if( (RFLAG(lev,i,j,k, mLevel[lev].setCurr)) & (CFFluid|CFInter) )
//if( (RFLAG(lev,i,j,k, mLevel[lev].setCurr)) & (CFInter) )
{ // only check new inter? RFLAG?check
if(NOFORCEENTRY(lev, i,j,k)) {
//errMsg("CP","FE_MISSING at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" f"<<LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k).weightAtt<<" md"<<LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k).maxDistance );
LbmFloat nbs=0.;
ControlForces vals;
vals.resetForces(); vals.maxDistance = 0.;
for(int l=1; l<this->cDirNum; l++) {
int ni=i+this->dfVecX[l], nj=j+this->dfVecY[l], nk=k+this->dfVecZ[l];
//errMsg("CP","FE_MISSING check "<<PRINT_VEC(ni,nj,nk)<<" f"<<LBMGET_FORCE(lev, ni,nj,nk).weightAtt<<" md"<<LBMGET_FORCE(lev, ni,nj,nk).maxDistance );
if(!NOFORCEENTRY(lev, ni,nj,nk)) {
//? vals.weightAtt += LBMGET_FORCE(lev, ni,nj,nk).weightAtt;
//? vals.forceAtt += LBMGET_FORCE(lev, ni,nj,nk).forceAtt;
vals.maxDistance += LBMGET_FORCE(lev, ni,nj,nk).maxDistance;
vals.forceMaxd += LBMGET_FORCE(lev, ni,nj,nk).forceMaxd;
vals.weightVel += LBMGET_FORCE(lev, ni,nj,nk).weightVel;
vals.forceVel += LBMGET_FORCE(lev, ni,nj,nk).forceVel;
// ignore att/compAv/avgVel here for now
nbs += 1.;
if(nbs>0.) {
nbs = 1./nbs;
//? LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k).weightAtt = vals.weightAtt*nbs;
//? LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k).forceAtt = vals.forceAtt*nbs;
LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k).maxDistance = vals.maxDistance*nbs;
LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k).forceMaxd = vals.forceMaxd*nbs;
LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k).weightVel = vals.weightVel*nbs;
LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k).forceVel = vals.forceVel*nbs;
/*ControlForces *ff = &LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k); // DEBUG
errMsg("CP","FE_MISSING rec at "<<PRINT_IJK // DEBUG
<<" w:"<<ff->weightAtt<<" wa:" <<PRINT_VEC( ff->forceAtt[0],ff->forceAtt[1],ff->forceAtt[2] )
<<" v:"<<ff->weightVel<<" wv:" <<PRINT_VEC( ff->forceVel[0],ff->forceVel[1],ff->forceVel[2] )
<<" v:"<<ff->maxDistance<<" wv:" <<PRINT_VEC( ff->forceMaxd[0],ff->forceMaxd[1],ff->forceMaxd[2] ) ); // DEBUG */
// else errMsg("CP","FE_MISSING rec at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" failed!"); // DEBUG
}} // ijk, lev
// mStepCnt > mpControl->mCpUpdateInterval
} else {
// nothing to do ...
// reset
for(int lev=0; lev<=mMaxRefine; lev++) {
FSGR_FORIJK_BOUNDS(lev) { LBMGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).resetForces(); }
// do setup for coarsest level
const int coarseLev = 0;
const int fineLev = mMaxRefine;
// init for current time
for(int cpssi=0; cpssi<(int)mpControl->mCons.size(); cpssi++) {
ControlParticles *cparts = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCparts;
LbmControlSet *cset = mpControl->mCons[cpssi];
cparts->setInfluenceAttraction(cset->mcForceAtt.get(mSimulationTime) );
cparts->setInfluenceMaxdist(cset->mcForceMaxd.get(mSimulationTime) );
cparts->calculateKernelWeight(); // always necessary!?
cparts->setOffset( vec2L(cset->mcCpOffset.get(mSimulationTime)) );
cparts->setScale( vec2L(cset->mcCpScale.get(mSimulationTime)) );
cparts->setInfluenceVelocity( cset->mcForceVel.get(mSimulationTime), mLevel[fineLev].timestep );
cparts->setLastOffset( vec2L(cset->mcCpOffset.get(mSimulationTime-mLevel[fineLev].timestep)) );
cparts->setLastScale( vec2L(cset->mcCpScale.get(mSimulationTime-mLevel[fineLev].timestep)) );
// check actual values
LbmFloat iatt = mpControl->mCons[0]->mCparts->getInfluenceAttraction();
LbmFloat ivel = mpControl->mCons[0]->mCparts->getInfluenceVelocity();
LbmFloat imaxd = mpControl->mCons[0]->mCparts->getInfluenceMaxdist();
//errMsg("FINCIT","iatt="<<iatt<<" ivel="<<ivel<<" imaxd="<<imaxd);
for(int cpssi=1; cpssi<(int)mpControl->mCons.size(); cpssi++) {
LbmFloat iatt2 = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCparts->getInfluenceAttraction();
LbmFloat ivel2 = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCparts->getInfluenceVelocity();
LbmFloat imaxd2 = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCparts->getInfluenceMaxdist();
if(iatt2 >iatt) iatt = iatt2;
if(ivel2 >ivel) ivel = ivel2;
if(imaxd2>imaxd) imaxd= imaxd2;
//errMsg("FINCIT"," "<<cpssi<<" iatt2="<<iatt2<<" ivel2="<<ivel2<<" imaxd2="<<imaxd<<" NEW "<<" iatt="<<iatt<<" ivel="<<ivel<<" imaxd="<<imaxd);
if(iatt==0. && ivel==0. && imaxd==0.) {
debMsgStd("ControlData::initControl",DM_MSG,"Skipped, all zero...",4);
//iatt = mpControl->mCons[1]->mCparts->getInfluenceAttraction(); //ivel = mpControl->mCons[1]->mCparts->getInfluenceVelocity(); //imaxd = mpControl->mCons[1]->mCparts->getInfluenceMaxdist(); // TTTTTT
// do control setup
for(int cpssi=0; cpssi<(int)mpControl->mCons.size(); cpssi++) {
ControlParticles *cparts = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCparts;
ControlParticles *cpmotion = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCpmotion;
// TEST!?
bool radmod = false;
const LbmFloat minRadSize = mLevel[coarseLev].nodeSize * 1.5;
if((cparts->getRadiusAtt()>0.) && (cparts->getRadiusAtt()<minRadSize) && (!radmod) ) {
LbmFloat radfac = minRadSize / cparts->getRadiusAtt(); radmod=true;
debMsgStd("ControlData::initControl",DM_MSG,"Modified radii att, fac="<<radfac, 7);
} else if((cparts->getRadiusVel()>0.) && (cparts->getRadiusVel()<minRadSize) && (!radmod) ) {
LbmFloat radfac = minRadSize / cparts->getRadiusVel();
debMsgStd("ControlData::initControl",DM_MSG,"Modified radii vel, fac="<<radfac, 7);
} else if((cparts->getRadiusMaxd()>0.) && (cparts->getRadiusMaxd()<minRadSize) && (!radmod) ) {
LbmFloat radfac = minRadSize / cparts->getRadiusMaxd();
debMsgStd("ControlData::initControl",DM_MSG,"Modified radii maxd, fac="<<radfac, 7);
if(radmod) {
debMsgStd("ControlData::initControl",DM_MSG,"Modified radii: att="<<
cparts->getRadiusAtt()<<", vel=" << cparts->getRadiusVel()<<", maxd=" <<
cparts->getRadiusMaxd()<<", mind=" << cparts->getRadiusMinMaxd() ,5);
cpmotion->prepareControl( mSimulationTime+((LbmFloat)mpControl->mCpUpdateInterval)*(mpParam->getTimestep()), mpParam->getTimestep(), NULL );
cparts->prepareControl( mSimulationTime+((LbmFloat)mpControl->mCpUpdateInterval)*(mpParam->getTimestep()), mpParam->getTimestep(), cpmotion );
// do control...
for(int lev=0; lev<=mMaxRefine; lev++) {
LbmFloat levVolume = 1.;
LbmFloat levForceScale = 1.;
for(int ll=lev; ll<mMaxRefine; ll++) {
if(LBMDIM==3) levVolume *= 8.;
else levVolume *= 4.;
levForceScale *= 2.;
errMsg("LbmFsgrSolver::handleCpdata","levVolume="<<levVolume<<" levForceScale="<<levForceScale );
//todo: scale velocity, att by level timestep!?
for(int cpssi=0; cpssi<(int)mpControl->mCons.size(); cpssi++) {
ControlParticles *cparts = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCparts;
// ControlParticles *cpmotion = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCpmotion;
const LbmFloat velLatticeScale = mLevel[lev].timestep/mLevel[lev].nodeSize;
LbmFloat gsx = ((mvGeoEnd[0]-mvGeoStart[0])/(LbmFloat)mLevel[lev].lSizex);
LbmFloat gsy = ((mvGeoEnd[1]-mvGeoStart[1])/(LbmFloat)mLevel[lev].lSizey);
LbmFloat gsz = ((mvGeoEnd[2]-mvGeoStart[2])/(LbmFloat)mLevel[lev].lSizez);
#if LBMDIM==2
gsz = gsx;
LbmFloat goffx = mvGeoStart[0];
LbmFloat goffy = mvGeoStart[1];
LbmFloat goffz = mvGeoStart[2];
//const LbmFloat cpwIncFac = 2.0;
// max to two thirds of domain size
const int cpw = MIN( mLevel[lev].lSizex/3, MAX( (int)( cparts->getRadiusAtt() /gsx) +1 , 2) ); // normal kernel, att,vel
const int cpkarWidth = 2*cpw+1;
mpControl->mCpKernel.resize(cpkarWidth* cpkarWidth* cpkarWidth);
ControlParticle cpt; cpt.reset();
cpt.pos = LbmVec( (gsx*(LbmFloat)cpw)+goffx, (gsy*(LbmFloat)cpw)+goffy, (gsz*(LbmFloat)cpw)+goffz ); // optimize?
cpt.density = 0.5; cpt.densityWeight = 0.5;
#if LBMDIM==3
for(int k= 0; k<cpkarWidth; ++k) {
#else // LBMDIM==3
{ int k = cpw;
for(int j= 0; j<cpkarWidth; ++j)
for(int i= 0; i<cpkarWidth; ++i) {
//LbmFloat dx = i-cpw; LbmFloat dy = j-cpw; LbmFloat dz = k-cpw;
//LbmVec dv = ( LbmVec(dx,dy,dz) );
//LbmFloat dl = norm( dv ); //LbmVec dir = dv / dl;
LbmVec pos = LbmVec( (gsx*(LbmFloat)i)+goffx, (gsy*(LbmFloat)j)+goffy, (gsz*(LbmFloat)k)+goffz ); // optimize?
cparts->calculateCpInfluenceOpt( &cpt, pos, LbmVec(0,0,0), &KERN(i,j,k) ,1. );
/*if((CPODEBUG)&&(k==cpw)) errMsg("kern"," at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" pos"<<pos<<" cpp"<<cpt.pos
<<" wf:"<<KERN(i,j,k).weightAtt<<" wa:"<< PRINT_VEC( KERN(i,j,k).forceAtt[0],KERN(i,j,k).forceAtt[1],KERN(i,j,k).forceAtt[2] )
<<" wf:"<<KERN(i,j,k).weightVel<<" wa:"<< PRINT_VEC( KERN(i,j,k).forceVel[0],KERN(i,j,k).forceVel[1],KERN(i,j,k).forceVel[2] )
<<" wf:"<<KERN(i,j,k).maxDistance<<" wa:"<< PRINT_VEC( KERN(i,j,k).forceMaxd[0],KERN(i,j,k).forceMaxd[1],KERN(i,j,k).forceMaxd[2] ) ); // */
KERN(i,j,k).weightAtt *= 2.;
KERN(i,j,k).forceAtt *= 2.;
//KERN(i,j,k).forceAtt[1] *= 2.; KERN(i,j,k).forceAtt[2] *= 2.;
KERN(i,j,k).weightVel *= 2.;
KERN(i,j,k).forceVel *= 2.;
//KERN(i,j,k).forceVel[1] *= 2.; KERN(i,j,k).forceVel[2] *= 2.;
if(CPODEBUG) errMsg("cpw"," = "<<cpw<<" f"<< cparts->getRadiusAtt()<<" gsx"<<gsx<<" kpw"<<cpkarWidth); // DEBUG
// first cp loop - add att and vel forces
for(int cppi=0; cppi<cparts->getSize(); cppi++) {
ControlParticle *cp = cparts->getParticle(cppi);
if(cp->influence<=0.) continue;
const int cpi = (int)( (cp->pos[0]-goffx)/gsx );
const int cpj = (int)( (cp->pos[1]-goffy)/gsy );
int cpk = (int)( (cp->pos[2]-goffz)/gsz );
/*if( ((LBMDIM==3)&&(BOUNDSKIP(cpk - cpwsm, getForZMinBnd(), getForZMaxBnd(lev) ))) ||
((LBMDIM==3)&&(BOUNDSKIP(cpk + cpwsm, getForZMinBnd(), getForZMaxBnd(lev) ))) ||
BOUNDSKIP(cpj - cpwsm, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizey ) ||
BOUNDSKIP(cpj + cpwsm, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizey ) ||
BOUNDSKIP(cpi - cpwsm, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizex ) ||
BOUNDSKIP(cpi + cpwsm, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizex ) ) {
} // */
int is,ie,js,je,ks,ke;
ks = BOUNDCHECK(cpk - cpw, getForZMinBnd(), getForZMaxBnd(lev) );
ke = BOUNDCHECK(cpk + cpw, getForZMinBnd(), getForZMaxBnd(lev) );
js = BOUNDCHECK(cpj - cpw, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizey );
je = BOUNDCHECK(cpj + cpw, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizey );
is = BOUNDCHECK(cpi - cpw, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizex );
ie = BOUNDCHECK(cpi + cpw, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizex );
if(LBMDIM==2) { cpk = 0; ks = 0; ke = 1; }
if(CPODEBUG) errMsg("cppft","i"<<cppi<<" cpw"<<cpw<<" gpos"<<PRINT_VEC(cpi,cpj,cpk)<<" i:"<<is<<","<<ie<<" j:"<<js<<","<<je<<" k:"<<ks<<","<<ke<<" "); // DEBUG
for(int k= ks; k<ke; ++k) {
for(int j= js; j<je; ++j) {
CellFlagType *pflag = &RFLAG(lev,is,j,k, mLevel[lev].setCurr);
ControlForces *kk = &KERN( is-cpi+cpw, j-cpj+cpw, k-cpk+cpw);
ControlForces *ff = &LBMGET_FORCE(lev,is,j,k);
pflag--; kk--; ff--;
for(int i= is; i<ie; ++i) {
// first cp loop (att,vel)
pflag++; kk++; ff++;
//add weight for bnd cells
const LbmFloat pwforce = kk->weightAtt;
// control particle mod,
// dont add multiple CFFluid fsgr boundaries
if(lev==mMaxRefine) {
//if( ( ((*pflag)&(CFFluid )) && (lev==mMaxRefine) ) ||
//( ((*pflag)&(CFGrNorm)) && (lev <mMaxRefine) ) ) {
if((*pflag)&(CFFluid|CFUnused)) {
// check not fromcoarse?
cp->density += levVolume* kk->weightAtt; // old CFFluid
} else if( (*pflag) & (CFEmpty) ) {
cp->density -= levVolume* 0.5;
} else { //if( ((*pflag) & (CFBnd)) ) {
cp->density -= levVolume* 0.2; // penalty
} else {
//if((*pflag)&(CFGrNorm)) {
//cp->density += levVolume* kk->weightAtt; // old CFFluid
//else if(!((*pflag) & (CFUnused)) ) { cp->density -= levVolume* 0.2; } // penalty
if( (*pflag) & (CFFluid|CFInter) ) // RFLAG_check
//const LbmFloat pwforce = kk->weightAtt;
LbmFloat pwvel = kk->weightVel;
if((pwforce==0.)&&(pwvel==0.)) { continue; }
ff->weightAtt += 1e-6; // for distance
if(pwforce>0.) {
ff->weightAtt += pwforce *cp->densityWeight *cp->influence;
ff->forceAtt += kk->forceAtt *levForceScale *cp->densityWeight *cp->influence;
// old fill handling here
const int workSet =mLevel[lev].setCurr;
LbmFloat ux=0., uy=0., uz=0.;
const LbmFloat dfn = QCELL(lev, i,j,k, workSet, l);
ux += (this->dfDvecX[l]*dfn);
uy += (this->dfDvecY[l]*dfn);
uz += (this->dfDvecZ[l]*dfn);
// control particle mod
cp->avgVelWeight += levVolume*pwforce;
cp->avgVelAcc += LbmVec(ux,uy,uz) * levVolume*pwforce;
if(pwvel>0.) {
// TODO make switch? vel.influence depends on density weight...
// (reduced lowering with 0.75 factor)
pwvel *= cp->influence *(1.-0.75*cp->densityWeight);
// control particle mod
// todo use Omega instead!?
ff->forceVel += cp->vel*levVolume*pwvel * velLatticeScale; // levVolume?
ff->weightVel += levVolume*pwvel; // levVolume?
ff->compAv += cp->avgVel*levVolume*pwvel; // levVolume?
ff->compAvWeight += levVolume*pwvel; // levVolume?
if(CPODEBUG) errMsg("cppft","i"<<cppi<<" at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" kern:"<<
PRINT_VEC(i-cpi+cpw, j-cpj+cpw, k-cpk+cpw )
//<<" w:"<<ff->weightAtt<<" wa:"
//<<PRINT_VEC( ff->forceAtt[0],ff->forceAtt[1],ff->forceAtt[2] )
//<<" v:"<<ff->weightVel<<" wv:"
//<<PRINT_VEC( ff->forceVel[0],ff->forceVel[1],ff->forceVel[2] )
//<<" v:"<<ff->maxDistance<<" wv:"
//<<PRINT_VEC( ff->forceMaxd[0],ff->forceMaxd[1],ff->forceMaxd[2] )
} // celltype
} // ijk
} // ijk
} // ijk
} // cpi, end first cp loop (att,vel)
debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::handleCpdata",DM_MSG,"Force cpgrid "<<cpssi<<" generated checks:"<<cpChecks<<" infs:"<<cpInfs ,9);
} //cpssi
} // lev
// second loop
for(int lev=0; lev<=mMaxRefine; lev++) {
LbmFloat levVolume = 1.;
LbmFloat levForceScale = 1.;
for(int ll=lev; ll<mMaxRefine; ll++) {
if(LBMDIM==3) levVolume *= 8.;
else levVolume *= 4.;
levForceScale *= 2.;
// prepare maxd forces
for(int cpssi=0; cpssi<(int)mpControl->mCons.size(); cpssi++) {
ControlParticles *cparts = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCparts;
// WARNING copied from above!
const LbmFloat velLatticeScale = mLevel[lev].timestep/mLevel[lev].nodeSize;
LbmFloat gsx = ((mvGeoEnd[0]-mvGeoStart[0])/(LbmFloat)mLevel[lev].lSizex);
LbmFloat gsy = ((mvGeoEnd[1]-mvGeoStart[1])/(LbmFloat)mLevel[lev].lSizey);
LbmFloat gsz = ((mvGeoEnd[2]-mvGeoStart[2])/(LbmFloat)mLevel[lev].lSizez);
#if LBMDIM==2
gsz = gsx;
LbmFloat goffx = mvGeoStart[0];
LbmFloat goffy = mvGeoStart[1];
LbmFloat goffz = mvGeoStart[2];
//const LbmFloat cpwIncFac = 2.0;
const int mdw = MIN( mLevel[lev].lSizex/2, MAX( (int)( cparts->getRadiusMaxd() /gsx) +1 , 2) ); // wide kernel, md
const int mdkarWidth = 2*mdw+1;
mpControl->mMdKernel.resize(mdkarWidth* mdkarWidth* mdkarWidth);
ControlParticle cpt; cpt.reset();
cpt.density = 0.5; cpt.densityWeight = 0.5;
cpt.pos = LbmVec( (gsx*(LbmFloat)mdw)+goffx, (gsy*(LbmFloat)mdw)+goffy, (gsz*(LbmFloat)mdw)+goffz ); // optimize?
#if LBMDIM==3
for(int k= 0; k<mdkarWidth; ++k) {
#else // LBMDIM==3
{ int k = mdw;
for(int j= 0; j<mdkarWidth; ++j)
for(int i= 0; i<mdkarWidth; ++i) {
LbmVec pos = LbmVec( (gsx*(LbmFloat)i)+goffx, (gsy*(LbmFloat)j)+goffy, (gsz*(LbmFloat)k)+goffz ); // optimize?
cparts->calculateMaxdForce( &cpt, pos, &MDKERN(i,j,k) );
// second cpi loop, maxd forces
if(cparts->getInfluenceMaxdist()>0.) {
for(int cppi=0; cppi<cparts->getSize(); cppi++) {
ControlParticle *cp = cparts->getParticle(cppi);
if(cp->influence<=0.) continue;
const int cpi = (int)( (cp->pos[0]-goffx)/gsx );
const int cpj = (int)( (cp->pos[1]-goffy)/gsy );
int cpk = (int)( (cp->pos[2]-goffz)/gsz );
int is,ie,js,je,ks,ke;
ks = BOUNDCHECK(cpk - mdw, getForZMinBnd(), getForZMaxBnd(lev) );
ke = BOUNDCHECK(cpk + mdw, getForZMinBnd(), getForZMaxBnd(lev) );
js = BOUNDCHECK(cpj - mdw, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizey );
je = BOUNDCHECK(cpj + mdw, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizey );
is = BOUNDCHECK(cpi - mdw, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizex );
ie = BOUNDCHECK(cpi + mdw, 0, mLevel[lev].lSizex );
if(LBMDIM==2) { cpk = 0; ks = 0; ke = 1; }
if(CPODEBUG) errMsg("cppft","i"<<cppi<<" mdw"<<mdw<<" gpos"<<PRINT_VEC(cpi,cpj,cpk)<<" i:"<<is<<","<<ie<<" j:"<<js<<","<<je<<" k:"<<ks<<","<<ke<<" "); // DEBUG
for(int k= ks; k<ke; ++k)
for(int j= js; j<je; ++j) {
CellFlagType *pflag = &RFLAG(lev,is-1,j,k, mLevel[lev].setCurr);
for(int i= is; i<ie; ++i) {
// second cpi loop, maxd forces
if( (*pflag) & (CFFluid|CFInter) ) // RFLAG_check
ControlForces *ff = &LBMGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k);
if(ff->weightAtt == 0.) {
ControlForces *kk = &MDKERN( i-cpi+mdw, j-cpj+mdw, k-cpk+mdw);
const LbmFloat pmdf = kk->maxDistance;
if((ff->maxDistance > pmdf) || (ff->maxDistance<0.))
ff->maxDistance = pmdf;
ff->forceMaxd = kk->forceMaxd;
// todo use Omega instead!?
ff->forceVel = cp->vel* velLatticeScale;
} // celltype
} } // ijk
} // cpi, md loop
} // maxd inf>0 */
debMsgStd("ControlData::initControl",DM_MSG,"Maxd cpgrid "<<cpssi<<" generated checks:"<<cpChecks<<" infs:"<<cpInfs ,9);
} //cpssi
// normalize, only done once for the whole array
mpControl->mCons[0]->mCparts->finishControl( mpControl->mCpForces[lev], iatt,ivel,imaxd );
} // lev loop
myTime_t cpend = getTime();
debMsgStd("ControlData::handleCpdata",DM_MSG,"Time for cpgrid generation:"<< getTimeString(cpend-cpstart)<<", checks:"<<cpChecks<<" infs:"<<cpInfs<<" " ,8);
// warning, may return before
#if LBM_USE_GUI==1
#include "../gui/gui_utilities.h"
void LbmFsgrSolver::cpDebugDisplay(int dispset)
for(int cpssi=0; cpssi<(int)mpControl->mCons.size(); cpssi++) {
ControlParticles *cparts = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCparts;
//ControlParticles *cpmotion = mpControl->mCons[cpssi]->mCpmotion;
// display cp parts
const bool cpCubes = false;
const bool cpDots = true;
const bool cpCpdist = true;
const bool cpHideIna = true;
glDisable( GL_LIGHTING ); // dont light lines
// dot influence
if((mpControl->mDebugCpscale>0.) && cpDots) {
glPointSize(mpControl->mDebugCpscale * 8.);
for(int i=0; i<cparts->getSize(); i++) {
if((cpHideIna)&&( (cparts->getParticle(i)->influence<=0.) || (cparts->getParticle(i)->size<=0.) )) continue;
ntlVec3Gfx org( vec2G(cparts->getParticle(i)->pos ) );
//LbmFloat halfsize = 0.5;
LbmFloat scale = cparts->getParticle(i)->densityWeight;
//glColor4f( scale,scale,scale,scale );
glColor4f( 0.,scale,0.,scale );
glVertex3f( org[0],org[1],org[2] );
//errMsg("lbmDebugDisplay","CP "<<i<<" at "<<org); // DEBUG
// cp positions
if((mpControl->mDebugCpscale>0.) && cpDots) {
glPointSize(mpControl->mDebugCpscale * 3.);
glColor3f( 0,1,0 );
for(int i=0; i<cparts->getSize(); i++) {
if((cpHideIna)&&( (cparts->getParticle(i)->influence<=0.) || (cparts->getParticle(i)->size<=0.) )) continue;
ntlVec3Gfx org( vec2G(cparts->getParticle(i)->pos ) );
LbmFloat halfsize = 0.5;
LbmFloat scale = cparts->getRadiusAtt() * cparts->getParticle(i)->densityWeight;
if(cpCubes){ glLineWidth( 1 );
glColor3f( 1,1,1 );
ntlVec3Gfx s = org-(halfsize * (scale));
ntlVec3Gfx e = org+(halfsize * (scale));
drawCubeWire( s,e ); }
if((mpControl->mDebugCpscale>0.) && cpDots) {
glVertex3f( org[0],org[1],org[2] );
if(cpDots) glEnd();
if(mpControl->mDebugAvgVelScale>0.) {
const float scale = mpControl->mDebugAvgVelScale;
glColor3f( 1.0,1.0,1 );
for(int i=0; i<cparts->getSize(); i++) {
if((cpHideIna)&&( (cparts->getParticle(i)->influence<=0.) || (cparts->getParticle(i)->size<=0.) )) continue;
ntlVec3Gfx org( vec2G(cparts->getParticle(i)->pos ) );
//errMsg("CPAVGVEL","i"<<i<<" pos"<<org<<" av"<<cparts->getParticle(i)->avgVel);// DEBUG
float dx = cparts->getParticle(i)->avgVel[0];
float dy = cparts->getParticle(i)->avgVel[1];
float dz = cparts->getParticle(i)->avgVel[2];
dx *= scale; dy *= scale; dz *= scale;
glVertex3f( org[0],org[1],org[2] );
glVertex3f( org[0]+dx,org[1]+dy,org[2]+dz );
} // */
if( (LBMDIM==2) && (cpCpdist) ) {
// debug, for use of e.g. LBMGET_FORCE LbmControlData *mpControl = this;
# define TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k) mpControl->mCpForces[lev][ ((k*mLevel[lev].lSizey)+j)*mLevel[lev].lSizex+i ]
//const int lev=0;
for(int lev=0; lev<=mMaxRefine; lev++) {
LbmVec pos = LbmVec(
((mvGeoEnd[0]-mvGeoStart[0])/(LbmFloat)mLevel[lev].lSizex) * ((LbmFloat)i+0.5) + mvGeoStart[0],
((mvGeoEnd[1]-mvGeoStart[1])/(LbmFloat)mLevel[lev].lSizey) * ((LbmFloat)j+0.5) + mvGeoStart[1],
((mvGeoEnd[2]-mvGeoStart[2])/(LbmFloat)mLevel[lev].lSizez) * ((LbmFloat)k+0.5) + mvGeoStart[2] );
if(LBMDIM==2) pos[2] = ((mvGeoEnd[2]-mvGeoStart[2])*0.5 + mvGeoStart[2]);
if((mpControl->mDebugMaxdScale>0.) && (TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).weightAtt<=0.) )
if(TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).maxDistance<CPF_MAXDINIT ) {
const float scale = mpControl->mDebugMaxdScale*10001.;
float dx = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).forceMaxd[0];
float dy = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).forceMaxd[1];
float dz = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).forceMaxd[2];
dx *= scale; dy *= scale; dz *= scale;
glColor3f( 0,1,0 );
glVertex3f( pos[0],pos[1],pos[2] );
glVertex3f( pos[0]+dx,pos[1]+dy,pos[2]+dz );
} // */
if((mpControl->mDebugAttScale>0.) && (TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).weightAtt>0.)) {
const float scale = mpControl->mDebugAttScale*100011.;
float dx = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).forceAtt[0];
float dy = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).forceAtt[1];
float dz = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).forceAtt[2];
dx *= scale; dy *= scale; dz *= scale;
glColor3f( 1,0,0 );
glVertex3f( pos[0],pos[1],pos[2] );
glVertex3f( pos[0]+dx,pos[1]+dy,pos[2]+dz );
} // */
// why check maxDistance?
if((mpControl->mDebugVelScale>0.) && (TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).maxDistance+TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).weightVel>0.)) {
float scale = mpControl->mDebugVelScale*1.;
float wvscale = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).weightVel;
float dx = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).forceVel[0];
float dy = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).forceVel[1];
float dz = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).forceVel[2];
scale *= wvscale;
dx *= scale; dy *= scale; dz *= scale;
glColor3f( 0.2,0.2,1 );
glVertex3f( pos[0],pos[1],pos[2] );
glVertex3f( pos[0]+dx,pos[1]+dy,pos[2]+dz );
} // */
if((mpControl->mDebugCompavScale>0.) && (TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).compAvWeight>0.)) {
const float scale = mpControl->mDebugCompavScale*1.;
float dx = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).compAv[0];
float dy = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).compAv[1];
float dz = TESTGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).compAv[2];
dx *= scale; dy *= scale; dz *= scale;
glColor3f( 0.2,0.2,1 );
glVertex3f( pos[0],pos[1],pos[2] );
glVertex3f( pos[0]+dx,pos[1]+dy,pos[2]+dz );
} // */
} // att,maxd
} // cpssi
glEnable( GL_LIGHTING ); // dont light lines
#else // LBM_USE_GUI==1
void LbmFsgrSolver::cpDebugDisplay(int dispset) { }
#endif // LBM_USE_GUI==1

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
* El'Beem - the visual lattice boltzmann freesurface simulator
* All code distributed as part of El'Beem is covered by the version 2 of the
* GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* testing extensions
//class IsoSurface;
class ParticleObject;
class ControlParticles;
class ControlForces;
//#define NUMGRIDS 2
//#define MAXNUMSWS 10
// farfield modes
#define FARF_3DONLY -1
#define FARF_BOTH 0
#define FARF_SWEONLY 1
// dont reuse 3d vars/init
#define FARF_SEPSWE 2
// relaxation macros for solver_relax.h
// defined in relax.h
// WARNING has to match controlparts.h
#define CPF_ENTRIES 12
#define CPF_FORCE 0
#define CPF_VELOCITY 4
#define CPF_MINCPDIR 9
#include "controlparticles.h"
// get force entry, set=0 is unused anyway
#define LBMGET_FORCE(lev, i,j,k) mpControl->mCpForces[lev][ (LBMGI(lev,i,j,k,0)) ]
// debug mods off...
// same as in src/solver_relax.h!
#define __PRECOLLIDE_MODS(rho,ux,uy,uz, grav) \
ux += (grav)[0]; \
uy += (grav)[1]; \
uz += (grav)[2];
//void testMaxdmod(int i, int j,int k, LbmFloat &ux,LbmFloat &uy,LbmFloat &uz,ControlForces &ff);
#if LBMDIM==3
#define MAXDGRAV \
if(myforce->forceMaxd[0]*ux+myforce->forceMaxd[1]*uy<LBM_EPSILON) { \
ux = v2w*myforce->forceVel[0]+ v2wi*ux; \
uy = v2w*myforce->forceVel[1]+ v2wi*uy; } \
/* movement inverse to g? */ \
if((uz>LBM_EPSILON)&&(uz>myforce->forceVel[2])) { \
uz = v2w*myforce->forceVel[2]+ v2wi*uz; }
#else // LBMDIM==3
#define MAXDGRAV \
if(myforce->forceMaxd[0]*ux<LBM_EPSILON) { \
ux = v2w*myforce->forceVel[0]+ v2wi*ux; } \
/* movement inverse to g? */ \
if((uy>LBM_EPSILON)&&(uy>myforce->forceVel[1])) { \
uy = v2w*myforce->forceVel[1]+ v2wi*uy; }
#endif // LBMDIM==3
// debug modifications of collide vars (testing)
// requires: lev,i,j,k
#define PRECOLLIDE_MODS(rho,ux,uy,uz, grav) \
LbmFloat attforce = 1.; \
if(this->mTForceStrength>0.) { \
ControlForces* myforce = &LBMGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k); \
const LbmFloat vf = myforce->weightAtt;\
const LbmFloat vw = myforce->weightVel;\
if(vf!=0.) { attforce = MAX(0., 1.-vf); /* TODO FIXME? use ABS(vf) for repulsion force? */ \
ux += myforce->forceAtt[0]; \
uy += myforce->forceAtt[1]; \
uz += myforce->forceAtt[2]; \
} else if(( myforce->maxDistance>0.) && ( myforce->maxDistance<CPF_MAXDINIT)) {\
const LbmFloat v2w = mpControl->mCons[0]->mCparts->getInfluenceMaxdist() * \
(myforce->maxDistance-mpControl->mCons[0]->mCparts->getRadiusMinMaxd()) / (mpControl->mCons[0]->mCparts->getRadiusMaxd()-mpControl->mCons[0]->mCparts->getRadiusMinMaxd()); \
const LbmFloat v2wi = 1.-v2w; \
if(v2w>0.){ MAXDGRAV; \
/* errMsg("ERRMDTT","at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" maxd="<<myforce->maxDistance<<", newu"<<PRINT_VEC(ux,uy,uz)<<", org"<<PRINT_VEC(oux,ouy,ouz)<<", fv"<<myforce->forceVel<<" " ); */ \
} \
if(vw>0.) { \
const LbmFloat vwi = 1.-vw;\
const LbmFloat vwd = mpControl->mDiffVelCon;\
ux += vw*(myforce->forceVel[0]-myforce->compAv[0] + vwd*(myforce->compAv[0]-ux) ); \
uy += vw*(myforce->forceVel[1]-myforce->compAv[1] + vwd*(myforce->compAv[1]-uy) ); \
uz += vw*(myforce->forceVel[2]-myforce->compAv[2] + vwd*(myforce->compAv[2]-uz) ); \
/* TODO test!? modify smooth vel by influence of force for each lbm step, to account for force update only each N steps */ \
myforce->compAv = (myforce->forceVel*vw+ myforce->compAv*vwi); \
} \
} \
ux += (grav)[0]*attforce; \
uy += (grav)[1]*attforce; \
uz += (grav)[2]*attforce; \
#define TEST_IF_CHECK \
if((!iffilled)&&(LBMGET_FORCE(lev,i,j,k).weightAtt!=0.)) { \
errMsg("TESTIFFILL"," at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" "<<mass<<" "<<rho); \
iffilled = true; \
if(mass<rho*1.0) mass = rho*1.0; myfrac = 1.0; \
// a single set of control particles and params
class LbmControlSet {
void initCparts();
// control particles
ControlParticles *mCparts;
// control particle overall motion (for easier manual generation)
ControlParticles *mCpmotion;
// cp data file
string mContrPartFile;
string mCpmotionFile;
// cp debug displau
LbmFloat mDebugCpscale, mDebugVelScale, mDebugCompavScale, mDebugAttScale, mDebugMaxdScale, mDebugAvgVelScale;
// params
AnimChannel<float> mcForceAtt;
AnimChannel<float> mcForceVel;
AnimChannel<float> mcForceMaxd;
AnimChannel<float> mcRadiusAtt;
AnimChannel<float> mcRadiusVel;
AnimChannel<float> mcRadiusMind;
AnimChannel<float> mcRadiusMaxd;
AnimChannel<ntlVec3f> mcCpScale;
AnimChannel<ntlVec3f> mcCpOffset;
// main control data storage
class LbmControlData
virtual ~LbmControlData();
// control data
// contorl params
void parseControldataAttrList(AttributeList *attr);
// control strength, set for solver interface
LbmFloat mSetForceStrength;
// cp vars
std::vector<LbmControlSet*> mCons;
// update interval
int mCpUpdateInterval;
// output
string mCpOutfile;
// control particle precomputed influence
std::vector< std::vector<ControlForces> > mCpForces;
std::vector<ControlForces> mCpKernel;
std::vector<ControlForces> mMdKernel;
// activate differential velcon
LbmFloat mDiffVelCon;
// cp debug displau
LbmFloat mDebugCpscale, mDebugVelScale, mDebugCompavScale, mDebugAttScale, mDebugMaxdScale, mDebugAvgVelScale;

@ -328,7 +328,10 @@ LbmFsgrSolver::LbmFsgrSolver() :
mForceTadapRefine(-1), mCutoff(-1)
// not much to do here...
mpControl = new LbmControlData();
mpTest = new LbmTestdata();
mMpNum = mMpIndex = 0;
@ -488,6 +491,10 @@ void LbmFsgrSolver::parseAttrList()
mSimulationTime += starttimeskip;
if(starttimeskip>0.) debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::parseStdAttrList",DM_NOTIFY,"Used starttimeskip="<<starttimeskip<<", t="<<mSimulationTime, 1);
mUseTestdata = 0;
mUseTestdata = mpSifAttrs->readBool("use_testdata", mUseTestdata,"LbmFsgrSolver", "mUseTestdata", false);
@ -703,7 +710,7 @@ bool LbmFsgrSolver::initializeSolverMemory()
memBlockAllocProblem = true;
#endif // Mac
if(sizeof(void *)==4 && memEstFine>maxDefaultMemChunk) {
if(sizeof(void*)==4 && memEstFine>maxDefaultMemChunk) {
// max memory chunk for 32bit systems 2gig
memBlockAllocProblem = true;
@ -1264,8 +1271,11 @@ bool LbmFsgrSolver::initializeSolverPostinit() {
debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::initialize",DM_MSG,"Init done ... ",10);
mInitDone = 1;
#endif // ELBEEM_PLUGIN!=1
// not inited? dont use...

@ -13,11 +13,6 @@
#include "loop_tools.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#if (defined (__sun__) || defined (__sun)) || (!defined(linux) && (defined (__sparc) || defined (__sparc__)))
#include <ieeefp.h>
/*! perform a single LBM step */
@ -58,7 +53,7 @@ void LbmFsgrSolver::stepMain() {
// init moving bc's, can change mMaxVlen

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
#define CAUSE_PANIC { this->mPanic=1; } /*set flag*/
#endif // FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
#define PRECOLLIDE_MODS(rho,ux,uy,uz, grav) \
ux += (grav)[0]; \
@ -24,42 +25,9 @@
// defined in test.h
// off for non testing
#define PRECOLLIDE_MODS(rho,ux,uy,uz, grav) \
ux += (grav)[0]; \
uy += (grav)[1]; \
uz += (grav)[2]; \
{ \
int lev = mMaxRefine, nomb=0; \
LbmFloat bcnt = 0.,nux=0.,nuy=0.,nuz=0.; \
for(int l=1; l<this->cDfNum; l++) { \
if(RFLAG_NB(lev, i,j,k,SRCS(lev),l)&CFBnd) { \
if(RFLAG_NB(lev, i,j,k,SRCS(lev),l)&CFBndMoving) { \
nux += QCELL_NB(lev, i,j,k,SRCS(lev),l, dMass); \
nuy += QCELL_NB(lev, i,j,k,SRCS(lev),l, dFfrac); \
bcnt += 1.; \
} else { \
nomb++; \
} \
} \
} \
if((bcnt>0.)&&(nomb==0)) { \
ux = nux/bcnt; \
uy = nuy/bcnt; \
uz = nuz/bcnt; \
} \
// off for non testing
// defined in solver_control.h