* New faster algo for finding the new collapse location using normals rather then edge connectivity data.

* Much improved, slower edge collapse weighting method that makes this script about 2.5x slower, but brings it up to the quality of qslim (lightwave's decimator), without the manifold' errors.
Probably worth adding a UI front end to this function.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2006-05-14 18:28:27 +00:00
parent d305965b3d
commit 265c0af49f

@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
import Blender
Vector= Blender.Mathutils.Vector
# Ang= Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs
LineIntersect= Blender.Mathutils.LineIntersect
CrossVecs= Blender.Mathutils.CrossVecs
import BPyMesh
import psyco
def uv_key(uv):
return round(uv.x, 5), round(uv.y, 5)
@ -35,7 +37,9 @@ class collapseEdge(object):
self.col1= []
self.col2= []
self.collapse_loc= None # new collapse location.
self.collapse_weight= self.length * (1+ ((ed.v1.no-ed.v2.no).length**2))
# Basic weighting.
#self.collapse_weight= self.length * (1+ ((ed.v1.no-ed.v2.no).length**2))
@ -53,6 +57,7 @@ def redux(ob, factor=0.5):
target_face_count= int(len(me.faces) * factor)
# % of the collapseable faces to collapse per pass.
#collapse_per_pass= 0.333 # between 0.1 - lots of small nibbles, slow but high q. and 0.9 - big passes and faster.
collapse_per_pass= 0.333 # between 0.1 - lots of small nibbles, slow but high q. and 0.9 - big passes and faster.
for v in me.verts:
@ -64,12 +69,12 @@ def redux(ob, factor=0.5):
v.sel= False
# Backup colors
if me.faceUV:
if faceUV:
orig_texface= [[(uv_key(f.uv[i]), col_key(f.col[i])) for i in xrange(len(f.v))] for f in me.faces]
collapse_edges= [collapseEdge(ed) for ed in me.edges]
collapse_edges_dict= dict( [(ce.key, ce) for ce in collapse_edges] )
del ed
collapse_edges_dict= dict( [(ced.key, ced) for ced in collapse_edges] )
# Store verts edges.
vert_ed_users= [[] for i in xrange(len(me.verts))]
@ -80,6 +85,8 @@ def redux(ob, factor=0.5):
# Store face users
vert_face_users= [[] for i in xrange(len(me.verts))]
#face_perim= [0.0]* len(me.faces)
for ii, f in enumerate(me.faces):
f_v= f.v
if faceUV:
@ -104,60 +111,64 @@ def redux(ob, factor=0.5):
ced.col1.append( tex_keys[i][1] )
ced.col2.append( tex_keys[i-1][1] )
#face_perim[ii]+= ced.length
face_normals= [f.no for f in me.faces]
face_areas= [f.area for f in me.faces]
# Best method, no quick hacks here, Correction. Should be the best but needs tweaks.
def ed_test_collapse_error(ed):
def ed_test_collapse_error(ced):
Ang= Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs
i1= ed.v1.index
i2= ed.v1.index
i1= ced.v1.index
i2= ced.v1.index
test_faces= set()
for i in (i1,i2):
test_faces.union( set([f[1].index for f in vert_face_users[i]]) )
test_faces= test_faces - set( [ f.index for f in edge_faces_and_uvs[ed_key(ed)][0] ] )
for i in (i1,i2):
for f in vert_face_users[i]:
for f in ced.faces:
test_faces= tuple(test_faces) # keep order
# test_faces is now faces used by ed.v1 and ed.v2 that will not be removed in the collapse.
# orig_nos= [face_normals[i] for i in test_faces]
orig_nos= [face_normals.normal for i in test_faces]
v1_orig= Vector(ced.v1.co)
v2_orig= Vector(ced.v2.co)
v1_orig= Vector(ed.v1.co)
v2_orig= Vector(ed.v2.co)
ced.v1.co= ced.v2.co= (v1_orig+v2_orig) * 0.5
ed.v1.co= ed.v2.co= (v1_orig+v2_orig) * 0.5
new_nos= [me.faces[i].no for i in test_faces]
new_nos= [face_normals.normal for i in test_faces]
ed.v1.co= v1_orig
ed.v2.co= v2_orig
ced.v1.co= v1_orig
ced.v2.co= v2_orig
# now see how bad the normals are effected
angle_diff= 0
for i in test_faces:
for ii, i in enumerate(test_faces):
angle_diff+= (Ang(orig_nos[i], new_nos[i])/180) * face_areas[i]
# can use perim, but area looks better.
angle_diff+= (Ang(face_normals[i], new_nos[ii])/180) * (1+(face_areas[i]/2)) # 4 is how much to influence area
# This is very arbirary, feel free to modify
return angle_diff * ((ed.v1.no - ed.v2.no).length * ed.length)
# Store egde lengths - Used
# edge_lengths= [ed.length for ed in me.edges]
# Better method of weighting - edge length * normal difference.
# edge_lengths= [ed.length * (1 + ((ed.v1.no-ed.v2.no).length**2) ) for ed in me.edges]
# tricky but somehow looks crap!!
#edge_lengths= [ed_test_collapse_error(ed) for ed in me.edges]
return angle_diff
# We can calculate the weights on __init__ but this is higher qualuity.
for ced in collapse_edges:
ced.collapse_weight = ed_test_collapse_error(ced)
# Wont use the function again.
#del ed_test_collapse_error
del ed_test_collapse_error
# Now we know how many faces link to an edge. lets get all the boundry verts
@ -247,53 +258,29 @@ def redux(ob, factor=0.5):
# Collapse
between= (v1.co + v2.co) * 0.5
# new_location = between # Replace tricky code below
# new_location = between # Replace tricky code below. this code predicts the best collapse location.
# Collect edges from the faces that use this edge- dont use these in the new collapsed ver locatioin calc
exclude_edges= set()
for f in ced.faces:
for ii, v in enumerate(f.v):
i1= v.index
i2= f.v[ii-1].index
if i1>i2:
i1,i2= i2,i1
# Make lines at right angles to the normals- these 2 lines will intersect and be
# the point of collapsing.
cv1= CrossVecs(v1.no, CrossVecs(v1.no, v1.co-v2.co))
cv2= CrossVecs(v2.no, CrossVecs(v2.no, v2.co-v1.co))
cv1= cv1* ced.length*2 # Enlarge so we know they intersect.
cv2= cv2* ced.length*2
# move allong the combine normal of both
# make a normal thats no longer then the edge length
nor= v1.no + v2.no
nor= nor*ced.length
new_location= Vector()
new_location_count =0
# make a line we can do intersection with.
for v in (ced.v1, ced.v2):
for ed_user in vert_ed_users[v.index]:
if ed_user != ced and ed_user.key not in exclude_edges:
ed_between= (ed_user.v1.co+ed_user.v2.co) * 0.5
v1_scale= ed_between + ((ed_user.v1.co-ed_between) * 100)
v2_scale= ed_between + ((ed_user.v2.co-ed_between) * 100)
line_xs= LineIntersect(between-nor, between+nor, v1_scale, v2_scale)
if line_xs: # did we intersect? - None if we didnt
new_location_count += 1
new_location+= line_xs[0]
# Failed to generate a new location or x!=X (NAN)
# or, out new location is crazy and further away from the edge center then the edge length.
if not new_location_count or\
new_location.x!=new_location.x or\
(new_location-between).length > (ced.length/2):
line_xs= LineIntersect(v1.co, v1.co+cv1, v2.co, v2.co+cv2)
if line_xs:
new_location = (line_xs[0]+line_xs[1]) * 0.5
if new_location.x!=new_location.x or\
(new_location-between).length > (ced.length/2):
new_location= between
new_location= new_location * (1.0/new_location_count)
new_location = (new_location + between) * 0.5
new_location= between
# Store the collapse location to apply later
ced.collapse_loc = new_location
# Execute the collapse
for ced in collapse_edges:
# Since the list is ordered we can stop once the first non collapsed edge if sound.