VSE: Add operators to add and remove fades

Fades add:
Adds or updates a fade animation for either visual or audio strips.
    Fade options:
    - In, Out, In and Out create a fade animation of the given duration from
    the start of the sequence, to the end of the sequence, or on boths sides
    - From playhead: the fade animation goes from the start of sequences under the playhead to the playhead
    - To playhead: the fade animation goes from the playhead to the end of sequences under the playhead
    By default, the duration of the fade is 1 second.

Fades clear:
Removes fade animation from selected sequences.
Removes opacity or volume animation on selected sequences and resets the
property to a value of 1.0. Works on all types of sequences.

Author: gdquest

Reviewed By: ISS

Differential Revision: https://developer.blender.org/D5166
This commit is contained in:
Richard Antalik 2019-09-13 17:24:02 -07:00
parent a960dc4519
commit 2ec025d7be
2 changed files with 250 additions and 4 deletions

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
import bpy
from bpy.types import Operator
from mathutils import Vector
from math import floor
from bpy.props import IntProperty
@ -136,8 +138,240 @@ class SequencerDeinterlaceSelectedMovies(Operator):
return {'FINISHED'}
class SequencerFadesClear(Operator):
"""Removes fade animation from selected sequences.
Removes opacity or volume animation on selected sequences and resets the
property to a value of 1.0. Works on all types of sequences.
bl_idname = "sequencer.fades_clear"
bl_label = "Clear Fades"
bl_description = "Removes fade animation from selected sequences."
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
return context.scene and context.scene.sequence_editor and context.scene.sequence_editor.active_strip
def execute(self, context):
fcurves = context.scene.animation_data.action.fcurves
for sequence in context.selected_sequences:
animated_property = 'volume' if hasattr(sequence, 'volume') else 'blend_alpha'
for curve in fcurves:
if not curve.data_path.endswith(animated_property):
# Ensure the fcurve corresponds to the selected sequence
if sequence == eval("bpy.context.scene." + curve.data_path.replace('.' + animated_property, '')):
setattr(sequence, animated_property, 1.0)
return {'FINISHED'}
class SequencerFadesAdd(Operator):
"""Adds or updates a fade animation for either visual or audio strips.
Fade options:
- In, Out, In and Out create a fade animation of the given duration from
the start of the sequence, to the end of the sequence, or on boths sides
- From playhead: the fade animation goes from the start of sequences under the playhead to the playhead
- To playhead: the fade animation goes from the playhead to the end of sequences under the playhead
By default, the duration of the fade is 1 second.
bl_idname = "sequencer.fades_add"
bl_label = "Add Fades"
bl_description = "Adds or updates a fade animation for either visual or audio strips."
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
duration_seconds: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name="Fade Duration",
description="Duration of the fade in seconds",
type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
items=[('IN_OUT', 'Fade In And Out', 'Fade selected strips in and out'),
('IN', 'Fade In', 'Fade in selected strips'),
('OUT', 'Fade Out', 'Fade out selected strips'),
('CURSOR_FROM', 'From Playhead', 'Fade from the time cursor to the end of overlapping sequences'),
('CURSOR_TO', 'To Playhead', 'Fade from the start of sequences under the time cursor to the current frame')],
name="Fade type",
description="Fade in, out, both in and out, to, or from the playhead. Default is both in and out.",
def poll(cls, context):
# Can't use context.selected_sequences as it can have an impact on performances
return context.scene and context.scene.sequence_editor and context.scene.sequence_editor.active_strip
def execute(self, context):
# We must create a scene action first if there's none
scene = context.scene
if not scene.animation_data:
if not scene.animation_data.action:
action = bpy.data.actions.new(scene.name + "Action")
scene.animation_data.action = action
sequences = context.selected_sequences
if self.type in ['CURSOR_TO', 'CURSOR_FROM']:
sequences = [s for s in sequences
if s.frame_final_start < context.scene.frame_current < s.frame_final_end]
max_duration = min(sequences, key=lambda s: s.frame_final_duration).frame_final_duration
max_duration = floor(max_duration / 2.0) if self.type == 'IN_OUT' else max_duration
faded_sequences = []
for sequence in sequences:
duration = self.calculate_fade_duration(context, sequence)
duration = min(duration, max_duration)
if not self.is_long_enough(sequence, duration):
animated_property = 'volume' if hasattr(sequence, 'volume') else 'blend_alpha'
fade_fcurve = self.fade_find_or_create_fcurve(context, sequence, animated_property)
fades = self.calculate_fades(sequence, fade_fcurve, animated_property, duration)
self.fade_animation_clear(context, fade_fcurve, fades)
self.fade_animation_create(fade_fcurve, fades)
sequence_string = "sequence" if len(faded_sequences) == 1 else "sequences"
self.report({"INFO"}, "Added fade animation to {} {}.".format(len(faded_sequences), sequence_string))
return {"FINISHED"}
def calculate_fade_duration(self, context, sequence):
frame_current = context.scene.frame_current
duration = 0.0
if self.type == 'CURSOR_TO':
duration = abs(frame_current - sequence.frame_final_start)
elif self.type == 'CURSOR_FROM':
duration = abs(sequence.frame_final_end - frame_current)
duration = calculate_duration_frames(context, self.duration_seconds)
return max(1, duration)
def is_long_enough(self, sequence, duration=0.0):
minimum_duration = (duration * 2
if self.type == 'IN_OUT' else
return sequence.frame_final_duration >= minimum_duration
def calculate_fades(self, sequence, fade_fcurve, animated_property, duration):
Returns a list of Fade objects
fades = []
if self.type in ['IN', 'IN_OUT', 'CURSOR_TO']:
fade = Fade(sequence, fade_fcurve, 'IN', animated_property, duration)
if self.type in ['OUT', 'IN_OUT', 'CURSOR_FROM']:
fade = Fade(sequence, fade_fcurve, 'OUT', animated_property, duration)
return fades
def fade_find_or_create_fcurve(self, context, sequence, animated_property):
Iterates over all the fcurves until it finds an fcurve with a data path
that corresponds to the sequence.
Returns the matching FCurve or creates a new one if the function can't find a match.
fade_fcurve = None
fcurves = context.scene.animation_data.action.fcurves
searched_data_path = sequence.path_from_id(animated_property)
for fcurve in fcurves:
if fcurve.data_path == searched_data_path:
fade_fcurve = fcurve
if not fade_fcurve:
fade_fcurve = fcurves.new(data_path=searched_data_path)
return fade_fcurve
def fade_animation_clear(self, context, fade_fcurve, fades):
Removes existing keyframes in the fades' time range, in fast mode, without
updating the fcurve
keyframe_points = fade_fcurve.keyframe_points
for fade in fades:
for keyframe in keyframe_points:
# The keyframe points list doesn't seem to always update as the
# operator re-runs Leading to trying to remove nonexistent keyframes
if fade.start.x < keyframe.co[0] <= fade.end.x:
keyframe_points.remove(keyframe, fast=True)
except Exception:
def fade_animation_create(self, fade_fcurve, fades):
Inserts keyframes in the fade_fcurve in fast mode using the Fade objects.
Updates the fcurve after having inserted all keyframes to finish the animation.
keyframe_points = fade_fcurve.keyframe_points
for fade in fades:
for point in (fade.start, fade.end):
keyframe_points.insert(frame=point.x, value=point.y, options={'FAST'})
# The graph editor and the audio waveforms only redraw upon "moving" a keyframe
keyframe_points[-1].co = keyframe_points[-1].co
class Fade:
Data structure to represent fades
type = ''
animated_property = ''
duration = -1
max_value = 1.0
start, end = Vector((0, 0)), Vector((0, 0))
def __init__(self, sequence, fade_fcurve, type, animated_property, duration):
self.type = type
self.animated_property = animated_property
self.duration = duration
self.max_value = self.calculate_max_value(sequence, fade_fcurve)
if type == 'IN':
self.start = Vector((sequence.frame_final_start, 0.0))
self.end = Vector((sequence.frame_final_start + self.duration, self.max_value))
elif type == 'OUT':
self.start = Vector((sequence.frame_final_end - self.duration, self.max_value))
self.end = Vector((sequence.frame_final_end, 0.0))
def calculate_max_value(self, sequence, fade_fcurve):
Returns the maximum Y coordinate the fade animation should use for a given sequence
Uses either the sequence's value for the animated property, or the next keyframe after the fade
max_value = 0.0
if not fade_fcurve.keyframe_points:
max_value = getattr(sequence, self.animated_property, 1.0)
if self.type == 'IN':
fade_end = sequence.frame_final_start + self.duration
keyframes = (k for k in fade_fcurve.keyframe_points if k.co[0] >= fade_end)
if self.type == 'OUT':
fade_start = sequence.frame_final_end - self.duration
keyframes = (k for k in reversed(fade_fcurve.keyframe_points) if k.co[0] <= fade_start)
max_value = next(keyframes).co[1]
except StopIteration:
return max_value if max_value > 0.0 else 1.0
def __repr__(self):
return "Fade {}: {} to {}".format(self.type, self.start, self.end)
def calculate_duration_frames(context, duration_seconds):
return round(duration_seconds * context.scene.render.fps / context.scene.render.fps_base)
classes = (

@ -502,6 +502,10 @@ class SEQUENCER_MT_add(Menu):
col.menu("SEQUENCER_MT_add_transitions", icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
col.enabled = selected_sequences_len(context) >= 2
col = layout.column()
col.operator_menu_enum("sequencer.fades_add", "type", text="Fade", icon="IPO_EASE_IN_OUT")
col.enabled = selected_sequences_len(context) >= 1
class SEQUENCER_MT_add_empty(Menu):
bl_label = "Empty"
@ -749,26 +753,34 @@ class SEQUENCER_MT_context_menu(Menu):
layout.operator("sequencer.gap_remove").all = False
strip = act_strip(context)
if strip:
strip_type = strip.type
selected_sequences_count = selected_sequences_len(context)
if strip_type != 'SOUND':
if strip_type != "SOUND":
layout.operator_menu_enum("sequencer.strip_modifier_add", "type", text="Add Modifier")
layout.operator("sequencer.strip_modifier_copy", text="Copy Modifiers to Selection")
if selected_sequences_len(context) >= 2:
if selected_sequences_count >= 2:
col = layout.column()
col.menu("SEQUENCER_MT_add_transitions", text="Add Transition")
elif selected_sequences_len(context) >= 2:
elif selected_sequences_count >= 2:
layout.operator("sequencer.crossfade_sounds", text="Crossfade Sounds")
if selected_sequences_count >= 1:
col = layout.column()
col.operator_menu_enum("sequencer.fades_add", "type", text="Fade")
col.enabled = selected_sequences_len(context) >= 1
layout.operator("sequencer.fades_clear", text="Clear Fade")
if strip_type in {