Merge branch 'blender-v3.1-release'

This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2022-02-22 10:08:24 +11:00
commit 55a4ebc701
3 changed files with 293 additions and 190 deletions

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ set(INC

@ -54,6 +54,19 @@
* This has the effect from the users POV of leaving the mesh un-touched,
* and only editing the active shape key-block.
* \subsection other_notes Other Notes
* Other details noted here which might not be so obvious:
* - The #CD_SHAPEKEY layer is only used in edit-mode,
* and the #Mesh.key is only used in object-mode.
* Although the #CD_SHAPEKEY custom-data layer is converted into #Key data-blocks for each
* undo-step while in edit-mode.
* - The #CD_SHAPE_KEYINDEX layer is used to check if vertices existed when entering edit-mode.
* Values of the indices are only used for shape-keys when the #CD_SHAPEKEY layer can't be found,
* allowing coordinates from the #Key to be used to prevent data-loss.
* These indices are also used to maintain correct indices for hook modifiers and vertex parents.
#include "DNA_key_types.h"
@ -84,6 +97,10 @@
#include "bmesh.h"
#include "intern/bmesh_private.h" /* For element checking. */
#include "CLG_log.h"
static CLG_LogRef LOG = {"bmesh.mesh.convert"};
using blender::Array;
using blender::IndexRange;
using blender::Span;
@ -553,8 +570,89 @@ static BMVert **bm_to_mesh_vertex_map(BMesh *bm, int ototvert)
return vertMap;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Edit-Mesh to Shape Key Conversion
* There are some details relating to using data from shape keys that need to be
* considered carefully for shape key synchronization logic.
* Key Block Usage
* ***************
* Key blocks (data in #Mesh.key must be used carefully).
* They can be used to query which key blocks are relative to the basis
* since it's not possible to add/remove/reorder key blocks while in edit-mode.
* Key Block Coordinates
* =====================
* Key blocks locations must *not* be used. This was done from v2.67 to 3.0,
* causing bugs T35170 & T44415.
* Shape key synchronizing could work under the assumption that the key-block is
* fixed-in-place when entering edit-mode allowing them to be used as a reference when exiting.
* It often does work but isn't reliable since for e.g. rendering may flush changes
* from the edit-mesh to the key-block (there are a handful of other situations where
* changes may be flushed, see #ED_editors_flush_edits and related functions).
* When using undo, it's not known if the data in key-block is from the past or future,
* so just don't use this data as it causes pain and suffering for users and developers alike.
* Instead, use the shape-key values stored in #CD_SHAPEKEY since they are reliably
* based on the original locations, unless explicitly manipulated.
* It's important to write the final shape-key values back to the #CD_SHAPEKEY so applying
* the difference between the original-basis and the new coordinates isn't done multiple times.
* Therefore #ED_editors_flush_edits and other flushing calls will update both the #Mesh.key
* and the edit-mode #CD_SHAPEKEY custom-data layers.
* WARNING: There is an exception to the rule of ignoring coordinates in the destination:
* that is when shape-key data in `bm` can't be found (which is itself an error/exception).
* In this case our own rule is violated as the alternative is loosing the shape-data entirely.
* Flushing Coordinates Back to the #BMesh
* ---------------------------------------
* The edit-mesh may be flushed back to the #Mesh and #Key used to generate it.
* When this is done, the new values are written back to the #BMesh's #CD_SHAPEKEY as well.
* This is necessary when editing basis-shapes so the difference in shape keys
* is not applied multiple times. If it were important to avoid it could be skipped while
* exiting edit-mode (as the entire #BMesh is freed in that case), however it's just copying
* back a `float[3]` so the work to check if it's necessary isn't worth the overhead.
* In general updating the #BMesh's #CD_SHAPEKEY makes shake-key logic easier to reason about
* since it means flushing data back to the mesh has the same behavior as exiting and entering
* edit-mode (a more common operation). Meaning there is one less corner-case to have to consider.
* Exceptional Cases
* *****************
* There are some situations that should not happen in typical usage but are
* still handled in this code, since failure to handle them could loose user-data.
* These could be investigated further since if they never happen in practice,
* we might consider removing them. However, the possibility of an mesh directly
* being modified by Python or some other low level logic that changes key-blocks
* means there is a potential this to happen so keeping code to these cases remain supported.
* - Custom Data & Mesh Key Block Synchronization.
* Key blocks in `me->key->block` should always have an associated
* #CD_SHAPEKEY layer in `bm->vdata`.
* If they don't there are two fall-backs for setting the location,
* - Use the value from the original shape key
* WARNING: this is technically incorrect! (see note on "Key Block Usage").
* - Use the current vertex location,
* Also not correct but it's better then having it zeroed for e.g.
* - Missing key-index layer.
* In this case the basis key wont apply it's deltas to other keys and in the case
* a shape-key layer is missing, its coordinates will be initialized from the edit-mesh
* vertex locations instead of attempting to remap the shape-keys coordinates.
* \note These cases are considered abnormal and shouldn't occur in typical usage.
* A warning is logged in this case to help troubleshooting bugs with shape-keys.
* \{ */
* Returns custom-data shapekey index from a keyblock or -1
* Returns custom-data shape-key index from a key-block or -1
* \note could split this out into a more generic function.
static int bm_to_mesh_shape_layer_index_from_kb(BMesh *bm, KeyBlock *currkey)
@ -573,6 +671,196 @@ static int bm_to_mesh_shape_layer_index_from_kb(BMesh *bm, KeyBlock *currkey)
return -1;
* Update `key` with shape key data stored in `bm`.
* \param bm: The source BMesh.
* \param key: The destination key.
* \param mvert: The destination vertex array (in some situations it's coordinates are updated).
static void bm_to_mesh_shape(BMesh *bm, Key *key, MVert *mvert)
KeyBlock *actkey = static_cast<KeyBlock *>(BLI_findlink(&key->block, bm->shapenr - 1));
/* It's unlikely this ever remains false, check for correctness. */
bool actkey_has_layer = false;
/* Go through and find any shape-key custom-data layers
* that might not have corresponding KeyBlocks, and add them if necessary. */
for (int i = 0; i < bm->vdata.totlayer; i++) {
if (bm->vdata.layers[i].type != CD_SHAPEKEY) {
KeyBlock *currkey;
for (currkey = (KeyBlock *)key->block.first; currkey; currkey = currkey->next) {
if (currkey->uid == bm->vdata.layers[i].uid) {
if (currkey) {
if (currkey == actkey) {
actkey_has_layer = true;
else {
currkey = BKE_keyblock_add(key, bm->vdata.layers[i].name);
currkey->uid = bm->vdata.layers[i].uid;
const int cd_shape_keyindex_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPE_KEYINDEX);
BMIter iter;
BMVert *eve;
float(*ofs)[3] = nullptr;
/* Editing the basis key updates others. */
if ((key->type == KEY_RELATIVE) &&
/* The shape-key coordinates used from entering edit-mode are used. */
(actkey_has_layer == true) &&
/* Original key-indices are only used to check the vertex existed when entering edit-mode. */
(cd_shape_keyindex_offset != -1) &&
/* Offsets are only needed if the current shape is a basis for others. */
BKE_keyblock_is_basis(key, bm->shapenr - 1)) {
BLI_assert(actkey != nullptr); /* Assured by `actkey_has_layer` check. */
const int actkey_uuid = bm_to_mesh_shape_layer_index_from_kb(bm, actkey);
/* Since `actkey_has_layer == true`, this must never fail. */
BLI_assert(actkey_uuid != -1);
const int cd_shape_offset = CustomData_get_n_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY, actkey_uuid);
ofs = static_cast<float(*)[3]>(MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float[3]) * bm->totvert, __func__));
int i;
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (eve, &iter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
const int keyi = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_INT(eve, cd_shape_keyindex_offset);
/* Check the vertex existed when entering edit-mode (otherwise don't apply an offset). */
if (keyi != ORIGINDEX_NONE) {
float *co_orig = (float *)BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(eve, cd_shape_offset);
/* Could use 'eve->co' or the destination, they're the same at this point. */
sub_v3_v3v3(ofs[i], eve->co, co_orig);
else {
/* If there are new vertices in the mesh, we can't propagate the offset
* because it will only work for the existing vertices and not the new
* ones, creating a mess when doing e.g. subdivide + translate. */
ofs = nullptr;
LISTBASE_FOREACH (KeyBlock *, currkey, &key->block) {
int keyi;
const int currkey_uuid = bm_to_mesh_shape_layer_index_from_kb(bm, currkey);
const int cd_shape_offset = (currkey_uuid == -1) ?
-1 :
CustomData_get_n_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY, currkey_uuid);
/* Common case, the layer data is available, use it where possible. */
if (cd_shape_offset != -1) {
const bool apply_offset = (ofs != nullptr) && (currkey != actkey) &&
(bm->shapenr - 1 == currkey->relative);
if (currkey->data && (currkey->totelem == bm->totvert)) {
/* Use memory in-place. */
else {
currkey->data = MEM_reallocN(currkey->data, key->elemsize * bm->totvert);
currkey->totelem = bm->totvert;
currkey_data = (float(*)[3])currkey->data;
int i;
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (eve, &iter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
float *co_orig = (float *)BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(eve, cd_shape_offset);
if (currkey == actkey) {
copy_v3_v3(currkey_data[i], eve->co);
if (actkey != key->refkey) {
/* Without this, the real mesh coordinates (uneditable) as soon as you create
* the Basis shape, see: T30771 for details. */
if (cd_shape_keyindex_offset != -1) {
keyi = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_INT(eve, cd_shape_keyindex_offset);
if (keyi != ORIGINDEX_NONE) {
copy_v3_v3(mvert[i].co, co_orig);
else {
copy_v3_v3(currkey_data[i], co_orig);
/* Propagate edited basis offsets to other shapes. */
if (apply_offset) {
add_v3_v3(currkey_data[i], ofs[i]);
/* Apply back new coordinates shape-keys that have offset into #BMesh.
* Otherwise, in case we call again #BM_mesh_bm_to_me on same #BMesh,
* we'll apply diff from previous call to #BM_mesh_bm_to_me,
* to shape-key values from original creation of the #BMesh. See T50524. */
copy_v3_v3(co_orig, currkey_data[i]);
else {
/* No original layer data, use fallback information. */
if (currkey->data && (cd_shape_keyindex_offset != -1)) {
"Found shape-key but no CD_SHAPEKEY layers to read from, "
"using existing shake-key data where possible");
else {
"Found shape-key but no CD_SHAPEKEY layers to read from, "
"using basis shape-key data");
currkey_data = static_cast<float(*)[3]>(
MEM_mallocN(key->elemsize * bm->totvert, "currkey->data"));
int i;
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (eve, &iter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
if ((currkey->data != nullptr) && (cd_shape_keyindex_offset != -1) &&
((keyi = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_INT(eve, cd_shape_keyindex_offset)) != ORIGINDEX_NONE) &&
(keyi < currkey->totelem)) {
/* Reconstruct keys via vertices original key indices.
* WARNING(@campbellbarton): `currkey->data` is known to be unreliable as the edit-mesh
* coordinates may be flushed back to the shape-key when exporting or rendering.
* This is a last resort! If this branch is running as part of regular usage
* it can be considered a bug. */
const float(*oldkey)[3] = static_cast<const float(*)[3]>(currkey->data);
copy_v3_v3(currkey_data[i], oldkey[keyi]);
else {
/* Fail! fill in with dummy value. */
copy_v3_v3(currkey_data[i], eve->co);
currkey->totelem = bm->totvert;
if (currkey->data) {
currkey->data = currkey_data;
if (ofs) {
/** \} */
BLI_INLINE void bmesh_quick_edgedraw_flag(MEdge *med, BMEdge *e)
/* This is a cheap way to set the edge draw, its not precise and will
@ -604,23 +892,8 @@ void BM_mesh_bm_to_me(Main *bmain, BMesh *bm, Mesh *me, const struct BMeshToMesh
const int cd_edge_crease_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->edata, CD_CREASE);
const int cd_shape_keyindex_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPE_KEYINDEX);
MVert *oldverts = nullptr;
const int ototvert = me->totvert;
if (me->key && (cd_shape_keyindex_offset != -1)) {
/* Keep the old verts in case we are working on* a key, which is done at the end. */
/* Use the array in-place instead of duplicating the array. */
#if 0
oldverts = MEM_dupallocN(me->mvert);
oldverts = me->mvert;
me->mvert = nullptr;
CustomData_set_layer(&me->vdata, CD_MVERT, nullptr);
/* Free custom data. */
CustomData_free(&me->vdata, me->totvert);
CustomData_free(&me->edata, me->totedge);
@ -846,152 +1119,8 @@ void BM_mesh_bm_to_me(Main *bmain, BMesh *bm, Mesh *me, const struct BMeshToMesh
/* See comment below, this logic is in twice. */
if (me->key) {
KeyBlock *currkey;
KeyBlock *actkey = static_cast<KeyBlock *>(BLI_findlink(&me->key->block, bm->shapenr - 1));
float(*ofs)[3] = nullptr;
/* Go through and find any shape-key custom-data layers
* that might not have corresponding KeyBlocks, and add them if necessary. */
for (i = 0; i < bm->vdata.totlayer; i++) {
if (bm->vdata.layers[i].type != CD_SHAPEKEY) {
for (currkey = (KeyBlock *)me->key->block.first; currkey; currkey = currkey->next) {
if (currkey->uid == bm->vdata.layers[i].uid) {
if (!currkey) {
currkey = BKE_keyblock_add(me->key, bm->vdata.layers[i].name);
currkey->uid = bm->vdata.layers[i].uid;
/* Editing the base key should update others. */
if (/* Only need offsets for relative shape keys. */
(me->key->type == KEY_RELATIVE) &&
/* Unlikely, but the active key may not be valid if the
* BMesh and the mesh are out of sync. */
(actkey != nullptr) &&
/* Not used here, but 'oldverts' is used later for applying 'ofs'. */
(oldverts != nullptr) &&
/* Needed for referencing oldverts. */
(cd_shape_keyindex_offset != -1)) {
const bool act_is_basis = BKE_keyblock_is_basis(me->key, bm->shapenr - 1);
/* Active key is a base. */
if (act_is_basis) {
const float(*fp)[3] = static_cast<const float(*)[3]>(actkey->data);
ofs = static_cast<float(*)[3]>(
MEM_callocN(sizeof(float[3]) * bm->totvert, "currkey->data"));
mvert = me->mvert;
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (eve, &iter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
const int keyi = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_INT(eve, cd_shape_keyindex_offset);
/* Could use 'eve->co' or 'mvert->co', they're the same at this point. */
if (keyi != ORIGINDEX_NONE && keyi < actkey->totelem) {
sub_v3_v3v3(ofs[i], mvert->co, fp[keyi]);
else {
/* If there are new vertices in the mesh, we can't propagate the offset
* because it will only work for the existing vertices and not the new
* ones, creating a mess when doing e.g. subdivide + translate. */
ofs = nullptr;
LISTBASE_FOREACH (KeyBlock *, currkey, &me->key->block) {
int keyi;
const float(*ofs_pt)[3] = ofs;
float *newkey, (*oldkey)[3], *fp;
const int currkey_uuid = bm_to_mesh_shape_layer_index_from_kb(bm, currkey);
const int cd_shape_offset = (currkey_uuid == -1) ? -1 :
const bool apply_offset = (cd_shape_offset != -1) && (ofs != nullptr) &&
(currkey != actkey) && (bm->shapenr - 1 == currkey->relative);
fp = newkey = static_cast<float *>(
MEM_callocN(me->key->elemsize * bm->totvert, "currkey->data"));
oldkey = static_cast<float(*)[3]>(currkey->data);
mvert = me->mvert;
BM_ITER_MESH (eve, &iter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH) {
if (currkey == actkey) {
copy_v3_v3(fp, eve->co);
if (actkey != me->key->refkey) { /* Important see bug T30771. */
if (cd_shape_keyindex_offset != -1) {
if (oldverts) {
keyi = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_INT(eve, cd_shape_keyindex_offset);
if (keyi != ORIGINDEX_NONE && keyi < currkey->totelem) { /* Valid old vertex. */
copy_v3_v3(mvert->co, oldverts[keyi].co);
else if (cd_shape_offset != -1) {
/* In most cases this runs. */
copy_v3_v3(fp, (const float *)BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(eve, cd_shape_offset));
else if ((oldkey != nullptr) && (cd_shape_keyindex_offset != -1) &&
((keyi = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_INT(eve, cd_shape_keyindex_offset)) != ORIGINDEX_NONE) &&
(keyi < currkey->totelem)) {
/* Old method of reconstructing keys via vertices original key indices,
* currently used if the new method above fails
* (which is theoretically possible in certain cases of undo). */
copy_v3_v3(fp, oldkey[keyi]);
else {
/* Fail! fill in with dummy value. */
copy_v3_v3(fp, mvert->co);
/* Propagate edited basis offsets to other shapes. */
if (apply_offset) {
add_v3_v3(fp, *ofs_pt++);
/* Apply back new coordinates shape-keys that have offset into BMesh.
* Otherwise, in case we call again #BM_mesh_bm_to_me on same BMesh,
* we'll apply diff from previous call to #BM_mesh_bm_to_me,
* to shape-key values from *original creation of the BMesh*. See T50524. */
copy_v3_v3((float *)BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(eve, cd_shape_offset), fp);
fp += 3;
currkey->totelem = bm->totvert;
if (currkey->data) {
currkey->data = newkey;
if (ofs) {
bm_to_mesh_shape(bm, me->key, me->mvert);
/* Run this even when shape keys aren't used since it may be used for hooks or vertex parents. */
@ -1005,10 +1134,6 @@ void BM_mesh_bm_to_me(Main *bmain, BMesh *bm, Mesh *me, const struct BMeshToMesh
if (oldverts != nullptr) {
/* Topology could be changed, ensure #CD_MDISPS are ok. */

@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ static void *undomesh_from_editmesh(UndoMesh *um, BMEditMesh *em, Key *key, Undo
return um;
static void undomesh_to_editmesh(UndoMesh *um, Object *ob, BMEditMesh *em, Key *key)
static void undomesh_to_editmesh(UndoMesh *um, Object *ob, BMEditMesh *em)
BMEditMesh *em_tmp;
BMesh *bm;
@ -688,29 +688,6 @@ static void undomesh_to_editmesh(UndoMesh *um, Object *ob, BMEditMesh *em, Key *
bm->spacearr_dirty = BM_SPACEARR_DIRTY_ALL;
/* T35170: Restore the active key on the RealMesh. Otherwise 'fake' offset propagation happens
* if the active is a basis for any other. */
if (key && (key->type == KEY_RELATIVE)) {
/* Since we can't add, remove or reorder keyblocks in editmode, it's safe to assume
* shapenr from restored bmesh and keyblock indices are in sync. */
const int kb_act_idx = ob->shapenr - 1;
/* If it is, let's patch the current mesh key block to its restored value.
* Else, the offsets won't be computed and it won't matter. */
if (BKE_keyblock_is_basis(key, kb_act_idx)) {
KeyBlock *kb_act = BLI_findlink(&key->block, kb_act_idx);
if (kb_act->totelem != um->me.totvert) {
/* The current mesh has some extra/missing verts compared to the undo, adjust. */
kb_act->data = MEM_mallocN((size_t)(key->elemsize) * bm->totvert, __func__);
kb_act->totelem = um->me.totvert;
BKE_keyblock_update_from_mesh(&um->me, kb_act);
ob->shapenr = um->shapenr;
@ -858,7 +835,7 @@ static void mesh_undosys_step_decode(struct bContext *C,
BMEditMesh *em = me->edit_mesh;
undomesh_to_editmesh(&elem->data, obedit, em, me->key);
undomesh_to_editmesh(&elem->data, obedit, em);
em->needs_flush_to_id = 1;
DEG_id_tag_update(&me->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY);