* Changed mesh so all new data is selected (fits in with blender's UI and other areas of Python API), this could break existing scripts that count on new data being unselected (unlikely)

* Added a keyword argument to mesh.transform() - "selected_only" so you can transform the selected verts. this wont break existing scripts.
* Documented these changes in epydocs.
* used these functions in BPyAddMesh
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2007-04-05 07:45:11 +00:00
parent 581970a640
commit 985fb03478
3 changed files with 59 additions and 45 deletions

@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ def add_mesh_simple(name, verts, edges, faces):
txmat = txmat * ob_act.matrixWorld.copy().invert()
# Transform the verts by the cursor and view rotation
for v in verts:
v *= txmat
# Transform the verts by the cursor and view rotation
me.transform(txmat, selected_only=True)
if vert_offset:
me.edges.extend([[i+vert_offset for i in e] for e in edges])
me.faces.extend([[i+vert_offset for i in f] for f in faces])
@ -61,19 +61,6 @@ def add_mesh_simple(name, verts, edges, faces):
me_data = me.verts
for i in xrange(vert_offset, len(me_data)):
me_data[i].sel = True
me_data = me.edges
for i in xrange(edge_offset, len(me_data)):
me_data[i].sel = True
me_data = me.faces
for i in xrange(face_offset, len(me_data)):
me_data[i].sel = True

@ -1777,7 +1777,8 @@ static PyObject *MVertSeq_extend( BPy_MVertSeq * self, PyObject *args )
/* add the coordinate to the new list */
memcpy( tmpvert->co, co, sizeof(co) );
tmpvert->flag |= SELECT;
/* TODO: anything else which needs to be done when we add a vert? */
/* probably not: NMesh's newvert() doesn't */
@ -2928,7 +2929,7 @@ static PyObject *MEdgeSeq_extend( BPy_MEdgeSeq * self, PyObject *args )
tmpedge->v1 = tmppair->v[1];
tmpedge->v2 = tmppair->v[0];
tmpedge->flag = ME_EDGEDRAW | ME_EDGERENDER;
@ -4969,7 +4970,7 @@ static PyObject *MFaceSeq_extend( BPy_MEdgeSeq * self, PyObject *args,
tmpface->v3 = tmppair->v[index[2]];
tmpface->v4 = tmppair->v[index[3]];
tmpface->flag = 0;
tmpface->flag = ME_FACE_SEL;
if( return_list )
PyList_Append( return_list,
@ -5807,30 +5808,51 @@ static PyObject *Mesh_getFromObject( BPy_Mesh * self, PyObject * args )
* WARNING: unlike NMesh, this method ALWAYS changes the original mesh
static PyObject *Mesh_transform( BPy_Mesh *self, PyObject *args )
static PyObject *Mesh_transform( BPy_Mesh *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwd )
Mesh *mesh = self->mesh;
MVert *mv;
PyObject *ob1 = NULL;
MatrixObject *mat;
int i, recalc_normals = 0;
MVert *mvert;
/*PyObject *pymat = NULL;*/
MatrixObject *bpymat=NULL;
int i, recalc_normals = 0, selected_only = 0;
if( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O!|i", &matrix_Type, &ob1, &recalc_normals ) )
return ( EXPP_ReturnPyObjError( PyExc_TypeError,
"expected matrix and optionally an int as arguments" ) );
static char *kwlist[] = {"matrix", "recalc_normals", "selected_only", NULL};
if( !PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwd, "|O!ii", kwlist,
&matrix_Type, &bpymat, &recalc_normals, &selected_only) ) {
return EXPP_ReturnPyObjError( PyExc_TypeError,
"matrix must be a 4x4 transformation matrix\n"
"for example as returned by object.matrixWorld\n"
"and optionaly keyword bools, recalc_normals and selected_only\n");
if (!bpymat)
return EXPP_ReturnPyObjError( PyExc_TypeError,
"the first argument must be a matrix or\n"
"matrix passed as a keyword argument\n");
/*bpymat = ( MatrixObject * ) pymat;*/
mat = ( MatrixObject * ) ob1;
if( mat->colSize != 4 || mat->rowSize != 4 )
if( bpymat->colSize != 4 || bpymat->rowSize != 4 )
return EXPP_ReturnPyObjError( PyExc_AttributeError,
"matrix must be a 4x4 transformation matrix\n"
"for example as returned by object.getMatrix()" );
/* loop through all the verts and transform by the supplied matrix */
mv = mesh->mvert;
for( i = 0; i < mesh->totvert; i++, mv++ )
Mat4MulVecfl( (float(*)[4])*mat->matrix, mv->co );
mvert = mesh->mvert;
if (selected_only) {
for( i = 0; i < mesh->totvert; i++, mvert++ ) {
if (mvert->flag & SELECT) {
Mat4MulVecfl( (float(*)[4])*bpymat->matrix, mvert->co );
} else {
for( i = 0; i < mesh->totvert; i++, mvert++ ) {
Mat4MulVecfl( (float(*)[4])*bpymat->matrix, mvert->co );
if( recalc_normals ) {
/* loop through all the verts and transform normals by the inverse
* of the transpose of the supplied matrix */
@ -5841,7 +5863,7 @@ static PyObject *Mesh_transform( BPy_Mesh *self, PyObject *args )
* affine vectors is 0, but Mat4Invert reports non invertible matrices
if (!Mat4Invert((float(*)[4])*invmat, (float(*)[4])*mat->matrix))
if (!Mat4Invert((float(*)[4])*invmat, (float(*)[4])*bpymat->matrix))
return EXPP_ReturnPyObjError (PyExc_AttributeError,
"given matrix is not invertible");
@ -5849,18 +5871,18 @@ static PyObject *Mesh_transform( BPy_Mesh *self, PyObject *args )
* since normal is stored as shorts, convert to float
mv = mesh->mvert;
for( i = 0; i < mesh->totvert; i++, mv++ ) {
nx= vec[0] = (float)(mv->no[0] / 32767.0);
ny= vec[1] = (float)(mv->no[1] / 32767.0);
nz= vec[2] = (float)(mv->no[2] / 32767.0);
mvert = mesh->mvert;
for( i = 0; i < mesh->totvert; i++, mvert++ ) {
nx= vec[0] = (float)(mvert->no[0] / 32767.0);
ny= vec[1] = (float)(mvert->no[1] / 32767.0);
nz= vec[2] = (float)(mvert->no[2] / 32767.0);
vec[0] = nx*invmat[0][0] + ny*invmat[0][1] + nz*invmat[0][2];
vec[1] = nx*invmat[1][0] + ny*invmat[1][1] + nz*invmat[1][2];
vec[2] = nx*invmat[2][0] + ny*invmat[2][1] + nz*invmat[2][2];
Normalize( vec );
mv->no[0] = (short)(vec[0] * 32767.0);
mv->no[1] = (short)(vec[1] * 32767.0);
mv->no[2] = (short)(vec[2] * 32767.0);
mvert->no[0] = (short)(vec[0] * 32767.0);
mvert->no[1] = (short)(vec[1] * 32767.0);
mvert->no[2] = (short)(vec[2] * 32767.0);
@ -6953,7 +6975,7 @@ static struct PyMethodDef BPy_Mesh_methods[] = {
"Get a mesh by name"},
{"update", (PyCFunction)Mesh_Update, METH_NOARGS,
"Update display lists after changes to mesh"},
{"transform", (PyCFunction)Mesh_transform, METH_VARARGS,
{"transform", (PyCFunction)Mesh_transform, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,
"Applies a transformation matrix to mesh's vertices"},
{"addVertGroup", (PyCFunction)Mesh_addVertGroup, METH_VARARGS,
"Assign vertex group name to the object linked to the mesh"},

@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ class MVertSeq:
Append zero or more vertices to the mesh. Unlike L{MEdgeSeq.extend()} and
L{MFaceSeq.extend()} no attempt is made to check for duplicate vertices in
the parameter list, or for vertices already in the mesh.
@note: Since Blender 2.44 all new verts are selected.
import Blender
@ -405,6 +406,7 @@ class MEdgeSeq:
mesh or with both vertices the same are ignored. If three or four verts
are specified in any sequence, an edge is also created between the first
and last vertices (this is useful when adding faces).
@note: Since Blender 2.44 all new edges are selected.
import Blender
@ -638,6 +640,7 @@ class MFaceSeq:
in the mesh, or faces which contain the same vertex multiple times are
ignored. Sequences of two vertices are accepted, but no face will be
@note: Since Blender 2.44 all new faces are selected.
import Blender
@ -824,7 +827,7 @@ class Mesh:
@note: Only returns a valid result for mesh data that has no holes.
def transform(matrix, recalc_normals = False):
def transform(matrix, recalc_normals = False, selected_only=False):
Transforms the mesh by the specified 4x4 matrix (such as returned by
L{Object.Object.getMatrix}). The matrix should be invertible.
@ -853,6 +856,8 @@ class Mesh:
@param matrix: 4x4 Matrix which can contain location, scale and rotation.
@type recalc_normals: int
@param recalc_normals: if True or 1, also transform vertex normals.
@type selected_only: int
@param selected_only: if True or 1, only the selected verts will be transformed.
@warn: unlike L{NMesh.transform()<NMesh.NMesh.transform>}, this method
I{will immediately modify the mesh data} when it is used. If you
transform the mesh using the object's matrix to get the vertices'