Add Procrustes PNP ("PPnP") resection algorithm to libmv

This adds a new Euclidean resection method, used to create the
initial reconstruction in the motion tracker, to libmv. The method
is based on the Procrustes PNP algorithm (aka "PPnP"). Currently
the algorithm is not connected with the motion tracker, but it
will be eventually since it supports initialization.

Having an initial guess when doing resection is important for
ambiguous cases where potentially the user could offer extra
guidance to the solver, in the form of "this point is in front of
that point".

svn merge -r58821:58822 ^/branches/soc-2011-tomato
This commit is contained in:
Sergey Sharybin 2013-08-16 08:26:34 +00:00
parent 763c205e72
commit cab2aef71a
2 changed files with 113 additions and 0 deletions

@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ namespace libmv {
namespace euclidean_resection {
typedef unsigned int uint;
bool EuclideanResectionPPnP(const Mat2X &x_camera,
const Mat3X &X_world,
Mat3 *R, Vec3 *t,
double tolerance);
bool EuclideanResection(const Mat2X &x_camera,
const Mat3X &X_world,
@ -47,6 +52,9 @@ bool EuclideanResection(const Mat2X &x_camera,
return EuclideanResectionEPnP(x_camera, X_world, R, t, success_threshold);
return EuclideanResectionPPnP(x_camera, X_world, R, t, success_threshold);
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown resection method.";
@ -674,6 +682,107 @@ bool EuclideanResectionEPnP(const Mat2X &x_camera,
// TODO(julien): Improve the solutions with non-linear refinement.
return true;
Straight from the paper:
function [R T] = ppnp(P,S,tol)
% input
% P : matrix (nx3) image coordinates in camera reference [u v 1]
% S : matrix (nx3) coordinates in world reference [X Y Z]
% tol: exit threshold
% output
% R : matrix (3x3) rotation (world-to-camera)
% T : vector (3x1) translation (world-to-camera)
n = size(P,1);
Z = zeros(n);
e = ones(n,1);
A = eye(n)-((e*e)./n);
II = e./n;
err = +Inf;
E_old = 1000*ones(n,3);
while err>tol
[U,˜,V] = svd(P*Z*A*S);
VT = V;
R=U*[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 det(U*VT)]*VT;
PR = P*R;
c = (S-Z*PR)*II;
Y = S-e*c;
Zmindiag = diag(PR*Y)./(sum(P.*P,2));
Z = diag(Zmindiag);
E = Y-Z*PR;
err = norm(E-E_old,fro);
E_old = E;
T = -R*c;
// TODO(keir): Re-do all the variable names and add comments matching the paper.
// This implementation has too much of the terseness of the original. On the
// other hand, it did work on the first try.
bool EuclideanResectionPPnP(const Mat2X &x_camera,
const Mat3X &X_world,
Mat3 *R, Vec3 *t,
double tolerance) {
int n = x_camera.cols();
Mat Z = Mat::Zero(n, n);
Vec e = Vec::Ones(n);
Mat A = Mat::Identity(n, n) - (e * e.transpose() / n);
Vec II = e / n;
Mat P(n, 3);
P.col(0) = x_camera.row(0);
P.col(1) = x_camera.row(1);
Mat S = X_world.transpose();
double error = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
Mat E_old = 1000 * Mat::Ones(n, 3);
Vec3 c;
Mat E(n, 3);
int iteration = 0;
tolerance = 1e-5;
// TODO(keir): The limit of 100 can probably be reduced, but this will require
// some investigation.
while (error > tolerance && iteration < 100) {
Mat3 tmp = P.transpose() * Z * A * S;
Eigen::JacobiSVD<Mat3> svd(tmp, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
Mat3 U = svd.matrixU();
Mat3 VT = svd.matrixV().transpose();
Vec3 s;
s << 1, 1, (U * VT).determinant();
*R = U * s.asDiagonal() * VT;
Mat PR = P * *R; // n x 3
c = (S - Z*PR).transpose() * II;
Mat Y = S - e*c.transpose(); // n x 3
Vec Zmindiag = (PR * Y.transpose()).diagonal()
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Zmindiag[i] = std::max(Zmindiag[i], 0.0);
Z = Zmindiag.asDiagonal();
E = Y - Z*PR;
error = (E - E_old).norm();
LOG(INFO) << "PPnP error(" << (iteration++) << "): " << error;
E_old = E;
*t = -*R*c;
// TODO(keir): Figure out what the failure cases are. Is it too many
// iterations? Spend some time going through the math figuring out if there
// is some way to detect that the algorithm is going crazy, and return false.
return true;
} // namespace resection
} // namespace libmv

@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ enum ResectionMethod {
// The "EPnP" algorithm by Lepetit et al.
// The Procrustes PNP algorithm ("PPnP")