Moved render simplification function for particle distribution into the

distribution code.
This commit is contained in:
Lukas Tönne 2014-10-28 17:16:59 +01:00
parent 34762de38f
commit edc9baaae4
3 changed files with 271 additions and 269 deletions

@ -305,7 +305,6 @@ void psys_free(struct Object *ob, struct ParticleSystem *psys);
void psys_render_set(struct Object *ob, struct ParticleSystem *psys, float viewmat[4][4], float winmat[4][4], int winx, int winy, int timeoffset);
void psys_render_restore(struct Object *ob, struct ParticleSystem *psys);
int psys_render_simplify_distribution(struct ParticleThreadContext *ctx, int tot);
bool psys_render_simplify_params(struct ParticleSystem *psys, struct ChildParticle *cpa, float *params);
void psys_interpolate_uvs(const struct MTFace *tface, int quad, const float w[4], float uvco[2]);
@ -416,6 +415,33 @@ void reset_particle(struct ParticleSimulationData *sim, struct ParticleData *pa,
float psys_get_current_display_percentage(struct ParticleSystem *psys);
typedef struct ParticleRenderElem {
int curchild, totchild, reduce;
float lambda, t, scalemin, scalemax;
} ParticleRenderElem;
typedef struct ParticleRenderData {
ChildParticle *child;
ParticleCacheKey **pathcache;
ParticleCacheKey **childcache;
ListBase pathcachebufs, childcachebufs;
int totchild, totcached, totchildcache;
struct DerivedMesh *dm;
int totdmvert, totdmedge, totdmface;
float mat[4][4];
float viewmat[4][4], winmat[4][4];
int winx, winy;
int do_simplify;
int timeoffset;
ParticleRenderElem *elems;
const int *index_mf_to_mpoly;
const int *index_mp_to_orig;
} ParticleRenderData;
/* psys_reset */
#define PSYS_RESET_ALL 1

@ -592,89 +592,6 @@ void psys_free(Object *ob, ParticleSystem *psys)
* rendering, to make different render settings possible without
* removing the previous data. this should be solved properly once */
typedef struct ParticleRenderElem {
int curchild, totchild, reduce;
float lambda, t, scalemin, scalemax;
} ParticleRenderElem;
typedef struct ParticleRenderData {
ChildParticle *child;
ParticleCacheKey **pathcache;
ParticleCacheKey **childcache;
ListBase pathcachebufs, childcachebufs;
int totchild, totcached, totchildcache;
DerivedMesh *dm;
int totdmvert, totdmedge, totdmface;
float mat[4][4];
float viewmat[4][4], winmat[4][4];
int winx, winy;
int do_simplify;
int timeoffset;
ParticleRenderElem *elems;
const int *index_mf_to_mpoly;
const int *index_mp_to_orig;
} ParticleRenderData;
static float psys_render_viewport_falloff(double rate, float dist, float width)
return pow(rate, dist / width);
static float psys_render_projected_area(ParticleSystem *psys, const float center[3], float area, double vprate, float *viewport)
ParticleRenderData *data = psys->renderdata;
float co[4], view[3], ortho1[3], ortho2[3], w, dx, dy, radius;
/* transform to view space */
copy_v3_v3(co, center);
co[3] = 1.0f;
mul_m4_v4(data->viewmat, co);
/* compute two vectors orthogonal to view vector */
normalize_v3_v3(view, co);
ortho_basis_v3v3_v3(ortho1, ortho2, view);
/* compute on screen minification */
w = co[2] * data->winmat[2][3] + data->winmat[3][3];
dx = data->winx * ortho2[0] * data->winmat[0][0];
dy = data->winy * ortho2[1] * data->winmat[1][1];
w = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy) / w;
/* w squared because we are working with area */
area = area * w * w;
/* viewport of the screen test */
/* project point on screen */
mul_m4_v4(data->winmat, co);
if (co[3] != 0.0f) {
co[0] = 0.5f * data->winx * (1.0f + co[0] / co[3]);
co[1] = 0.5f * data->winy * (1.0f + co[1] / co[3]);
/* screen space radius */
radius = sqrtf(area / (float)M_PI);
/* make smaller using fallof once over screen edge */
*viewport = 1.0f;
if (co[0] + radius < 0.0f)
*viewport *= psys_render_viewport_falloff(vprate, -(co[0] + radius), data->winx);
else if (co[0] - radius > data->winx)
*viewport *= psys_render_viewport_falloff(vprate, (co[0] - radius) - data->winx, data->winx);
if (co[1] + radius < 0.0f)
*viewport *= psys_render_viewport_falloff(vprate, -(co[1] + radius), data->winy);
else if (co[1] - radius > data->winy)
*viewport *= psys_render_viewport_falloff(vprate, (co[1] - radius) - data->winy, data->winy);
return area;
void psys_render_set(Object *ob, ParticleSystem *psys, float viewmat[4][4], float winmat[4][4], int winx, int winy, int timeoffset)
ParticleRenderData *data;
@ -789,191 +706,6 @@ void psys_render_restore(Object *ob, ParticleSystem *psys)
/* BMESH_TODO, for orig face data, we need to use MPoly */
int psys_render_simplify_distribution(ParticleThreadContext *ctx, int tot)
DerivedMesh *dm = ctx->dm;
Mesh *me = (Mesh *)(ctx->sim.ob->data);
MFace *mf, *mface;
MVert *mvert;
ParticleRenderData *data;
ParticleRenderElem *elems, *elem;
ParticleSettings *part = ctx->sim.psys->part;
float *facearea, (*facecenter)[3], size[3], fac, powrate, scaleclamp;
float co1[3], co2[3], co3[3], co4[3], lambda, arearatio, t, area, viewport;
double vprate;
int *facetotvert;
int a, b, totorigface, totface, newtot, skipped;
/* double lookup */
const int *index_mf_to_mpoly;
const int *index_mp_to_orig;
if (part->ren_as != PART_DRAW_PATH || !(part->draw & PART_DRAW_REN_STRAND))
return tot;
if (!ctx->sim.psys->renderdata)
return tot;
data = ctx->sim.psys->renderdata;
if (data->timeoffset)
return 0;
if (!(part->simplify_flag & PART_SIMPLIFY_ENABLE))
return tot;
mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);
mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm);
totface = dm->getNumTessFaces(dm);
totorigface = me->totpoly;
if (totface == 0 || totorigface == 0)
return tot;
index_mf_to_mpoly = dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX);
index_mp_to_orig = dm->getPolyDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX);
if (index_mf_to_mpoly == NULL) {
index_mp_to_orig = NULL;
facearea = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * totorigface, "SimplifyFaceArea");
facecenter = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float[3]) * totorigface, "SimplifyFaceCenter");
facetotvert = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * totorigface, "SimplifyFaceArea");
elems = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ParticleRenderElem) * totorigface, "SimplifyFaceElem");
if (data->elems)
data->do_simplify = true;
data->elems = elems;
data->index_mf_to_mpoly = index_mf_to_mpoly;
data->index_mp_to_orig = index_mp_to_orig;
/* compute number of children per original face */
for (a = 0; a < tot; a++) {
b = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, ctx->index[a]) : ctx->index[a];
if (b != ORIGINDEX_NONE) {
/* compute areas and centers of original faces */
for (mf = mface, a = 0; a < totface; a++, mf++) {
b = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, a) : a;
if (b != ORIGINDEX_NONE) {
copy_v3_v3(co1, mvert[mf->v1].co);
copy_v3_v3(co2, mvert[mf->v2].co);
copy_v3_v3(co3, mvert[mf->v3].co);
add_v3_v3(facecenter[b], co1);
add_v3_v3(facecenter[b], co2);
add_v3_v3(facecenter[b], co3);
if (mf->v4) {
copy_v3_v3(co4, mvert[mf->v4].co);
add_v3_v3(facecenter[b], co4);
facearea[b] += area_quad_v3(co1, co2, co3, co4);
facetotvert[b] += 4;
else {
facearea[b] += area_tri_v3(co1, co2, co3);
facetotvert[b] += 3;
for (a = 0; a < totorigface; a++)
if (facetotvert[a] > 0)
mul_v3_fl(facecenter[a], 1.0f / facetotvert[a]);
/* for conversion from BU area / pixel area to reference screen size */
BKE_mesh_texspace_get(me, 0, 0, size);
fac = ((size[0] + size[1] + size[2]) / 3.0f) / part->simplify_refsize;
fac = fac * fac;
powrate = log(0.5f) / log(part->simplify_rate * 0.5f);
if (part->simplify_flag & PART_SIMPLIFY_VIEWPORT)
vprate = pow(1.0f - part->simplify_viewport, 5.0);
vprate = 1.0;
/* set simplification parameters per original face */
for (a = 0, elem = elems; a < totorigface; a++, elem++) {
area = psys_render_projected_area(ctx->sim.psys, facecenter[a], facearea[a], vprate, &viewport);
arearatio = fac * area / facearea[a];
if ((arearatio < 1.0f || viewport < 1.0f) && elem->totchild) {
/* lambda is percentage of elements to keep */
lambda = (arearatio < 1.0f) ? powf(arearatio, powrate) : 1.0f;
lambda *= viewport;
lambda = MAX2(lambda, 1.0f / elem->totchild);
/* compute transition region */
t = part->simplify_transition;
elem->t = (lambda - t < 0.0f) ? lambda : (lambda + t > 1.0f) ? 1.0f - lambda : t;
elem->reduce = 1;
/* scale at end and beginning of the transition region */
elem->scalemax = (lambda + t < 1.0f) ? 1.0f / lambda : 1.0f / (1.0f - elem->t * elem->t / t);
elem->scalemin = (lambda + t < 1.0f) ? 0.0f : elem->scalemax * (1.0f - elem->t / t);
elem->scalemin = sqrtf(elem->scalemin);
elem->scalemax = sqrtf(elem->scalemax);
/* clamp scaling */
scaleclamp = (float)min_ii(elem->totchild, 10);
elem->scalemin = MIN2(scaleclamp, elem->scalemin);
elem->scalemax = MIN2(scaleclamp, elem->scalemax);
/* extend lambda to include transition */
lambda = lambda + elem->t;
if (lambda > 1.0f)
lambda = 1.0f;
else {
lambda = arearatio;
elem->scalemax = 1.0f; //sqrt(lambda);
elem->scalemin = 1.0f; //sqrt(lambda);
elem->reduce = 0;
elem->lambda = lambda;
elem->scalemin = sqrtf(elem->scalemin);
elem->scalemax = sqrtf(elem->scalemax);
elem->curchild = 0;
/* move indices and set random number skipping */
ctx->skip = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * tot, "SimplificationSkip");
skipped = 0;
for (a = 0, newtot = 0; a < tot; a++) {
b = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, ctx->index[a]) : ctx->index[a];
if (b != ORIGINDEX_NONE) {
if (elems[b].curchild++ < ceil(elems[b].lambda * elems[b].totchild)) {
ctx->index[newtot] = ctx->index[a];
ctx->skip[newtot] = skipped;
skipped = 0;
else skipped++;
else skipped++;
for (a = 0, elem = elems; a < totorigface; a++, elem++)
elem->curchild = 0;
return newtot;
bool psys_render_simplify_params(ParticleSystem *psys, ChildParticle *cpa, float *params)
ParticleRenderData *data;

@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
#include "BKE_object.h"
#include "BKE_particle.h"
static int psys_render_simplify_distribution(ParticleThreadContext *ctx, int tot);
static void alloc_child_particles(ParticleSystem *psys, int tot)
if (psys->child) {
@ -1168,3 +1170,245 @@ void distribute_particles(ParticleSimulationData *sim, int from)
fprintf(stderr,"Particle distribution error!\n");
/* ======== Simplify ======== */
static float psys_render_viewport_falloff(double rate, float dist, float width)
return pow(rate, dist / width);
static float psys_render_projected_area(ParticleSystem *psys, const float center[3], float area, double vprate, float *viewport)
ParticleRenderData *data = psys->renderdata;
float co[4], view[3], ortho1[3], ortho2[3], w, dx, dy, radius;
/* transform to view space */
copy_v3_v3(co, center);
co[3] = 1.0f;
mul_m4_v4(data->viewmat, co);
/* compute two vectors orthogonal to view vector */
normalize_v3_v3(view, co);
ortho_basis_v3v3_v3(ortho1, ortho2, view);
/* compute on screen minification */
w = co[2] * data->winmat[2][3] + data->winmat[3][3];
dx = data->winx * ortho2[0] * data->winmat[0][0];
dy = data->winy * ortho2[1] * data->winmat[1][1];
w = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy) / w;
/* w squared because we are working with area */
area = area * w * w;
/* viewport of the screen test */
/* project point on screen */
mul_m4_v4(data->winmat, co);
if (co[3] != 0.0f) {
co[0] = 0.5f * data->winx * (1.0f + co[0] / co[3]);
co[1] = 0.5f * data->winy * (1.0f + co[1] / co[3]);
/* screen space radius */
radius = sqrtf(area / (float)M_PI);
/* make smaller using fallof once over screen edge */
*viewport = 1.0f;
if (co[0] + radius < 0.0f)
*viewport *= psys_render_viewport_falloff(vprate, -(co[0] + radius), data->winx);
else if (co[0] - radius > data->winx)
*viewport *= psys_render_viewport_falloff(vprate, (co[0] - radius) - data->winx, data->winx);
if (co[1] + radius < 0.0f)
*viewport *= psys_render_viewport_falloff(vprate, -(co[1] + radius), data->winy);
else if (co[1] - radius > data->winy)
*viewport *= psys_render_viewport_falloff(vprate, (co[1] - radius) - data->winy, data->winy);
return area;
/* BMESH_TODO, for orig face data, we need to use MPoly */
static int psys_render_simplify_distribution(ParticleThreadContext *ctx, int tot)
DerivedMesh *dm = ctx->dm;
Mesh *me = (Mesh *)(ctx->sim.ob->data);
MFace *mf, *mface;
MVert *mvert;
ParticleRenderData *data;
ParticleRenderElem *elems, *elem;
ParticleSettings *part = ctx->sim.psys->part;
float *facearea, (*facecenter)[3], size[3], fac, powrate, scaleclamp;
float co1[3], co2[3], co3[3], co4[3], lambda, arearatio, t, area, viewport;
double vprate;
int *facetotvert;
int a, b, totorigface, totface, newtot, skipped;
/* double lookup */
const int *index_mf_to_mpoly;
const int *index_mp_to_orig;
if (part->ren_as != PART_DRAW_PATH || !(part->draw & PART_DRAW_REN_STRAND))
return tot;
if (!ctx->sim.psys->renderdata)
return tot;
data = ctx->sim.psys->renderdata;
if (data->timeoffset)
return 0;
if (!(part->simplify_flag & PART_SIMPLIFY_ENABLE))
return tot;
mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);
mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm);
totface = dm->getNumTessFaces(dm);
totorigface = me->totpoly;
if (totface == 0 || totorigface == 0)
return tot;
index_mf_to_mpoly = dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX);
index_mp_to_orig = dm->getPolyDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX);
if (index_mf_to_mpoly == NULL) {
index_mp_to_orig = NULL;
facearea = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * totorigface, "SimplifyFaceArea");
facecenter = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float[3]) * totorigface, "SimplifyFaceCenter");
facetotvert = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * totorigface, "SimplifyFaceArea");
elems = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ParticleRenderElem) * totorigface, "SimplifyFaceElem");
if (data->elems)
data->do_simplify = true;
data->elems = elems;
data->index_mf_to_mpoly = index_mf_to_mpoly;
data->index_mp_to_orig = index_mp_to_orig;
/* compute number of children per original face */
for (a = 0; a < tot; a++) {
b = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, ctx->index[a]) : ctx->index[a];
if (b != ORIGINDEX_NONE) {
/* compute areas and centers of original faces */
for (mf = mface, a = 0; a < totface; a++, mf++) {
b = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, a) : a;
if (b != ORIGINDEX_NONE) {
copy_v3_v3(co1, mvert[mf->v1].co);
copy_v3_v3(co2, mvert[mf->v2].co);
copy_v3_v3(co3, mvert[mf->v3].co);
add_v3_v3(facecenter[b], co1);
add_v3_v3(facecenter[b], co2);
add_v3_v3(facecenter[b], co3);
if (mf->v4) {
copy_v3_v3(co4, mvert[mf->v4].co);
add_v3_v3(facecenter[b], co4);
facearea[b] += area_quad_v3(co1, co2, co3, co4);
facetotvert[b] += 4;
else {
facearea[b] += area_tri_v3(co1, co2, co3);
facetotvert[b] += 3;
for (a = 0; a < totorigface; a++)
if (facetotvert[a] > 0)
mul_v3_fl(facecenter[a], 1.0f / facetotvert[a]);
/* for conversion from BU area / pixel area to reference screen size */
BKE_mesh_texspace_get(me, 0, 0, size);
fac = ((size[0] + size[1] + size[2]) / 3.0f) / part->simplify_refsize;
fac = fac * fac;
powrate = log(0.5f) / log(part->simplify_rate * 0.5f);
if (part->simplify_flag & PART_SIMPLIFY_VIEWPORT)
vprate = pow(1.0f - part->simplify_viewport, 5.0);
vprate = 1.0;
/* set simplification parameters per original face */
for (a = 0, elem = elems; a < totorigface; a++, elem++) {
area = psys_render_projected_area(ctx->sim.psys, facecenter[a], facearea[a], vprate, &viewport);
arearatio = fac * area / facearea[a];
if ((arearatio < 1.0f || viewport < 1.0f) && elem->totchild) {
/* lambda is percentage of elements to keep */
lambda = (arearatio < 1.0f) ? powf(arearatio, powrate) : 1.0f;
lambda *= viewport;
lambda = MAX2(lambda, 1.0f / elem->totchild);
/* compute transition region */
t = part->simplify_transition;
elem->t = (lambda - t < 0.0f) ? lambda : (lambda + t > 1.0f) ? 1.0f - lambda : t;
elem->reduce = 1;
/* scale at end and beginning of the transition region */
elem->scalemax = (lambda + t < 1.0f) ? 1.0f / lambda : 1.0f / (1.0f - elem->t * elem->t / t);
elem->scalemin = (lambda + t < 1.0f) ? 0.0f : elem->scalemax * (1.0f - elem->t / t);
elem->scalemin = sqrtf(elem->scalemin);
elem->scalemax = sqrtf(elem->scalemax);
/* clamp scaling */
scaleclamp = (float)min_ii(elem->totchild, 10);
elem->scalemin = MIN2(scaleclamp, elem->scalemin);
elem->scalemax = MIN2(scaleclamp, elem->scalemax);
/* extend lambda to include transition */
lambda = lambda + elem->t;
if (lambda > 1.0f)
lambda = 1.0f;
else {
lambda = arearatio;
elem->scalemax = 1.0f; //sqrt(lambda);
elem->scalemin = 1.0f; //sqrt(lambda);
elem->reduce = 0;
elem->lambda = lambda;
elem->scalemin = sqrtf(elem->scalemin);
elem->scalemax = sqrtf(elem->scalemax);
elem->curchild = 0;
/* move indices and set random number skipping */
ctx->skip = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * tot, "SimplificationSkip");
skipped = 0;
for (a = 0, newtot = 0; a < tot; a++) {
b = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, ctx->index[a]) : ctx->index[a];
if (b != ORIGINDEX_NONE) {
if (elems[b].curchild++ < ceil(elems[b].lambda * elems[b].totchild)) {
ctx->index[newtot] = ctx->index[a];
ctx->skip[newtot] = skipped;
skipped = 0;
else skipped++;
else skipped++;
for (a = 0, elem = elems; a < totorigface; a++, elem++)
elem->curchild = 0;
return newtot;