Also meant to mention, on the todo: show the confirmation before closing the file selector,
rather than afterwards where it's inconvenient and easy to miss...
change how data is added. eg. --> -->
image and texture stil use add_* funcs
from import binary_path, version, version_string, home
can add constant variables from blender here as needed (maybe functions too... ?)
- remove functions such as operator_int(), operator_enum(), operator_string
this mixed with keyword arguments in a way that made them hard to read.
Instead, have operator() always return properties rather then needing an argument.
- rename prop_pointer() --> prop_object(), pointer is more a C thing.
- missed item_enumR(), rename to prop_enum()
however this meant the invoke function could not modify properties for exec to use (unless it called exec directly after)
since the popup for eg would re-instance the python class each time.
now use the operator properties directly through rna without an automatic copy.
now an operator attribute is accessed like this...
self.path -->
- made all exporters default to the blend filename with the extension replaced
- MDD's poll function now checks for an active mesh
- multiline docstrings are written as multiline docs when generating epydocs
# Before
bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="path", name="File Path", description="File path used for exporting the PLY file", maxlen= 1024, default= ""),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_modifiers", name="Apply Modifiers", description="Apply Modifiers to the exported mesh", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_normals", name="Export Normals", description="Export Normals for smooth and hard shaded faces", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_uvs", name="Export UVs", description="Exort the active UV layer", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="use_colors", name="Export Vertex Colors", description="Exort the active vertex color layer", default= True)
# After
path = StringProperty(attr="", name="File Path", description="File path used for exporting the PLY file", maxlen= 1024, default= "")
use_modifiers = BoolProperty(attr="", name="Apply Modifiers", description="Apply Modifiers to the exported mesh", default= True)
use_normals = BoolProperty(attr="", name="Export Normals", description="Export Normals for smooth and hard shaded faces", default= True)
use_uvs = BoolProperty(attr="", name="Export UVs", description="Exort the active UV layer", default= True)
use_colors = BoolProperty(attr="", name="Export Vertex Colors", description="Exort the active vertex color layer", default= True)
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add(major_radius=1, minor_radius=0.25, major_segments=48, minor_segments=16)
- experemental dynamic menus, used for INFO_MT_file, INFO_MT_file_import, INFO_MT_file_export and INFO_MT_mesh_add. these can have items added from python.
- removed OBJECT_OT_mesh_add, use the python add menu instead.
- made mesh primitive ops - MESH_OT_primitive_plane_add, ...cube_add, etc. work in object mode.
- RNA scene.active_object wrapped
- bugfix [#19466] 2.5: Tweak menu only available for mesh objects added within Edit Mode
ED_object_exit_editmode was always doing an undo push, made this optional using the existing flag - EM_DO_UNDO, called everywhere except when adding primitives.