- Removed control-shape deformation bones from the spine rig (no longer necessary thanks to the new "custom shape at" feature).
- Various improvements to the mouth rig, including a corrective shape key for mouth-open.
- The new method of generating into the same armature object every time wasn't copying pose bone data in the process, such as rotation mode and transform locks.
By default the generated rig object is named "rig". But you can add a custom "rig_object_name" property to the metarig to specify the name of the object to generate into.
- Added two driven-shape-key rig types that create and drive shape keys on a mesh/meshes based on the distance or rotation difference between two bones.
- Fixed bug in finger curl rig type where secondary finger controls were not created. Finger type can also now (optionally) have a hinge switch (useful when using it for wings).
- Changed the blending system in rigify_utils to use copy_transforms constraints instead of copy_loc+copy_rot.
- Finished the quadruped leg type. Now has both ik and fk control and ik/fk switching. Also uses a rotating bone to control the knee direction instead of a pole target (seems to work more consistently for quadruped setups). There's still one annoying bug regarding foot roll, but it's not blocking. I'll track it down later.
- Mouth rig now creates corrective shape keys on the face mesh for dealing with mouth corners when they spread open.
- Biped arm and leg types now cause mesh to scale when you scale the fk controls.
- Misc improvements to the rig types.