The current layer information is now stored in KX_GameObject and inherited from the parent object when dynamically added. This information is used during the rendering the select the lamps. As the selected lamps are always coming from active layers, their position and orientation are correct.
I reviewed the code, suggested an update ( initialising accumulation buffer ), and tested the resulting update successfully.
It's great to see more GE developers!GE Patch by Hamed Zaghaghi to add motion blur to the GE ( using the accumulation buffer ).
I reviewed code and tested, gave some feedback ( initialising accumulation buffer ) which was implemented straight away, and re-reviewed.
It's great to have another GE coder on the team!
Depth sorting for Transparent polygons. Use ZTransp in Material buttons to enable.
This will cause an object's polygons to be sorted (back to front for alpha polygons, front to back for solid polygons.)
[SCons] Build with Solid as default when enabling the gameengine in the build process
[SCons] Build solid and qhull from the extern directory and link statically against them
That was about it.
There are a few things that needs double checking:
* Makefiles
* Projectfiles
* All the other systems than Linux and Windows on which the build (with scons) has been successfully tested.
#include <config.h>
also the's were from previous patch adding
the system depend stuff to