svn merge -r19820:HEAD
* Game and sequencer RNA, and sequencer header are now out of date
a bit after changes in trunk.
* I didn't know how to port these bugfixes, most likely they are
not needed anymore.
* Fix "duplicate strip" always increase the user count for ipo.
* IPO pinning on sequencer strips was lost during Undo.
There is a problem importing 3ds files where I cant find a way to check if the transforms are applied to the vertex locations or not.
Since 2.44 I made the importer assume they were not since you can manually remove transformations, but not reverse.
Nevertheless most 3ds files have the matrix applied, better not give a bad import by default.
Did some research and other 3ds importers (lib3ds for eg), have the same problem and just assume the transformations applied.
3dsMax imports both correctly so there must be a way to tell but I could not link it to the 3ds version or other mesh options.
Added an option to workaround this problem in rare cases where its needed.
- KX_GameObject.cpp & KX_Scene.cpp, clear the dict before removing the reference in case there is a circular reference.
* stopped bpy from importing automaticaly as decieded in the meeting.
* removed Blender.Main, since we agree it will be called bpy, renamed files also.
* updated epydocs from this and last commit.
* updated scripts to use bpy.*, and bugfix's for widgetwizard
3ds_import - added option to disable recursive image searching (could be slow somtimes)
export_obj - when making group/object names only use both object and mesh name when they differ.
weightpaint_clean, weightpaint_grow_shrink - minor updates. - own error in epydocs.
scn.objects.selected = [] # deselect all
scn.objects.selected = scn.objects # select all
scn.objects.context = [ob1, ob2...]
Added epydoc examples and updates importer scripts to use this de-select-all method.
continual script stuff, minor stuff..
fix for bad return in group.
Added back group.objects.append/remove but print deprectaed warning. also some epydoc changes.
added restrictDraw/Select/Render to objects in python
updated group and scene docs for last commit
made 3ds import use new scn.objects rather then Object.New() - (removed import as instance for now)
fixes off import error from this report
also make use of meshes faces.extend() indexList option- which means lots of checking can be removed.
indexList is not relyable at the moment so some files wont import but this will be fixed.
made ngon loop-reduce function faster by replacing dicts with sets
off_export has some errors, modernized the script.
added a python 2.3 reversed compat function - just uses ls[::-1]
Further 2.3 compat testing needed.
- Jean-Michel Soler (thanks!) pointed that the 3ds importer was missing
license info. Added a GPL license block copied from the 3ds exporter by
the same author.
- Mesh objects split by material- many 3ds objects used more then 16 per mesh. and when a face looses its image texture its tedious to set again.
- Removed a lot of unneeded variable creation.
- Material importing speedup.
- Tested with more models.
- Support some corrupt models.
(Bug in Mesh causes segfaults on some files still, kens looking into it)
Version 0.93
- Tested with 400 3ds files from turbosquid, model cd's and net samples.
- Tactfully ignore faces that used the same verts twice.
- Rollback to 0.83 sloppy un-reorganized code, new code broke UV coord loading.
- Converted from NMesh to Mesh. First importer to use Mesh.
- Faster and cleaner new names.
- Use external comprehensive image loader.
- Re intergrated 0.92 and 0.9 changes
- Fixes for 2.41 compat.
- Non textured faces do not use a texture flag.
Final (?) updates for 2.40 :) :
- Bob Holcomb sent a better version of his 3ds importer
- Added doc info to bvh2arm: links to doc and mocap tute from author
Jean-Baptiste Perin
- Alessandro Pirovano improved the Lightwave importer.
- Mikael Lagre updated the collada scripts (fixed a bug with camera
lens value)
- Adam Saltsman improved the wings importer (ongoing work with
his pal Toastie).
- Anthony D'Agostino GPL'd his scripts (used Blender's BAL
license previously)
Thanks to all script authors for their work, interest and kindness.
Again, Tom (LetterRip) has played an important part in this, thanks and
welcome :).
- added import and export scripts for 3ds and md2 (Quake 2) models
contributed by author Bob Holcomb. Thanks!
- updated ac3d importer to be more forgiving and exporter to get rid of
deprecated call.
More additions and possibly fixes to come.
Note: we're forming a group to take care of importers and exporters and
improve the situation as a whole in Blender. Discussions should happen
at the bf-scripts-dev mailing list:
Thanks Tom Musgrove (LetterRip) for helping a lot with scripts.