vector in perspective mode. This is default OpenGL behavior, but
by now this optimization is really insignificant. Works in both
the 3d view and game engine.
the features that are needed to run the game. Compile tested with
scons, make, but not cmake, that seems to have an issue not related
to these changes. The changes include:
* GLSL support in the viewport and game engine, enable in the game
menu in textured draw mode.
* Synced and merged part of the duplicated blender and gameengine/
gameplayer drawing code.
* Further refactoring of game engine drawing code, especially mesh
storage changed a lot.
* Optimizations in game engine armatures to avoid recomputations.
* A python function to get the framerate estimate in game.
* An option take object color into account in materials.
* An option to restrict shadow casters to a lamp's layers.
* Increase from 10 to 18 texture slots for materials, lamps, word.
An extra texture slot shows up once the last slot is used.
* Memory limit for undo, not enabled by default yet because it
needs the .B.blend to be changed.
* Multiple undo for image painting.
* An offset for dupligroups, so not all objects in a group have to
be at the origin.
The face paremeter determines the orientation of the normal:
0 or omitted => hit normal is always oriented towards the ray origin (as if you casted the ray from outside)
1 => hit normal is the real face normal (only for mesh object, otherwise face has no effect)
The ray has X-Ray capability if xray parameter is 1, otherwise the first object hit (other than self object) stops the ray.
The prop and xray parameters interact as follow:
prop off, xray off: return closest hit or no hit if there is no object on the full extend of the ray.
prop off, xray on : idem.
prop on, xray off: return closest hit if it matches prop, no hit otherwise.
prop on, xray on : return closest hit matching prop or no hit if there is no object matching prop on the full extend of the ray.
if poly is 0 or omitted, returns a 3-tuple with object reference, hit point and hit normal or (None,None,None) if no hit.
if poly is 1, returns a 4-tuple with in addition a KX_PolyProxy as 4th element.
The KX_PolyProxy object holds information on the polygon hit by the ray: the index of the vertex forming the poylgon, material, etc.
Attributes (read-only):
matname: The name of polygon material, empty if no material.
material: The material of the polygon
texture: The texture name of the polygon.
matid: The material index of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy
v1: vertex index of the first vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy
v2: vertex index of the second vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy
v3: vertex index of the third vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy
v4: vertex index of the fourth vertex of the polygon, 0 if polygon has only 3 vertex
use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy
visible: visible state of the polygon: 1=visible, 0=invisible
collide: collide state of the polygon: 1=receives collision, 0=collision free.
getMaterialName(): Returns the polygon material name with MA prefix
getMaterial(): Returns the polygon material
getTextureName(): Returns the polygon texture name
getMaterialIndex(): Returns the material bucket index of the polygon.
getNumVertex(): Returns the number of vertex of the polygon.
isVisible(): Returns whether the polygon is visible or not
isCollider(): Returns whether the polygon is receives collision or not
getVertexIndex(vertex): Returns the mesh vertex index of a polygon vertex
getMesh(): Returns a mesh proxy
New methods of KX_MeshProxy have been implemented to retrieve KX_PolyProxy objects:
getNumPolygons(): Returns the number of polygon in the mesh.
getPolygon(index): Gets the specified polygon from the mesh.
More details in PyDoc.
I reviewed the code, suggested an update ( initialising accumulation buffer ), and tested the resulting update successfully.
It's great to see more GE developers!GE Patch by Hamed Zaghaghi to add motion blur to the GE ( using the accumulation buffer ).
I reviewed code and tested, gave some feedback ( initialising accumulation buffer ) which was implemented straight away, and re-reviewed.
It's great to have another GE coder on the team!
Depth sorting for Transparent polygons. Use ZTransp in Material buttons to enable.
This will cause an object's polygons to be sorted (back to front for alpha polygons, front to back for solid polygons.)
#include <config.h>
also the's were from previous patch adding
the system depend stuff to