- for rna stringsinclude the path as comment, eg:
#~ bpy.types.VertexGroup.name
- skip strings like %dx%d or -X.
- for strings extracted from python scripts include file:line reference as with C files.
- have messages in order they appear in the file, files and classes sorted so it reads more logically.
- extract these comments from the messages.txt file into the pot file.
Adding from codecs import open + the encoding in update_pot.py so it works for python 3.2.
Now it should be easier to replace the executable folders in the first lines of the file.
It now also works if you are in the same folder as the .po files (i.e. os.path.dirname(__FILE__) is empty)
It's still not working for me on Mingw because I need gettext 1.8 and so far I found only the 1.7
(in 1.7 msgmerge --lang is not supported)
- Make gettext stuff draw-time. so switching between languages
can happens without restart now.
- Added option to translate visible interface (menus, buttons, labels)
and tooltips. Now it's possible to have english UI and localized tooltips.
- Clean-up sources, do not use gettext stuff for things which can be
collected with RNA.
- Fix issues with windows 64bit and ru_RU locale on my desktop
(it was codepage issue).
- Added operator "Get Messages" which generates new text block with
with all strings collected from RNA.
- Changed script for updating blender.pot so now it appends
messages collected from rna to automatically gathered messages.
To update .pot you have to re-generate messages.txt using "Get Messages"
operator and then run update_pot script.
- Clean up old translation stuff which wasn't used and most probably
wouldn't be used.
- Return back "International Fonts" option, so if it's disabled, no
gettext lookups happens on draw.
- Merged read_homefile function back. No need in splitting it.
- Custom fonts and font size.
Current font isn't nice at least for russian locale, it's
difficult to read it.
- Put references to messages.txt so gettext can merge translation when
name/description of some property changes.