using mface->flag for both.
Also found that the cdDM_drawMappedFaces and cdDM_drawFacesTex_common could get normals mixed up when rendering hidden faces. because hidden/invisible faces used continue without advancing to the next normal.
* stopped bpy from importing automaticaly as decieded in the meeting.
* removed Blender.Main, since we agree it will be called bpy, renamed files also.
* updated epydocs from this and last commit.
* updated scripts to use bpy.*, and bugfix's for widgetwizard
packing 2400 rectanges is about 38x faster.
Use the C implimentation in uvcalc_lightmap and uvcalc_smart_project
Blender.c - filename returning None raises errors with existing scripts, just return "" so string functions on the filename dont raise an error.
object_sel2dupgroup, creates a dupliGroup from a set of selected objects, using the active as the transformation for the dupli-ob. The advantage of using thus script is that objects have this transformation removed.