Brecht Van Lommel
Cycles: border rendering support, includes some refactoring in how pixels are
accessed on devices.
2011-12-20 12:25:37 +00:00
Brecht Van Lommel
* Fix object scaling update issue with interactive rendering + static BVH.
* Fix negative scaling issue with static BVH.
* Fix #29217 : excessive fireflies in first sample.
2011-11-12 14:29:52 +00:00
Brecht Van Lommel
Cycles: seed value to get different noise values from renders, there was a patch
for this but I've implemented it differently.
2011-10-29 14:27:24 +00:00
Brecht Van Lommel
Cycles: tweaks to properties and nodes
* Passes renamed to samples
* Camera lens radius renamed to aperature size/blades/rotation
* Glass and fresnel nodes input is now index of refraction
* Glossy and velvet fresnel socket removed
* Mix/add closure node renamed to mix/add shader node
* Blend weight node added for shader mixing weights
There is some version patching code for reading existing files, but it's not
perfect, so shaders may work a bit different.
2011-09-16 13:14:02 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal
Cycles render engine, initial commit. This is the engine itself, blender modifications and build instructions will follow later.
Cycles uses code from some great open source projects, many thanks them:
* BVH building and traversal code from NVidia's "Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs":
* Open Shading Language for a large part of the shading system:
* Blender for procedural textures and a few other nodes.
* Approximate Catmull Clark subdivision from NVidia Mesh tools:
* Sobol direction vectors from:
* Film response functions from:
2011-04-27 11:58:34 +00:00