Again, please try not to break scripts - at least grep the release dir for the names you change.
- rna material property rename
gloss_amount -> gloss_factor, since its from 0.0 to 1.0, prefix factor is used on other material settings.
reflectivity -> reflect_factor
* Add RenderResult.load_from_file to load whole multilayer exr's at once.
* Removed x/y offset from RenderLayer.load_from_file, better to encourage
using offset in begin_result() to minimize memory usage.
* Added WITH_OPENEXR in some screen/file/image module for scons/make, exr
was not working in some places there.
* Sun lamp type export (known as parallel lights in povray)
* Native support for blenders metaballs, currently exports
- ball and ellipsoid types
- radius, stiffness
- ellipsoid xyz scale
- negative elements
- single material (like blender)
Renamed rna props.
elem.sizex -> size_x
mball.last_selected_element -> mball.active_element
minor changes to UI scripts.
- All of this is in python and easy to change.
- each panel class has a set() of compatible engines.
- this set is checked for the poll function
- external engines can add themselves to this panels compatible engines
I tried doing this by subclassing each panel and replacing only the poll function to reference 'POVRAY_RENDER' but it became fairly complicated and meant registering many of the same panels under different names.
Added mist support to povray.
- camera/lamp/mesh object types
- meshes with modifiers applied, normals/uv/vertex colors
- materials, reflection, transparency
- spot/area/point lamps, samples, raytrace options
- scene render size, AA setting
- Doesn't need any 3rd party modules.
- Runs povray from the subprocess module, updating the image from a TARGA.
- Currently no UI panels or support for custom settings.
This could be used as an example for other scripts.