using mface->flag for both.
Also found that the cdDM_drawMappedFaces and cdDM_drawFacesTex_common could get normals mixed up when rendering hidden faces. because hidden/invisible faces used continue without advancing to the next normal.
* stopped bpy from importing automaticaly as decieded in the meeting.
* removed Blender.Main, since we agree it will be called bpy, renamed files also.
* updated epydocs from this and last commit.
* updated scripts to use bpy.*, and bugfix's for widgetwizard
Click project, a nifty 3 click way to use a face to set a projection aurientation and then 2 more clicks for the U and V scales
with realtime updating as you move the mouse
should be faster then using view project all the time because you dont have to line the view up with the faces.