[#7660] Solaris 10 x86 support (Makefiles)
Hopefully it will not mess up anything for anyone else. I removed
some hardcoded static libs and made NAN_*_LIB definitions so they could be
overridden, to allow greater flexability.
Let me know if there are any problems/questions.
Modified bFTGL so the bitmaps supplied by the font itself aren't used.
Patch originally supplied by Shizu, somehow this was never added to
Be sure to build binaries with bFTGL, not the provided ftgl.lib from the
lib dir. (this one can be deleted afaic)
need to be tweaks but it seems to work on my linux box. I haven't
touched any of the other build systems so those will need to be done.
We probably don't need all of this stuff but I figured better to add a little
too much then to little.