The third is for actually loading the plugins in blender.
For some reason its not identifying the plugins correctly,
but it compiles and runs so I'm including it hoping someone else
might see where I've messed things up...
I have a simple example at that
works, if anyone is interested in playing with it.
Basically added options for Darwin, and made a var $EXT
that gets set to so, dll or dynlib depending on the platform.
It looks like I'm still getting linking errors on macosx on some of the plugins
but its a good start.
junkies will be happy to find the datatoc.c program in the
datafiles directory).
Some quick notes:
* 'datafiles' has the version 2.21 splash.jpg and blenderbuttons (e.g., so
no NLA icon). Someone should at least get the 2.25 blenderbuttons from
somewhere and commit them.
* 'text' has obsolete content/license
* I did not include the python scripts as they have copyright
Jan Walter and no license specified.
* I changed to unix line terminators everywhere with the exeption of the
'windows' directory.