Again, please try not to break scripts - at least grep the release dir for the names you change.
- rna material property rename
gloss_amount -> gloss_factor, since its from 0.0 to 1.0, prefix factor is used on other material settings.
reflectivity -> reflect_factor
- simplified C operator API bpy.__ops__ since its wrapped by python now.
- needs the class to have an __idname__ rather then __name__ (like menus, headers)
- convert python names "console.exec" into blender names "CONSOLE_OT_exec" when registering (store the blender name as class.__idname_bl__, users scripters wont notice)
- bpy.props.props ???, removed
* exports the mesh without modifiers or transformations applied
* supports UV's vertex colors
* no support for normals yet (missing from data api)
* registers an operator called EXPORT_OT_ply
* no file selector yet. can only fun from python currently
* removed double lookups on the vertex dict, build face verts to write allong the way.