Commit Graph

5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Campbell Barton
f510057fef [#17600] char* -> const char*
Thanks to Sean Bartell (wtachi), was causing many many warnings which distracted from the real problems.
2008-09-20 11:08:35 +00:00
Campbell Barton
3f2cb6e878 game engine python api
* removed macros that were not used much, some misleading.
* removed error string setting calls that overwrote the error set by PyArg_ParseTuple with a less useful one.
2008-08-14 03:23:36 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
5eb14d70b9 BGE patch: Add PyDoc for new logic bricks, set exception message on Py error, remove args on Py functions that don't take any to save CPU time 2008-07-23 21:37:37 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
d1fd99b070 BGE logic patch: new "Add" mode for Ipo actuator, several corrections in state system.
New Add mode for Ipo actuator
A new Add button, mutually exclusive with Force button, is available in
the Ipo actuator. When selected, it activates the Add mode that consists
in adding the Ipo curve to the current object situation in world
coordinates, or parent coordinates if the object has a parent. Scale Ipo
curves are multiplied instead of added to the object current scale.
If the local flag is selected, the Ipo curve is added (multiplied) in 
the object's local coordinates. 
Delta Ipo curves are handled identically to normal Ipo curve and there 
is no need to work with Delta Ipo curves provided that you make sure 
that the Ipo curve starts from origin. Origin means location 0 for 
Location Ipo curve, rotation 0 for Rotation Ipo curve and scale 1 for 
Scale Ipo curve.

The "current object situation" means the object's location, rotation 
and scale at the start of the Ipo curve. For Loop Stop and Loop End Ipo 
actuators, this means at the start of each loop. This initial state is
used as a base during the execution of the Ipo Curve but when the Ipo 
curve is restarted (later or immediately in case of Loop mode), the  
object current situation at that time is used as the new base.

For reference, here is the exact operation of the Add mode for each
type of Ipo curve (oLoc, oRot, oScale, oMat: object's loc/rot/scale
and orientation matrix at the start of the curve; iLoc, iRot, iScale,
iMat: Ipo curve loc/rot/scale and orientation matrix resulting from
the rotation).

  Local=false: newLoc = oLoc+iLoc
  Local=true : newLoc = oLoc+oScale*(oMat*iLoc)
  Local=false: newMat = iMat*oMat
  Local=true : newMat = oMat*iMat
  Local=false: newScale = oScale*iScale
  Local=true : newScale = oScale*iScale

Add+Local mode is very useful to have dynamic object executing complex
movement relative to their current location/orientation. Of cource, 
dynamics should be disabled during the execution of the curve.

Several corrections in state system
- Object initial state is taken into account when adding object
- Fix bug with link count when adding object dynamically
- Fix false on-off detection for Actuator sensor when actuator is
  trigged on negative event.
- Fix Parent actuator false activation on negative event
- Loop Ipo curve not restarting at correct frame when start frame is
  different from one.
2008-07-08 12:18:43 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
70d239ef7d BGE logic update: new servo control motion actuator, new distance constraint actuator, new orientation constraint actuator, new actuator sensor.
- Removal of Damp option in motion actuator (replaced by
  Servo control motion).
- No PyDoc at present, will be added soon.

Generalization of the Lvl option
A sensor with the Lvl option selected will always produce an 
event at the start of the game or when entering a state or at 
object creation. The event will be positive or negative 
depending of the sensor condition. A negative pulse makes
sense when used with a NAND controller: it will be converted
into an actuator activation.

Servo control motion
A new variant of the motion actuator allows to control speed 
with force. The control if of type "PID" (Propotional, Integral, 
Derivate): the force is automatically adapted to achieve the 
target speed. All the parameters of the servo controller are
configurable. The result is a great variety of motion style: 
anysotropic friction, flying, sliding, pseudo Dloc...
This actuator should be used in preference to Dloc and LinV
as it produces more fluid movements and avoids the collision 
problem with Dloc.
LinV : target speed as (X,Y,Z) vector in local or world 
       coordinates (mostly useful in local coordinates).
Limit: the force can be limited along each axis (in the same
       coordinates of LinV). No limitation means that the force
       will grow as large as necessary to achieve the target 
       speed along that axis. Set a max value to limit the 
       accelaration along an axis (slow start) and set a min
       value (negative) to limit the brake force.
P:     Proportional coefficient of servo controller, don't set
       directly unless you know what you're doing.
I:     Integral coefficient of servo controller. Use low value
       (<0.1) for slow reaction (sliding), high values (>0.5)
       for hard control. The P coefficient will be automatically
       set to 60 times the I coefficient (a reasonable value).
D:     Derivate coefficient. Leave to 0 unless you know what
       you're doing. High values create instability. 

Notes: - This actuator works perfectly in zero friction 
         environment: the PID controller will simulate friction
         by applying force as needed.
       - This actuator is compatible with simple Drot motion
         actuator but not with LinV and Dloc motion.
       - (0,0,0) is a valid target speed.
       - All parameters are accessible through Python.

Distance constraint actuator
A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to set the
distance and orientation relative to a surface. The controller
uses a ray to detect the surface (or any object) and adapt the
distance and orientation parallel to the surface.
Damp:  Time constant (in nb of frames) of distance and 
       orientation control.
Dist:  Select to enable distance control and set target 
       distance. The object will be position at the given
       distance of surface along the ray direction.
Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction.
Range: length of ray. Objecgt within this distance will be 
N    : Select to enable orientation control. The actuator will
       change the orientation and the location of the object 
       so that it is parallel to the surface at the vertical
       of the point of contact of the ray.  
M/P  : Select to enable material detection. Default is property
Property/Material: name of property/material that the target of
       ray must have to be detected. If not set, property/
       material filter is disabled and any collisioning object
       within range will be detected.
PER  : Select to enable persistent operation. Normally the 
       actuator disables itself automatically if the ray does
       not reach a valid target. 
time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 
       0 : unlimited.
       >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation.  
rotDamp: Time constant (in nb of frame) of orientation control.
       0 : use Damp parameter.
       >0: use a different time constant for orientation.

Notes: - If neither N nor Dist options are set, the actuator
         does not change the position and orientation of the
         object; it works as a ray sensor.
       - The ray has no "X-ray" capability: if the first object
         hit does not have the required property/material, it
         returns no hit and the actuator disables itself unless
         PER option is enabled.
       - This actuator changes the position and orientation but
         not the speed of the object. This has an important 
         implication in a gravity environment: the gravity will
         cause the speed to increase although the object seems
         to stay still (it is repositioned at each frame).
         The gravity must be compensated in one way or another.
         the new servo control motion actuator is the simplest 
         way: set the target speed along the ray axis to 0
         and the servo control will automatically compensate 
         the gravity.
       - This actuator changes the orientation of the object 
         and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is 
         placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of 
         actuator is important)
       - All parameters are accessible through Python.

Orientation constraint 
A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to align an
object axis along a global direction.
Damp : Time constant (in nb of frames) of orientation control.
X,Y,Z: Global coordinates of reference direction. 
time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 
       0 : unlimited.
       >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation.  

Notes: - (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0) is not a valid direction
       - This actuator changes the orientation of the object
         and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed
         BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of 
         actuator is important).
       - This actuator doesn't change the location and speed. 
         It is compatible with gravity.
       - All parameters are accessible through Python.

Actuator sensor 
This sensor detects the activation and deactivation of actuators 
of the same object. The sensor generates a positive pulse when 
the corresponding sensor is activated and a negative pulse when 
it is deactivated (the contrary if the Inv option is selected). 
This is mostly useful to chain actions and to detect the loss of 
contact of the distance motion actuator.

Notes: - Actuators are disabled at the start of the game; if you
         want to detect the On-Off transition of an actuator 
         after it has been activated at least once, unselect the
         Lvl and Inv options and use a NAND controller.
       - Some actuators deactivates themselves immediately after 
         being activated. The sensor detects this situation as 
         an On-Off transition.
       - The actuator name can be set through Python.
2008-07-04 08:14:50 +00:00