forked from bartvdbraak/blender
GLEW update to version 1.5.1 [11-03-08] this opens room for Geometry Shader support. * - Brecht, Campbell told me you did some local changes in order to make it right in Linux. I get to you in order to know what those changes are (or feel free to commit them directly)
14 lines
654 B
14 lines
654 B
Import ('env')
sources = env.Glob('*.cpp')
defs = [ 'GLEW_STATIC' ]
incs = '. #source/kernel/gen_system #intern/string #intern/moto/include #source/gameengine/Rasterizer #source/gameengine/BlenderRoutines '
incs += ' #source/blender/gpu #extern/glew/include ' + env['BF_OPENGL_INC']
incs += ' #source/blender/gameengine/Ketsji #source/gameengine/SceneGraph #source/blender/makesdna #source/blender/blenkernel'
incs += ' #intern/guardedalloc #source/blender/blenlib'
env.BlenderLib ( 'bf_oglrasterizer', Split(sources), Split(incs), defines = defs, libtype=['core','player'], priority=[350,75], cxx_compileflags=env['BGE_CXXFLAGS'])