Benoit Bolsee d95a109990 BGE modifier: generate correct physic shape, share static derived mesh, share display list.
This commit completes the support for modifiers in the BGE.
- The physic shape is generated according to the derived mesh. 
  This is true for all types of shapes and all types of 
  objects except soft body.
- Optimization for static derived mesh (mesh with modifiers
  but no armature and no shape keys). Replicas will share
  the derived mesh and the display list: less memory and
  faster rendering. With this optimization, the static 
  derived mesh will render as fast as if the modifiers were

Known Limits:
- Sharing of mesh and display list is only possible between
  in-game replicas or dupligroup. If you want to instantiate
  multiple objects with modifiers, use dupligroup to ensure
  best memory and GPU utilization.
- rayCast() will interact with the derived mesh as follow:
  Hit position and hit normal are the real values according
  to the derived mesh but the KX_PolyProxy object refers to
  the original mesh. You should use it only to retrieve the
- Dynamic derived mesh have very poor performance:
  They use direct openGL calls for rendering (no support
  for display list and vertex array) and they dont't share
  the derived mesh memory. Always apply modifiers on dynamic
  mesh for best performance.
- Time dependent modifiers are not supported.
- Modifiers are not supported for Bullet soft body.
2009-05-14 13:47:08 +00:00

576 lines
18 KiB

Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "PHY_IPhysicsController.h"
/// PHY_IPhysicsController is the abstract simplified Interface to a physical object.
/// It contains the IMotionState and IDeformableMesh Interfaces.
#include "btBulletDynamicsCommon.h"
#include "LinearMath/btTransform.h"
#include "PHY_IMotionState.h"
extern float gDeactivationTime;
extern float gLinearSleepingTreshold;
extern float gAngularSleepingTreshold;
extern bool gDisableDeactivation;
class CcdPhysicsEnvironment;
class btMotionState;
class RAS_MeshObject;
struct DerivedMesh;
class btCollisionShape;
#define CCD_BSB_AERO_VPOINT 16 /* aero model, Vertex normals are oriented toward velocity*/
#define CCD_BSB_AERO_VTWOSIDE 32 /* aero model, Vertex normals are flipped to match velocity */
/* BulletSoftBody.collisionflags */
#define CCD_BSB_COL_SDF_RS 2 /* SDF based rigid vs soft */
#define CCD_BSB_COL_CL_RS 4 /* Cluster based rigid vs soft */
#define CCD_BSB_COL_CL_SS 8 /* Cluster based soft vs soft */
#define CCD_BSB_COL_VF_SS 16 /* Vertex/Face based soft vs soft */
// Shape contructor
// It contains all the information needed to create a simple bullet shape at runtime
class CcdShapeConstructionInfo
static CcdShapeConstructionInfo* FindMesh(class RAS_MeshObject* mesh, struct DerivedMesh* dm, bool polytope, bool gimpact);
CcdShapeConstructionInfo() :
CcdShapeConstructionInfo* AddRef()
return this;
int Release()
if (--m_refCount > 0)
return m_refCount;
delete this;
return 0;
bool IsUnused(void)
return (m_meshObject==NULL && m_shapeArray.size() == 0 && m_shapeProxy == NULL);
void AddShape(CcdShapeConstructionInfo* shapeInfo);
btTriangleMeshShape* GetMeshShape(void)
return m_unscaledShape;
CcdShapeConstructionInfo* GetChildShape(int i)
if (i < 0 || i >= (int)m_shapeArray.size())
return NULL;
int FindChildShape(CcdShapeConstructionInfo* shapeInfo, void* userData)
if (shapeInfo == NULL)
return -1;
for (int i=0; i<(int)m_shapeArray.size(); i++)
CcdShapeConstructionInfo* childInfo =;
if ((userData == NULL || userData == childInfo->m_userData) &&
(childInfo == shapeInfo ||
(childInfo->m_shapeType == PHY_SHAPE_PROXY &&
childInfo->m_shapeProxy == shapeInfo)))
return i;
return -1;
bool RemoveChildShape(int i)
if (i < 0 || i >= (int)m_shapeArray.size())
return false;>Release();
if (i < (int)m_shapeArray.size()-1)
m_shapeArray[i] = m_shapeArray.back();
return true;
bool SetMesh(class RAS_MeshObject* mesh, struct DerivedMesh* dm, bool polytope,bool useGimpact);
RAS_MeshObject* GetMesh(void)
return m_meshObject;
bool SetProxy(CcdShapeConstructionInfo* shapeInfo);
CcdShapeConstructionInfo* GetProxy(void)
return m_shapeProxy;
btCollisionShape* CreateBulletShape();
// member variables
PHY_ShapeType m_shapeType;
btScalar m_radius;
btScalar m_height;
btVector3 m_halfExtend;
btTransform m_childTrans;
btVector3 m_childScale;
void* m_userData;
btAlignedObjectArray<btScalar> m_vertexArray; // Contains both vertex array for polytope shape and
// triangle array for concave mesh shape. Each vertex is 3 consecutive values
// In this case a triangle is made of 3 consecutive points
std::vector<int> m_polygonIndexArray; // Contains the array of polygon index in the
// original mesh that correspond to shape triangles.
// only set for concave mesh shape.
std::vector<int> m_triFaceArray; // Contains an array of triplets of face indicies
// quads turn into 2 tris
void setVertexWeldingThreshold1(float threshold)
m_weldingThreshold1 = threshold*threshold;
static std::map<RAS_MeshObject*, CcdShapeConstructionInfo*> m_meshShapeMap;
int m_refCount; // this class is shared between replicas
// keep track of users so that we can release it
RAS_MeshObject* m_meshObject; // Keep a pointer to the original mesh
btBvhTriangleMeshShape* m_unscaledShape;// holds the shared unscale BVH mesh shape,
// the actual shape is of type btScaledBvhTriangleMeshShape
std::vector<CcdShapeConstructionInfo*> m_shapeArray; // for compound shapes
bool m_useGimpact; //use gimpact for concave dynamic/moving collision detection
float m_weldingThreshold1; //welding closeby vertices together can improve softbody stability etc.
CcdShapeConstructionInfo* m_shapeProxy; // only used for PHY_SHAPE_PROXY, pointer to actual shape info
struct CcdConstructionInfo
///CollisionFilterGroups provides some optional usage of basic collision filtering
///this is done during broadphase, so very early in the pipeline
///more advanced collision filtering should be done in btCollisionDispatcher::NeedsCollision
enum CollisionFilterGroups
DefaultFilter = 1,
StaticFilter = 2,
KinematicFilter = 4,
DebrisFilter = 8,
SensorFilter = 16,
AllFilter = DefaultFilter | StaticFilter | KinematicFilter | DebrisFilter | SensorFilter,
: m_localInertiaTensor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f),
btVector3 m_localInertiaTensor;
btVector3 m_gravity;
btVector3 m_scaling;
btScalar m_mass;
btScalar m_clamp_vel_min;
btScalar m_clamp_vel_max;
btScalar m_restitution;
btScalar m_friction;
btScalar m_linearDamping;
btScalar m_angularDamping;
btScalar m_margin;
int m_gamesoftFlag;
float m_soft_linStiff; /* linear stiffness 0..1 */
float m_soft_angStiff; /* angular stiffness 0..1 */
float m_soft_volume; /* volume preservation 0..1 */
int m_soft_viterations; /* Velocities solver iterations */
int m_soft_piterations; /* Positions solver iterations */
int m_soft_diterations; /* Drift solver iterations */
int m_soft_citerations; /* Cluster solver iterations */
float m_soft_kSRHR_CL; /* Soft vs rigid hardness [0,1] (cluster only) */
float m_soft_kSKHR_CL; /* Soft vs kinetic hardness [0,1] (cluster only) */
float m_soft_kSSHR_CL; /* Soft vs soft hardness [0,1] (cluster only) */
float m_soft_kSR_SPLT_CL; /* Soft vs rigid impulse split [0,1] (cluster only) */
float m_soft_kSK_SPLT_CL; /* Soft vs rigid impulse split [0,1] (cluster only) */
float m_soft_kSS_SPLT_CL; /* Soft vs rigid impulse split [0,1] (cluster only) */
float m_soft_kVCF; /* Velocities correction factor (Baumgarte) */
float m_soft_kDP; /* Damping coefficient [0,1] */
float m_soft_kDG; /* Drag coefficient [0,+inf] */
float m_soft_kLF; /* Lift coefficient [0,+inf] */
float m_soft_kPR; /* Pressure coefficient [-inf,+inf] */
float m_soft_kVC; /* Volume conversation coefficient [0,+inf] */
float m_soft_kDF; /* Dynamic friction coefficient [0,1] */
float m_soft_kMT; /* Pose matching coefficient [0,1] */
float m_soft_kCHR; /* Rigid contacts hardness [0,1] */
float m_soft_kKHR; /* Kinetic contacts hardness [0,1] */
float m_soft_kSHR; /* Soft contacts hardness [0,1] */
float m_soft_kAHR; /* Anchors hardness [0,1] */
int m_soft_collisionflags; /* Vertex/Face or Signed Distance Field(SDF) or Clusters, Soft versus Soft or Rigid */
int m_soft_numclusteriterations; /* number of iterations to refine collision clusters*/
int m_collisionFlags;
bool m_bRigid;
bool m_bSoft;
///optional use of collision group/mask:
///only collision with object goups that match the collision mask.
///this is very basic early out. advanced collision filtering should be
///done in the btCollisionDispatcher::NeedsCollision and NeedsResponse
///both values default to 1
short int m_collisionFilterGroup;
short int m_collisionFilterMask;
///these pointers are used as argument passing for the CcdPhysicsController constructor
///and not anymore after that
class btCollisionShape* m_collisionShape;
class PHY_IMotionState* m_MotionState;
class CcdShapeConstructionInfo* m_shapeInfo;
CcdPhysicsEnvironment* m_physicsEnv; //needed for self-replication
float m_inertiaFactor;//tweak the inertia (hooked up to Blender 'formfactor'
bool m_do_anisotropic;
btVector3 m_anisotropicFriction;
bool m_do_fh; ///< Should the object have a linear Fh spring?
bool m_do_rot_fh; ///< Should the object have an angular Fh spring?
btScalar m_fh_spring; ///< Spring constant (both linear and angular)
btScalar m_fh_damping; ///< Damping factor (linear and angular) in range [0, 1]
btScalar m_fh_distance; ///< The range above the surface where Fh is active.
bool m_fh_normal; ///< Should the object slide off slopes?
float m_radius;//for fh backwards compatibility
class btRigidBody;
class btCollisionObject;
class btSoftBody;
///CcdPhysicsController is a physics object that supports continuous collision detection and time of impact based physics resolution.
class CcdPhysicsController : public PHY_IPhysicsController
btCollisionObject* m_object;
class PHY_IMotionState* m_MotionState;
btMotionState* m_bulletMotionState;
class btCollisionShape* m_collisionShape;
class CcdShapeConstructionInfo* m_shapeInfo;
friend class CcdPhysicsEnvironment; // needed when updating the controller
//some book keeping for replication
bool m_softbodyMappingDone;
bool m_softBodyTransformInitialized;
bool m_prototypeTransformInitialized;
btTransform m_softbodyStartTrans;
void* m_newClientInfo;
int m_registerCount; // needed when multiple sensors use the same controller
CcdConstructionInfo m_cci;//needed for replication
CcdPhysicsController* m_parentCtrl;
void GetWorldOrientation(btMatrix3x3& mat);
void CreateRigidbody();
bool Register() {
return (m_registerCount++ == 0) ? true : false;
bool Unregister() {
return (--m_registerCount == 0) ? true : false;
void setWorldOrientation(const btMatrix3x3& mat);
int m_collisionDelay;
CcdPhysicsController (const CcdConstructionInfo& ci);
virtual ~CcdPhysicsController();
CcdConstructionInfo& getConstructionInfo()
return m_cci;
const CcdConstructionInfo& getConstructionInfo() const
return m_cci;
btRigidBody* GetRigidBody();
btCollisionObject* GetCollisionObject();
btSoftBody* GetSoftBody();
CcdShapeConstructionInfo* GetShapeInfo() { return m_shapeInfo; }
btCollisionShape* GetCollisionShape() {
return m_object->getCollisionShape();
// PHY_IPhysicsController interface
SynchronizeMotionStates ynchronizes dynas, kinematic and deformable entities (and do 'late binding')
virtual bool SynchronizeMotionStates(float time);
WriteMotionStateToDynamics ynchronizes dynas, kinematic and deformable entities (and do 'late binding')
virtual void WriteMotionStateToDynamics(bool nondynaonly);
virtual void WriteDynamicsToMotionState();
// controller replication
virtual void PostProcessReplica(class PHY_IMotionState* motionstate,class PHY_IPhysicsController* parentctrl);
// kinematic methods
virtual void RelativeTranslate(float dlocX,float dlocY,float dlocZ,bool local);
virtual void RelativeRotate(const float drot[9],bool local);
virtual void getOrientation(float &quatImag0,float &quatImag1,float &quatImag2,float &quatReal);
virtual void setOrientation(float quatImag0,float quatImag1,float quatImag2,float quatReal);
virtual void setPosition(float posX,float posY,float posZ);
virtual void getPosition(PHY__Vector3& pos) const;
virtual void setScaling(float scaleX,float scaleY,float scaleZ);
// physics methods
virtual void ApplyTorque(float torqueX,float torqueY,float torqueZ,bool local);
virtual void ApplyForce(float forceX,float forceY,float forceZ,bool local);
virtual void SetAngularVelocity(float ang_velX,float ang_velY,float ang_velZ,bool local);
virtual void SetLinearVelocity(float lin_velX,float lin_velY,float lin_velZ,bool local);
virtual void applyImpulse(float attachX,float attachY,float attachZ, float impulseX,float impulseY,float impulseZ);
virtual void SetActive(bool active);
// reading out information from physics
virtual void GetLinearVelocity(float& linvX,float& linvY,float& linvZ);
virtual void GetAngularVelocity(float& angVelX,float& angVelY,float& angVelZ);
virtual void GetVelocity(const float posX,const float posY,const float posZ,float& linvX,float& linvY,float& linvZ);
virtual void getReactionForce(float& forceX,float& forceY,float& forceZ);
// dyna's that are rigidbody are free in orientation, dyna's with non-rigidbody are restricted
virtual void setRigidBody(bool rigid);
virtual void resolveCombinedVelocities(float linvelX,float linvelY,float linvelZ,float angVelX,float angVelY,float angVelZ);
// clientinfo for raycasts for example
virtual void* getNewClientInfo();
virtual void setNewClientInfo(void* clientinfo);
virtual PHY_IPhysicsController* GetReplica();
///There should be no 'SetCollisionFilterGroup' method, as changing this during run-time is will result in errors
short int GetCollisionFilterGroup() const
return m_cci.m_collisionFilterGroup;
///There should be no 'SetCollisionFilterGroup' method, as changing this during run-time is will result in errors
short int GetCollisionFilterMask() const
return m_cci.m_collisionFilterMask;
virtual void calcXform() {} ;
virtual void SetMargin(float margin)
if (m_collisionShape)
virtual float GetMargin() const
return (m_collisionShape) ? m_collisionShape->getMargin() : 0.f;
virtual float GetRadius() const
// this is not the actual shape radius, it's only used for Fh support
return m_cci.m_radius;
virtual void SetRadius(float margin)
if (m_collisionShape && m_collisionShape->getShapeType() == SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
btSphereShape* sphereShape = static_cast<btSphereShape*>(m_collisionShape);
m_cci.m_radius = margin;
// velocity clamping
virtual void SetLinVelocityMin(float val)
m_cci.m_clamp_vel_min= val;
virtual float GetLinVelocityMin() const
return m_cci.m_clamp_vel_min;
virtual void SetLinVelocityMax(float val)
m_cci.m_clamp_vel_max= val;
virtual float GetLinVelocityMax() const
return m_cci.m_clamp_vel_max;
bool wantsSleeping();
void UpdateDeactivation(float timeStep);
void SetCenterOfMassTransform(btTransform& xform);
static btTransform GetTransformFromMotionState(PHY_IMotionState* motionState);
void setAabb(const btVector3& aabbMin,const btVector3& aabbMax);
class PHY_IMotionState* GetMotionState()
return m_MotionState;
const class PHY_IMotionState* GetMotionState() const
return m_MotionState;
class CcdPhysicsEnvironment* GetPhysicsEnvironment()
return m_cci.m_physicsEnv;
void setParentCtrl(CcdPhysicsController* parentCtrl)
m_parentCtrl = parentCtrl;
CcdPhysicsController* getParentCtrl()
return m_parentCtrl;
const CcdPhysicsController* getParentCtrl() const
return m_parentCtrl;
///DefaultMotionState implements standard motionstate, using btTransform
class DefaultMotionState : public PHY_IMotionState
virtual ~DefaultMotionState();
virtual void getWorldPosition(float& posX,float& posY,float& posZ);
virtual void getWorldScaling(float& scaleX,float& scaleY,float& scaleZ);
virtual void getWorldOrientation(float& quatIma0,float& quatIma1,float& quatIma2,float& quatReal);
virtual void setWorldPosition(float posX,float posY,float posZ);
virtual void setWorldOrientation(float quatIma0,float quatIma1,float quatIma2,float quatReal);
virtual void getWorldOrientation(float* ori);
virtual void calculateWorldTransformations();
btTransform m_worldTransform;
btVector3 m_localScaling;