Alaska 0963ee559e Cycles: adjust resolution divider to achieve a more usable viewport
This changes the maximum viewport resolution divider for Cycles to
help users get a more responsive viewport.

This is done by changing the maximum viewport resolution divider
to a divider that aims to have the largest axis of the viewport
roughly equal to 128 pixels.

Depending on the circumstances, this change can result in a few
noticeable differences:
 - Users with slow hardware and a large pixel_size, or slow hardware
 and a low resolution screen, may observe a higher resolution viewport
 during navigation, making the scene more readable. However this comes
 at the cost of reduced responsiveness.

 - Users with slow hardware and a low pixel_size and high
 resolution screen may observe a lower resolution viewport during
 navigation, providing a more responsive viewport during navigation.

Along with that, how Cycles iterates through resolution dividers
is changed to promote quick transitions between resolution dividers.
Meaning users don't need to wait through as many iterations to get
from a low navigation resolution to a 1:1 viewport resolution.

Pull Request:
2023-03-17 11:15:58 +01:00

468 lines
17 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */
#pragma once
#include "integrator/adaptive_sampling.h"
#include "integrator/denoiser.h" /* For DenoiseParams. */
#include "session/buffers.h"
#include "util/string.h"
class SessionParams;
class TileManager;
class RenderWork {
int resolution_divider = 1;
/* Initialize render buffers.
* Includes steps like zeroing the buffer on the device, and optional reading of pixels from the
* baking target. */
bool init_render_buffers = false;
/* Path tracing samples information. */
struct {
int start_sample = 0;
int num_samples = 0;
int sample_offset = 0;
} path_trace;
struct {
/* Check for convergency and filter the mask. */
bool filter = false;
float threshold = 0.0f;
/* Reset convergency flag when filtering, forcing a re-check of whether pixel did converge. */
bool reset = false;
} adaptive_sampling;
struct {
bool postprocess = false;
} cryptomatte;
/* Work related on the current tile. */
struct {
/* Write render buffers of the current tile.
* It is up to the path trace to decide whether writing should happen via user-provided
* callback into the rendering software, or via tile manager into a partial file. */
bool write = false;
bool denoise = false;
} tile;
/* Work related on the full-frame render buffer. */
struct {
/* Write full render result.
* Implies reading the partial file from disk. */
bool write = false;
} full;
/* Display which is used to visualize render result. */
struct {
/* Display needs to be updated for the new render. */
bool update = false;
/* Display can use denoised result if available. */
bool use_denoised_result = true;
} display;
/* Re-balance multi-device scheduling after rendering this work.
* Note that the scheduler does not know anything about devices, so if there is only a single
* device used, then it is up for the PathTracer to ignore the balancing. */
bool rebalance = false;
/* Conversion to bool, to simplify checks about whether there is anything to be done for this
* work. */
inline operator bool() const
return path_trace.num_samples || adaptive_sampling.filter || display.update || tile.denoise ||
tile.write || full.write;
class RenderScheduler {
RenderScheduler(TileManager &tile_manager, const SessionParams &params);
/* Specify whether cryptomatte-related works are to be scheduled. */
void set_need_schedule_cryptomatte(bool need_schedule_cryptomatte);
/* Allows to disable work re-balancing works, allowing to schedule as much to a single device
* as possible. */
void set_need_schedule_rebalance(bool need_schedule_rebalance);
bool is_background() const;
void set_denoiser_params(const DenoiseParams &params);
void set_adaptive_sampling(const AdaptiveSampling &adaptive_sampling);
bool is_adaptive_sampling_used() const;
/* Start sample for path tracing.
* The scheduler will schedule work using this sample as the first one. */
void set_start_sample(int start_sample);
int get_start_sample() const;
/* Number of samples to render, starting from start sample.
* The scheduler will schedule work in the range of
* [start_sample, start_sample + num_samples - 1], inclusively. */
void set_num_samples(int num_samples);
int get_num_samples() const;
void set_sample_offset(int sample_offset);
int get_sample_offset() const;
/* Time limit for the path tracing tasks, in minutes.
* Zero disables the limit. */
void set_time_limit(double time_limit);
double get_time_limit() const;
/* Get sample up to which rendering has been done.
* This is an absolute 0-based value.
* For example, if start sample is 10 and 5 samples were rendered, then this call will
* return 14.
* If there were no samples rendered, then the behavior is undefined. */
int get_rendered_sample() const;
/* Get number of samples rendered within the current scheduling session.
* For example, if start sample is 10 and 5 samples were rendered, then this call will
* return 5.
* Note that this is based on the scheduling information. In practice this means that if someone
* requested for work to render the scheduler considers the work done. */
int get_num_rendered_samples() const;
/* Reset scheduler, indicating that rendering will happen from scratch.
* Resets current rendered state, as well as scheduling information. */
void reset(const BufferParams &buffer_params, int num_samples, int sample_offset);
/* Reset scheduler upon switching to a next tile.
* Will keep the same number of samples and full-frame render parameters, but will reset progress
* and allow schedule renders works from the beginning of the new tile. */
void reset_for_next_tile();
/* Reschedule adaptive sampling work when all pixels did converge.
* If there is nothing else to be done for the adaptive sampling (pixels did converge to the
* final threshold) then false is returned and the render scheduler will stop scheduling path
* tracing works. Otherwise will modify the work's adaptive sampling settings to continue with
* a lower threshold. */
bool render_work_reschedule_on_converge(RenderWork &render_work);
/* Reschedule adaptive sampling work when the device is mostly on idle, but not all pixels yet
* converged.
* If re-scheduling is not possible (adaptive sampling is happening with the final threshold, and
* the path tracer is to finish the current pixels) then false is returned. */
bool render_work_reschedule_on_idle(RenderWork &render_work);
/* Reschedule work when rendering has been requested to cancel.
* Will skip all work which is not needed anymore because no more samples will be added (for
* example, adaptive sampling filtering and convergence check will be skipped).
* Will enable all work needed to make sure all passes are communicated to the software.
* NOTE: Should be used before passing work to `PathTrace::render_samples()`. */
void render_work_reschedule_on_cancel(RenderWork &render_work);
RenderWork get_render_work();
/* Report that the path tracer started to work, after scene update and loading kernels. */
void report_work_begin(const RenderWork &render_work);
/* Report time (in seconds) which corresponding part of work took. */
void report_path_trace_time(const RenderWork &render_work, double time, bool is_cancelled);
void report_path_trace_occupancy(const RenderWork &render_work, float occupancy);
void report_adaptive_filter_time(const RenderWork &render_work, double time, bool is_cancelled);
void report_denoise_time(const RenderWork &render_work, double time);
void report_display_update_time(const RenderWork &render_work, double time);
void report_rebalance_time(const RenderWork &render_work, double time, bool balance_changed);
/* Generate full multi-line report of the rendering process, including rendering parameters,
* times, and so on. */
string full_report() const;
void set_limit_samples_per_update(const int limit_samples);
/* Check whether all work has been scheduled and time limit was not exceeded.
* NOTE: Tricky bit: if the time limit was reached the done() is considered to be true, but some
* extra work needs to be scheduled to denoise and write final result. */
bool done() const;
/* Update scheduling state for a newly scheduled work.
* Takes care of things like checking whether work was ever denoised, tile was written and states
* like that. */
void update_state_for_render_work(const RenderWork &render_work);
/* Returns true if any work was scheduled. */
bool set_postprocess_render_work(RenderWork *render_work);
/* Set work which is to be performed after all tiles has been rendered. */
void set_full_frame_render_work(RenderWork *render_work);
/* Update start resolution divider based on the accumulated timing information, preserving nice
* feeling navigation feel. */
void update_start_resolution_divider();
/* Calculate desired update interval in seconds based on the current timings and settings.
* Will give an interval which provides good feeling updates during viewport navigation. */
double guess_viewport_navigation_update_interval_in_seconds() const;
/* Check whether denoising is active during interactive update while resolution divider is not
* unit. */
bool is_denoise_active_during_update() const;
/* Heuristic which aims to give perceptually pleasant update of display interval in a way that at
* lower samples and near the beginning of rendering, updates happen more often, but with higher
* number of samples and later in the render, updates happen less often but device occupancy
* goes higher. */
double guess_display_update_interval_in_seconds() const;
double guess_display_update_interval_in_seconds_for_num_samples(int num_rendered_samples) const;
double guess_display_update_interval_in_seconds_for_num_samples_no_limit(
int num_rendered_samples) const;
/* Calculate number of samples which can be rendered within current desired update interval which
* is calculated by `guess_update_interval_in_seconds()`. */
int calculate_num_samples_per_update() const;
/* Get start sample and the number of samples which are to be path traces in the current work. */
int get_start_sample_to_path_trace() const;
int get_num_samples_to_path_trace() const;
/* Calculate how many samples there are to be rendered for the very first path trace after reset.
int get_num_samples_during_navigation(int resolution_divier) const;
/* Whether adaptive sampling convergence check and filter is to happen. */
bool work_need_adaptive_filter() const;
/* Calculate threshold for adaptive sampling. */
float work_adaptive_threshold() const;
/* Check whether current work needs denoising.
* Denoising is not needed if the denoiser is not configured, or when denoising is happening too
* often.
* The delayed will be true when the denoiser is configured for use, but it was delayed for a
* later sample, to reduce overhead.
* ready_to_display will be false if we may have a denoised result that is outdated due to
* increased samples. */
bool work_need_denoise(bool &delayed, bool &ready_to_display);
/* Check whether current work need to update display.
* The `denoiser_delayed` is what `work_need_denoise()` returned as delayed denoiser flag. */
bool work_need_update_display(const bool denoiser_delayed);
/* Check whether it is time to perform rebalancing for the render work, */
bool work_need_rebalance();
/* Check whether timing of the given work are usable to store timings in the `first_render_time_`
* for the resolution divider calculation. */
bool work_is_usable_for_first_render_estimation(const RenderWork &render_work);
/* Check whether timing report about the given work need to reset accumulated average time. */
bool work_report_reset_average(const RenderWork &render_work);
/* Check whether render time limit has been reached (or exceeded), and if so store related
* information in the state so that rendering is considered finished, and is possible to report
* average render time information. */
void check_time_limit_reached();
/* Helper class to keep track of task timing.
* Contains two parts: wall time and average. The wall time is an actual wall time of how long it
* took to complete all tasks of a type. Is always advanced when PathTracer reports time update.
* The average time is used for scheduling purposes. It is estimated to be a time of how long it
* takes to perform task on the final resolution. */
class TimeWithAverage {
inline void reset()
total_wall_time_ = 0.0;
average_time_accumulator_ = 0.0;
num_average_times_ = 0;
inline void add_wall(double time)
total_wall_time_ += time;
inline void add_average(double time, int num_measurements = 1)
average_time_accumulator_ += time;
num_average_times_ += num_measurements;
inline double get_wall() const
return total_wall_time_;
inline double get_average() const
if (num_average_times_ == 0) {
return 0;
return average_time_accumulator_ / num_average_times_;
inline void reset_average()
average_time_accumulator_ = 0.0;
num_average_times_ = 0;
double total_wall_time_ = 0.0;
double average_time_accumulator_ = 0.0;
int num_average_times_ = 0;
struct {
bool user_is_navigating = false;
int resolution_divider = 1;
/* Number of rendered samples on top of the start sample. */
int num_rendered_samples = 0;
/* Point in time the latest PathTraceDisplay work has been scheduled. */
double last_display_update_time = 0.0;
/* Value of -1 means display was never updated. */
int last_display_update_sample = -1;
/* Point in time at which last rebalance has been performed. */
double last_rebalance_time = 0.0;
/* Number of rebalance works which has been requested to be performed.
* The path tracer might ignore the work if there is a single device rendering. */
int num_rebalance_requested = 0;
/* Number of rebalance works handled which did change balance across devices. */
int num_rebalance_changes = 0;
bool need_rebalance_at_next_work = false;
/* Denotes whether the latest performed rebalance work cause an actual rebalance of work across
* devices. */
bool last_rebalance_changed = false;
/* Threshold for adaptive sampling which will be scheduled to work when not using progressive
* noise floor. */
float adaptive_sampling_threshold = 0.0f;
bool last_work_tile_was_denoised = false;
bool tile_result_was_written = false;
bool postprocess_work_scheduled = false;
bool full_frame_work_scheduled = false;
bool full_frame_was_written = false;
bool path_trace_finished = false;
bool time_limit_reached = false;
/* Time at which rendering started and finished. */
double start_render_time = 0.0;
double end_render_time = 0.0;
/* Measured occupancy of the render devices measured normalized to the number of samples.
* In a way it is "trailing": when scheduling new work this occupancy is measured when the
* previous work was rendered. */
int occupancy_num_samples = 0;
float occupancy = 1.0f;
} state_;
/* Timing of tasks which were performed at the very first render work at 100% of the
* resolution. This timing information is used to estimate resolution divider for fats
* navigation. */
struct {
double path_trace_per_sample;
double denoise_time;
double display_update_time;
} first_render_time_;
TimeWithAverage path_trace_time_;
TimeWithAverage adaptive_filter_time_;
TimeWithAverage denoise_time_;
TimeWithAverage display_update_time_;
TimeWithAverage rebalance_time_;
/* Whether cryptomatte-related work will be scheduled. */
bool need_schedule_cryptomatte_ = false;
/* Whether to schedule device load rebalance works.
* Rebalancing requires some special treatment for update intervals and such, so if it's known
* that the rebalance will be ignored (due to single-device rendering i.e.) is better to fully
* ignore rebalancing logic. */
bool need_schedule_rebalance_works_ = false;
/* Path tracing work will be scheduled for samples from within
* [start_sample_, start_sample_ + num_samples_ - 1] range, inclusively. */
int start_sample_ = 0;
int num_samples_ = 0;
int sample_offset_ = 0;
/* Limit in seconds for how long path tracing is allowed to happen.
* Zero means no limit is applied. */
double time_limit_ = 0.0;
/* Headless rendering without interface. */
bool headless_;
/* Background (offline) rendering. */
bool background_;
/* Pixel size is used to force lower resolution render for final pass. Useful for retina or other
* types of hi-dpi displays. */
int pixel_size_ = 1;
TileManager &tile_manager_;
BufferParams buffer_params_;
DenoiseParams denoiser_params_;
AdaptiveSampling adaptive_sampling_;
/* Progressively lower adaptive sampling threshold level, keeping the image at a uniform noise
* level. */
bool use_progressive_noise_floor_ = false;
/* Default value for the resolution divider which will be used when there is no render time
* information available yet.
* It is also what defines the upper limit of the automatically calculated resolution divider. */
int default_start_resolution_divider_ = 1;
/* Initial resolution divider which will be used on render scheduler reset. */
int start_resolution_divider_ = 0;
/* Calculate smallest resolution divider which will bring down actual rendering time below the
* desired one. This call assumes linear dependency of render time from number of pixels
* (quadratic dependency from the resolution divider): resolution divider of 2 brings render time
* down by a factor of 4. */
int calculate_resolution_divider_for_time(double desired_time, double actual_time);
/* If the number of samples per rendering progression should be limited because of path guiding
* being activated or is still inside its training phase */
int limit_samples_per_update_ = 0;
int calculate_resolution_divider_for_resolution(int width, int height, int resolution);
int calculate_resolution_for_divider(int width, int height, int resolution_divider);